SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#167: Outside the spirit strength rises dramatically

Outside Chapter 167 the spirit strength rises dramatically 第167章外灵力暴增 Took blood of one ton land thorn dragon smoothly, Long Dangdang obviously relaxed, the whole person relaxed subconsciously. 顺利拿下了一吨大地棘龙的血,龙当当明显松了口气,整个人都下意识的放松了下来。 In addition the words of VIP card discount, in fact only needed to pay 8000 gold coins to be OK. Does not know that the blood of this ton land thorn dragon can younger brother's outside spirit strength promotes oneself to what degree. But how regardless to say, this spending money promotes cultivates for the way is most convenient and succinct. 加上贵宾卡折扣的话,实际上只需要支付八千金币就可以了。只是不知道这一吨大地棘龙的血液能够将自己和弟弟的外灵力提升到什么程度。但无论怎么说,这种用钱来提升修为的方式都已经是最省事和简洁的了。 „Can cousin, attain the thing today?” Today if can attain, that evening goes back to be able with Kong Kong to absorb. Tomorrow must start to prepare to hunt for demon to train, oneself strength is enhanced, definitely is good regarding training. “表姐,今天就能拿到东西吗?”今天如果就能拿到,那晚上回去就可以和空空一起吸收。明天就要开始预备猎魔者培训了,自身实力增强,对于培训肯定是有好处的。 Ok. After bidding ended, paid the fund, can take delivery of goods momentarily. Do we walk?” Ling Menglu said. “可以的。竞拍结束后支付了款项,随时可以提货。我们走吗?”凌梦露道。 Long Dangdang silent, said: „It is not anxious. Kong Kong does not have to go back early, I the auction, experience for the first time.” 龙当当沉默了一下,道:“不急吧。空空也没那么早回去,我第一次来拍卖会,多见识一下吧。” Un.” Ling Menglu complied with one. “嗯。”凌梦露答应了一声。 Long Dangdang always shakes her hand not to loosen, even if palm already some perspiration. 龙当当始终都握着她的手没有松开,哪怕掌心已经有些出汗了。 His palm is gradually nice and warm, covers another small hand in palm was also nice and warm. Two people who not again speech vision on the glass curtain wall each article on the auction that presents. But if carefully looked that will discover, their pupil some enlargements, attention radically not in that side. 他的手掌渐渐暖热起来,也将掌中的另一只小手捂的随之暖热了。两人谁都没有再说话目光都在玻璃幕墙上一件件出现的拍品上。但如果仔细看就会发现,他们的瞳孔都有些放大,注意力根本就没在那边。 Until the auction ended when one -and-a-half hours, Long Dangdang did not remember bids anything today. A little behind impression several equipment compete indistinctly probably very intensely. 直到拍卖会在一个半小时之后结束时,龙当当也没记住今天都竞拍了什么。只是隐约有点印象后面的几件装备好像竞争挺激烈的。 But these, had no relations with him, after all, he cannot afford these things. 而这些,本来也与他没什么关系,毕竟,他根本也买不起这些东西。 Only has the small hand who that grips, in this moment is own, her palm delicate boneless, the flesh is delicate, grips her hand, making him have to plant as if grasped the whole world general feeling. He always does not know, the original girl's hand can grasp is being so comfortable. 唯有那握住的小手,在这一刻是属于自己的,她的手掌柔弱无骨,肌肤细嫩光滑,握住她的手,让他有种仿佛掌握了整个世界一般的感觉。他从来都不知道,原来一个女孩子的手可以握着这么舒服。 Her face is red throughout, heartbeat also obviously normal time is quicker. A little does not dare to look at him, this fellow, added a moment ago now too young anything, behind actually grabs own hand not to put. 她的脸始终是红的,心跳也明显比正常的时候要快。有点不敢去看他,这个家伙,刚才还说现在年纪太小什么的呢,后面却抓着自己的手不放。 Cousin, finished. Should we walk?” The sound that the ear broadcasts awakens from the somewhat chaotic train of thought ice Monroe. “表姐,结束了。咱们是不是该走了?”