SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#165: The confirmation suspected

Chapter 165 confirmed the suspicion 第165章确认猜想 The first demon beast blood, double headed demon lizard. Long Dangdang dropped one drop in own, is almost under flickers, light purple intent has reappeared on the skin, the blood absorbed easily. 第一种魔兽血液,双头魔蜥。龙当当滴了一滴在自己手上,几乎是下一瞬,淡淡的紫意就已经在皮肤上浮现,血液轻而易举的吸收了。 Has experience that yesterday cultivated, does not need to soak with the bathtub, so long as drops the blood attempt, can determine whether this blood can absorb. 有了昨天修炼的经验,根本不需要用浴缸去浸泡,只要滴血尝试,就能确定这种血液是否是能够吸收的了。 Then is second and third type, succeeds, complete success. 然后是第二种、第三种,成功,全部成功。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong look at each other one, can see each other happy expression in eye. 龙当当龙空空对视一眼,都能看到彼此眼中的喜色。 After seven blood attempted to finish completely, the look of two brothers has become somewhat flies upwards, the complete success, yes, all became. Has the seven demon beast blood of dragon system bloodlines is they can absorb. 当七种血液全部尝试完毕之后,兄弟俩的眼神都已经变得有些飞扬起来了,全部成功,是的,全都成了。拥有龙系血脉的七种魔兽血液都是他们能够吸收的。 At that moment, they start to absorb these blood with the bathtub immersion again, every time absorbs one type, conducts outside the spirit force meansurement, has a look situation that outside the spirit strength grows. 当下,他们再开始用浴缸浸泡来吸收这些血液,每吸收一种,都进行外灵力测试,看看外灵力增长的情况。 The increase that the different demon beast blood bring is different , the blood increases of five levels of demon beasts obviously are inferior to six levels of demon beast blood, this should outside the spirit strength with they achieve fourth-order related. The absorption effects of six levels of demon beast blood must obviously on good many. Long Dangdang even can also feel, continuously in own contract space deep sleep small eight, as if absorbed the part of energy. 不同的魔兽血液带来的增幅是不一样的,其中,五级魔兽的血液增幅明显不如六级魔兽血液,这应该和他们自身外灵力已经达到了四阶有关。六级魔兽血液的吸收效果就要明显好上不少。龙当当甚至还能感觉到,一直在自己契约空间沉睡的小八,似乎都吸收了一部分其中的能量。 Long Kongkong also felt that similarly the mouse king in contract space also follows to absorb silently. 龙空空这边也同样感觉到契约空间中的鼠大王也跟随着自己默默吸收。 Seven dragons are the blood absorb completely, only used for two hours, moreover whole time are turning on the water and changing the water. 七种龙系血液全部吸收完毕,也只用了两个小时的时间,而且其中大部分时间是在放水、换水。 Long Dangdang, outside spirit strength, 679. 龙当当,外灵力,六百七十九。 Long Kongkong, outside spirit strength, 631. 龙空空,外灵力,六百三十一。 Looks the data that the two brothers test, ice Monroe felt oneself somewhat envied, this was also too easy. The key is a pain does not have, is such direct growth. Although in this growth can come under the influence of spirit strength total quantity, the point is that outside the spirit strength was enhanced, in the spirit strength cultivation speed will certainly speed up, particularly regarding having Long Kongkong of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, is so. 看着兄弟俩测试出来的数据,凌梦露觉得自己都有些嫉妒了,这也太容易了。关键是一点痛苦都没有,就是这么直接的增长。虽然这种增长会受到内灵力总量的影响,可问题是,外灵力增强了,内灵力修炼速度一定会加快,尤其是对于拥有元涡灵炉的龙空空来说,更是如此。 This is really crisp askew! The cousin, do me have dragon Ximo the beast blood?” Long Kongkong in high spirits asking. “这实在是爽歪歪啊!表姐,咱家还有龙系魔兽血么?”龙空空兴高采烈的问道。 