SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#169: Devil lunatic female monster

Chapter 169 devil insane children monster 第169章魔鬼疯子女妖 This evening, the cousin younger brother three people have not contemplated the cultivation again. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong outside spirit strength was increased, needs to adapt to own body, particularly Long Dangdang, the one breath outside the spirit strength will be increased to 2000, compared with previously was higher than too. Strength control some between graces are uncoordinated, needs to add the custom to be good. Therefore he practiced the step and simple attack in the cultivation room directly, thus adapted to itself outside the change of spirit strength. 这一晚,表姐弟三人没有再冥想修炼。龙当当龙空空的外灵力都提升了许多,需要适应自己的身体,尤其是龙当当,一口气将外灵力提升到两千,比先前高出太多。就连举手投足之间的力量掌控都有些不协调了,需要多加习惯才行。所以他直接在修炼室练起了步法和简单的攻击,从而适应自身外灵力的变化。 The benefit that outside the spirit strength large scale promotion provides is obvious, moreover be more than estimate. 外灵力大幅度提升带来的好处是显而易见的,而且要比预想中更多。 First is the bearing capacity of body. The muscle, meridians and under skeleton the promotion of intensity spirit strength also significantly promotes outside, this lets Long Dangdang, when uses the spirit strength, the limit was also strengthened significantly. The simplest example is, now he uses the conflagration again time, before the strength of erupting, is no comparison between them completely. 首先就是身体的承受能力。肌肉、经络、骨骼的强度在外灵力的提升下也随之大幅度提升,这让龙当当在使用灵力的时候,极限也随之大幅度增强了。最简单的例子就是,现在他再用爆燃的时候,爆发出的力量和之前完全不可同日而语。 In the conflagration is the strength of combustion bloodlines strengthens the spirit strength in a short time. Before his strength of quite therefore outside spirit strength bloodlines more than 300, but the present is 2000, did this burn to be the same? Under the conflagration displays, cultivating of Long Dangdang to be six steps directly above, even has been able to stimulate to movement the spirit wing to appear in a short time. 爆燃本身就是燃烧血脉之力在短时间内增强内灵力。以前他的血脉之力相当于是外灵力三百多,而现在是两千,这燃烧起来能一样么?爆燃施展之下,龙当当的修为直接就能达到六阶以上,甚至短时间内都已经能催动灵翼出现了。 The symbolic changes of six steps are the spirit wings, but wants to display the spirit wing, after needs liquid spirit strength output outside the body, compresses it, to close to the solid state degree, the spirit wing can complete. The consumption of spirit wing to spirit strength is very big, the most primary cause is in the compression the spirit strength time, the control and carrying capacity of body have very high request. 六阶的标志性变化就是灵翼,而想要施展出灵翼,需要将液态灵力输出体外之后再将其进行压缩,到接近固态的程度,灵翼才能完成。灵翼对灵力的消耗很大,最主要原因就是压缩内灵力的时候,身体的掌控以及承受力都有很高的要求。 Long Dangdang broke through the liquid spirit strength initially time, is consumes to work hard, but this time, the attempt condenses the spirit wing, in the condition of conflagration, unexpectedly is a success. Although he will not have flown to be far has what skill, but flew actually to achieve. 龙当当当初突破液态灵力的时候,着实是耗费了一番功夫,但这次,尝试凝聚灵翼,在爆燃的状态下,竟然是一次成功。虽然他还不怎么会飞行谈不上有什么技巧,但飞起来却已经能够做到了。 