SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#168: Awakens, bloodlines talent

Chapter 168 awakens, bloodlines talent 第168章觉醒,血脉天赋 Had the Long Dangdang previous attempt, Long Kongkong absorbs the speed of land thorn dragon blood again compared with before him quick many. Because does not need to probe the slow enhancement absorption density, but is directly absorbs on the by high potency. 有了龙当当先前的尝试,龙空空再吸收大地棘龙血液的速度就要比他之前快的多了。因为不用试探着缓慢提高吸收浓度,而是直接就以高浓度进行吸收。 One hectoliter land thorn dragon blood, Long Kongkong only used for 20 minutes to absorb, his outside spirit strength was also the straight line selects for promotion 980 many degrees. Long Dangdang has not made him continue to absorb again, but must keep idle, to over the following three months outside spirit strength of nature promotion. 一百升的大地棘龙血,龙空空只用了二十分钟就吸收完毕了,他的外灵力也是直线拔升到了九百八十多的程度。龙当当没有让他继续再吸收,还要留点空余,给接下来三个月自然提升的外灵力。 The younger brother absorbed, the surplus land thorn dragon blood, Long Dangdang also continued to absorb. His present in spirit strength is fifth-order, he must try, if after own outside spirit strength also breaks through to the fifth-order, in the spirit strength can continue to cultivate. Also has a look, the blood of land thorn dragon, can enhance own outside spirit strength to what degree. 弟弟吸收完了,剩余的大地棘龙血液,龙当当随之继续吸收。他现在的内灵力是五阶,他要试试,如果自己的外灵力也突破到五阶之后,内灵力是不是就能够继续修炼了。同时也看看,大地棘龙的血液,能够把自己的外灵力提升到什么程度。 Continually absorption, one hectoliter, two hectoliters, three hectoliters! 持续吸收,一百升,两百升,三百升! Also is the entire three hectoliters land thorn dragon blood energy absorption, but the Long Dangdang outside spirit strength has not achieved 2000. With the continued promotion of outside spirit strength, the effect of land thorn dragon blood also started significantly to reduce obviously very much. Does not need to try Long Dangdang to judge, if trades lower five levels of demon beast blood now, perhaps was unable to conduct the promotion by own outside spirit strength. 又是整整三百升大地棘龙血液能量吸收下去,但龙当当的外灵力还没有达到两千。很显然伴随着外灵力的持续提升,大地棘龙血液的效果也开始大幅度降低了。不用尝试龙当当都能判断出,如果现在换了更低的五级魔兽血液,恐怕已经无法让自己的外灵力进行提升了。 The last hectoliter land thorn dragon blood, Long Dangdang disposable pours into 50 rises the bathtub, then soaked. 还有最后一百升大地棘龙血液,龙当当一次性将五十升倒入浴缸之中,然后浸泡了进去。 The nice and warm feeling had reduced, but that heavy/thick feeling is actually continuously the enhancement. 暖热的感觉已经降低了许多,但那种厚重的感觉却是一直在增强的。 The body continues to absorb fast, the red in bathtub is becoming pale at the visible speed, but Long Dangdang also obviously felt that the solid feel in within the body is strengthened. 身体继续快速吸收着,浴缸中的红色以肉眼可见的速度在变淡,而龙当当也明显感觉到体内的厚重感在增强。 Suddenly, he as if felt in oneself body to have anything to have unusual change, was that type sudden one feels. All heavy/thick feelings vanished in the flash suddenly , on him is actually purple light greatly hold. The body surface presented for the light mark shape purple congealed suddenly, that purple ray changed into the bulge scales to be common, appears above his skin. 突然之间,他仿佛感受到自己的身体里有什么东西发生了奇特的变化似的,就是那种突然一下就感受到的。所有厚重的感觉突然在一瞬间就消失了,紧接着,他身上却是紫光大盛。身体表面原本只是呈现为光纹状的紫色突然凝实了起来,那紫色光芒化为一块块凸起的鳞片一般,浮现在他皮肤之上。 This frightened Long Dangdang to jump, but he can actually obviously feel oneself strength to strengthen significantly. 这一幕吓了龙当当一跳,但他却能明显感受到自己的力量在大幅度增强。 But also at this moment, Long Kongkong flushed from outside suddenly, when he to/clashes, since the body also shines the purple similarly. 而也就在这时,龙空空突然从外面冲了进来,而当他冲进来的时候,身上也同样是亮起了紫色。 When sees Long Dangdang purple scale, Long Kongkong one dull, next one flickers, his purple becomes even more is also rich, in the double pupil, is bursting out the purple ray. 