SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#170: Demon beast forest

Chapter 170 demon beast forest 第170章魔兽森林 After short startled and flustered, various teams were more or less stable lived in oneself condition, has not really turned into the freely falling body. Because the team strength is different, the reaction speed has naturally also distinguished, therefore appeared is quite scattered in disorder. 在短暂的惊慌和忙乱之后,各支团队基本都稳定住了自己的状况,没有真的变成自由落体。只不过因为团队实力不同,反应速度自然也有所区别,所以显得就比较散乱了。 Long Dangdang lags behind in pulling of cousin, is staring under, simultaneously exerts the wind system auxiliary magics on the partners, in this aspect he even compared with be the lunar motion of magician, after all the lunar motion is a water and fire pair of department, the wind attribute magic, although also has minoring, but definitely is inferior to the disciple of listening respectfully of Long Dangdang this wind. Meanwhile, he also released some float techniques near to periphery from hunts for the demon support, making everyone earlier stability live in the figure. 龙当当在表姐的牵拉下,凝视着下方,同时将一个个风系辅助魔法施加在伙伴们身上,在这方面他甚至要比身为魔法师的月离更强一些,毕竟月离是水火双系,风属性魔法虽然也有兼修,但肯定是不如龙当当这个风之聆听者的弟子的。同时,他还多释放了一些漂浮术给周围距离较近的一些猎魔者支持,让大家更早的稳定住身形。 The figure stabilizes , periphery makes Long Dangdang have the abundant time to observe. Perhaps is because under the reason of this vast big forest, here air is quite clearly insightful . Today's weather especially good, the blue sky blue sky, the beautiful sunlight shines on the body, even there is a boiling hot feeling. Under this condition, regarding occupation of optical system definitely is best. The light element is abundant. 身形稳定下来,也让龙当当有充裕的时间来观察周围。或许是因为下方这一望无际的大森林的原因,这里的空气极为通透、澄澈。今天的天气又是格外的好,碧空万里无云,明媚的阳光照耀在身上,甚至有种滚烫的感觉。在这种状况下,对于光系的职业者肯定是最好的。光元素非常充沛。 But below forest is extremely the cover, overlooks from the sky, can see is completely gigantic crowns, is unable to see the situation in ground. 而下方的森林更是极为茂密,从天空中俯瞰,能够看到的尽是一个个硕大的树冠,根本就无法看到地面的情况。 Was transmitted to directly in the air can be the action of rare and beautiful flowers absolutely, but Long Dangdang indistinct between is the heart has a feeling. So will not be simple! Before devil teacher, has said that this time teaches especially is the true actual combat, even casualties quota. By them on average is the fifth-order above strength, moreover there are in situation that the magician supports, definitely will not have the too big danger. But if only this treats as demonstration of authority, seemed a little relaxed? 直接被传送到空中绝对算得上是奇葩之举了,但龙当当隐约之间却是心有所感。不会这么简单!魔鬼教官之前就已经说过,这次的特训全都是真正的实战,甚至还有伤亡名额。以他们这些人平均都是五阶以上的实力,而且有魔法师支持的情况下,肯定不会有太大危险的。但如果只是这样就当做下马威,似乎有点轻松了? Everyone was careful. The following forest possibly has the danger.” The Long Dangdang clear and resonant voice said. He increased the sound intentionally, is not only reminding the member of team, is reminding the surrounding other to hunt for the demon group. Everyone is robe Ze, naturally wants the mutual attention. “大家小心。下面森林可能有危险。”龙当当朗声说道。他故意加大了声音,不只是在提醒自己团队的成员,也同时在提醒着周围的其他猎魔团。大家都是袍泽,自然要守望相助。 At this time, they have dropped the distance forest less than 500 meters place. As if probably to confirm the Long Dangdang words is ordinary, almost in the instance that he finishes speaking, the next quarter, under numerous crowns vibrate , azure electro-optics shoot, directly soars their directions to fly to shoot. 