耳边传来的声音将凌梦露从有些混乱的思绪中惊醒。 „?” Ice Monroe catches the eye to look, yeah, the ray in big auction market has started secretly. The bidders started to leave the stage. “啊?”凌梦露抬眼看去,可不是么,大拍卖场里的光线都已经开始暗了下来。竞拍者们开始退场了。 Cousin! Could let loose my hand. I have wanted to go to a restroom to come actually.” Long Dangdang said in a soft voice. “表姐啊!是不是可以放开我的手了。我其实一直想去个厕所来着。”龙当当轻声说道。 „?” The ice Monroe instantaneous illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, then found, his hand does not know when had loosened, but oneself have been gripping tightly. “啊?”凌梦露瞬间气结,然后才发现,他的手不知道什么时候已经松开了,而自己正一直紧握着。 You!” She receives an electric shock the loosening hand, will not wait for her to say in the future, Long Dangdang already whiz one flushed away the bathroom. “你这人!”她触电般的松开手,不等她往后说,龙当当已经“嗖”的一下冲去卫生间了。 Ice Monroe's standing up angrily, both hands fork waist, in the heart pledged secretly, did not give this fellow to shake own hand. 凌梦露气鼓鼓的站起身,双手叉腰,心中暗暗发誓,再也不给这家伙握自己的手了。 Time not long Long Dangdang walked from the bathroom, smiling looks at her, said: Cousin, I was good.” 时间不长龙当当从卫生间走了出来,笑眯眯的看着她,道:“表姐,我好了。” Snort!” Ice Monroe cold snort/hum, walks outward. “哼!”凌梦露冷哼一声,就往外走。 Long Dangdang follows to walk in her side together outward, cousin!” 龙当当跟在她身边一起向外走去,“表姐啊!” Does?” Ice Monroe is cold the face not to visit him. “干嘛?”凌梦露冷着脸不看他。 I have washed the hands.” Long Dangdang said. “我已经洗过手了。”龙当当如是说。 Un?” Ling Menglu gawked, then she felt that oneself hand was gripped, the ear broadcasts his sound, „after having washed the hands, in the hand did not have your flavor. I feel me unable the custom not your flavor, what to do?” “嗯?”凌梦露愣了一下,然后她就感觉到自己的手被握住了,耳边传来他的声音,“洗过手以后,手上就没有你的味道了。我觉得我已经不能习惯没有你的味道,怎么办?” you this bastard has held on my hand, what to do but also asked me? Ling Menglu makes an effort struggled, cannot succeed. After all, does his new outside spirit strength do this to use? 伱这坏蛋都已经又拉住我的手了,还问我怎么办?凌梦露用力的挣扎了一下,没能成功。毕竟,他这新增的外灵力是干这个用的? Two people are holding hands to go out of the distinguished guest theater box, must deliver, to money Quhuo, goes back the blood belt/bring of land thorn dragon. 两人就这么牵着手走出了贵宾包厢,现在要去交割,给钱取货,把大地棘龙的血带回去。 When they arrive at the delivery place, happen when bumped into Ze space, he also goes shopping to come to here to deliver obviously. 当他们来到交割处的时候,正好碰到了时泽宇,他显然也是买了东西来这里交割的。 Long Dangdang and ice Monroe was afterward, sees his time, Long Dangdang relaxed the hand that grips ice Monroe, he does not want to look for trouble for Ling Jia. Ling Menglu turned head white his eyes, young, the mind were many you.” At the same time saying, she actually got hold of his hand on own initiative, has not taken advantage of opportunity to loosen. 龙当当和凌梦露是后来的,看到他的时候,龙当当放松了握住凌梦露的手,他并不想给凌家找麻烦。凌梦露扭头白了他一眼,“年纪不大,心眼不少啊你。”一边说着,她却是主动握紧了他的手,并没有顺势松开。 Long Dangdang innocent looks at her, meaning that I cannot understand. 龙当当一脸无辜的看着她,一副我听不懂的意思。 Two people go forward, ice Monroe called out on own initiative: Elder Brother Ze Yu.” 两人上前,凌梦露主动叫道:“泽宇哥。” When Ze space turns round looks like, sees is they, immediately all smiles, but when he is just about to open the mouth, actually just saw ice Monroe and Long Dangdang are holding hand, the smile on face immediately became somewhat stiff and not naturally. 