Ling dream exposed one's valuables his one eyes, said: Without, five levels and six levels of these, higher level does not have. The blood price of high-level demon beast is quite expensive, normal also without too in a big way affects, in the family/home would have no collection. Moreover the demon beast blood is not good to store up, the time one long did not have the intelligence.” 凌梦露白了他一眼,道:“没了,五级和六级的就这些,更高级的也没有。高级魔兽的血液价格极为昂贵,正常也没有太大作用,家里就没收藏。而且魔兽血液不好储存,时间一长就没灵性了。” Long Dangdang said: „It is not anxious, is a happy person. These demon beast blood the value is very high. Then we thank the grandfather. Tonight auctions land thorn dragon blood, one ton land thorn dragon blood, should enough we absorb one. Does not know that can enhance our outside spirit strength to what degree. If can promote to the spirit strength close to oneself to be good. Later we earn the meritorious service, trades again is.” 龙当当道:“不急,知足常乐。这些魔兽血已经价值很高了。回头我们去谢谢外公。今晚拍卖大地棘龙血,一吨的大地棘龙血液,应该够我们吸收一段了。只是不知道能够将我们的外灵力提升到什么程度。如果能提升到接近自身内灵力就好了。以后我们赚取功勋,再换就是。” „. I went to the shop. You chatted, you to chat.” Long Kongkong walked in high spirits. Short two days, outside the spirit strength was increased slightly 200, this means that his spirit strength also was always increased. This promotion is quite obvious, the strength or the body and spirit, are strengthened significantly. “得嘞。那我去店里了哈。你们聊、你们聊。”龙空空兴冲冲的走了。短短两天,外灵力提升了小两百,这就意味着他的总灵力也随之提升了。这个提升还是相当明显的,无论是力量还是体魄,都大幅度增强。 Ling Menglu said: You must pay attention, after outside the spirit strength is increased, oneself must adapt to the line to control some strengths.” 凌梦露道:“你们还要注意,外灵力提升之后,自己也要适应才行要掌控住这部分力量。” Long Dangdang gripped the fist, truly, outside the promotion of spirit strength, lets in the situation that his integral force strengthens, the control truly must practice. However by his always spirit strength, enhancement more than 100 outside spirit strength, controlling is not difficult. 龙当当攥了攥拳头,确实,外灵力的提升,让他整体力量增强的情况下,掌控确实还要练练。不过以他的总灵力,增强个一百多外灵力,掌控起来也不算困难。 Long Kongkong walked, ice Monroe and a Long Dangdang better evening to go to the auction market to go back to cultivate together. Long Dangdang clone to summon four in the dormitory, felt respectively. 龙空空走了,凌梦露和龙当当越好晚上一起去拍卖场就回去修炼了。龙当当自己在宿舍中将四具分身召唤出来,分别感受了一下。 What make his surprised is, outside oneself the promotion of spirit strength regarding clone really also to have the effect. These clone to look like really part of his body to resemble, outside the spirit strength was also increased similarly, the strength and speed, have changed. Moreover, he felt carefully, different clone, as if also had some different enhancements in the attribute, but the attribute of blood respective demon beast this enhancement and he absorbs is just related. 让他惊讶的是,自己外灵力的提升对于分身竟然也有效果。这些分身就像是真的他身体的一部分似的,外灵力也同样提升了,力量、速度,都有所变化。而且,他仔细感觉了一下,不同的分身,在属性上似乎也有了一些不同的增强,而这份增强和他吸收的血液所属魔兽的属性正相关。 This a little meaning, absorbed the spirit strength of demon beast blood during the enhancement, but can also strengthen the spirit strength attribute simultaneously? Enhancement to element sensation? 这就有点意思了,吸收魔兽血液在增强外灵力的同时,还能同时增强灵力属性?增强对元素感知? Long Dangdang takes out the child spirit crystal, injects the spirit strength its opening. 龙当当取出子灵晶,注入灵力将其开启。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted woof Changxin, study elder sister, convenient? Chatted several.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊汪常欣,“学姐,方便吗?聊几句。” The bright moon in the sky, woof often/common joyful private chatted Long Dangdang, convenient, you said.” 