Meanwhile, outside the spirit strength also makes his flexibility, speed, strength and fight hit the ability to rise dramatically completely. Reaches as high as 2000 outside spirit strength, lets him in spirit strength the strength without displaying absolutely is not weak. In powerful explosive force recombination spirit strength, making Long Dangdang even have a rank grass the feeling of horizon. His deep feeling, the blood refining up golden body family merit law is actually very suitable teacher, does not know why the sea teacher had not chosen initially. 同时,外灵力还让他的灵活性、速度、力量、抗击打能力全部暴增。高达两千的外灵力,让他在不施展内灵力的情况下战力也绝对不弱。强大的爆发力再结合内灵力,让龙当当甚至都有种莽出天际的感觉。他深深的觉得,血炼金身这门功法其实是很适合老师的,也不知道为什么海老师当初没有选择。 This late Long Dangdang has almost not rested, is adapting to own body to pass. But rises dramatically the outside spirit strength to let him radically on does not have any tired feeling, because outside the promotion of spirit strength, making his body endurance also significantly promote. 这一晚龙当当几乎都没怎么睡,都在适应自己的身体中度过了。而暴增的外灵力让他根本就没有什么疲乏的感觉,因为外灵力的提升,让他的身体耐力也随之大幅度的提升了。 Cultivated many years, Long Dangdang has also thought in the spirit strength is the basis of occupation, is leads to a higher level broad and open road. But looking back now, the feelings of some type of main road exceedingly high places, after outside the spirit strength is actually increased to the certain extent, the brought advantage unexpectedly is such big. He even more feels now before , can defeat woof Changxin is completely the luck. Had the particularity of magic to suppress woof Changxin, gives opportunity that he erupted, once let the strength that woof Changxin erupted inside and outside to minor, he was impossible to block. 修炼了不少年,龙当当原本也一直觉得内灵力才是职业者的根本,是通往更高层次的康庄大道。但现在看来,却有种条条大路通天地的感觉,外灵力提升到一定程度之后,带来的好处竟然是这么大的。他现在越发觉得之前能够战胜汪常欣完全是运气了。要不是有魔法的特殊性压制了汪常欣,给了他爆发的机会,一旦让汪常欣爆发出内外兼修的力量,他根本就不可能挡得住。 Now recalls, he even suspected woof Changxin turned on the water at that time. Once this study elder sister is six steps, after having the spirit wing, in situation that the inside and outside minor, thunder sword Saint Tang Leiguang perhaps not necessarily is her opponent. 现在回想起来,他甚至都怀疑汪常欣当时是不是放水了。而一旦这位学姐达到六阶,拥有了灵翼之后,内外兼修的情况下,雷霆剑圣唐雷光恐怕都未必是她的对手。 Moreover, he also believes, woof Xuejie this energetic will certainly is very powerful, others defer to the usual channel to cultivate step by step close to six step levels. In this process, the blood refining up the pain of golden body she not to know that withstood many. 而且,他也相信,汪学姐这精神意志一定是非常强大的,人家可是按照正常途径一步步修炼到接近六阶水准的。在这个过程中,血炼金身的痛苦她不知承受了多少。 In the morning, very early in the morning the spirit furnace school lived it up. 清晨,一大早灵炉学院就热闹了起来。 First, two, third-grade altogether over 1/4 people were accepted hunted for the demon group, but today will be they will leave the spirit furnace school, conducted to prepare to hunt for the day of demon training. Among the schoolmate loaths to part unavoidably. 一、二、三年级一共有超过四分之一的人考上了猎魔团,而今天就将是他们离开灵炉学院,进行预备猎魔者培训的日子了。同学之间难免依依惜别。 Is accepted to hunt for demon, naturally is the God's favored ones of lower grade. Especially most outstanding that five first-grade students all become hunt for demon, and is among the best in this inspection. 考上猎魔者的,自然都是低年级的天之骄子。尤其是最优秀的那五个一年级学员全都成为了猎魔者,并且在这次的考核中名列前茅。 