SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#163: Tries the blood

Chapter 163 tries the blood 第163章试血 „-” Sad and shrill pitiful yell sound was deafening, frightens Long Dangdang to retrocede two steps. Then he saw, is in the bathtub is soaking Long Kongkong, the body gets malaria probably general fierce shivers. The skin surface rapid flood red pupil starts to contract, aura rapid occurrence the change, the symptom obviously is becoming is not right. “啊-”凄厉的惨叫声震耳欲聋,吓得龙当当都后退了两步。然后他就看到,身在浴缸中浸泡着的龙空空,身体像是打摆子一般剧烈的颤抖起来。皮肤表面迅速泛红就连瞳孔都开始收缩,气息也飞速的发生着变化,体征明显就变得不对了。 This and blood refining up the normal cultivation condition in golden body description to be different, even is painful, should not be this direct similar convulsion condition appears. 这和血炼金身描述中的正常修炼状态都有所不同,就算是痛苦,也不应该是这种直接类似惊厥的状态出现。 Long Dangdang does not dare to neglect, a stride arrives by the bathtub, one drawing of Long Kongkong from bathtub. 龙当当不敢怠慢,一个跨步来到浴缸旁边,一把就将龙空空从浴缸之中拉了出来。 Long Kongkong in tentacle, the vitality in skin boiling hot, entire human body as if tumbled, the spirit strength was some are shaking uncontrolled. Looked at that bathtub again, the bloody water in bathtub had turned into the black in this short time unexpectedly, that was a feeling of blood deterioration, the original demon beast blood did not have the half a point activeness again. 触手中的龙空空,皮肤滚烫,整个人体内的气血仿佛都翻滚起来了似的,灵力更是有些不受控制的震荡着。再看那浴缸,浴缸内的血水在这短暂的时间内竟是已经变成了黑色,那是一种血液衰败的感觉,原本的魔兽血液再没有了半分活性。 Long Dangdang grasps nearby dragon's head on the flushing water toward Long Kongkong, is clean remaining blood washout, on Long Kongkong scalding hot then starts to remove gradually, he also starts the big mouth and big mouth respite, the state of mind also quickly restores. 龙当当抓起旁边的龙头就往龙空空身上冲水,把身上残余的血液冲刷干净,龙空空身上的灼热这才开始渐渐褪去,他也开始大口、大口的喘息起来,神志也随之迅速恢复。 Mother, hurt me. What gadget this is......” Long Kongkong pants for breath while is calling out pitifully. “妈呀,疼死我了。什么玩意儿这是……”龙空空一边喘息一边惨叫着。 Long Dangdang rushed to release a sacred blessing to fall on the younger brother, smoothed the body and mind for him the pain. With his help, Long Kongkong then slow one breath, sits falls down, was swindled, this was on always worked as. This was too sore, hurt me.” 龙当当赶忙释放了一个神圣祝福落在弟弟身上,为他抚平身心的痛苦。在他的帮助下,龙空空这才缓过一口气来,一屁股坐倒在地上,“上当了,这可是上了老当了。这太疼了,疼死我了。” Long Dangdang also feels the surprise, that you thought that what your body does produce to change?” 龙当当也觉得诧异,“那你有没有觉得自己的身体产生什么变化?” Long Kongkong ill-humored say/way: I felt that the strength of that blood starts to enter my body from the pore, just like the blood of former hot lizard, but the strength of this my own bloodlines actually as if on the rebellion, the spirit strength could not suppress instantaneously, erupted directly outward. That eruption time, my own body must unable to withstand, looks like me to oneself supported to crack that tear pain. Then this. Has not absorbed what strength!” 龙空空没好气的道:“我就感觉那血液的力量开始从毛孔进入我的身体,和之前地火蜥蜴的血一样,但这次我自己的血脉之力却仿佛瞬间就暴动了似的,灵力都压制不住,直接向外爆发。那爆发的时候,我自己的身体都要承受不住了,就像是我自己要把自己撑裂了似的那种撕裂般的痛苦。然后就这样了。