SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#166: Holy city big auction market

Chapter 166 holy city big auction market 第166章圣城大拍卖场 Hears some people to summon behind, Long Dangdang and ice Monroe turns round to look simultaneously. Sees only one to wear the white casual attire, has a youth face of golden short hair pleasantly surprised looks like. 听到身后有人呼唤,龙当当和凌梦露同时回身看去。只见一名身穿白色休闲装,有着一头金色短发的青年正一脸惊喜的看来。 This youth stature is tall and straight, the height in one meter about nine, the look is handsome, has the profound blue eye pupil, bridge of the nose tall very/straight, only had the lip to be slimmer, the shoulder wide back was extravagant, as far as eyes can reach, can give people at present a bright feeling. 这青年身材挺拔,身高在一米九开外,相貌英俊,有着深邃的蓝色眼瞳,鼻梁高挺,唯有嘴唇纤薄了一些,肩宽背阔,一眼望去,就能给人眼前一亮的感觉。 Saw that his Monroe also stares slightly, but the next quarter, on the face reveals a smile, Elder Brother Ze Yu, does not see for a long time!” 看到他梦露也是微微一愣,但下一刻,脸上流露出一丝笑容,“泽宇哥,好久不见啊!” When Ze space half step goes forward, looks that ice Monroe smiles saying: You may really grow into the big miss. Heard that your did test to hunt for the demon to roll ahead of time?” 时泽宇快步上前,看着凌梦露微笑道:“你可真是长成大姑娘了呢。听说你们这一届提前考猎魔团了?” Ling Menglu nods, said: Yes. Elder Brother Ze Yu, I gives you to introduce, this is my younger male cousin Long Dangdang, is a knight. Ding-dong, Elder Brother Ze Yu is our seniors, graduates from our spirit furnace school, protects the knight.” 凌梦露点了点头,道:“是的。泽宇哥,我给你介绍一下,这是我表弟龙当当,也是一名骑士。当当,泽宇哥是我们的前辈,也毕业于咱们灵炉学院,守护骑士。” When Ze space somewhat surprised looks to Long Dangdang, said: you good, hello/you good. Well, Monroe, I do not remember that you had this younger male cousin!” 时泽宇有些惊讶的看向龙当当,道:“伱好、你好。咦,梦露,我不记得你原来有这位表弟啊!” Ling Menglu said: Ding-dong is my aunt's child. The aunt marries, before continuously in the holy city.” 凌梦露道:“当当是我六姑的孩子。六姑远嫁,以前不在圣城住。” When Long Dangdang also nods to the Ze space at this time, said: „When big brother hello/you good.” 龙当当此时也向时泽宇点了点头,道:“时大哥你好。” When Ze space smile said: What does your have to bid the goal?” 时泽宇微笑道:“你们这是有什么竞拍目标吗?” Ling Menglu said: This cannot tell you, what to do was robbed by you?” 凌梦露道:“这可不能告诉你,被你抢走了怎么办?” When Ze space laughs, said: How I will snatch the thing with you. You want anything, I pat to give to you and that's the end.” 时泽宇哈哈一笑,道:“我怎么会跟你抢东西。你想要什么,我拍下来送给你就是了。” Ling Menglu shakes the head, does not need and not use, do not compete with me are. You is a wealthy person, do not bully our sister and brother to be good.” 凌梦露摇摇头,“不用、不用,你别跟我竞争就是。你可是财主,不要欺负我们姐弟就好了。” When Ze space laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, said: Goes, do not stop up in the entrance. Monroe which day has the time we to sit, for a long time does not see is thinks of really! Before childhood, the wind uncle often led you to come to our home to be a guest.” 时泽宇失笑摇头,道:“进去吧,别堵在门口了。梦露哪天有时间我们坐坐,许久不见甚是想念啊!以前小时候,风叔叔可是经常带着你来我们家做客的。” Ling Menglu said: Do not speak irresponsibly! This makes my mother know to be extraordinary, altogether has gone twice, because of the official business.” 凌梦露道:“你可别乱说啊!