SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#164: Only has dragon system?

Does Chapter 164 only have dragon system? 第164章唯有龙系? Absorbed land thorn dragon the strength of blood, Long Dangdang once was even feeling that own body became heavy/thick. The whole person has congealing true feelings. The purple ray of body surface appears is not too intense, absorbs the speed of blood is still quick. After all blood-color remove, that solid feel also vanished. 吸收着大地棘龙的血液之力,龙当当甚至都一度感觉到自己的身体变得厚重起来了似的。整个人都产生出一种凝实感。身体表面的紫色光芒浮现的并不算太强烈,吸收血液的速度依旧很快。当所有的血色褪去之后,那种厚重感也就随之消失了。 Three types! So long as is not a sole blood can absorb, means own this blood refining up the golden body to cultivate. 三种了!只要不是单一一种血液能吸收,就意味着自己这血炼金身是可以修炼下去的。 Continues to attempt! 继续尝试! But the following result is not ideal. After land thorn dragon, several other blood bring only had the pain. 但接下来的结果却并不怎么理想。大地棘龙之后,其他的几种血液带来的就只有痛苦了。 In complete 11 blood, only then the chameleon lizard and blood of land thorn dragon can absorb smoothly, other is not good. 全部十一种血液之中,只有变色龙蜥和大地棘龙的血液是能够顺利吸收的,其他的一律不行。 This made Long Dangdang fall into during the ponder. Why can these three blood other nine demon beast blood not be good? 这就让龙当当陷入了思考之中。为什么这三种血液可以其他的九种魔兽血液都不行呢? These demon beast blood all come from the different type demon beasts. These nonabsorbable first did not say , what general character have oneself absorbed the successful these three blood also to have at present? In other words, what type blood is can absorb smoothly? 这些魔兽血液全都来自于不同种类的魔兽。那些不能吸收的先不说,那么,自己目前已经吸收成功的这三种血液又有什么共性呢?也就是说,什么类型的血液是自己能够顺利吸收的? Hot lizard, chameleon lizard, land thorn dragon. 地火蜥蜴,变色龙蜥,大地棘龙。 Sauria? Land thorn dragon not! 蜥蜴类?大地棘龙又不是啊! That is...... 那是…… Suddenly, in the Long Dangdang mind the miraculous glow flashes, as if bright passed over gently and swiftly from the sea of spirit, he grasped the main point instantaneously. 突然之间,龙当当脑海中灵光一闪,仿佛有一道亮光自精神之海上掠过似的,他瞬间就抓住了要点。 Dragon, dragon system bloodlines? 龙,龙系血脉? The hot lizard, the chameleon lizard or the land thorn dragon, has dragon clan bloodlines. Although meager, but these three demon beast only general character probably here. 无论是地火蜥蜴,变色龙蜥还是大地棘龙,同样都是拥有一丝龙族血脉的。虽然微薄,但这三种魔兽唯一的共性好像就在这里了。 In other words, demon beast blood can of dragon system bloodlines class absorb? Has the possibility! 也就是说,龙系血脉类的魔兽血液自己能够吸收?有可能! In the Long Dangdang heart has the judgment, oneself this supposition may be very successful. If is really this, that blood refining up golden body to cultivation. The true big dragon quantity is scarce, but the Asian dragon-kind are actually very many. Moreover the ranks of some Asian dragon-kind are also very high. Let alone, oneself and dragon sovereign know! If really effective, then, will be able to discuss with the dragon sovereign in the future? No, does not need to discuss, small eight that isn't dragon sovereign the bloodlines? 龙当当心中已经有了判断,自己这个假设是非常可能成功的。而如果真的是这样的话,那血炼金身自己就能修炼。真正的巨龙数量稀少,但亚龙种却是非常多的。而且有一些亚龙种的等级也很高。更何况,自己和龙皇可是认识的啊!如果真的有效,那么,未来是不是能跟龙皇商量一下?不,不用商量,小八那不也是龙皇血脉吗? Examined this time outside spirit strength, 583! Yes, after absorbed two blood, his outside spirit strength grew dozens. The body intensity and strength have the remarkable enhancement. 查看了一下自己此时的外灵力,五百八十三!是的,就是吸收了两种血液之后,他的外灵力增长了好几十。身体强度、力量都有着显著的增强。 