看到龙当当身上的紫色鳞片时,龙空空不禁一呆,下一瞬,他身上的紫色也变得越发浓郁起来,就连双眸之中,都迸发着紫色的光芒。 A great power feeling beyond description, one type as to destroy all hot tempered almost appears in the two brothers heart simultaneously. The entire bathroom by the ray exaggeration that on them sent out the purple. 一种难以形容的强大力量感,还有一种仿佛想要毁灭一切的暴躁几乎同时在兄弟俩心底出现。整个卫生间都被他们身上散发出的光芒渲染上了紫色。 Looks at each other in the eye that monster different purple, feels in within the body wild destructive thought that Long Dangdang is first sobering, he pranced from the bathtub suddenly. Lifts the hand to grasp to the shoulder of Long Kongkong. 看着彼此眼中那妖异的紫色,感受着体内狂暴的毁灭性意念,龙当当还是最先清醒过来,他骤然从浴缸之中腾跃了出来。抬手抓向龙空空的肩膀。 In the double pupil of Long Kongkong glitters is flashing on and off the uncertain purple light, when the palm of Long Dangdang grasps on his shoulder, two people bodies shake slightly. The spirit sobered instantaneously. But at this time, on Long Kongkong actually also appeared similarly the purple scale. What stranger is, his purple , he seemed melting unexpectedly generally, walks randomly to Long Dangdang. On the Long Dangdang right arm, presented the heavy/thick purple mail-armor and helmet immediately. That purple mail-armor and helmet looks extremely fierce, sharp blade drill, the terrifying strength feeling also spreads above the Long Dangdang right arm. 龙空空的双眸之中闪烁着明灭不定的紫光,当龙当当的手掌抓在他肩膀上的时候,两人的身体都是微微一震。精神瞬间清醒了过来。而这时候,龙空空身上竟然也同样浮现出了紫色鳞片。更为奇异的是,他身上的紫色,连带着他自己,竟然仿佛融化了一般,向龙当当身上游走过去。龙当当右臂上,顿时出现了厚重的紫色甲胄。那紫色甲胄看上去极为狰狞,一根根利刃钻出,恐怖的力量感也随之蔓延在龙当当右臂之上。 Although Long Dangdang does not know that this is anything, but in this flickers, he has to plant to destroy all feelings. 龙当当虽然不知道这是什么,但在这一瞬,他却有种自己能够毁灭一切的感觉。 However, when that purple spreads to close to the shoulder place, the Long Kongkong body suddenly shivered, then that purple is similar to tidal removes immediately, he is also pale falling draws back two steps, almost sat poured into the bathtub, held on the arm by Long Dangdang fortunately, stabilized. 但是,当那紫色蔓延到接近肩膀处的时候,龙空空身体突然颤抖了一下,然后那紫色就立刻如同潮水般褪去,他也是脸色苍白的跌退两步,差点坐倒进了浴缸,还好被龙当当一把拉住手臂,才稳定下来。 Long Dangdang purple, removes in this moment similarly fast, all return to normal. 龙当当身上的紫色,在这一刻也同样是快速褪去,一切恢复正常。 „Are you all right?” Ling Menglu transmits in the outside anxious shouts. “你们没事吧?”凌梦露在外面焦急的呼唤声传来。 Long Kongkong sends out the purple light to crash in the bathroom suddenly, although she impatient, but not the good earliest possible time to clash. 龙空空突然身上散发出紫光冲进卫生间,她虽然心急但也不好第一时间就冲进来。 All right.” Long Dangdang said that but he discovered, oneself voice actually had some changes, took low and deep several points compared with the normal time. “没事的。”龙当当说道,但他发现,自己的嗓音竟然发生了一些变化,比正常时候要低沉了几分似的。 After ten minutes . 十分钟后。 Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and ice that Monroe three people of tidies up in sofa that sits in the living room. Vision actually all centralized on the outside spirit force meansurement ball in Long Dangdang hand. 收拾完毕的龙当当龙空空和凌梦露三人坐在客厅的沙发之中。目光却全都集中在龙当当手中的外灵力测试球上。 2000! 两千! Outside on spirit force meansurement ball full is appearing this number. 外灵力测试球上充分的显现着这个数字。 Long Dangdang gripped the fist, this time he, before the last time absorption land thorn dragon blood compares, has the tremendous changes. With the body was entangled together the ichor had returned to normal, flows, but the meridians, skeleton and muscle oneself within the body, are sending out unexpectedly like the ichor common ray. 龙当当攥了攥拳头,此时的他,和最后一次吸收大地棘龙血液之前相比,已经有着天翻地覆的变化。原本与身体纠结在一起的灵液已经恢复了正常,自行流淌,而自己体内的经脉、骨骼、肌肉,竟是散发着如同灵液一般的光芒。 