皓月当空,汪常欣私聊龙当当,“方便,伱说。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted woof Changxin, „when I attempted cultivated the blood to refine the golden body to discover, when beyond enhancement spirit strength, the demon beast blood that as if absorbed also had the promotion to element compatible of correspondence probably, did you cultivation the time to have this feeling?” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊汪常欣,“我尝试修炼血炼金身时发现在增强外灵力的时候,似乎吸收的魔兽血液好像还对对应的元素亲和度有提升,你修炼时候有这种感觉吗?” The bright moon in the sky, woof often/common joyful private chatted Long Dangdang, „, your feeling right. Have you been practicing the blood to refine the golden body over the two days?” In her tone obviously brings several points of surprised, she is sincere knows that cultivates the load of this gadget to body in a big way, is painful. 皓月当空,汪常欣私聊龙当当,“是的,你的感受没错。你这两天一直都在修炼血炼金身吗?”她的语气中明显带着几分惊讶,她可是深切的知道修炼这玩意儿对身体的负荷有多大,有多么痛苦的。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted woof Changxin, was study the elder sister effect was quite evident, making me heighten the confidence. Has this species enhancement been effective? We when the choice demon beast blood, should mainly choose to correspond itself to display attribute.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊汪常欣,“是的学姐效果比较显著,让我增强了信心。这种属性增强会一直有效么?那我们在选择魔兽血液的时候,是不是应该主要选择对应自己所能施展属性的。” The bright moon in the sky, woof often/common joyful private chatted Long Dangdang, if possible this naturally was best. For example, my spirit strength attribute is quite actually light, not special attribute, my ability and cultivation merit law mainly in strength, therefore I, when the choice demon beast blood, will favor the strength. Like this outside when me spirit strength promotion, relatively will be many to the enhancement of strength.” 皓月当空,汪常欣私聊龙当当,“如果可以的话这当然是最好的。譬如,我的灵力属性其实比较淡薄,并没有特别的属性,我的能力和修炼功法主要在力量上,所以我在选择魔兽血液的时候,会更倾向于力量。这样我外灵力提升时,对力量的提高就会相对多一点。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted woof Changxin, I understood, thanked study the elder sister.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊汪常欣,“我明白了,谢谢学姐。” The bright moon in the sky, woof often/common joyful private chatted Long Dangdang, you cultivated was very smooth? You now outside spirit strength how many?” 皓月当空,汪常欣私聊龙当当,“你修炼的真的很顺畅吗?你现在外灵力多少了?” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted woof Changxin, outside the spirit strength reached the fourth-order level. I feel also good. Tried several blood, some specially painful I gave up. Will choose some not that painful cultivation as far as possible, the effect will be better.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊汪常欣,“外灵力达到四阶的水准了。我感觉还行。尝试了几种血液,有一些特别痛苦的我就放弃了。会尽量选择一些不那么痛苦的修炼,效果会好一些。” This time, woof Changxin was silent. 这一次,汪常欣沉默了。 Crossed was close for one minute, made noise again. 足足过了接近一分钟,才再次出声。 The bright moon in the sky, woof often/common joyful private chatted Long Dangdang, this truly was means that if there are enough fund purchase many demon beast blood, can make the attempt, seeks demon beast blood that the relative pain can accept. But must correspond the rank, many, the money of this need are too many. Therefore, are you dog wealthy and powerful family?” 皓月当空,汪常欣私聊龙当当,“这确实是个办法,如果有足够的资金购买多种魔兽血液的话,就可以多做尝试,寻找相对痛苦更能接受的魔兽血液。但又要对应等级,又要多种,这需要的钱太多。