Although oneself cultivation the blood to refine the golden body to select the demon beast blood, but such quick absorption rate, looks like increases the strength to oneself simply directly! Does not need to require lots of time to endure the pain and cultivation like woof Changxin said. Although looks for the demon beast blood more difficult, but cultivates does not affect own normal cultivation quickly. 虽然自己修炼血炼金身要挑魔兽血,但这么快的吸收速度,简直就像是直接给自己增添实力啊!根本就不需要像汪常欣所说的那样需要大量的时间忍受痛苦和修炼。虽然找魔兽血液会困难一些,但修炼的快根本就不影响自己的正常修炼。 Also needs to continue to experiment, looks again, seeks for the demon beast blood of dragon system bloodlines directly, confirms own guess to be correct, then makes air-to-air also try. If really can succeed, oneself two brothers Long may not really have Bai! 还需要继续试验,再找,就直接寻找有龙系血脉的魔兽血液,来验证自己的猜测是不是正确的,然后让空空也试试。如果真的能成功的话,自己哥俩这龙姓可就真没白姓啊! Ice Monroe had not come back, seems like and absorption of brother is different from. After all, they do not have the blood relationship, the cousin cultivated the blood to refine the golden body likely to cultivate normally. 凌梦露一直都没有回来,看起来是和自己与老弟的吸收不一样。毕竟,他们没有血缘关系,表姐修炼血炼金身很可能就是正常的修炼了。 When looks for Long Kongkong Long Dangdang to the next door time, discovered that this boy had slid, definitely was looks for his goddess. Also can only wait to say in the evening again. 龙当当到隔壁去找龙空空的时候,发现这小子已经溜了,肯定是去找他的女神了呗。也就只能等晚上再说了。 Long Dangdang in the afternoon some unwilling and tried these to be defeated blood, the fact showed, was not good. Outside the spirit strength even also three points......, remained 580. 龙当当下午有些不甘心的又尝试了一下那些失败了的血液,事实证明,不行。外灵力甚至还掉了三点……,就剩五百八了。 To close to evening time, ice Monroe had the news. 一直到接近傍晚的时候,凌梦露才有了消息。 The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe private chatted Long Dangdang, aiyu mother, but burnt me. The blood of that place hot lizard dilutes the later absorption, looks like the immersion in the magma. This suffers to me in the afternoon. My self-recovery ability, somewhat cannot shoulder. However, truly is a little effect. Later you come time brings outside the spirit force meansurement ball, I test to try. I thought that has strengthened. But this was also too uncomfortable. How to absorb unlike you completely! Your that side attempt how?” 皓月当空,凌梦露私聊龙当当,“哎呦妈呀,可是烫死我了。那个地火蜥蜴的血液稀释之后吸收,就像是浸泡在岩浆之中似的。这一下午给我折磨的。要不是我自愈能力强,真有点扛不住。不过,确实是有点效果的。待会儿你过来的时候带着外灵力测试球,我测试一下试试。我觉得有所增强。但这也太难受了。怎么跟你们吸收的完全不同啊!你那边尝试的怎么样?” Has not concealed to cousin Long Dangdang, immediately said test situation of this day. 对表姐龙当当没有隐瞒,当下将自己这一天的试验情况说了一遍。 The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe private chatted Long Dangdang, „was dragon the demon beast blood of bloodlines can absorb smoothly? you this situation is really a little special! On you also to have dragon clan the bloodlines to be inadequate?” 皓月当空,凌梦露私聊龙当当,“龙系血脉的魔兽血液能够顺利吸收?伱这情况真是有点特殊啊!难道说你俩身上还有龙族血脉不成?” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted ice Monroe, then I don't know, in any case the situation was such situation. These unusable demon beast blood I take to you in the evening, you also go back or keep to use. Do you also plan to cultivate this merit law?” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊凌梦露,“那就不知道了,反正情况就是这么个情况。这些不能用的魔兽血液我晚上带给你,你还回去或者留着自己用吧。