时泽宇回身看来,看到是他们,顿时满面笑容,但当他正要开口的时候,却刚好看到了凌梦露与龙当当牵着的手,脸上的笑容顿时就变得有些僵硬和不自然了。 „, You are also take the goods? What patted?” When the look of Ze space had had some changes at this time. “啊,你们也是来取货的吗?拍了什么?”时泽宇的眼神此时已经发生了一些变化。 Ice Monroe until this time very natural loosened the hand that grips Long Dangdang, said: Bought an demon beast blood, goes back to perform an experiment to use. Does Elder Brother Ze Yu this time certain harvest big?” 凌梦露直到这时才很自然的松开了握住龙当当的手,道:“买了一点魔兽血,回去做点试验用。泽宇哥这次一定收获不小吧?” When Ze space had returned to at this time normal, said: Bought two equipment for the teammate. The present task difficulty increased, everyone needs some better equipment to be good.” 时泽宇此时已经恢复了正常,道:“给队友买了两件装备。现在的任务难度增加了,大家还是需要一些更好的装备才行。” Quick was one's turn them to deliver, sometimes in Ze Yu Kou equipment, impressively was the magnificent rank. Even if holy city big auction market such auction, the equipment of higher rank is also very rare. 很快就轮到他们交割了,时泽宇口中的装备,赫然都是辉煌级别的。哪怕是圣城大拍卖场这样的拍卖会,更高级别的装备也十分罕见。 Long Dangdang also paid money to take the blood of land thorn dragon, having the storage ring was convenient, what was used to put the blood was two gigantic wooden barrels, each wooden barrel can hold five hectoliters quantity. 龙当当也付钱取了大地棘龙的血,有储物戒指就是方便,用来盛放血液的是两个硕大的木桶,每个木桶都能容纳五百升的量。 Can eat meal together? younger sister Monroe.” When Ze Yu Zhanyan smiles. “要不要一起吃个饭啊?梦露妹妹。”时泽宇展颜一笑。 Ling Menglu shakes the head, said: Not. We went back to make some preparations to conduct to prepare tomorrow to hunt for training of demon group. This possibility takes several months, after we officially become hunts for demon, there is an opportunity in thank your for your hospitality Elder Brother Ze Yu.” 凌梦露摇摇头,道:“不了。我们回去要做一些准备明天就要去进行预备猎魔团的培训了。这次可能要几个月的时间,等我们正式成为猎魔者之后,有机会在叨扰泽宇哥吧。” When Ze space nods to them, does not pester, but when separation, deep looked at Long Dangdang one, then departs. 时泽宇向他们点点头,也不纠缠,只是在分开之际,深深的看了龙当当一眼,然后才就此离去。 Ling Menglu said in a soft voice: You must be careful a point he, occasion is powerful, the position in knight temple is extremely particularly high.” 凌梦露轻声道:“你要小心一点他,时家的实力非常强,尤其是在骑士圣殿之中的地位极高。” Thanks the cousin to remind.” Saying that Long Dangdang smiles, puts out a hand to hold her hand, actually encountered an ice Monroe supercilious look to add a palm of the hand. “谢谢表姐提醒。”龙当当笑眯眯的说道,随之又伸出手去拉她的手,却遭到了凌梦露一个白眼加一巴掌。 Returns to the spirit furnace school, ice Monroe to ask: You are other Kong Kong came back to start again, do oneself first start? I protect the law for you.” 回到灵炉学院,凌梦露问道:“你是等空空回来再开始,还是自己先开始?我为你护法吧。” Long Dangdang said: Two people must conduct in any case separatedly, moreover so many land thorn dragon blood, how also does not know the effect, I first try. Kong Kong comes back to make him attempt again.” 龙当当道:“反正两个人也是要分开进行的,而且这么多的大地棘龙血液,也不知道效果如何,我先试试吧。空空回来再让他尝试。” Ling Menglu looked at his one eyes, said: Sometimes good of too Kong Kong protection, do not experience the wind and rain the baptism he to have no way to grow truly.” 凌梦露看了他一眼,道:“有的时候不要把空空保护的太好,不经历风雨的洗礼他没法真正成长的。” Long Dangdang said: Be used. In childhood he always liked causing trouble, caused trouble each time is I goes to clean up to him, but must hide the truth from the parents. Protected him also to become custom naturally.” 