The place of set in the big square in temple school main hospital. In addition Long Kongkong this aide knight, complete 61 people centralized above square. 集合的地方在圣殿学院总院的大广场上。加上龙空空这个侍从骑士,全部六十一人集中在广场之上。 But frontline, altogether three middle-aged people who wear the black clothes stand there. Two male and one female. 而最前方,一共有三名身穿黑衣的中年人站在那里。两男一女。 Their clothing are unified, cannot see the material quality, but on that black lining has the metallic luster faintly, has one to hunt for the character on the left chest. 他们的服装是统一的,看不出材质,但那黑色的面料上隐隐有金属光泽,在左胸上有一个猎字。 Ten preparations hunt for the demon group, according to the respective team platoon becomes rows. Long Dangdang as 19,115,897 hunts for the demon group regimental commanders naturally to stand in first. In his side Zisang colored glaze glimmer. 十支预备猎魔团,按照各自团队排成一列列。龙当当作为一九一一五八九七猎魔团团长自然是站在首位的。在他身边正是子桑琉荧。 When the Zisang colored glaze glimmer saw what them stands in first is he rather than ice Monroe, could not bear to here looked at several. 当子桑琉荧看到他们这边站在首位的是他而不是凌梦露的时候,都忍不住向这边多看了几眼。 Hello.” Stood opened the mouth in central that middle-aged man, his sound low and deep, first, congratulated you to become a preparation to hunt for the member of demon group.” “你们好。”站在中央的那名中年男子开口了,他的声音略带低沉,“首先,恭喜你们成为了一名预备猎魔团的成员。” His vision observes the situation , to continue saying: But, I must tell you, the you present is to prepare to hunt for the demon group members. Through hunted for the demon group trials, does not mean that you hunt for demon. At least, in my eyes also by far insufficient. Moreover, your , is very likely most unqualified hunting for demon who all previous trials choose.” 他的目光环视一圈,继续道:“但是,我也必须要告诉你们,伱们现在就是预备猎魔团成员而已。通过了猎魔团选拔赛,并不意味着你们就已经是猎魔者了。至少,在我眼里还远远不够。而且,你们这一届,也很有可能是历届选拔赛选出来的最不合格的猎魔者。” Such remarks in many eyes revealed the color of not indignation, Long Dangdang even can feel to arrive on oneself nearby Zisang colored glaze glimmer to reveal several points of cold aura. 此言一出不少人眼中都流露出了不忿之色,龙当当甚至能感受到站在自己旁边的子桑琉荧身上都流露出了几分冷冽的气息。 Does not need is not convinced, if not convinced, in training over the following three months, showed to me with your strengths.” Middle-aged person light saying, „, because some special reasons, in you were the students of spirit furnace school is not completed the studies join ahead of time hunted for the demon group. From my angle, does not want this situation. But since has selected, you in all that in training is going to face, hunts for demon to face truly. Will not have any giving favored treatment because of your ages.” “不用不服气,如果不服气,在接下来三个月的培训中,用你们的实力向我证明。”中年人淡淡的说道,“因为一些特殊原因,你们之中属于灵炉学院的学员连学业都没有完成就提前加入了猎魔团。从我本人的角度,是并不希望出现这种情况的。但既然已经选拔出来了,你们在培训中将要面对的一切,就是真正猎魔者会面对的。不会因为你们的年纪而有任何优待。” His sound suddenly were many several points of serious, the vision even has several points swiftly and fiercely with the constriction, first, I must tell your point am, from now on, you face the danger time, will never have the exercise again. All metropolises are real. Cannot train through these three months, will be relieved hunts for the demon qualifications, takes back hunts for the demon equipment, which from where goes back and forth, and forever loses to become the possibility of hunting for demon.” 