你还打算修炼这功法吗?” The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe private chatted Long Dangdang, cultivated to 1000 , about 900 appearances. Like this my body bearing capacity can be enhanced many, to cultivating or being of great advantage. But continues to cultivate does not use. I thought that inside and outside my very difficult achieving to let synchronize, this will be enormous the degree influence my promotion speed. Moreover my innate in spirit strength 100, after nine steps, will not have what bottleneck, does not need to depend upon this. Waited for me to cultivate/repair after enough returns nurturing to parents the body.” 皓月当空,凌梦露私聊龙当当,“修炼到一千以内吧,大约九百左右的样子。这样我的身体承受能力能增强很多,对修炼还是大有好处的。但继续修炼就不用了。我觉得我很难做到让内外同步,这会极大程度的影响我的提升速度。而且我先天内灵力一百,到了九阶以后也不会有什么瓶颈,不需要依靠这个。还是等我修为足够强了之后再反哺身体吧。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted ice Monroe, „, this was the most correct choice. Then you go home has a look, but also there is dragon system an demon beast blood. That side the auction market buys good. The blood of land thorn dragon should be easy to look. Here also more than 10,000 gold coins, can be used to purchase.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊凌梦露,“嗯,这是最正确的选择。回头你回家的时候看看,还有没有龙系的魔兽血液。或者拍卖场那边买点也行。大地棘龙的血应该好找吧。我这里还有一万多金币,都可以用来购买。” The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe private chatted Long Dangdang, line, I will go back tomorrow. Today is little too late, later we must cultivation together.” 皓月当空,凌梦露私聊龙当当,“行,我明天回去吧。今天有点晚了,待会儿咱们还要一起修炼。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted ice Monroe, good.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊凌梦露,“好的。” Long Kongkong comes back, the weather is very late, after he delivered Hofn to go home, came back. Passing through the gate compensates to smile, late , blamed me late. Look, I brought the midnight snack to you. Spareribs food! Doesn't uphold justice?” 龙空空回来的时候,天色已经很晚了,他是送了赫本回家之后才回来的。一进门就赔笑,“晚了、晚了,怪我。看,我给你们带了夜宵。排骨饭!仗义不?” Long Dangdang received the spareribs food, goes to the bathroom, two bottles of blood, you distinguished the blood to refine the law of golden body to absorb came out again, we and others you finished up a cultivation.” 龙当当接过排骨饭,“去卫生间,有两瓶血液,你分别用血炼金身之法吸收了再出来,我们等你完事儿了一起修炼。” Long Kongkong stared in a big way the eye instantaneously, brother, I came back a while late, did not use such cruelly. Can want my poor life.” 龙空空瞬间瞪大了眼睛,“老哥,我就晚回来一会儿而已,不用这么残忍吧。会要我小命的。” Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: I try to absorb , like the blood effect of place hot lizard. Goes quickly.” 龙当当没好气的道:“我试过能吸收的,跟地火蜥蜴的血液效果一样。快去。” This! I try.” Long Kongkong doubtful went to the bathroom. “这样啊!那我试试。”龙空空半信半疑的去了卫生间。 Long Dangdang hot spareribs food, ate with ice Monroe together. 龙当当热了一下排骨饭,跟凌梦露一起吃了起来。 The time is not long, listens to that side the bathroom to broadcast the sound, „-” Long Kongkong called out pitifully, but the pitiful yell sound continued the flash to stop suddenly, „, was not really sore! Comfortable and comfortable......” 时间不长,就听卫生间那边传来声音,“啊-”龙空空惨叫,但惨叫声只是持续了一瞬间就戛然而止,“咦,真的不疼啊!舒服、舒服……” Ling Menglu looks to Long Dangdang, some say/way of envying: Your this physicals were also too good. Really can cultivation the blood to refine the golden body comfortably, you definitely are historically first.” 