龙当当道:“习惯了。小时候他就总爱闯祸,每次闯祸都是我去给他擦屁股,还要瞒着爸妈。保护他也就成了自然而然的习惯。” Ling Menglu said: You who said probably compared with his greatly many as, are you equally greatly actually good?” 凌梦露道:“说的你好像比他大很多似的,你俩其实一样大好不好?” Long Dangdang said with a smile, big one minute was also big. I first.” 龙当当笑道,“大一分钟也是大啊。那我先去了。” Un.” Ling Menglu waits for in the living room, although there is a beforehand attempt, should not have what issue, but she defends here, to guarantee security. “嗯。”凌梦露在客厅守候,虽然有了之前的尝试,应该不会有什么问题,但她还是守在这里,以确保安全。 Long Dangdang arrives at the bathroom, first put bathtub hot water as before, then according to the blood refining up the allocated proportion of law of golden body to add the blood of land thorn dragon, although they can very good absorption, but he has not improved the density rashly. The attempt of proceeding in an orderly way, can the evade risk as far as possible. 龙当当来到卫生间,依旧是先放了一浴缸热水,然后按照血炼金身之法的配比加入大地棘龙的血液,虽然他们能够很好的吸收,但他也没有贸然提高浓度。循序渐进的尝试,才能尽可能的规避风险。 Takes off the clothes, plunges in the whole body the hot water, immediately, that familiar happy feeling transmits rapidly. The blood of land thorn dragon even compares the blood of that two lizard more temperate. After integrating, the whole body is the warm feeling, in addition heavy/thick feeling. 脱掉衣服,将全身浸入热水之中,顿时,那熟悉的舒畅感迅速传来。大地棘龙的血液甚至比那两种蜥蜴的血液更加温和。融入之后,全身就是暖融融的感觉,加上厚重的感受。 For several minutes the time, the color in bathtub becomes insightful, the water temperature also has no change. This Long Dangdang not bathtub, but adds the blood of land thorn dragon again, previously must be more. 短短几分钟时间,浴缸之中的颜色就重新变得通透起来,水温都还没什么变化呢。这次龙当当没有出浴缸,而是再次加入大地棘龙的血液,比先前要多了一些。 The light purple scaled trace of his skin surface is clearly discernible, originally just about to starts becomes pale, but along with the continuation absorption of land thorn dragon blood, maintained the original condition immediately. 他皮肤表面的淡紫色鳞片状纹路清晰可见,本来刚要开始变淡,但伴随着大地棘龙血液的继续吸收,顿时维持了原本的状态。 The Long Dangdang eyes narrow the eyes, very good feeling. The solid feel strengthened, the body comfort is also strengthened. 龙当当双眼微眯,很好的感觉。厚重感在增强,身体舒适感也在增强。 After he increases for the third time the blood absorbs, with outside spirit force meansurement ball examined an own outside spirit strength change. Three times, altogether used probably about 20 rises land thorn dragon blood. 当他第三次添加完血液吸收之后,用外灵力测试球检验了一下自己的外灵力变化。前后三次,一共用了大概二十升左右的大地棘龙血液。 Outside the spirit strength grew 65 points. The effect is quite good. 外灵力增长了六十五点。效果相当不错。 After confirming oneself body had no issue, Long Dangdang continues to increase the land thorn dragon blood, this time he added ten rises directly. Smoothness of very absorption, the only change was the purple of body surface becomes more obvious several points as before. That heavy/thick feeling spreads over the whole body, more powerful feeling of quantity. 在确认了自己身体没有任何问题之后,龙当当继续添加大地棘龙血液,这次他直接加了十升。依旧吸收的十分顺畅,唯一的变化就是体表的紫色变得更加明显了几分。那种厚重的感觉传遍全身,更有力量感。 Continue, 15 rises! 20 rises! 25 rises! 继续,十五升!二十升!二十五升! Unceasing increment. But the effect has no difference, more quantities , to promote are obviously more, but has not had any painful feeling as before. 