此时,他们已经下降到了距离森林不足五百米的地方。似乎像是为了验证龙当当的话语一般,几乎就在他话音刚落的瞬间,下一刻,下方众多树冠抖动,紧接着,一道道青光电射而起,直奔他们的方向飞射而来。 Long Dangdang regards with rapt attention, immediately saw that is heights only has about one meter, wingspan not over one meter five, but the speed is actually the wonderful quick incomparable azure birds. The azure light that sends out from them can distinguish, this without a doubt is an demon beast! 龙当当凝神而视,顿时看到,那是一只只身长只有一米左右,翼展也不超过一米五,但速度却是奇快无比的青色鸟类。从它们身上所散发出的青光就能辨别出,这毫无疑问是一种魔兽啊! This suddenly the messenger bird demon beast that runs out of the under woods, hundreds and thousands, moreover speed wonderful quick incomparable, during fluttering is near. 这突如其来从下方树林中冲出的青鸟魔兽,成百上千,而且速度奇快无比,振翅之间就已经近了。 That reminder of Long Dangdang, plays very important role at this time, before letting, already some relaxations people heart tight at the same time, the attention also concentrates. 龙当当的那一声提醒,在这个时候就起到了十分重要的作用,让之前已经有些放松的众人心头一紧的同时,注意力都随之集中起来。 Does not need to hunt for the regimental commanders of demon group to remind one by one, magic rays have burst out. The long-distance range, that is the world of magician. 不需要各个猎魔团的团长提醒,一道道魔法光芒就已经迸发而出。中远距离,那是魔法师的天下。 The lunar motion is also so, a water curtain release, kept off before this group of people bodies, when these messenger bird demon beasts broke in the water curtain, the speed obviously slowed down significantly. However, these demon beasts are not so obviously simple. Their azure light that the speed slows down dodge, the body bursts out very sharp aura unexpectedly, drills gaps on the water curtain unexpectedly, works loose the water curtain forcefully , to continue to clash. 月离也是如此,一层水幕释放而出,挡在了本团众人身前,当那些青鸟魔兽冲入水幕的时候,速度明显大幅度减缓。但是,这些魔兽显然并不是那么简单。速度减缓的它们身上青光一闪,身上竟然迸发出非常锋锐的气息,在水幕上竟是钻出一个个缺口,强行挣脱水幕,继续冲来。 However, does the lunar motion take six levels of big demons to lead the gentleman can it be that so is also simple can break through? Also is a water curtain blooms, blocked just broke through the messenger bird demon beast of water curtain, at the same time, two water curtains thermal shock congealed simultaneously instantaneously the ice. That messenger bird demon beast direct freezes in ice layer. 但是,月离作为六级大魔导士又岂是如此简单就能突破的?又是一层水幕绽放,挡住了刚刚突破水幕的青鸟魔兽,与此同时,两层水幕同时温度骤降瞬间凝结成冰。将那一只只青鸟魔兽直接冻结在了冰层之中。 When the lunar motion prepares to detonate the ice layer, Long Dangdang said suddenly: First do not kill.” 就在月离准备引爆冰层的时候,龙当当却突然说道:“先别杀。” The lunar motion most believes to him, who will make on Long Dangdang have moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace type to have enormous influence existence to her in the future? The ice layer that must be detonated stagnated flickered, was similar to the freely falling body from in the air to crash generally downward. 月离对他是最为信服的,谁让龙当当身上有着月明沧海灵炉这种对她未来有巨大影响的存在呢?原本就要被引爆的冰层凝滞了一瞬,然后才如同自由落体一般从空中向下坠落。 Some woof often/common joyful doubts looks to Long Dangdang, why doesn't kill?” 汪常欣有些疑惑的看向龙当当,“为什么不杀?” At this time, other hunt for the demon group to demonstrate own special skill, the messenger bird is similar to under the attack of magic rains crashes generally. Slaughters many without a doubt is the Zisang colored glaze glimmer, the low rank magic to her, is simple. Just likes the mercury to flow swiftly general, is just the second-order about messenger bird demon beast strikes to kill one, crashes. 