凌梦露看向龙当当,有些羡慕的道:“你们这体质也太好了吧。真能舒服的修炼血炼金身,你们肯定是历史上第一个。” Long Dangdang said: This matter first keep secret to temporarily well, we do not want to be made to study.” 龙当当道:“这件事暂时还是先保密为好,我们可不想被弄去研究。” Say/Way that Ling Menglu smiles: Naturally must keep secret, this is our secrets. Teammates that side also first let alone.” 凌梦露笑眯眯的道:“当然要保密呀,这可是咱们的秘密呢。队友们那边也先别说。” Un. I thought that you continue to cultivate the blood to refine the golden body also to conduct the attempts of different blood, the effect and feeling that the different blood bring are different. Looking for a relative pain is quite small and compares the conjunction, should be better. For example the blood of light attribute demon beast, I thought that you absorb definitely to be much easier. After all you are the light god's body.” “嗯呢。我觉得你继续修炼血炼金身也可以进行不同血液的尝试,不同血液带来的效果和感受都是不一样的。找一种相对痛苦比较小和自身又比较契合的,应该会好一些。譬如光属性魔兽的血液,我觉得你吸收起来肯定会容易得多。毕竟你已经是光神之体了。” Ling Menglu eyes one bright, said: Reasonable! Ok, I turn head try. Tomorrow goes home to look again.” 凌梦露眼睛一亮,道:“有道理啊!行,我回头去试试。明天回家再去找找。” Is less than refreshing for a half hour, Long Kongkong on came out from the bathroom, Long Dangdang gives him to examine outside spirit force meansurement ball, 518! Broke through to smoothly fourth-order. 前后不到半个小时,龙空空就神清气爽的从卫生间里出来了,龙当当把外灵力测试球递给他进行检测,五百一十八!顺利突破到四阶了。 Ice Monroe this was really envied, short a half hour, outside the spirit strength grew 40-50, this is what cultivated the speed? She also conducted the test before, her outside spirit strength passed through all day suffering, grew 12 points. This does not calculate little, how many pain but did she receive? This gadget she thought that she at least takes slow several days to attempt again. But others do not have the half a point pain, a half hour increased many several times of outside spirit strength. 凌梦露这是真的羡慕了,短短半个小时,外灵力增长40-50,这是什么修炼速度?她之前也进行了测试,她的外灵力经过了一整天的折磨,增长了十二点。这已经不算少了,但她受了多少痛苦?这玩意儿她觉得自己至少要缓几天才能再次尝试。而人家却是没有半分痛苦,半个小时就增加了多几倍的外灵力。 It seems like this blood refining up the golden body really to suit you, the situation that but, you said must experiment again, if is really the demon beast blood of dragon system bloodlines suits you to cultivate, we seek diligently and that's the end. Your outside spirit strength can complete minoring in spirit strength, that definitely has the big advantage, has not the most important thing is needed to cost the too much time, this......” ice Monroe thinks to feel excited simply. “看来这血炼金身还是真的适合你们,不过,你说的这种情况还要再试验一下,如果真的是龙系血脉的魔兽血液就适合你们修炼,那我们就努力寻找就是了。你们的外灵力与内灵力能完成兼修,那绝对是有大好处的,最重要的是还不需要耗费太多时间,这个简直了……”凌梦露想想都觉得兴奋。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong outside spirit strength, if strengthens significantly, the body carrying capacity greatly will also definitely be enhanced, without needs to spend the too much time additionally, definitely in benefits the spirit strength cultivation. As the matter stands, Long Dangdang completes the restore requirements time of moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace definitely to reduce, in the meantime, in the team two knights are tall equal/match, is joined to again high inside and outside minors in this condition, that was equivalent to hunt for the demon group increased an unequalled front barrier. 