根本就没吸收到什么力量啊!” How can like this? This refining up the situation in golden body merit law saying to be different from the blood radically. This clearly is very strong rejection reaction. 怎么会这样?这根本就和血炼金身功法上所说的情况不一样。这分明是很强的排斥反应。 But the fact also proved that the blood of iron long neck hair lion simply cannot play anything to cultivate the function, when tests the Long Kongkong outside spirit strength again, not only has not grown, but also five points. This made Long Kongkong want to cry but have no tears. 而事实也证明了,铁鬃狮的血根本没能起到什么修炼作用,再测试龙空空的外灵力时,不但没有增长,还掉了五点。这就让龙空空欲哭无泪了。 The two brothers look at each other in blank dismay. Good abacus that was filled with, at this time actually seems like a blow to the head, returned to the home position directly. 哥俩面面相觑。原本满心的好算盘,此时却像是当头一棒,直接回了原位。 Only is the blood of hot lizard good?” Long Kongkong rested the quarter of an hour, is recovers consciousness completely, but the complexion still somewhat is pale. “只有地火蜥蜴的血才行?”龙空空足足休息了一刻钟,才算是完全缓过来,但脸色却依旧有些苍白。 Long Dangdang frowns saying: Really strange, the response differences of these two blood were also too big.” He was just also attempting the blood that dropped a drop of iron long neck hair lion in own palm, the attempt revolution blood refining up the golden body merit law. Sure enough the fierce stabbing pain looked like the palm by the burning red the iron burnt. But this severe pain arrives from inside to outside. The intense repel made the blood of that drop of iron long neck hair lion lose the vigor directly. 龙当当蹙眉道:“真奇怪,这两种血液的反应差别也太大了。”他刚刚也尝试着滴了一滴铁鬃狮的血在自己掌心,尝试运转血炼金身功法。果不其然剧烈的刺痛就像是手掌被烧红了的烙铁烫了似的。而这种剧痛是由内而外到来的。强烈的排斥直接让那一滴铁鬃狮的血液失去了活力。 Brother, but also practices?” Long Kongkong pitiful looks at Long Dangdang. “老哥,还练吗?”龙空空可怜兮兮的看着龙当当 Long Dangdang nods, said: Tries again, cannot be only the issue that because a blood has gives up this family merit law. I attempt, first does not soak, first tries our carrying capacities with few blood.” 龙当当点了点头,道:“再试试,总不能只是因为一种血液产生的问题就放弃这门功法。我来尝试吧,先不浸泡,就先用少量的血液试试我们的承受力。” Long Kongkong shivers with fright, brother, you are also careful. This gadget really does not make is playing, I have to plant to by the feeling that oneself kill.” 龙空空打了个冷战,“老哥,你也小心点。这玩意儿真不是闹着玩儿的,我都有种自己要被自己弄死的感觉。” Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: Where is so exaggerating. You were a preparation did not have a moment ago, the whole person extremely relaxed, will have such situation. If you protects the body with the spirit strength ahead of time, once discovered that on the earliest possible time did not respond well rather than accepts overall, cannot like this.” 龙当当没好气的道:“哪有那么夸张。你刚才是一点准备都没有,整个人太过放松,才会出现这样的情况。伱要是提前用灵力护体,一旦发现不好就第一时间反应而不是全盘接受,根本就不会这样。” Long Kongkong coughs, „wasn't this beforehand experience too not happy? You try, I must go back slowly. Later I went to the spareribs shop! In the evening came back to say again. Do not soak! You no one give you to protect the law, you tried simply.” 龙空空咳嗽一声,“这不是之前的经历太没美好了么?你试吧,我要回去缓缓。待会儿我就去排骨店了啊!晚上回来再说。你可别浸泡了啊!