不断的加量。而效果没有任何区别,更多的量,提升的明显更多,但却依旧没有出现过任何痛苦的感觉。 Such process without doubt is very happy and perfect. Satisfy Long Dangdang also. When he used up one hectoliter time land thorn dragon Xueye, his outside spirit strength had broken through 1000. 这样的过程无疑是非常舒畅而完美的。让龙当当自己也非常满意。等到他将大地棘龙血液用掉了一百升的时候,他的外灵力已经突破了一千。 When outside the spirit strength breaks through 1000 that flash, Long Dangdang obviously felt own body had some strange changes. The liquid spirit strength in within the body as if even was the blood starts to have the feeling of blending with the skeleton, muscle and meridians, as if maintained in a special condition, but in such condition, his spirit strength obviously became more insightful and viscous, each other interwove. But the obvious ichor has a bigger advantage relatively speaking, making the body instead have several points of sluggish feeling. Looked like the skeleton and muscle to be stuck in the mud, although did not affect the normal action, but when he attempted to contemplate, the spirit strength was actually stirless. Seemed like the spirit strength of inspiration unable by the body to be absorbed again. 当外灵力突破一千的那一瞬间,龙当当明显感觉到自己身体出现了一些奇异的变化。体内的液态灵力似乎与骨骼、肌肉、经络甚至是血液开始有了交融的感觉,彼此之间似乎保持在了一个特殊的状态下,而在这样的状态中,他的灵力明显变得更加通透和粘稠了,彼此交织。但明显灵液相比而言占据更大的优势,让身体反而有了几分迟滞的感觉。就像是骨骼、肌肉陷入了泥潭之中似的,虽然不影响正常的行动,但当他尝试冥想的时候,灵力却是毫无动静。似乎是吸入的灵力再也无法被身体吸收了似的。 He knows, the condition that woof Changxin said that has appeared. After the blood refining up the golden body outside the spirit strength promotion will surpass 1000, needs the inside and outside spirit equilibria of forces be able continually to promote, but woof Changxin is also trapped in this, cannot break through with the highest level aptitude to six steps in two years. 他知道,汪常欣所说的状态已经出现了。当血炼金身将外灵力提升超过一千之后,就必须要内外灵力平衡才能持续提升,而汪常欣也正是受困于此,才在两年时间内以最顶级的资质都没能突破到六阶。 Long Dangdang continues to absorb the blood of land thorn dragon, but then he discovered, land thorn dragon blood obviously started to weaken to own outside spirit strength promotion. The promotion also has continually, but the speed actually starts to slow down. 龙当当继续吸收大地棘龙的血,而这下他发现,大地棘龙血对自身的外灵力提升明显开始减弱了。持续提升还有,但速度却开始变慢。 Before one hectoliter blood, gave him to enhance 300 many outside spirit strength, but this time, used blood of one hectoliter land thorn dragon , to promote only had outside 200 the spirit strength. 之前一百升血液,就给他提升了三百多的外灵力,而这一次,又用了一百升大地棘龙的血,提升的却只有两百外灵力。 After he complete five hectoliters land thorn dragon blood will use up, the Long Dangdang outside spirit strength arrived at more than 1700 point. Previously turned one time compared with it many. 当他将全部五百升大地棘龙血都用光之后,龙当当的外灵力来到了一千七百多点。比之先前翻了一倍还多。 In spirit strength in within the body and outside the spirit strength obviously compared with before just broke through 1000 times balanced many, but in spirit strength that type like mud generally viscous the condition of meridians, skeleton and muscle. 体内的内灵力和外灵力明显比之前刚突破一千的时候均衡了不少,但内灵力还是那种如同泥浆一般粘稠着经脉、骨骼、肌肉的状态。 Changed the clothes, Long Dangdang walked from the bathroom. He used to be close probably for about two hours, absorbed the blood of these five hectoliters land thorn dragons completely. If woof Changxin knows his speed, can be startled startled falls down close to. 