龙当当龙空空的外灵力如果大幅度增强的话,身体承受力也肯定会大大增强,在不需要额外花费太多时间的情况下,肯定是有利于内灵力修炼的。这样一来,龙当当完成月明沧海灵炉的修复要求时间肯定会缩短,同时,团队中两名骑士本来就是高配的,再高配上内外兼修这种状态,那就相当于为猎魔团增添了一道无与伦比的前排屏障。 Come, the cultivation tries. After having a look outside the spirit strength is increased, to our help.” Long Dangdang said. “来吧,修炼试试。看看外灵力提升之后,对我们的帮助。”龙当当说道。 Un.” “嗯呢。” Three people sit cross-legged to sit down, wisdom spirit furnace inspiring, the dark blue moon/month angel reappears, the strength of rich moon/month spirit covers three people, is nourishing their bodies, is nourishing the spirit furnace. Three people quick enter to the condition that in the thing I two forget. The benefit that for beyond a better experience the spirit strength provides, this they have not opened the spirit crystal online to cultivate the psychic force late simultaneously. 三人盘膝坐下,智慧灵炉引动,沧月天使再现,浓郁的月灵之力笼罩三人,滋养着他们的身体,也滋养着灵炉。三人很快就进入到物我两忘的状态之中。为了更好的体会外灵力所带来的好处,这一晚他们都没有开启灵晶在线同时修炼精神力。 Outside the promotion of spirit strength, making their carrying/sustaining spirit strength the total quantity be also strengthened, the effect of cultivation also is naturally improved. A night cultivates, has the remarkable progress. 外灵力的提升,让他们承载灵力的总量随之增强,修炼的效果自然也随之提升起来。一夜修炼下来,有着明显的进步。 Very early in the morning, ice Monroe has not even had the breakfast, went home to look for dragon system the blood. The demon beast blood that yesterday these Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are unable to use she first brought. 一大早,凌梦露甚至都没有吃早饭,就回家去找龙系血液了。昨天那些龙当当龙空空无法使用的魔兽血液她都先带了回去。 Feels benefit that outside the spirit strength has strengthened to provide, she felt the pain of yesterday receiving is is not so as if unsupportable. Although she will not walk inside and outside minors in this road, but at least must cultivation the outside spirit strength to 900 said again. 感受过外灵力增强所带来的好处,她都觉得昨天受过的痛苦似乎也不是那么不能忍受。虽然她不会走内外兼修这条路,但至少也要将外灵力修炼到九百再说。 When she comes back, is afternoon. But the achievement is striking. 等她回来的时候,已经是下午了。但成果斐然。 Has the demon beast actually quantity of dragon system bloodlines is quite many, for example the sauria, the Land Dragon class and ophidia demon beast, have almost existence of dragon clan bloodlines. The characteristics that dragon clan sows seeds make dragon-kind have very huge base number. 拥有龙系血脉的魔兽其实数量是相当不少的,譬如蜥蜴类、地龙类、蛇类魔兽,几乎都是拥有龙族血脉的存在。龙族播种的特性让亚龙种有着非常庞大的基数。 If not ten thousand years ago the demon clan arrived at many demon beasts changed into the demon clan, when almost exterminated after the human war, the quantity of demon beast also wants huge many compared with the present. Human to avoid the demon beast brings the disaster, since many years have been controlling the multiplication quantity of being bewitched beast. 如果不是万年前魔族降临将很多魔兽化为了魔族,在与人类大战之后几乎灭绝,魔兽的数量比现在还要庞大的多。人类为了避免魔兽带来灾难,多年以来一直在控制着魔兽的繁衍数量。 Ling Menglu knows that Long Dangdang must experiment, this time looks for seven dragons is the blood of bloodlines demon beast, in the meantime, such that just like Long Dangdang expects, the blood of land thorn dragon is fondest of playing jokes . Moreover the price is also cheap. Ling Menglu told them, at auction that the holy city big auction market is going to hold immediately, had the land thorn dragon blood. 凌梦露知道龙当当要试验,这次足足找回来七种龙系血脉魔兽的血液,同时,正如龙当当所预料的那样,大地棘龙的血是最好弄到的,而且价格也便宜。