这让我妈知道可了不得,一共就去过两次,都是因为公务。” When Ze space laughs, said: Relax, my paternal aunt the windward uncle has lost heart.” 时泽宇哈哈一笑,道:“放心吧,我姑姑早就对风叔叔死心了。” It seems like, when this Ze Yu family/home and outside the government has the story! In the Long Dangdang heart thinks secretly, simultaneously he can also feel Ze space to look at the appointed time when cousin in look that wipes earnestly. 看起来,这个时泽宇家和外公家有故事啊!龙当当心中暗暗想到,同时他也能感受到时泽宇看着表姐时眼神中的那一抹热切。 At the same time saying, three people had been entering the auction market. First what heaves in sight is a giant main hall, in entire hall splendid, basically by golden color and glittering and translucent carving crystal as decoration. Enters here, immediately has to plant the feeling of entering another world. 一边说着,三人已经走进了拍卖场。首先映入眼帘的是一座巨大的厅堂,整个大厅内富丽堂皇,基本都是以金色和晶莹剔透的水晶作为装饰。进入这里,立刻就有种进入了另一个世界的感觉。 Arrived my theater box same place?” When Ze space asked. “到我包厢一起吗?”时泽宇问道。 Ling Menglu shakes the head, said: Does not use, did not disturb Elder Brother Ze Yu.” 凌梦露摇摇头,道:“不用了,就不打扰泽宇哥了。” When Ze Yu say/way: Right, you , since accepted to hunt for demon, should have the child spirit crystal. We add a good friend. We just promoted the general officer level to hunt for the demon group recently, the jurisdiction increased, can not need to chat through the group, increased the good friend alone. Although can only , when the same city relates, but is also more convenient.” 时泽宇道:“对了,你既然已经考上猎魔者了,应该有子灵晶了吧。我们加个好友吧。我们最近刚刚晋升将级猎魔团,权限增加了,可以不用通过群聊,单独添加好友了。虽然还是只能在同一个城市的时候联系,但也省事许多。” Ling Menglu smiles saying: Congratulates Elder Brother Ze Yu to promote the general officer level to hunt for the demon group. However we have not sent the child spirit crystal. After waiting to send . Moreover, even if sent, we were still the most preliminary hunting for demon groups, should not add the jurisdiction of good friend. Our rank is different, has no way to enter a group to chat.” 凌梦露微笑道:“恭喜泽宇哥晋升将级猎魔团。不过我们还没发子灵晶呢。等发了以后吧,而且,就算是发了,我们也是最低级的猎魔团,应该没有加好友的权限呢。咱们等级不一样,也没法进入一个群聊。” Visits me. How to forget this.” When Ze Yu Pai an own forehead, line, after that auction ended, when the time comes relates.” “看我。怎么把这个忘了。”时泽宇拍了一下自己的额头,“行,那拍卖会结束之后,到时候联系。” When Ze space walked, Ling Menglu brings Long Dangdang to enter the auction market from a left side gate, extends the corridor channel to detour about 50 meters to the left side, golden front door that before a leaf double opens stopped. On the front door writes the name of No. 1 VIP suite. 时泽宇走了,凌梦露带着龙当当从左侧的一个门进入拍卖场内部,延着走廊通道向左侧绕行大约五十米,在一扇双开的金色大门前停了下来。大门上写着一号贵宾室的名字。 This is the bidding room that my father usually uses. I tell him today, lends us to use.” Ice Monroe pushed the door to enter Long Dangdang also to follow she to walk. “这是我爸爸平时用的竞拍室。我今天跟他说了,借给我们用的。”凌梦露推门而入龙当当也跟着她走了进来。 The ray in room is somewhat dark, but the positive/direct entire wall is the transparent glass, can see outside scene. Outside is a tremendous space, looking like the stadium is ordinary, seats surround in the surroundings, but in most central is a stage. 房间内的光线有些暗,但正面的整面墙壁都是透明的玻璃,能够看到外面的景象。外面是一个巨大的空间,就像是体育场一般,一圈圈座椅环绕在周围,而在最中央则是一座高台。 