此时,其他各支猎魔团已经各显其能,青鸟在魔法的攻击下如同下雨一般坠落。杀戮最多的毫无疑问就是子桑琉荧,低阶魔法对她来说,再简单不过。犹如水银泻地一般,将一只只不过是二阶左右的青鸟魔兽击杀,坠落。 Only then Long Dangdang them these messenger bird demon beasts, when is close to crash along with the ice piece to the crown above, ice layer goes, lets falling that these messenger birds struggle above the crown, without death. 只有龙当当他们这边的那些青鸟魔兽,在伴随着冰块接近坠落到树冠上方的时候,冰层化去,让那些青鸟挣扎的落在树冠之上,没有死亡。 Long Dangdang they also toward this direction fell, simultaneously in his mouth explained: Federation has advocated the ecological equilibrium, never makes the oversized range to hunt and kill the approach of demon beast, even also opens the region to perch for the demon beast specially. At least before duty un- clear(ly), we easily do not make the decision. The devil teacher has emphasized that this does not simulate is not the exercise, all exists. Since is real we need to consider the federal the real situation.” 龙当当他们也朝着这个方向落了下去,同时他口中解释道:“联邦一直都提倡生态平衡,也从未做过大范围猎杀魔兽的做法,甚至还专门开辟区域供魔兽栖息。至少在任务未明之前,我们不要轻易做决定。魔鬼教官强调过了,这并不是模拟也不是演习,所有的都是真实存在的。既然是真实的我们就需要考虑联邦的真实情况。” They killed! If by some chance the duty is to hunt and kill the quantity of demon beast evaluates?” Ocean nighttide some saying of thinking otherwise. “他们都杀了啊!万一任务是猎杀魔兽的数量来评定的呢?”溟汐有些不以为然的说道。 Not only she, the lunar motion actually also has similar idea, but she will not say. 不只是她,月离其实也有着类似的想法,只不过她不会说出来罢了。 I felt the regimental commander said is reasonable, do not make to kill the evil casually, maintenance nature everybody has a responsibility.” The peach numerous said. “我觉得团长说的有道理,不要随便造杀孽,维护大自然人人有责。”桃林林如是说道。 At this time, the people have fallen nearby the crown. But at this moment, an only giant snake head searched from the crown place unexpectedly. This snake head was really big, was only a head, has the water jar size, opened the big mouth time, the diameter even can achieve to be close to four square meters size, benefitting the tooth was dense. Really is the terrifying. 此时,众人已经落到了树冠附近。而就在这时,一只只巨大的蛇头竟是从树冠处探了出来。这蛇头实在是太大了,只是一个头颅,就已经有水缸大小,张开血盆大口的时候,直径甚至能达到接近四平方米大小,利齿森森。着实是恐怖。 But strange also happened in this moment. After that only gigantic tongue finds out, unexpectedly only comes out spatially a region is Long Dangdang their these people of falling positions. The place that because they drop, the messenger bird crashes, falls the position on crown. 但奇异的一幕也在这一刻发生了。那一只只硕大的舌头探出之后,竟然唯一空出来一片区域就是龙当当他们这几人落下的方位。因为他们落下的地方,正是青鸟坠落,落在树冠上的位置。 But periphery, sees only that leader giant tongue to open big mouth, emits the big piece and big piece green mist to ascend, directly soars various that in the sky drops to hunt for the demon group to go. 而周围,只见那一头头巨大的舌头张开大嘴,喷吐出大片、大片的绿色雾气升腾而起,直奔天空中落下的各支猎魔团而去。 Long Dangdang is drawing Long Kongkong in front, Long Kongkong rises the spirit shield to open, in the meantime, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace prepared opening. 龙当当拉着龙空空在前面,龙空空的升灵盾已经开启,同时,元涡灵炉做好了开启的准备。 That has only fallen on the crown messenger bird look sharp looks at them, but has not actually launched the attack to them. 那一只只已经落在树冠上的青鸟正眼神锋锐的看着他们,但却并没有向他们发起攻击。 People dexterous 11 fall above the crown, on the surrounding crown, great snake huge bodies had run out of the crown, the emitting poisonous fog at the same time, toward hunting for demon group assault that in the air drops. Only Long Dangdang them has not encountered any attack. 