Yes, his outside spirit strength achieved 2000, entered the fifth-order condition. But the similarly fifth-order in spirit strength 3700, are stronger, but will not actually affect the body, can cultivation normally. 是的,他的外灵力达到了两千,进入到了五阶状态。而同样五阶的内灵力虽然有三千七百之多,更强,但却已经不会影响身体了,也能正常修炼了。 In other words, the inside and outside minor, so long as will not affect in the same stage each other. But wants to be in a higher stage, actually needs to maintain the balance. Regardless in the spirit strength first runs many, in the spirit strength preparation breaks through 4000 this bottlenecks time, beyond the spirit strength on the need also achieved is good. 也就是说,内外兼修,只要在同一阶段就不会影响彼此。但想要进入更高的阶段,却需要保持平衡。无论内灵力先跑多少,等到内灵力准备突破四千这个瓶颈的时候,就需要外灵力也达到才行了。 But ice Monroe shocks, was too quick. Then short three days of! The Long Dangdang outside spirit strength from more than 300 was increased directly 2000, sat the magic to lift off such quickly not. Always the spirit strength is close to 6000, this is how terrifying number. 而凌梦露则是震撼于,太快了。这才短短三天的时间啊!龙当当的外灵力就从三百多直接提升到了两千,坐魔法升空都没这么快的吧。总灵力接近六千,这是多么恐怖的数字。 The admittance thresholds of seven step powerhouses are also 10,000 spirit strength! 要知道,七阶强者的准入门槛也不过就是一万灵力啊! What is more important, after finding such cultivation way, the inside and outside minor in regarding this two brothers look like eat meal to drink water simply equally simply. Only this point, surpassed present all talents absolutely, even also includes her own. 更重要的是,找到了这样的修炼方式之后,内外兼修对于这兄弟俩来说简直就像是吃饭喝水一样简单。单是这一点,就绝对超过了现在所有的天才,甚至也包括她自己。 In federal history, but also some people inside and outside the minoring in cultivation will never have been to nine steps. Therefore the soldier temple who refining up the golden body to stride in nine steps to become the view of sacred hall by the blood directly. Obviously this cultivation way was powerful. 联邦历史上,还从未有人将内外兼修修炼到过九阶。所以战士圣殿才有谁以血炼金身跨入九阶直接成为圣堂的说法。可见这种修炼方式有多么强大了。 Although she does not understand why Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong can achieve, the talent that but they show now is not the talent can describe, simply is the evildoer/monstrous talent! 虽然她不明白为什么龙当当龙空空能够做到,但他们现在所展现出的天赋已经不是天才能够形容的了,简直是妖孽啊! But now Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong think were more. And is most important, before is, their condition of arm fusion. How does that is form? Although completed the fusion of right arm, the right arm of Long Kongkong turned into the mail-armor and helmet of Long Dangdang right arm. What's all this about? 龙当当龙空空现在想的就更多了。其中最重要的,就是之前他们手臂融合的状态。那是怎么形成的?虽然只是完成了右臂的融合,龙空空的右臂变成了龙当当右臂的甲胄。这是怎么回事儿? Associated to former grandfather again had said mother's unusual origin. Without a doubt, this should be mother related. 再联想到之前外公曾经说过自己母亲的奇特来历。毫无疑问,这应该是和母亲有关的吧。 The two brothers are working as ice Monroe, although has not said anything, but thinks is the same, must find the opportunity to go back to ask the mother what's all this about. That strong strength feeling, Long Dangdang can also remember now clearly. However, must make him stimulate to movement again, he actually could not achieve. Even cannot achieve including oneself body that purple scale. Absorbs the blood of land thorn dragon is not good again. Moreover, absorption. 兄弟俩当着凌梦露虽然都没有多说什么,但想的却是一样的,必须要找机会回去问问老妈这是怎么回事儿了。那超强的力量感,龙当当现在还能清晰记得。但是,要让他再次催动,他却做不到了。甚至连自己身体那紫色鳞片都做不到。再吸收大地棘龙的血液都不行。而且,也吸收不了了。 Yes, finally that 50 rises diluted land thorn dragon blood, he absorbed probably the degree of being close to about 40 rises, now the water or the red in bathtub, have not actually been able to continue to absorb. In other words, the blood of land thorn dragon, to him, has reached the saturated degree. But according to woof Changxin said, six levels of demon beast blood can use the fifth-order peak to be right. But to them, actually reduced probably first-order. 