你自己一个人都没人给你护法,你就简单试试得了。” Un, you go. I try slowly, not risky.” Long Dangdang said. Whether the blood will bring the pain, contacted a point to feel through the body. But in the blood refine in golden body merit law not saying that probably according to the merit law record, actually after must dilute the immersion, can feel what kind of feeling. This point and air-to-air different. It seems like, oneself and younger brother's physique is truly different, at least with that senior who creates this family merit law is different. “嗯,你去吧。我自己慢慢试,不会有风险的。”龙当当说道。血液是否会带来痛苦,通过身体接触一点就能感觉到了。但在血炼金身功法中也没有这么说过,好像按照功法记载,必须要稀释过浸泡后才能感受到究竟是怎样的感觉。这一点与自己和空空都不同。看起来,自己和弟弟的体质确实是有所不同的,至少和那位创造出这门功法的前辈是不一样的。 Long Kongkong returned to the dormitory to rest. Front Long Dangdang looks at the other ten bottles of blood, first revolution spirit strength adjusts own condition best, then takes up the second demon beast blood. 龙空空回宿舍休息去了。龙当当看着面前剩余的十瓶血液,先运转灵力将自己的状态调整到最佳,然后才拿起第二种魔兽血液。 The silver back demon ape, is famous at the strength, six levels of demon beasts, are equivalent to fifth-order occupation the strength. The speed and strength are good, the grown silver back demon ape, the strength even can reach eight levels. This six levels, should be young stage quite small and weak existences. 银背魔猿,以力量著称,六级魔兽,相当于五阶职业者的实力。速度、力量俱佳,成年的银背魔猿,实力甚至能够达到八级。这个只有六级,应该是幼年期比较弱小的存在。 Long Dangdang careful opens this bottle cap, this is a porcelain bottle, he comes out little inside blood drop, in own palm, then starts the revolution spirit strength as before, the stimulation of movement blood refining up the golden body merit law to attempt. 龙当当小心的打开这个瓶盖,这是一个瓷瓶,他将里面的血液滴出来一点点,依旧还是在自己掌心之中,然后开始运转灵力,催动血炼金身功法进行尝试。 Next flickers, his palm was similar to receives an electric shock to fling generally, made his palm not voluntarily convulsion just like the acupuncture general severe pain, even made his hand somewhat sore previously more intense repel feeling was more numb. 下一瞬,他的手掌就如同触电一般甩了起来,宛如针刺一般的剧痛令他的手掌都不自觉地痉挛了起来,比先前更加强烈的排斥感甚至让他的手都有些疼的麻木了。 My goodness, this repel is stronger, if this is used to soak, refers to erratically can have anything. This is not good. The rank is higher, is the repel more intense? 好家伙,这个排斥更强,这要是用来浸泡,指不定会出什么事儿呢。这个也不行。等级越高,排斥越强烈? Long Dangdang was somewhat speechless, only then does the blood of hot lizard suit itself and brother? What situation is this? 龙当当有些无语了,难道只有地火蜥蜴的血液才适合自己和老弟吗?这是个什么情况? This time he enough slow quarter of an hour, then traded a hand, takes up the third demon beast blood. 这次他足足缓了一刻钟,然后换了一只手,又拿起第三种魔兽血液。 It is not good, is not good. Tried three types continuously, will more or less have the repel feeling, and brings the extremely intense pain. Meanwhile, these blood will also lose the activeness under strength of repel his bloodlines rapidly. Looked like disappeared to kill generally, erased the characteristics. 不行,还是不行。连续尝试了三种,或多或少都会产生排斥感,并且带来极其强烈的痛苦。同时,这些血液也会在他的血脉之力排斥下迅速失去活性。就像是被消杀了一般,抹去了特性。 Long Dangdang has a little wanted to give up, tried five blood, is not good. He even a little feels now before , the pleasant sensation that the hot lizard brings was the feeling of illusion. 龙当当已经有点想要放弃了,尝试了五种血液,全都不行。他现在甚至都有点觉得之前地火蜥蜴带来的快感是幻觉的感受了。 