众人轻巧的一一落在树冠之上,周围的树冠上,一条条巨蛇庞大的身体已经冲出了树冠,喷吐毒雾的同时,朝着空中落下的猎魔团袭去。唯独龙当当他们这边没有遇到任何袭击。 This change, made the teammates understand the accuracy of Long Dangdang judgment instantaneously. 这一变化,瞬间就让队友们都明白了龙当当判断的正确性。 I thought that this was the cool breeze falcon, hasn't exterminated unexpectedly?” Peach numerous suddenly surprised saying. “我想起来了,这是清风隼,竟然没有灭绝吗?”桃林林突然惊讶的说道。 Cool breeze falcon is a staunch demon beast, the grown cool breeze falcon has about the third-level strength probably, is equivalent to our second-order demon beasts. The strength is not strong, but the nature lives in groups happily. Their threats are very small, but the cool breeze falcon is actually the half a lifetime demon beasts of six levels of demon beast green scale tree pythons. Takes green scale tree python parasite as the food. I also noticed that these giant green scale tree pythons thought. Others had troublesome! The green scale tree python hides shortcomings extremely, because the parasite will have been puzzling them, although the cool breeze falcon is small and weak, but to them is actually the indispensable partner.” “清风隼是一种性格刚烈的魔兽,成年的清风隼大概有三级左右的实力,相当于我们的二阶魔兽。实力不强,但性喜群居。它们本身的威胁很小,但清风隼却是六级魔兽绿鳞树蟒的半生魔兽。以绿鳞树蟒身上的寄生虫为食。我也是看到这些巨大的绿鳞树蟒才想起来了的。其他人有麻烦了啊!绿鳞树蟒极为护短,因为寄生虫一直都会困扰着它们,清风隼虽然弱小,但对它们来说却是不可或缺的伙伴。” Listened to the words of peach numerous, the people looked that somewhat is unusual to the Long Dangdang look, particularly to he not too familiar several people. 听了桃林林的话,众人看向龙当当的眼神不禁都有些异样,尤其是对他并不算太熟悉的几人。 When initial ice Monroe the position of regimental commander will give this youngest knight, although the people have not stated clearly, but even if the lunar motion, does not think that Long Dangdang is more suitable than this position ice Monroe. 最初凌梦露将团长之位让给这个年纪最小的骑士时,众人虽然没有明说,但哪怕是月离,也不会认为龙当当比凌梦露更加适合这个位置。 But Long Dangdang just calm dealing, perhaps had certain luck ingredient, but truly reduced and solved the attack that they will face. 龙当当刚刚的沉稳应对,或许有一定的运气成分,但确实是化解了他们会面对的袭击。 Looks at the people vision strongly on oneself, Long Dangdang said: Everyone standing by.” 看着众人目光都集中在自己身上,龙当当道:“大家准备战斗。” First doesn't walk? First walks step us to be have some advantages. This training should have the goal. We occupy the situation!” Lunar motion somewhat surprised saying. “不先走吗?先走一步我们应该能占据一些优势。这培训应该都是有目的的。我们已经占据了先机啊!”月离有些惊讶的说道。 Long Dangdang shakes the head, but also without he opened the mouth, the ocean nighttide angry sound has resounded, how can first walk? Our robe Ze is under the attack, even if they make the mistake, that is still our partners! Must rescue them to be good.” 龙当当摇摇头,还没等他开口,溟汐愤怒的声音已经响起,“怎么能先走?我们的袍泽正在遇到攻击,就算他们做错了事,那也是我们的伙伴啊!必须要营救他们才行。” Peach numerous hears word patted own forehead, the sense of justice of ocean nighttide bursting, manifested suddenly without a doubt. 桃林林闻言不禁拍了拍自己的额头,溟汐这爆棚的正义感,毫无疑问又发作了。 Long Dangdang explained: Still remembers that before this training, had we known the goal of this training? This training, mainly to conform with us each other, making everyone strengthen the ability of coordination. At present this situation, we can certainly cultivate one's own moral worth, but actually with hunting for the team spirit of demon group is incompatible, if we give up other teams escaping now alone, that means us in the future when will encounter the danger also each other to give up? Therefore, we must display our judgment to the situation, must be potential achievement similarly.” 