他的声音突然多了几分严肃,目光甚至带着几分凌厉与压迫感,“首先,我要告诉你们的一点就是,从现在开始,你们所面对危险的时候,永远不会再有演习。所有的一切都会是真实的。不能通过这三个月培训的,将会被解除猎魔者资格,收回猎魔者装备,从哪来回哪去,并且永远丧失成为猎魔者的可能。” Perhaps, in you, some people believes, hunting for demon is an occupation. However, I must tell you am, all hunting for demon are the heroes, all hunts for the demon group to inherit, is heroes inheritance. Perhaps you do not know that the hero means anything, hero, not only means that glory and brilliance, what many meaning was sacrificed and paid. The hero who each hunts for demon is the federation, without all previous generations hunted for the sacrifice of demon, will not have federal today's peace and happiness. Those who hunt for demon to obtain is the federal best resources incline, but similarly, is going to complete these most difficult and duty of danger. As your teacher who prepares to hunt for demon, I will request you with the strictest way, because, unqualified hunting for demon can only be brings death, my rather you eliminate in my pass/test, does not want you to go to lose one's life in vain. Therefore, then you are going to face, is this world's cruelest, most painful and most helpless test. In the training process over the following three months, the alliance gave my fault-tolerant rate/lead is the death not over 10%. Therefore, I emphasized again to you, this was not the exercise, cannot let the virtual world that you resurrected. Used casting a spell, really died.” “或许,在你们之中,有的人会认为,猎魔者就是一个职业而已。但是,我要告诉你们的是,所有的猎魔者都是英雄,所有猎魔团传承的,都是英雄的的传承。或许你们并不知道英雄意味着什么,英雄并不只是意味着荣耀和光辉,更多的意味着的是牺牲与付出。每一位猎魔者都是联邦的英雄,没有历代猎魔者的牺牲,就不会有联邦今日的和平与幸福。猎魔者获得的是联邦最好的资源倾斜,但同样的,也将要去完成那些最为艰难和危险的任务。作为你们这些预备猎魔者的教官,我会用最严格的方式来要求你们,因为,不合格的猎魔者只能是去送死,我宁可你们在我这一关刷下来,也不愿意你们去白白送命。所以,接下来你们将要面对的,就是这个世界上最残忍、最痛苦、最无助的考验。在接下来三个月的培训过程中,联盟给我的容错率是死亡不超过百分之十。所以,我再次向你们强调一遍,这不是演习,也不是能够让你们复活的虚拟世界。用了禁咒,就真的死了。” When he said last, the vision also them swept one from Long Dangdang, comes the students of in Linglu school, subconscious vision centralized to ice Monroe on. Initially that made the extremely profound impression on them, also made ice Monroe the spirit furnace school most dazzling star. 当他说道最后一句的时候,目光还从龙当当他们这边扫了一眼,出身于灵炉学院的学员们,也下意识的将目光都集中到了凌梦露身上。当初那一幕,着实是给他们留下了极其深刻的印象,也让凌梦露成为了灵炉学院最耀眼的明星。 The middle-aged man continues saying: Now makes to introduce oneself, you do not have the qualifications to know our names now. You can call my devil, what left me is a lunatic, what right is the female monster. You called us to be OK. I believe, over the following three months, will certainly make the profound impression on you. Now, various group regimental commanders, leading your members to come along with me.” 中年男子继续道:“现在做一下自我介绍,你们现在还没有资格知道我们的名字。你们可以叫我魔鬼,我左边的是疯子,右边的是女妖。你们就这么称呼我们就可以了。我相信,在接下来的三个月,一定会给你们留下深刻的印象。现在,各团团长,带着你们的团员随我来。” Then, this devil teacher turns around to walk, goes toward the temple school main hospital deep place line. 说完,这位魔鬼教官转身就走,朝着圣殿学院总院深处行去。 The temple school main hospital also has one transmission . Moreover the scale compared with big of spirit furnace school, the devil teacher bring they are arriving here time, magic has opened. But where is not clear transmits to goes. 圣殿学院总院同样有一座传送阵,而且规模要比灵炉学院的更大,魔鬼教官带着他们来到这里的时候,魔法阵已经开启。只不过并不清楚是传送到什么地方去。 