The comfortable genuine leather sofa, the tea table, the bathroom, as well as some Long Dangdang did not know that has facility that the element fluctuates. On is spreading the thick long fabric rug, the wall lamp on surroundings wall is sending out the weak ray. 舒适的真皮沙发,茶几,卫生间,以及一些龙当当不认识带有元素波动的设施。地上铺着厚厚的长绒地毯,周围墙壁上的壁灯散发着微弱的光线。 Ling Menglu led him to arrive at the sofa place to sit, on the tea table has placed various tea points, fruits and melons and drinks. 凌梦露带着他来到沙发处坐了下来,茶几上早就摆放好了各种茶点、瓜果和饮品。 Inside was the Lord auction market. Our VIP suites can bid directly, will not demonstrate the number of VIP suite. That stage is the auction display platform, will have the host to explain the auction above, bidding, price high results in one by one. The father gives your VIP card based on auction price to hit the 20% discount, this is the lowest discount.” “里面就是主拍卖场了。我们这种贵宾室可以直接出价,而且不会显示贵宾室的号码。那个高台就是拍品展示台,会有主持人在上面讲解拍品,逐一竞拍,价高者得。爸爸给你的贵宾卡可以在拍卖价的基础上打八折,这已经是最低折扣了。” Long Dangdang nods, said: „Are we away from are so far, what to do do not see clearly?” 龙当当点点头,道:“我们距离这么远,看不清楚怎么办?” Ling Menglu points at the front giant glass wall saying: „After and other bidding started, on our here glass walls will have a magic projection, can clear presents the auction. Also can hear the voice of auctioneer clearly. Naturally can also choose the isolation. Relax, the VIP suite definitely is the best treatment.” 凌梦露指着前方的巨大玻璃墙道:“等竞拍开始后,我们这边的玻璃墙上会有魔法阵的投影,能够清晰的将拍品呈现出来。也可以清楚的听到拍卖师的声音。当然也可以选择隔绝。放心吧,贵宾室肯定是最好的待遇。” The Long Dangdang smile said: I profited at someone's expense with you. Right, a moment ago that person and outside was the government very familiar?” 龙当当微笑道:“那我可是跟你沾光了。对了,刚才那个人和外公家很熟悉吗?” Ling Menglu looked at his one eyes, said: Is familiar. When Ze space is the son of first wife of occasion, the occasion present age family lord is his father, although he is the youngest son, is actually talent best one, was regarded as important very much. Should be seven step strengths. This year 26 years old. You did not hear, he also hunts for demon, moreover was promoted the general officer level to hunt for the demon to roll. He when the spirit furnace school, I am a child. His father is one of the knight temple six sacred hall, moreover is a god prints the knight. Wields the frightened and sad god prints the throne, should be under the knight temple palace lord the first person, is in itself also the vice- palace lord in knight temple. The key is the age is also less than 60 years old. It is said is the next palace Lord powerful competitor.” 凌梦露看了他一眼,道:“还算熟悉的。时泽宇是时家的嫡子,时家当代家主是他父亲,他虽然是最小的儿子,却是天赋最好的一个,很受看重。应该已经是七阶实力了。今年二十六岁。你不是听到了,他也是猎魔者,而且晋级将级猎魔团了。他在灵炉学院的时候,我还是小孩子呢。他父亲是骑士圣殿六位圣堂之一,而且还是一位神印骑士。执掌恐惧与悲伤之神印王座,应该是骑士圣殿殿主之下第一人,本身也是骑士圣殿的副殿主。关键是年纪还不到六十岁。据说是下一任殿主的有力竞争者。” Listened to her such saying, Long Dangdang to understand. 听她这么一说,龙当当就明白了。 The knight temple is the heads of six big temple, the second person of knight temple, that position even must above the grandfather. After all, the pastor temple is ranking quite goes lower in six big temples. At this time has such mainstay, was truly unusual. 骑士圣殿乃是六大圣殿之首,骑士圣殿的第二人,那身份地位甚至还要在外公之上了。