龙当当解释道:“还记得在这次培训之前,我们就已经知道了这次培训的目标吗?这次的培训,主要是为了整合我们彼此,让大家增强配合的能力。眼前这种情况,我们当然可以独善其身,但却与猎魔团的团队精神不符,如果现在我们就放弃其他团队独自逃生,那是不是意味着我们未来在遇到危险的时候也会彼此放弃呢?所以,我们既要表现出我们对局势的判断,也同样要有所作为。” Ling Menglu said suddenly: Ding-dong, you are a regimental commander, especially now we during training, everyone listen to you to direct. You do not need to explain to us, the direct command was good, will otherwise lose the time. Who has the different opinions, were safe to raise again. If you continues to make mistakes, we plan again.” 凌梦露突然道:“当当,你是团长,尤其现在我们还是在培训之中,大家都听你指挥。你不用向我们解释,直接指挥就好了,否则会耽误时间。谁有不同意见,也等安全下来再提。如果伱持续犯错,我们再重新规划。” Without doubt, ice Monroe is in the team the generally recognized most powerhouse, her support to Long Dangdang is very important. But twice explanations of Long Dangdang are also well-founded similarly. The team composes initially, wants to achieve tacitly is not easy, but before then, each other trust is most important. 无疑,凌梦露是团队中大家公认的最强者,她的支持对龙当当是非常重要的。而龙当当的两次解释也同样有理有据。团队才初步组成,想要达成默契没那么容易,但在这之前,彼此信任则是最为重要的。 Good. The peach numerous, the town/subdues demon tree takes root, disturbs the green scale tree python. The cousin, establishes law to prepare to treat with the supplies. Kong Kong, opens a day of deep pool, rises to share spirit. The ocean nighttide, keeps on the crown to stand guard surrounding woof Xuejie to protect the lunar motion study elder sister, the lunar motion study elder sister, the fire is the magic output, burns the poisonous fog. I coordinate you. Starts.” “好。桃林林,镇魔树扎根,干扰绿鳞树蟒。表姐,设置法阵准备治疗和补给。空空,开天渊,升灵共享。溟汐,留在树冠上警戒周围汪学姐守护月离学姐,月离学姐,火系魔法输出,烧毒雾。我配合你。开始。” A series of issuances of order. Long Dangdang, lunar motion and woof Changxin keeps on the crown, the ocean nighttide figure hidden in the crown stands guard from side. Long Kongkong and peach numerous and ice Monroe fall the ground. 一连串的命令下达。龙当当、月离和汪常欣留在树冠上,溟汐身形隐藏在树冠之中从旁警戒。龙空空、桃林林和凌梦露则是落到地面。 The town/subdues demon tree summoned, takes root. Long Kongkong opens the day of deep pool domain simultaneously. The people felt instantaneously under as if presented black hole, is swallowing up all around world spiritual energy. Rises the spirit shield also to open, the ray mainly first covered on the peach numerous and ice Monroe. 镇魔树召唤,扎根。龙空空同时开启天渊领域。众人瞬间就感觉到下方仿佛出现了一个黑洞似的,鲸吞着四周的天地灵气。升灵盾随之开启,光芒主要先笼罩在了桃林林和凌梦露身上。 The ice Monroe's bright angel spirit furnace starts, the light shines, the auxiliary peach Linlin Town demon tree takes root. Has the bright angel , the speed that the town/subdues demon tree takes root in dramatically increases, but the vitality that the town/subdues demon tree releases also returns nurturing to parents the bright angel, the two complemented one another, formed the best coordination. 凌梦露的光明天使灵炉启动,光明普照,辅助桃林林镇魔树扎根。有着光明天使在,镇魔树扎根的速度大幅度增加,而镇魔树释放出的生命力也随之反哺光明天使,二者相辅相成,形成了最好的配合。 The lunar motion and Long Dangdang are the fire are the magic full, the bunch of rupturing fireballs blast out in the poisonous fog, are burning down the poisonous fog. This type of poisonous fog fears the fire generally. Starts under the ignition of flame becomes thin. Meanwhile also attracted the attention of surrounding several green scale tree pythons. 月离和龙当当则是火系魔法全开,一团团爆裂火球在毒雾中炸开,焚烧着毒雾。这种毒雾一般都怕火。在火焰的灼烧之下开始变得稀薄。但同时也吸引了周围几头绿鳞树蟒的注意。 