This large-scale transmission simultaneously holds them seems very loose, glitters along with a ray, the people had entered during the transmission. 这座大型传送阵同时容纳他们所有人都显得十分宽松,伴随着一阵光芒闪烁,众人已经进入了传送之中。 Long Dangdang obviously felt the time and process of this transmission experience compared with before grew much. Although does not set the specific time, but the feeling of that distortion made his some feelings of being completely muddled. Is adjusting itself diligently, can maintain the body condition reluctantly. 龙当当明显感觉到这次传送的时间和过程要比之前经历的长了不少。虽然不确定具体的时间,但那种扭曲的感觉令他都有些晕头转向的感觉。努力的调整着自身,才能勉强维持住身体状态。 Has not known how long, surroundings suddenly one bright, twists the feeling also to vanish, the next quarter, they have appeared in in the air. 不知道过了多久,周围突然一亮,扭曲感随之消失,下一刻,他们就已经出现在了空中。 Yes, in the air. 是的,空中。 Because, the intense weightlessness feeling almost appeared immediately. Simultaneously appears, scream and lose one's voice to call out in alarm. 因为,强烈的失重感几乎是在第一时间就出现了。同时出现的,还有一声声尖叫和失声惊呼。 Who can think, was transmitted unexpectedly is in the midair, and upper air. 谁能想到,被传送到的竟然是半空之中,而且还是高空。 With transmitting of intense weightlessness feeling, 61 people tenesmus in the way of freely falling body immediately rapidly. 伴随着强烈失重感的传来,六十一个人顿时以自由落体的方式飞速下坠。 I go!” Long Kongkong calls out in alarm one, the person has crashed baseless. Not only he, the bright moon hunts for in the people of demon group in the sky, the peach numerous and ocean nighttide also call out in alarm similarly make noise. But crashes quickly, impressively is Long Dangdang and woof Changxin. Ice Monroe „” one, the lunar motion is a scream. “我去!”龙空空惊呼一声,人已经凭空坠落。不只是他,皓月当空猎魔团的众人中,桃林林、溟汐也是同样惊呼出声。而坠落最快的,赫然是龙当当和汪常欣。凌梦露“啊”了一声,月离则是一声尖叫。 In the sky the people have been in chaos, body weight big crash quickly, body weight small slow. Tenesmuss the strong winds that brings even to blow them unable to open the eye, the fear that the intense weightlessness feeling brings makes the person body and mind shock. 天空中众人已是一片混乱,体重大的坠落的快一点,体重小的慢一点。下坠带来的狂风吹得他们甚至睁不开眼睛,强烈失重感所带来的恐惧更是令人身心剧震。 Long Dangdang is suppressing the sense of fear of innermost feelings forcefully, his first response looks downward. Under, seems like a big forest. Moreover is that vast green. But their time distance big forest little said that is also the kilometer. Crashes from this altitude, without the deceleration method, that must die without doubt. 龙当当强行压制着内心的恐惧感,他的第一反应是向下看去。下方,似乎是一片大森林。而且是那种一望无际的绿色。而他们此时距离这片大森林少说也有千米。从这种高度坠落下去,如果没有减速手段,那就肯定是必死无疑。 At this moment, in his above not far away, the rich light element condenses, simultaneously broadcast the ice Monroe's voice, ding-dong!” 就在这时,在他上方不远处,浓郁的光元素凝聚,同时传来了凌梦露的声音,“当当!” Long Dangdang is controlling own body forcefully in the in the air half revolution, looks upwardly. Sees only the ice Monroe whole body golden light to bloom, the golden form also integrates in within the body together, the golden light wing also stretches, the angel arrives. 龙当当强行控制着自己的身体在空中半转,向上看去。只见凌梦露全身金光绽放,一道金色的身影随之融入她体内之中,金色光翼随之舒展开来,正是天使降临。 Long Dangdang does not dare to neglect, the chest place, the Saint directs the spirit furnace to reappear, the strength of hauling fell on the cousin directly, relied on spirit furnace to entrain, he stood firm the figure instantaneously. Meanwhile, the both arms both legs also open. 