But perhaps his disposition was always calm, trades Long Kongkong really to give up, but he actually decided that must attempt to get down. 但他心性一向沉稳,换了龙空空恐怕就真的放弃了,但他却还是决定要尝试下去。 These demon beast blood that the cousin brings are the different types. He must attempt, is actually definite is how a situation. A pain, he also endures patiently. 表姐带回来的这些魔兽血都是不同种类的。他总要都尝试一下,再确定究竟是怎么个情况。只是一点痛苦,他还忍耐的了。 At that moment, he turns on the sixth bottle, this is a wooden bottle, above writes the chameleon lizard, six levels of demon beasts. This is a build is not too big, takes the insect as the demon beast of food. Is comparison human and animals harmless that most excels covers the semblance with the aid of the environment, the skin surface can change color according to the difference of environment, therefore acquires fame. 当下,他打开第六个瓶子,这是一个木瓶,上面写着变色龙蜥,六级魔兽。这是一种体型不算太大,以昆虫为食物的魔兽。属于比较人畜无害的那种,最擅长的就是借助环境来掩盖自身外表,皮肤表面能够根据环境的不同而变色,因此得名。 Also is the demon beast of sauria? In the Long Dangdang heart ignited a ray of hope immediately. This gadget and place hot lizard are the sauria demon beast, will be different? 也是蜥蜴类的魔兽?龙当当心中顿时燃起了一丝希望。这玩意儿和地火蜥蜴都属于蜥蜴类魔兽,是不是会有所不同呢? Thinks of here, his revolution merit law, then falls blood of drop of chameleon lizard above own palm again. 想到这里,他再次运转功法,然后将一滴变色龙蜥的血液倾倒在自己的手掌之上。 The stabbing pain of before repeatedly having presented these has not appeared time, in the palm that drop brings some green blood in Long Dangdang rolled, refine the stimulation of movement of golden body merit law along with the blood, that blood surface was ascends unexpectedly the light green mist, Long Dangdang even smelled fragrant aura of plant, next one flickered, blood that green mist unexpectedly was whiz one submerged to his palm in vanished not to have the trace. 之前已经多次出现的刺痛这一次并没有出现,那一滴带着些许绿色的血液在龙当当的掌心之中滚动,伴随着血炼金身功法的催动,那血液表面竟是升腾起了淡淡的绿色雾气,龙当当甚至闻到了一股植物的芬芳气息,下一瞬,血液连带那绿色雾气竟是“嗖”的一下就没入到了他的掌心之中消失无踪。 Long Dangdang only thought that the palm place transmits a cool feeling, because before the attempt absorbed the pricking that other blood brought to vanish instantaneously, the palm surface, appeared a strange imaginary color, after imaginary color, was the light purple trace flashes not to have. 龙当当只觉得掌心处传来一阵清凉的感觉,之前因为尝试吸收其他血液带来的刺痛感瞬间消失了,就连手掌表面,都浮现出一层奇异的幻彩,幻彩过后,则是淡淡的紫色纹路一闪而没。 Possible! In Long Dangdang heart one happy. The blood of this chameleon lizard, seems like itself to absorb. 有戏!龙当当心中一喜。这变色龙蜥的血液,似乎是自己能够吸收的。 Has not finished in a hast he to trade the palm to attempt again, the situation as before is exactly the same, the stabbing pain on this palm also vanished. 没有急于求成他换了手掌再次尝试,情况依旧是一模一样,这只手掌上的刺痛也随之消失了。 Can the blood of sauria be good? In Long Dangdang heart surprised is thinking. 蜥蜴类的血液能行?龙当当心中惊讶的想着。 Arrives at the bathroom again, puts to sail upstream in the bathtub, falls into the blood of chameleon lizard. Has not plunged like Long Kongkong directly, as before by the liquid spirit strength protection body, after the body plunges in the water, little letting loose protection. 再次来到卫生间,在浴缸中放上水,倾倒入变色龙蜥的血液。没有像龙空空那样直接浸入,依旧以液态灵力保护身体,把身体浸入水中后,一点点的放开防护。 