凌梦露告诉他们,圣城大拍卖场马上将要举行的拍卖会上,就有大地棘龙血液。 „Is auction tonight?” Long Dangdang asked. “拍卖会是今晚?”龙当当问道。 Ling Menglu nods, said: Happen to is tonight. Haven't you gone to the auction market? Today I lead you to play. I had reached an agreement with the father, blood of roll-call land thorn dragon will take bidding early. Has one ton fully. This gadget is not the popular auction. Buys mostly is used to work as the food use. It is said that has the effect of strong and healthy body with the blood bean curd of land thorn dragon blood manufacture. Therefore the price will not be high. In 10,000 gold coins, should be able to take. You have the VIP card to discount. Relax, I have not told the father you to have the fast cultivation blood to refine the ability of golden body. Said that you have the ideas of inside and outside minoring.” 凌梦露点点头,道:“正好就是今晚。你们不是还没去过拍卖场呢么?今天我带你们去玩玩。我已经跟老爸说好了,会早一点将大地棘龙的血液拿出来竞拍。足有一吨呢。这玩意儿本来也不是什么热门拍品。大多数买走都是用来当食材使用的。据说用大地棘龙血液制作的血豆腐有强身健体的功效。所以价格也不会太高。一万金币以内,应该是能拿下的。你们还有贵宾卡可以打折。放心,我没告诉爸爸你们有快速修炼血炼金身的能力。只是说你们有走内外兼修的想法。” Good, that we have a look tonight.” Long Dangdang said. “好,那今晚我们就去看看。”龙当当说道。 „, I do not go. Tomorrow must start to seal up to train, I think to accompany Hofn elder sister tonight, you will go, you will go to......” Long Kongkong to insert in the one side said. “咳咳,那我就不去了哈。明天就要开始封闭培训了,我想今晚多陪陪赫本姐,你们去,你们去……”龙空空在一旁插言道。 Long Dangdang shot a look at his eyespot nod, also leaves too comes back late , attention security. Before the attack of that dead do not forget, she might attack you anytime again.” 龙当当瞥了他一眼点点头,“也别太晚回来,还有,注意安全。之前那个亡者的袭击不要忘了,她随时有可能再次攻击你。” Long Kongkong said: Mentioned that dead, I remember that little while she said that they absorbed what happy reverse side anything, does not know that was any meaning.” 龙空空道:“说起那个亡者,我记得那会儿她说她们吸收了什么美好的反面什么的,也不知道是啥意思。” Ling Menglu said: We hunted for the demon training estimate to speak these. After all, enemy who we will mainly face in the future, is these dead spirit lifeform. Even the students who our these have not graduated must become hunt for demon ahead of time, obviously now the federal pressure is definitely big.” 凌梦露道:“我们猎魔者培训估计会讲这些了。毕竟,我们未来主要面对的敌人,就是这些亡灵生物。连我们这些还没毕业的学生都要提前成为猎魔者,可见现在联邦的压力肯定是不小的。” Long Kongkong nods, „does brother, we experiment these blood not?” Looks his mesosaurus class demon beast blood that ice Monroe brings, he is somewhat impatient. How this type did not need to enhance the strength the cultivation method he most to like diligently. 龙空空点点头,“老哥,咱们试验一下这些血液不?”看着凌梦露拿来的其中龙类魔兽血液,他已经有些迫不及待了。这种不用怎么努力就能提升实力的修炼方法他最喜欢了。 Good, I first try.” Long Dangdang said. “好,我先试试。”龙当当说道。 Seven demon beast blood that ice Monroe brings, is the blood of five levels of demon beasts and six levels of demon beasts, the quantity does not calculate too. After all, besides land thorn dragon a few reared in a pen big build demon beast, the blood of most demon beasts are quite precious. 凌梦露带来的七种魔兽血液,都是五级魔兽和六级魔兽的血液,数量都不算太多。毕竟,除了大地棘龙这种少数被圈养的大体型魔兽之外,大多数魔兽的血液还是比较珍贵的。 - -- Tomorrow will want the college entrance examination to bless all 11 th grade examinees all smooth! Braves all hardships, the college entrance examination refuels! 明天就要高考啦祝福所有高三考生一切顺利!乘风破浪,高考加油! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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