所以,你是狗大户吧?” Long Dangdang naturally is not the dog wealthy and powerful family, outside the government truly can say on wealthy and powerful family. Although he does not know how the cousin is from the family/home neighborhood to these demon beast blood, but this sentiment was needless to say. 龙当当当然不是狗大户,外公家确实是可以说的上大户了。虽然他不知道表姐是怎么从家里弄到那些魔兽血液的,但这份情就不用说了。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted woof Changxin, „, if met the appropriate demon beast blood, remained to study the elder sister.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊汪常欣,“以后如果遇到合适的魔兽血液,也给学姐留一些。” The bright moon in the sky, woof often/common joyful private chatted Long Dangdang, „, we carried out the task and that's the end, hunted for the demon meritorious service to have strong purchasing power. Then, I cultivated.” 皓月当空,汪常欣私聊龙当当,“以后我们多执行任务就是了,猎魔者功勋拥有很强的购买力。就这样,我去修炼了。” woof Changxin interrupted communication Long Dangdang to this study elder sister's impression is very good, she regarding dedication of cultivation, chose the firm determination that inside and outside minoring in had surely, in itself does not calculate that in the wealthy situation also helped itself on own initiative, let alone its powerful strength. Her pure strength forms of combat made one look satisfied a craving, Long Dangdang as the headstrong knight successor, liked this method very much. 汪常欣中断了通讯龙当当对这位学姐的印象还是非常好的,她对于修炼的专注,选择内外兼修必定拥有的坚定意志,在本身不算富裕的情况下还主动帮助自己,更别说其强悍的实力了。她那种纯力量型的战斗方式让人看了是非常过瘾的,龙当当作为莽骑士传人,很喜欢这种方法。 Idles is also being all right, Long Dangdang prepares to cultivate a while imaginary heart to lose concentration with the psychic force. After all witch Di said that the imaginary heart loses concentration to enhancing his strength has very big help. 闲着也没事儿,龙当当准备修炼一会儿幻心分神和精神力。毕竟巫谛都说了,幻心分神对提升他的实力有很大的帮助。 The holy city six crowds, the Long Eldest Young Master has gotten online. 圣城六群,龙家大少已上线。 The holy city six crowds, Long three few have gotten online. 圣城六群,龙家三少已上线。 The holy city six crowds, Long four few have gotten online. 圣城六群,龙家四少已上线。 The holy city six crowds, Long five few have gotten online. 圣城六群,龙家五少已上线。 The holy city six crowds, Long six few have gotten online. 圣城六群,龙家六少已上线。 The holy city six crowds seem somewhat peaceful in this time, online only has three people. 圣城六群在这个时间显得有些安静,在线的只有三个人。 The holy city six crowds, the crazy character guest, yo, the Long regiment came, how not to have two few?” 圣城六群,狂字客,“呦,龙家军团又来了,怎么没有二少?” The holy city six crowds, the Long Eldest Young Master, he worked.” 圣城六群,龙家大少,“他去打工了。” The holy city six crowds, path Pengkun does, work? We hunt for demon also to work?” 圣城六群,路鹏鲲,“打工?我们猎魔者还要打工的吗?” Holy city six crowds, Long three few, always must live.” 圣城六群,龙家三少,“总是还要生活的。” The holy city six crowds, the day ice, your Long these are, what occupation respectively?” 圣城六群,天冰,“你们龙家这几个,分别都是什么职业的?” The holy city six crowds, the Long Eldest Young Master, I am a knight. Their first keeps secret.” 圣城六群,龙家大少,“我是骑士。他们的就先保密吧。” Holy city six crowds, Long four few, you guess.” 圣城六群,龙家四少,“你猜。” The holy city six crowds, the day ice, I do not guess.” 圣城六群,天冰,“我不猜。” Holy city six crowds, Long five few, can consult everyone, which things prepares to hunt for demon training to train?” 圣城六群,龙家五少,“能不能向各位咨询一下,预备猎魔者培训会培训哪些东西?” The holy city six crowds, the day ice, you guess.” 圣城六群,天冰,“你猜。” Holy city six crowds, Long six few, elder sister is really mischievous.” 