In angry roaring, two green scale tree pythons took the lead to clash from the both sides. 愤怒的咆哮中,两头绿鳞树蟒率先从两侧冲了过来。 woof often/common joyful cold snort/hum, Tyrant Tianchui starts instantaneously, the powerful aura also erupts from her instantaneously. Around her whole person body as if there is air current to surround. The tyrannical incomparable strength coordinates own in spirit strength to burst out instantaneously, the surrounding leaf that that huge and powerful aura, even sways also flap flap makes noise. 汪常欣冷哼一声,霸天槌瞬间入手,强大的气息也随之瞬间就从她身上爆发而出。她整个人身体周围仿佛都有气流环绕。强横无匹的力量配合着自身的内灵力瞬间迸发,那庞大而强悍的气息,甚至吹拂的周围树叶都随之猎猎作响。 Long Dangdang looked at her one eyes, he knows, this study elder sister should just break through six steps, but, do not forget, woof Changxin is inside and outside minors, her six steps and ordinary six steps are not matter. In the ordinary six steps request the spirit strength 4000, but the woof Changxin six steps are inside and outside must achieve 4000 to complete the breakthrough. In other words, her present always the spirit strength Gundam/reaches as high as 8000, by the spirit strength total quantity, she is this first person that hunts for demon. 龙当当看了她一眼,他知道,这位学姐应该是刚刚突破六阶,但是,不要忘了,汪常欣乃是内外兼修,她的六阶和普通的六阶根本就不是一回事儿。普通六阶要求内灵力四千,而汪常欣的六阶则是内外都要达到四千才能完成突破。也就是说,她现在的总灵力高达八千,论灵力总量,她才是这届猎魔者的第一人。 Moreover, six steps gave her the spirit wing, did not have the beforehand weak area again. 而且,六阶赋予了她灵翼,再没有了之前的短板。 That charged into her green scale tree python obviously to feel some is not right, but also slightly did to hesitate, but the next quarter, woof Changxin moved. 那头冲向她的绿鳞树蟒明显感受到了一些不对,还略作迟疑,但下一刻,汪常欣就动了。 Behind her a pair of spirit wing fierce racket, in the air erupts low and deep thundering, looked like the flat land to have startling thunderclap. Then her body vanished. 她背后的一双灵翼猛的一拍,空气中都爆发出一声低沉的轰鸣,就像是平地起了一声惊雷似的。然后她的身体就消失了。 When she appears again, is about 30 meters from that green scale tree python fully, has, rather, broke through...... 当她再次出现的时候,距离那头绿鳞树蟒足有三十米开外,不是没到,而是,冲过了…… Just had her of spirit wing, obviously was not so accurate to own spirit wing control . Moreover, the explosive force same rank soldier who her body can withstand cannot compare. However, although before she cannot welcome that green scale tree python, actually before rushing to another green scale tree python body . In the hand Tyrant Tianchui beats outrageously. 刚刚拥有灵翼的她,显然对自己的灵翼控制还不那么准确,而且,她的身体所能承受的爆发力远非同级别战士所能比拟。但是,她虽然没能迎上之前的那头绿鳞树蟒,却冲到了另一头绿鳞树蟒身前。手中霸天槌悍然捶出。 Bang-” this mallet, has not beaten to strike on the head of green scale tree python, although woof Changxin the fight is overbearing, but is very calm and sober, clear remembering Long Dangdang beforehand analysis, therefore, this mallet erupted beyond that python body first three meters. “轰-”这一槌,并没有捶击在绿鳞树蟒的头颅上,汪常欣虽然战斗霸道,但却十分冷静和清醒,清楚的记得龙当当之前的分析,所以,这一槌在那巨蟒身前三米外就爆发了。 - -- Fought Luo animation to terminate, serialized for five years, had mixed emotions. Thank everyone to support. 斗罗动画已经完结了,连载了五年,百感交集。感谢大家一路的支持。 «Fought the Luo Mainland II Peerless Tang gate» animation will also begin broadcasting( original running schedule 6.17 to adjust to broadcast) on June 24, as before was every Saturday 10 : 00, we continued the predestined affinity again. 《斗罗大陆II绝世唐门》动画也将在6月24号开播(原档期6.17已调整播出),依旧是每周六十点,我们再续前缘。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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