毕竟,牧师圣殿在六大圣殿之中是排名较为靠后的。这时家有着这样的中流砥柱,确实非同一般。 How don't you speak?” Sees him not to speak, ice Monroe somewhat curious asking. “你咋不说话了?”见他没吭声,凌梦露不禁有些好奇的问道。 Say/Way that Long Dangdang pretends to be surprised: What said?” 龙当当故作惊讶的道:“说啥?” Ling Menglu illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, could not bear on his waist pinched. 凌梦露不禁气结,忍不住在他腰上掐了一把。 Aiyu.” Long Dangdang eats the pain, how do you pinch me?” “哎呦。”龙当当吃痛,“你咋掐我?” Ling Menglu snort/hum, said: „Shouldn't you ask at this time?” 凌梦露哼了一声,道:“你这时候不应该多问问吗?” Long Dangdang surprised say/way: You that explicit alienation and rejected him, what did I have to be inquisitive?” 龙当当惊讶的道:“你都那么明确的疏远和拒绝他了,我还有啥好问的?” Ling Menglu stared his one eyes, calm that such, no matter, you cannot display in any case.” 凌梦露瞪了他一眼,“不管,反正你就是不能表现的这么淡定。” Good. The cousin, I thought that he to your probably a little meaning. Settled on your beauty, it is estimated that also settled on your talent, seems very attentive. But the girl who his family background and ability, it is estimated that the side surrounds are also many, you may should not be swindled. My such honest and good-natured person is most reliable!” Long Dangdang sincere saying. “好的。表姐,我觉得吧,他对你好像有点意思。看中了你的美色,估计也看中了你的天赋,显得很殷勤。但他这种出身、能力,估计身边环绕的女孩儿也不少,你可千万不要上当。还是我这样的老实人最可靠啊!”龙当当语重心长的说道。 Ice Monroe smiles, „are you reliable? How was the full belly holding back one trick of mind is reliable?” 凌梦露“噗哧”一笑,“你可靠?满肚子都是心眼的留一手咋就可靠了?” Long Dangdang said: My that protects oneself. Young does not let be in love, I definitely pursued you. How many years waits again my, under the law stipulated, 18 years old can be in love? I also miss for more than three years.” 龙当当道:“我那只是自我保护而已。要不是年纪小不让谈恋爱,我肯定追你了。再等我几年,按照法律规定,十八岁是不是就可以谈恋爱了?我还差三年多一点。” Ling Menglu elegant face one red, who must be in love you to result in beautiful with you.” 凌梦露俏脸一红,“谁要跟你谈恋爱了你想得美。” Long Dangdang smiles not to speak, the distinguished guest indoor ray of somewhat was dim, two people sit shoulder to shoulder, each other can feel the opposite party aura. Perhaps ice Monroe because of light god's the reason of body, the body always has light sunlight aura, neat pure, some girl's unique light fragrant. Sits side her, Long Dangdang naturally has to plant the specially quiet warm feeling, the heart also exudes a light difference. 龙当当笑而不语,贵宾室内的光线本来就有些昏暗,两人并肩而坐,彼此都能感受到对方身上的气息。凌梦露或许是因为光神之体的缘故,身上总带着一丝淡淡的阳光气息,清爽纯净,还有一些女孩子特有的淡淡芬芳。就这么坐在她身边,龙当当自然而然的就有种特别宁谧的温馨感觉,心头也不禁泛起一丝淡淡的异样。 In this time, the glass curtain wall is shining suddenly, said accurately, was the outside big auction market shone. 正在这时,玻璃幕墙突然亮了起来,准确的说,是外面的大拍卖场亮了起来。 The sound after filtration spreads to the room, welcome fellow distinguished guests to visit this auction. Today our altogether 32 commodities will conduct bidding. Has the rare and precious medicinal herb, powerful weaponry, rare strange thing. Hopes the distinguished guests who today come to participate in bidding can harvest.” 过滤后的声音传入房间内,“欢迎各位贵宾莅临本次拍卖会。今天我们一共有三十二件商品将会进行竞拍。有珍稀的药材,强大的武器装备,还有罕见的奇物。希望今天前来参加竞拍的贵宾们都能有所收获。” The curtain wall central ray of VIP suite flashes, the clear picture also presents. Enlarged impressively auctioneer's platform. 