龙当当不敢怠慢,胸口处,圣引灵炉浮现而出,牵引之力直接就落在了表姐身上,凭借着灵炉的拉拽,他瞬间稳住身形。与此同时,双臂双腿同时张开。 The left hand held Long Kongkong that crashed from own side, the right hand held the peach numerous, the left leg fluttered the ocean nighttide. 左手一把抓住了从自己身边坠落的龙空空,右手则是抓住了桃林林,左脚勾住了溟汐。 But ice Monroe also in the in the air acceleration, caught up with the lunar motion, grasps her. 而凌梦露也是在空中一个加速,追上了月离,将她抱住。 woof Changxin crash speed even still above Long Dangdang, was away from them to be a little far at this time. Long Dangdang recited the incantation rapidly, the float technique fell toward woof Changxin together. 汪常欣的坠落速度甚至还在龙当当之上,此时距离他们已经有点远了。龙当当迅速吟唱咒语,一道漂浮术就朝着汪常欣落了过去。 Body that woof often/common falls joyful rapidly in in the air one slow. When ice Monroe prepares to plunge her, suddenly, the woof often/common joyful behind ray flashes, a pair of white light wing also stretches. 汪常欣急速下坠的身体在空中一缓。就在凌梦露准备扑向她的时候,突然间,汪常欣背后光芒一闪,一双白色的光翼随之舒展开来。 Spirit wing! Six steps! 灵翼!六阶! woof Xuejie six steps? Long Dangdang is overjoyed. 汪学姐六阶了?龙当当大喜过望。 woof Changxin in the in the air rotation, she is not good at flying obviously, although released the spirit wing, but controlled own falling with great difficulty, appeared somewhat thrown into confusion. 汪常欣在空中一个回转,她显然并不擅长飞行,虽然释放出了灵翼,但好不容易才控制住自己的下坠,显得有些手忙脚乱。 Flustered not only obviously they, hunted for the demon group almost to have similar situation one by one. 忙乱的显然不只是他们,各个猎魔团几乎都出现了类似的情况。 Suddenly, in the sky, various rays glitter frequently, have to display the equipment, has the release magic, six step powerhouses display the spirit wing. Rescues own teammate diligently. 61 preparations hunt for an demon confusion at once. 一时间,天空之中,各种光芒频繁闪烁,有施展装备的,有释放魔法的,也有六阶强者施展灵翼的。努力的救援自己的队友。一时之间六十一名预备猎魔者一片混乱。 But saw the strengths and qualities of different team at this kind of time. 而在这种时候就看出不同团队的实力和素质了。 Calmest calm, is Zisang colored glaze glimmer that team. Has achieved six levels of Zisang colored glaze glimmers, oneself back opens a windward wing, not only that but also releases azure tornados to sweep across, drives regarding to circle in own side the partners. Behind Tang Leiguang was also releases a pair of thunder to be the soul wing, grabs spirit furnace school third grade knight who that has not been six steps. This fifth-order knight appears very calm calm, does not have slightly the flurried meaning. 最为淡定从容的,就是子桑琉荧那一队。已经达到六级的子桑琉荧,自己背后张开一对风之羽翼,不仅如此,还释放出一片青色的旋风席卷,将伙伴们带动着围绕在自己身边盘旋。唐雷光背后也是释放出了一对雷属性灵翼,抓着那名还没有达到六阶的灵炉学院三年级骑士。这位五阶骑士显得十分淡定从容,没有丝毫慌乱的意思。 Can become prepares to hunt for demon is the talents, particularly spirit furnace school, most they of third grade, can through hunting for the demon group trials, its talent , they faces obviously, is the excellent graduates in temple school main hospital, many six levels of powerhouses. But many six levels were actually eliminated by them. 能够成为预备猎魔者的都是天才,尤其是灵炉学院这边,最多才三年级的他们,能够通过猎魔团选拔赛,可见其天赋,要知道,他们所面对的,都是圣殿学院总院的优秀毕业生,不乏六级强者。而许多六级却都被他们淘汰了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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