圣城六群,龙家六少,“姐姐真顽皮。” The holy city six crowds, the day ice, prepares to hunt for demon training is mainly two aspects, the elementary knowledge, hunts for the demon general knowledge to train this is the article. Part is to train the team coordinates. How the entire professional team coordinates to train during the school, this strengthens the version. After all your new teams, the member is not very familiar, gives you a mutual familiar process.” 圣城六群,天冰,“预备猎魔者培训主要就是两方面,基础知识、猎魔者常识培训这是文的。还有一部分就是训练团队配合。全职业团队配合在学院期间怎么培训,这是加强版。毕竟你们这些新团队,成员彼此之间都不够熟悉,也是给你们一个相互熟悉的过程。” Now the Long Dangdang brow slightly pressed, entire professional team coordination truly is the issue that they must face, oneself and between Kong Kong, cousin have certain tacit understanding, but was quite defective with other four people. This truly is the urgently needed promotion. 龙当当眉头微蹙,全职业团队配合确实是现在他们要面对的问题,自己和空空、表姐之间是有一定默契的,但和其他四人之间就比较欠缺了。这个确实是急需提升的。 Holy city six crowds, Long Eldest Young Master, thanks.” 圣城六群,龙家大少,“谢谢。” The holy city six crowds, the day ice, you're welcome, reminded your one, after becoming hunted for demon, diligently gains the meritorious service, because you will think that the meritorious service will never be sufficient.” 圣城六群,天冰,“不用谢,提醒你们一句,成为正是猎魔者之后,努力赚功勋吧,因为你们会觉得功勋永远都不够用。” Holy city six crowds, Long three few, elder sister, what is the meritorious service used to make generally?” 圣城六群,龙家三少,“姐姐,功勋一般都用来做什么?” The holy city six crowds, the day ice, anything can do. But what the performance-to-price ratio is quite high is received exchange for the secret skill and equipment. Enhances the strength directly is most important, can earn more meritorious services. The meritorious service arrived, the promotion hunts for the demon group rank, can obtain many giving favored treatment.” 圣城六群,天冰,“什么都能做。但性价比比较高的是换取秘技和装备。直接提升实力是最重要的,才能赚取更多的功勋。功勋到了,提升猎魔团等级,就能获得更多的优待。” The holy city six crowds, path Pengkun, mentioned the promotion team rank I a lot of depressed. With great difficulty collects similar, that side the headquarters emits a number of new equipment, made that everyone touches own ears and cheeks. Exchanged several equipment, the meritorious service falls down. Also does not know when can promote the general officer level.” 圣城六群,路鹏鲲,“说起提升团队等级我就一肚子郁闷。好不容易凑的差不多了吧,总部那边放出一批新装备,弄得大家抓耳挠腮的。换上几件装备,功勋又掉下去了。也不知道什么时候能晋升将级。” Holy city six crowds, Long four few, promotion hunts for the demon group rank also to consume the meritorious service? The meritorious service that this consumes cannot be used to trade again other?” 圣城六群,龙家四少,“提升猎魔团等级也要消耗功勋的吗?这个消耗掉的功勋就不能再用来换别的了?” Holy city six crowds, crazy character guest, right, is such pit. The gentleman level hunts for the demon group promotion general officer level to hunt for the demon group to need 10,000 meritorious services. Collecting these 10,000 meritorious services was really difficult. Mainly is everyone has the demand to the equipment. Needs to spend the meritorious the place is too many. The day ice said right, after becoming hunts for demon, must earning the meritorious service treats as the major event.” 圣城六群,狂字客,“对,就是这么坑。士级猎魔团晋升将级猎魔团需要一万功勋。凑这一万功勋实在是太难了。主要是大家都对装备有需求。需要花费功勋的地方太多。天冰说得对,成为正是猎魔者之后,一定要把赚取功勋当做头等大事。” Holy city six groups of Long six few, this is a little unreasonable? Does no one offer an opinion? The meritorious service of promotion team rank should be able to spend is right!” 