贵宾室的幕墙中央光芒一闪,清晰的画面随之呈现出来。赫然正是放大了的拍卖台。 The Long Dangdang first participation bids, stands up to arrive at the window to look out. 龙当当还是第一次参与竞拍,站起身走到窗边向外看去。 At this time in the big auction market, approximately sat had 1/3 people, on auctioneer's platform, what speech was one seems like over 30 years old to wear the formal dress, seemed has the gentleman's manner man very much. 此时大拍卖场内,大约坐了有三分之一的人,拍卖台上,说话的是一位看上去三十多岁身穿正装,显得很有绅士风度的男子。 Perhaps is because the daily auction, many exaggerations, direct bidding has not started. 或许是因为日常拍卖会,并没有过多的渲染,直接竞拍就开始了。 Long Dangdang returns to the sofa place to sit down, ice Monroe spoke the method that bid to him, had the special facility in the distinguished guest, can conduct bidding according to the increasing price button, can a direct input new price conduct bidding. The currency unification of participation bidding use is the gold coin. 龙当当回到沙发处坐下,凌梦露给他讲了一下竞拍的方法,在贵宾室内有专门的设施,可以按加价按钮进行竞拍,也可以直接输入一个新的价格进行竞拍。参与竞拍使用的货币统一为金币。 Under, on please the today's first auction. This auction believes that everyone is quite familiar. It is well known, the blood of demon beast can contain certain energy, the different demon beast blood implication energy is different. Manufactures the demon medicine, is used to refine in the blood the energy, or as the essential item of gourmet processing, is very appropriate. Our today's first auction is, the fresh blood of land thorn dragon.” “下面,请上我们今天的第一件拍品。这件拍品相信大家都比较熟悉。众所周知,魔兽的血液都会蕴含一定的能量,不同的魔兽血液蕴含能量有所不同。无论是制作魔药,还是用来提炼血液中能量,亦或是作为美食加工的必需品,都是非常合适的。我们今天的第一件拍品就是,大地棘龙的新鲜血液。” Outside auction market obviously somewhat in an uproar. Why Long Dangdang does not know is, ice Monroe said: Because the value is quite low, generally can appear in the auction of holy city big auction market, is relatively is quite expensive.” 外面的拍卖场明显有些哗然。龙当当不知道是为什么,身边的凌梦露道:“因为价值比较低,一般能够出现在圣城大拍卖场的拍品,都是相对比较昂贵的。” Distinguished guest first does not need to worry, in the blood ordinary circumstances of land thorn dragon will not truly appear here. But what this time is different, the land thorn dragon blood that we auction does not defer to the liter, but another unit. Right, today the first auction is, blood of one ton land thorn dragon.” “诸位贵宾先不用着急,大地棘龙的血一般情况下确实是不会出现在这里。但这次不同的是,我们拍卖的大地棘龙血液并不是按照公升来进行,而是另一个单位。没错,今天我们的第一件拍品就是,一吨大地棘龙的血液。” Such remarks, the audience is peaceful. Without doubt, this first auction is, Long Dangdang needs first under the arrangement of desirably uncle entered the stage. 此言一出,全场才安静下来。无疑,这第一件拍品就是龙当当所需要的了,在大舅的刻意安排下第一个就出场了。 Grown land thorn dragon, although above over 3000 cattys in weight, the heaviest land thorn dragon even can be 8000 jin (0.5 kg). But land thorn dragon even whole blood, is still several hundred jin (0.5 kg). The fresh blood of this ton land thorn dragon, without influence health, needs 30 land thorn dragons to sufficiently collect. The so huge quantity is very rare. The starting bid price 5000 gold coins, increase price each time are not lower than 100 gold coins. Now starts.” “成年的大地棘龙虽然体重超过3000斤以上,最重的大地棘龙甚至能够达到八千斤。但一头大地棘龙就算是全部血液,也不过是几百斤而已。