重新换上衣服,龙当当从卫生间走了出来。前后他大概用了接近两个小时左右的时间,将这五百升大地棘龙的血就全部吸收了。如果汪常欣知道他的这个速度,一定会吃惊的惊掉下巴。 Elder Brother, did you grow?” Long Kongkong had come back, when he saw walks Long Dangdang that from the bathroom, somewhat surprised saying. “哥,你长高了?”龙空空已经回来了,当他看到从卫生间走出来的龙当当时,不禁有些惊讶的说道。 The half step arrives at side Long Dangdang, compares the height with him. They are equally high, but now seems like, Long Dangdang must actually obviously be higher than a forehead compared with Long Kongkong. 快步来到龙当当身边,和他比了比身高。原本他们是一样高的,但现在看起来,龙当当却已经要明显比龙空空高出一个脑门了。 Long Dangdang gripped the fist, this time he, only felt oneself as if have exhausted strength. Waved an arm gently, in the air resounds the low and deep sound air-splitting immediately, frightened Long Kongkong to rush to fall back on the one side. 龙当当攥了攥拳头,此时的他,只觉得自己仿佛有用不完的力量似的。轻轻的挥动了一下手臂,空气中就立刻响起了低沉的破空声,吓得龙空空赶忙退到一旁。 Ling Menglu also stands up to ask: Outside spirit strength how many?” 凌梦露也站起身走过来问道:“外灵力多少了?” Long Dangdang said: „More than 1700.” 龙当当道:“一千七百多了。” Long Kongkong instantaneous both eyes shine, oh, has surpassed in me the spirit strength?” His in spirit strength has not arrived at more than 1700. 龙空空瞬间双目放光,“哇塞,已经超过我内灵力了吗?”他的内灵力都还没到一千七百多呢。 Ice Monroe is also the beautiful pupil shines, outside the spirit strength promoted more than 1000, in this several days, Long Dangdang was it can be said that reborn, the strength promoted a big truncation absolutely. Now his spirit strength quantity has always surpassed 5000! Must be higher than the general six steps. 凌梦露也是美眸放光,外灵力又提升了一千多,在这短短几天时间内,龙当当可以说是脱胎换骨了,实力绝对是提升了一大截。现在他的总灵力数量已经超过了五千啊!比一般六阶都要更高。 What has to feel?” Ling Menglu asked. “有什么感觉?”凌梦露问道。 Long Dangdang the overall feeling of self-absorption time will tell, then looks to the younger brother, said: Kong Kong, turn head first sharply outside the spirit strength do not break through to over 1000. Maintains under 1000 the critical point. Once because broke through 1000, must pursue inside and outside minoring and the balances. We then must conduct three months of lock-up period, in having no way to enhance the spirit strength to be a loss. After waiting to end training, looked for the more demon beast blood to you again, thrust your outside to and in the degree of spirit equilibrium of forces directly spirit, at that time you should also fifth-order, comprehend the liquid spirit strength. Such effect should best. The blood of land thorn dragon, I estimated that you use one hectoliter, almost enough. Surplus I first absorbed, has a look to be many, turn head comes out to buy for you again.” 龙当当将自己吸收时候的整体感觉讲述了一遍,然后看向弟弟,道:“空空,回头你先不要急着将外灵力突破到一千以上。就保持在一千之下的临界点。因为一旦突破了一千,就必须要追求内外兼修和平衡了。我们接下来要进行三个月的封闭期,没法提升内灵力会是个损失。等结束了培训之后,再给你找更多的魔兽血,直接把你的外灵力推到和内灵力平衡的程度,那时候你应该也已经五阶,领悟液态灵力了。这样效果应该最好。大地棘龙的血,我估计你用一百升,差不多就够了。剩余的我先吸收了,看看能达到多少,回头出来再给你买。” Good.” Long Kongkong does not have, because the Elder Brother uses many few has what idea that oneself use. “好。”龙空空丝毫没有因为哥哥用的多给自己用的少而有什么想法。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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