是的,最后那五十升被稀释的大地棘龙血液,他大概吸收了接近四十升左右的程度,现在浴缸里的水还是红色的,却已经无法继续吸收了。也就是说,大地棘龙的血,对他来说,已经达到了饱和的程度。而按照汪常欣所说,六级魔兽血液能够用到五阶巅峰才对。但对他们,却好像降低了一阶。 Without doubt, these are the two brothers unique places, unusual. 无疑,这些都是他们兄弟俩独特的地方,与众不同。 You have a look at this.” Long Dangdang says suddenly, at the same time saying, one cup one finger/refers of his right hand on toward front tea table, the next quarter, that cup was floating unexpectedly swayingly. “你们看看这个。”龙当当突然开口说道,一边说着,他右手朝着面前茶几上的一个杯子一指,下一刻,那个杯子竟然晃晃悠悠的漂浮了起来。 What is this? Instantaneous magic?” Asking of Long Kongkong doubts. “这是啥?瞬发魔法?”龙空空疑惑的问道。 Long Dangdang actually shakes the head, the next quarter, in his double pupil flashes through suddenly wipes the yellow brilliance , Long Kongkong and ice Monroe feels oneself body to sink suddenly, seemed suppressed by anything forcefully. The whole person became heavy. 龙当当却摇摇头,下一刻,他的双眸之中突然闪过一抹黄色的光彩,紧接着,龙空空和凌梦露就骤然感受到自己的身体一沉,仿佛被什么东西强行压住了似的。整个人都变得沉重了起来。 Gravity control? This is......, the talent skill of land thorn dragon?” The ice Monroe's brain is quicker, one realized anything, blurted out said. “重力控制?这是……,大地棘龙的天赋技能?”还是凌梦露的脑子更快一些,一下就意识到了什么,脱口而出说道。 Long Dangdang nods, said: In federal history, has recorded, the blood refining up the law of golden body, an absorption sole demon beast blood quantity is the saturated time, can awaken its talent skill? My this at all is not the magic, is ability of a as if brand mark in my instinct, moreover in does not need to urge spirit, the strength of bloodlines releases directly. Should be the same with the life skill of land thorn dragon.” 龙当当点点头,道:“在联邦的历史中,有没有记载过,血炼金身之法,吸收单一一种魔兽血液数量达到饱和的时候,能够觉醒其天赋技能的?我这个根本不是魔法,是一种仿佛烙印在我本能中的能力,而且不需要内灵力催动,血脉之力直接释放的。应该和大地棘龙的本命技能一样。” Hiss-” Ling Menglu, Long Kongkong, hold breath simultaneously cold air. “嘶-”凌梦露、龙空空,同时倒吸一口凉气。 Ice Monroe was silent long time said slowly: As far as I know does not have. But I did not determine completely. But as you might guess, if really can have such situation, once is not your exceptional case, but can conduct the promotion, that blood will build up the value of law of golden body to will certainly greatly promote, but this can also become an enormous merit inevitably.” 凌梦露足足沉默了半晌才缓缓说道:“据我所知是没有的。但我并不完全确定。但可以想见,如果真的能够出现这样情况的话,一旦不是你自身的特例,而是能够进行推广的话,那血炼金身之法的价值必将大大提升,而这也必然能够成为一个极大的功绩。” Long Dangdang said: Gives my blood to refine in the law of golden body from woof Xuejie, I had not noticed this aspect records. Moreover, like you said that if really has this ability, or some people can discover, then, the blood refining up person such few that the golden body cannot cultivation. Can have the talent skill of demon beast, this to the strength is enormous enhancement.” 龙当当道:“从汪学姐给我的血炼金身之法中,我是没看到这方面记载的。而且,就像伱说的,如果真的是有这种能力,或者说是有人能发现的话,那么,血炼金身绝不会修炼的人如此之少。能够拥有魔兽的天赋技能,这对实力是极大的加强。” Long Kongkong exciting say/way: Yes! Far more than is enormous enhancement, is simply invincible! You think, if this looks for ten and eight powerful demon beasts, absorbs the strength of their bloodlines to have its talent ability, that unparalleled in the world?” 龙空空兴奋的道:“就是啊!何止是极大的加强,简直就是无敌啊!