This time he revolves the merit law is to open eyes to look, immediately, the clearly discernible imaginary color starts to appear, the whole body by a cool feeling gable, the whole person immediately some cool insightful feelings, the comfort of not being able to say. That feeling, looked like the big summer to eat bulk iced watermelon, unequalled chilliness. 这次他运转功法是睁眼看着的,顿时,清晰可见的幻彩开始出现,全身都被一种清凉的感觉包覆,整个人顿时都有种清凉通透的感觉,说不出的舒爽。那感觉,就像是大夏天吃了一大块冰镇西瓜似的,无与伦比的清冽。 In the entire bathroom filled the light plant to be fragrant, several minutes time, chameleon lizard blood completely absorbed clean in water. 整个卫生间内都弥漫起了淡淡的植物芬芳,短短几分钟的时间,水中的变色龙蜥血液就全部被吸收的一干二净。 Really can? Long Dangdang obviously felt own body to have some changes, in regarded with rapt attention, the vitality exuberant a point, the body as if was also more tenacious several points. 果然可以的吗?龙当当明显感受到自己的身体出现了一些变化,凝神内视,气血旺盛了一点,身体似乎也更强韧了几分。 Comes out from the bathtub rapidly, examined an own outside spirit intensity of pressure with outside spirit force meansurement ball. 迅速从浴缸之中出来,用外灵力测试球检测了一下自己的外灵力强度。 Outside the spirit strength increased 35. Yes, is this several minutes time, making his outside spirit strength increase 35 points directly. The blood of chameleon lizard also has half bottle! If used, can increase outside 70 points the spirit strength? This speed, is really a little astonishing! If there is a more chameleon lizard blood, how many can also increase own outside spirit strength? 外灵力增加了三十五。是的,就是这短短几分钟的时间,让他的外灵力直接增加了三十五点。变色龙蜥的血液还有半瓶啊!如果都用了,岂不是能增加七十点外灵力?这个速度,着实是有点惊人啊!如果有更多的变色龙蜥血液,又能将自己的外灵力增加多少? The Long Dangdang heartbeat started some acceleration. Facts showed, the blood refining up golden body family merit law they to cultivate, the only issue is, selects the blood. Only then suits own blood to play the effect of auxiliary cultivation. But not the suitable blood, will only have the problem. At present has confirmed that is two blood of saurias can produce the results. 龙当当的心跳开始有些加速了。事实证明,血炼金身这门功法他们是可以修炼的,唯一的问题就是,挑血。只有适合自身的血液才能起到辅助修炼的效果。而不适合的血液,只会出现问题。目前已经证实了的,是两种蜥蜴类的血液能够产生效果。 Has not used the surplus half bottle of chameleon lizard blood again, this definitely leaves air-to-air. Had these 35 points increase, air-to-air can cultivation fourth-order the outside spirit strength, that is the qualitative leap. 没有再使用剩余半瓶变色龙蜥血液,这个肯定是留给空空的。有了这三十五点的增加,空空就能把外灵力修炼到四阶了,那将是质的飞跃吧。 Long Dangdang returns the outhouse, had this success, lets he believes heart reignition, immediately continues to start to attempt on the preparation. The next type has a look is anything. 龙当当重新回到外屋,有了这次的成功,让他信心重燃,立刻就准备继续开始尝试了。下一种看看是什么。 In long neck crystal bottle, what putting is one dark-red is passing the light yellow blood, what above sign abbreviation is, land thorn dragon, six levels of demon beasts.” 