这一吨大地棘龙的新鲜血液,在不影响健康的情况下,需要三十头大地棘龙才能凑够。如此庞大的数量还是非常难得的。起拍价五千金币,每次加价不低于一百金币。现在开始。” Long Dangdang must increase price, was actually pressed to stop by ice Monroe, first waits to look, anxiously increasing price. Bidding skillful, best to bid in the nobody will ask time, the price will be smallest. Has money we unable to spend randomly.” 龙当当就要加价,却被凌梦露按住了手,“先等等看,不要急着加价。竞拍是有技巧的,最好是在无人问津时候出价,代价会最小。有钱咱们也不能乱花。” 5000 gold coins, good. This distinguished guest bids 5000 gold coins.” “五千金币,好。这位贵宾出价五千金币。” 5100 gold coins.” “五千一百金币。” 5200......” “五千二百……” One ton this quantity seems very attractive, the bidding price steadily rises, is only the time of a while, has surpassed 7000 gold coins, moreover in enhancement slowly. 一吨这个数量似乎还是很有吸引力的,竞拍价格持续上升,只是一会儿的工夫,就已经超过了七千金币,而且还在缓缓的提高。 The Long Dangdang first participation bids, voluntarily somewhat is not anxious. 龙当当第一次参与竞拍,不自觉地就有些紧张起来。 Ice Monroe said with a smile lightly: Your hand was a little cool, I also think that you experienced anything is not anxious.” 凌梦露轻笑道:“你的手都有点凉了呢,我还以为你遇到什么事都不紧张。” Long Dangdang looks down, this discovered, the ice Monroe's hand also presses on own back of the hand, just as she said that own hand because now anxious is a little cool, but her slender palm transmits is actually nice and warm. This also lets his heart slightly heat, the subconscious turn over palm gripped her hand. 龙当当低头看去,这才发现,凌梦露的手还按在自己手背上,正如她所说,自己的手现在因为紧张有点凉,而她那纤细的手掌传来的却是暖热。这也让他的心头不禁微微一热,下意识的翻转手掌就握住了她的手。 Ling Menglu body one stiff, has not gone to look at him, but Long Dangdang actually obviously feels her warm small hand fast is becoming cool. 凌梦露身体一僵,没有去看他,但龙当当却明显感受到她那原本温热的小手正在飞快的变凉。 Cousin, was your hand cool?” “表姐,你的手怎么也凉了呀?” Snort!” Ice Monroe pulled out started, actually got hold by Long Dangdang, cannot pull out. “哼!”凌梦露抽了一下手,却被龙当当握紧,没能抽出来。 Although in the room the ray is dim, but Long Dangdang can also see that her elegant face exudes obvious blushing, is away from the veil to see indistinctly. 房间内虽然光线昏暗,但龙当当也能看到她那俏脸泛起明显的红晕,隔着面纱都能隐约看到。 Although has not arrived at the age of being in love, but shakes hand does not calculate that is in love? 虽然没到谈恋爱的年纪,但只是拉拉手不算谈恋爱吧? 8000 gold coins!” The voice of auctioneer continues to convey. “八千金币!”拍卖师的声音继续传来。 8500 gold coins.” Long Dangdang bid. “八千五百金币。”龙当当出价了。 8600 gold coins.” “八千六百金币。” 9000 gold coins.” Long Dangdang bids again. “九千金币。”龙当当再次出价。 9100 gold coins.” “九千一百金币。” 10,000 gold coins!” Long Dangdang offered this price time, he somewhat icy cold hand then started a little to give off heat. “一万金币!”龙当当报出这个价格的时候,他原本有些冰凉的手转而开始有点发热了。 Ling Menglu turns head to look to him, although 10,000 gold coins are not many, but Long Dangdang is also less than after all 15 years old, when but she sees his tranquil side face, knows, he is not because above offered like this. 凌梦露扭头看向他,一万金币虽然不算多,但龙当当毕竟还不到十五岁,但当她看到他平静的侧颜时,就知道,他并不是因为上头了才这样报价的。 10,000 gold coins, the first time!” “一万金币,第一次!” 10,000 gold coins, the second time!” “一万金币,第二次!” 10,000 gold coins, the third time, finalized!” “一万金币,第三次,成交!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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