你想想,这要是找个十种、八种强大的魔兽,吸收他们的血脉之力拥有其天赋能力,那岂不是天下无双了?” Long Dangdang said: Where is so easy. Before had not appeared through the blood refining up the golden body to obtain the demon beast talent ability, this is actually very normal, because the average person was very difficult to achieve. The cultivation blood refining up the golden body to bear the enormous suffering , can only absorb the blood of little demon beast each time, proceeds in an orderly way to enhance the spirit strength. In this case, first will definitely choose the performance-to-price ratio highest demon beast blood to promote itself. In few situations will not have used a sole demon beast blood like me in the promotion continually. Meanwhile, cultivates an demon beast blood to be several hundred kilograms purely, close to one ton, this requires how much time. Perhaps ten years and eight years are not necessarily able to be completed, big slowing cultivation progress. Therefore has not had such situation. Let alone, only if the demon beast that human rears in a pen, otherwise wants to collect so many demon beast blood is a very difficult matter.” 龙当当道:“哪有那么容易。以前一直都没有出现通过血炼金身获得魔兽天赋能力,这个其实是很正常的,因为一般人根本就很难做到。修炼血炼金身是要承受极大痛苦的,每次也只能吸收一点点魔兽的血液,循序渐进提升灵力。在这种情况下,肯定会优先选择性价比最高的魔兽血液来提升自身。根本不会像我这样在提升已经很少的情况下还持续使用单一一种魔兽血液。同时,单纯修炼一种魔兽血液达到数百公斤,接近一吨,这又需要多少时间。恐怕十年、八年都未必能够完成,会大大的拖慢修炼进度。因此才没有出现这样的情况。更何况,除非是人类圈养的魔兽,否则想要凑齐这么多魔兽血液都是一件非常困难的事情。” Long Kongkong gawked staring, probably reasonable! No wonder no one has discovered. That said, we are a day of electing child? Ha. Delicious! Then waited for me to arrive fifth-order, must come one, gravity control! Good and good.” 龙空空愣了愣,“好像有道理啊!难怪一直没人发现。那这么说,我们岂不是是天选之子?哇哈哈哈。美滋滋啊!回头等我到了五阶,也要来一个,重力掌控!不错、不错。” Ling Menglu said: No matter how said, this discovery, refining up golden body family merit law regarding the blood, has the significance of cross time. Kong Kong has not a little spoken incorrectly, if has a talent ability and cultivates the ability unusual conjunction the bloodlines skill, then even meets to own enhancement is not inferior in the spirit furnace! I somewhat moved.” 凌梦露道:“不管怎么说,这个发现,对于血炼金身这门功法来说,有着跨时代的意义。空空有一点没说错,如果拥有一种天赋能力和自己修炼能力非常契合的血脉技能,那对自身的增强甚至会不逊色于灵炉啊!我都有些动心了。” Long Dangdang said: You first do not want. Even if plans to take this road, after when still nine steps, said. At that time if met the bottleneck, can consider. Moreover the efficiency should also be able to be higher.” 龙当当道:“你还是先不要了。就算是打算走这条路,也等到九阶以后再说吧。那时候如果遇到了瓶颈,可以考虑一下。而且效率应该也能高一些。” Ling Menglu shakes the head again and again, said: „My such saying, attempted one time, has made me be in deep sorrow. If this cultivates to 100,000 spirit strength, is not really able to imagine. You may really be a day of electing child, then even I must envy.” 凌梦露连连摇头,道:“我就那么一说,尝试了一次,就已经让我痛不欲生了。这个要是一路修炼到十万灵力,真的是无法想像。你们可真的是天选之子,这下连我都要羡慕了呢。” Long Dangdang said: You thought that this matter we do want to report the federation?” 龙当当道:“你觉得这件事我们要不要上报联邦?” Ling Menglu say/way without hesitation: First does not want. The federation, including our six big temples , is also the faction stands in great numbers now. If this matter reported that the benefit was enormous. Especially regarding the soldier temple, is so. I felt, this can first retain, at least needs to wait for you first to obtain the maximization the benefit to say again. You must know, once reports, If nothing else, the price of demon beast blood will rise suddenly absolutely. Waits for the right opportunity to receive in exchange for the cultivation resources with this again.” 凌梦露毫不犹豫的道:“先不要吧。联邦内部,包括我们六大圣殿内部,现在也是派系林立。这件事如果上报,利益是极大的。尤其是对于战士圣殿来说,更是如此。我觉得,这个可以先保留,至少要等你们先把利益获得最大化再说。你要知道,一旦汇报上去,别的不说,魔兽血液的价格绝对是会暴涨的。等合适的机会再用这个来换取修炼资源吧。” Long Dangdang nods, said: Cousin stands to reason, listens to the cousin.” 龙当当点点头,道:“表姐言之有理,就听表姐的。” Ling dream exposed one's valuables his one eyes, „were you so when obedient?” 凌梦露白了他一眼,“你什么时候这么听话了?” A Long Kongkong eyeball revolution, „, did you two have the story?” 龙空空眼珠一转,“咦,你们两个是不是有故事了?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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