长颈水晶瓶内,盛放着的是一种暗红色透着淡淡黄色的血液,上面的标签写的是,“大地棘龙,六级魔兽。” The land thorn dragon, the dragon-kind, the body covers the hard scale, the back likes thorny with punctures suddenly, the grown land thorn dragon height exceeds seven meters, the personality is quite docile. The knight temple has even attempted the land thorn dragon domestication, with form the Land Dragon regiment. Although its speed is not too fast, but really charges, relies on Gundam/is reaching as high as over 3000 jin (0.5 kg) body weights, absolutely is the best heavy cavalry. At present in the knight group of knight temple, the thorn dragon knight rolls standing-by 500, is this mount. The grown land thorn dragon is six levels of demon beasts, the rare variation plants to reach seven levels even is eight levels, the dragon of that need within the body is the bloodlines has certain variation to be good, is quite rare. 大地棘龙,地龙种,身上覆盖有坚硬的鳞片,背后有如同荆棘般的突刺,成年大地棘龙身长超过七米,性情较为温顺。骑士圣殿甚至尝试过将大地棘龙驯化,用以组建地龙军团。虽然它的速度并不算太快,但真的冲锋起来,凭借着高达三千斤以上的体重,绝对是最好的重骑兵。目前骑士圣殿的骑士团中,棘龙骑士团常备五百,就是这种坐骑。成年的大地棘龙就是六级魔兽,少有的变异种能够达到七级甚至是八级,那需要体内的龙系血脉产生一定的变异才行,比较罕见。 The knight temple has completed the manual cultivation to the land thorn dragon, on the other hand, it is in the demon beast human by one that rears in a pen. 骑士圣殿对大地棘龙已经完成了人工培育,相对来说,它是魔兽中被人类圈养的一种。 In the land thorn dragon or the army the best heavy labor force, the tremendous strength makes them be able to drive very heavy goods. Eliminated unable to become the land thorn dragon of fight mount to be acted as this heavy labor force to use. Very popular in the army. 大地棘龙还是军队之中最好的重劳力,巨大的力量让它们能够拖动很重的物品。一些淘汰下来无法成为战斗坐骑的大地棘龙就被充当这种重劳力来使用了。在军队中很受欢迎。 Land thorn dragon own talent skill only has one, the gravity control. Can control the gravity to switch over in three times freely, can reduce can also promote. 大地棘龙自身的天赋技能只有一个,重力掌控。能够自由掌控重力在三倍以内切换,可以降低也可以提升。 Long Dangdang in the condition good intention has not reported the ether high hope now, blood bubble of drop of land thorn dragon above own palm. 龙当当现在状态正好心中并没有报以太大的希望,将一滴大地棘龙的血液滴在自己的手掌之上。 Refining up the law of golden body along with the stimulation of movement blood, Long Dangdang felt immediately the palm sinks, probably this drop of blood is increasing weight unexpectedly. Then he surprised seeing, the blood of this drop of land thorn dragon, sank to own palm unexpectedly, then vanishes to disappear. The purple trace that has presented repeatedly appears again, in the palm also transmitted the heavy/thick feeling. 伴随着催动血炼金身之法,龙当当顿时感觉到掌心一沉,好像这一滴血液竟然在增加重量似的。然后他就惊讶的看到,这一滴大地棘龙的血,竟然就那么沉入了自己的掌心之中,然后消失不见了。紧接着,已经多次出现的紫色纹路再次浮现而出,手掌中也传来了厚重的感觉。 Became? This did also become? 成了?这个也成了? The Long Dangdang heart surges immediately a pleasant surprise. Can absorb consecutively for the second blood? 龙当当心头顿时涌起一阵惊喜。连续第二种血液能够吸收的吗? If land thorn dragon blood can successfully absorb, absolutely is the big good deed. Demon beast blood that because this very possible to be easiest to do. After all, land thorn dragon reason that because rears in a pen artificially, is very easy to look. Also subordinates in the knight temple. Moreover, the figure giant land thorn dragon, itself blood is huge. 大地棘龙这个血液要是能够成功吸收,绝对是大好事。因为这很可能是最容易搞到的魔兽血液了吧。毕竟,大地棘龙因为人工圈养的原因,很容易找。又隶属于骑士圣殿。而且,身形巨大的大地棘龙,本身血液总量就非常庞大。 Impatient returns to the bathroom again, attempts again! 迫不及待的再次回到卫生间,再次尝试! Success! 成功! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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