圣城六群龙家六少,“这个有点不合理吧?就没人提意见吗?提升团队等级的功勋应该可以消费才对啊!” The holy city six crowds, the crazy character guest, this is the custom that historically hands down from generation to generation, giving the euphemistic name to add informed and experienced, has the sufficient strength to promote again. This also a little truth, after all, the hunting for demon groups of different rank complete the task the difficulty is also different. Has gotten down like this, without means.” 圣城六群,狂字客,“这是历史上传下来的规矩,美其名曰要多加历练,有足够实力再晋升。这也有点道理吧,毕竟,不同级别的猎魔团完成任务的难度也是不一样的。一直都是这样下来的,没办法。” Long Dangdang operated the waistcoat to chat for several hours with these in the group, whenever spiritual somewhat bad time rest little while. Has saying that although these senior hunting for demon are five levels, but the psychic force is quite good, continuously online. Their several online reason should also be has the high demand frequently to the psychic force. 龙当当开着马甲在群里跟这几位聊了几个小时,每当精神有些不济的时候就休息会儿。不得不说,这几位资深的猎魔者虽然都还是五级,但精神力相当不错,一直都在线。他们几个经常在线的原因应该也是对精神力有高需求。 But Long Dangdang often behavior of winding rest, makes these take lightly to him, the psychic force could not maintain long time to chat, this means that the psychic force was weak! Therefore, latter facing his some issues also on some interest few. 龙当当不时下线休息的行为,也让这几位对他有所看轻,精神力维持不了长时间聊天,这意味着精神力弱啊!所以,后面对他的一些问题也就有些兴致寥寥了。 In the evening, Long Dangdang and ice Monroe together after the school has had the dinner, arrived at the holy city through the transmission. 傍晚,龙当当和凌梦露一起在学院吃过晚饭之后,就通过传送来到了圣城。 Holy city big auction market in holy city, even be big arena to be livelier than the holy city, here is one of places the federation most makes money. The auction market that the official open definitely is most trustworthy, therefore, many rich merchants and families will come to here to participate in bidding frequently. The good thing to be naturally needless saying that was often has. 圣城大拍卖场在圣城之中,甚至要比圣城大竞技场更加热闹,这里是联邦最赚钱的地方之一。官方开的拍卖场肯定是最值得信任的,所以,很多富商、家族都会经常来这里参与竞拍。好东西自然不用说,那是经常有。 Every month, the holy city big auction market will hold at least one large-scale auction. But today Long Dangdang and ice Monroe participates is a relatively small daily auction. But even if the daily auction, here auction is also not the auction place of ordinary city can compare by far. 每个月,圣城大拍卖场都会举办至少一次大型拍卖会。而今天龙当当和凌梦露参加的则是一次规模较小的日常拍卖会。但哪怕是日常拍卖会,这里的拍品也远远不是普通城市的拍卖场所能比拟的。 Not only occupation will participate in bidding, many average person rich merchants will also participate, look for some good things. The opportunity of especially taking advantage of a mistake. At the auction will frequently present the low price to buy the thing to get huge windfall wealth the situation. Although the hypes of some big auction markets in inside, who doesn't want to become that lucky fellow? 不只是职业者会参加竞拍,很多普通人富商也会参与,寻找一些好东西。尤其是捡漏的机会。拍卖会上经常会出现低价买到好东西一夜暴富的情况。虽然这其中有一些大拍卖场的炒作在里面,但谁不希望成为那个幸运儿呢? Front looks is similar to the palace general huge construction, Long Dangdang took own VIP card. Ice Monroe to here obviously is very familiar, after all, her father is here head. 看着面前如同宫殿一般的巨大建筑,龙当当把自己的贵宾卡取了出来。凌梦露对这里显然是十分熟悉的,毕竟,她父亲就是这里的负责人。 Well, Monroe?” Is preparing to go in them, broadcasts a sound suddenly. “咦,梦露吗?”正在他们准备进去的时候,身后突然传来一个声音。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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