SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#162: Outside spirit force meansurement

Outside Chapter 162 spirit force meansurement 第162章外灵力测试 Long Dangdang nods to woof Changxin, said: I have attempted. I thought that the effect is very good, cultivates the process in the tolerance range, I and my younger brothers tried, Ok. We want to try this road.” 龙当当向汪常欣点了点头,道:“我已经尝试过了。我觉得效果很好,修炼过程在承受范围内,我和我弟弟都试了,可以的。我们想试试走这条路。” woof often/common somewhat looks at him joyful surprisedly, speaks the truth, I have not thought that you will really choose the cultivation blood to refine the golden body. I still remember initially that feeling of my first attempt time now. The tyrant day merit foreign spirit strength request that I cultivation is too high, I really do not want to cultivate. However, I listened to the senior in our temple also saying that everyone cultivated the blood to refine the feeling of golden body to be different, was also different to the induction of different demon beast blood. Perhaps the blood of hot lizard is quite suitable you. But you try some as far as possible, after all, the different ranks must certainly transform the different demon beast blood. But is not anxious, outside before 1000 spirit strength, reneges on a promise also with enough time.” 汪常欣有些惊讶的看着他,“说实话,我没想到你会真的选择修炼血炼金身。我现在还记得当初我第一次尝试时候的那种感觉。要不是我修炼的霸天功对外灵力要求太高,我真不想修炼。不过,我听我们圣殿的前辈也说过,每个人修炼血炼金身的感觉都不一样,对不同魔兽血液的感应也不同。或许地火蜥蜴的血比较适合你们。但你还是尽量多尝试一些,毕竟,不同级别肯定是要转换不同魔兽血液的。但也不急,一千外灵力之前反悔都还来得及。” Long Dangdang nods, said: We are also plan to attempt again. Studies the elder sister, you here also has other types demon beast blood?” 龙当当点点头,道:“我们也是打算再多尝试尝试。学姐,伱这里还有其他种类的魔兽血液吗?” woof Changxin shakes the head, said: Remained a blood of six step demon beasts, this was I am used to cultivate, without the means gave you. Moreover, you absorb six step demon beast blood is also early now.” 汪常欣摇摇头,道:“就剩一种六阶魔兽的血了,这个是我自己用来修炼的,没办法给你。而且,你们现在吸收六阶魔兽血液也太早。” Long Dangdang said: „Do you have anything to test outside the method of spirit strength. Beyond special test of spirit strength. I want to take a look at my present outside spirit strength total quantity, after the cultivation blood refining up the golden body, change that can bring about.” 龙当当道:“那你有没有什么能够测试外灵力的方法。专门测试外灵力的那种。我想看看我现在的外灵力总量,还有修炼血炼金身以后会带来的变化。” woof Changxin nods, said: This ease in doing.” At the same time saying, in her hand the storage ring ray is flashing, in the palm are many a seemingly glittering and translucent carving small ball, approximately only then the diameter about ten centimeters, the main body is transparent, but the interior seems to have has the liquid to flow. 汪常欣点点头,道:“这个好办。”一边说着,她手上储物戒指光芒一闪,掌心之中已经多了一个看起来晶莹剔透的小球,大约只有直径十厘米左右,本体透明,但内部有仿佛有液体流淌着似的。 This is outside the spirit force meansurement ball, in 10,000 the outside spirit strength can test with it. The price is very expensive, you do not need to buy. To test time, uses my on the line. I first cannot need to lend you to use temporarily. Before hunting for the demon group trains finished, gives back to me to be good. Later you want with also to ask me to borrow.” “这是外灵力测试球,一万以内的外灵力都可以用它测试。价格挺贵的,你们就没必要买了。想要测试的时候,就用我这个就行。我暂时先用不到借给你用吧。猎魔团培训结束之前还给我就行。以后你想用也可以找我借。” Good, thanks study the elder sister.” Long Dangdang does not have many smalltalk, will test in the ball access hand, study the elder sister, how this does need to use?” “好的,谢谢学姐。”龙当当也没有过多的客套,将测试球接入手中,“学姐,这个要怎么用?” woof Changxin: You take it, then in spirit strength without the use grasps full power grasps, will naturally correspond the outside spirit strength to demonstrate you. You can first try, I am also curious your present outside spirit strength am many.” 汪常欣道:“你就拿着它,然后在不使用内灵力的前提下全力抓握,自然就会将你对应的外灵力显示出来了。你可以先试试,我也好奇你现在的外灵力是多少呢。” Good, I try.” Long Dangdang grabs outside the spirit force meansurement ball with the right hand, deeply inspires, the next quarter, the palm catches up, grasps full power grasps. “好的,我试一下。”龙当当用右手抓着外灵力测试球,深吸口气,下一刻,手掌发力,全力抓握。 That seemingly glittering and translucent carving small ball seems like the gelatinous, is competitive, in situation that in he catches up comprehensively, some small ball slightly distortions, internal liquid as if because of receiving the extrusion had the change, starts to send out the weak ray. 那看上去晶莹剔透的小球似乎是胶质的,韧性十足,在他全面发力的情况下,小球本身微微有些变形,内部的液体仿佛因为受到外界挤压而出现了变化,开始散发出微弱的光芒。 Approximately after continuing for five seconds, the ray glitters, outside the spirit force meansurement ball internal liquid shines one group of number appearances the ray. 大约持续了五秒之后,光芒闪烁,外灵力测试球内部的液体亮起一团数字模样的光芒。 513. 五百一十三。 woof Changxin surprised looks at Long Dangdang, „did your outside spirit strength break through to fourth-order? Hadn't you really practiced outside the spirit strength before specially? Normal fifth-order occupation, outside the spirit strength can 300 very be good, majority about 200. You cultivated a blood to refine the golden body, unexpectedly already 500?” 汪常欣一脸惊讶的看着龙当当,“你的外灵力突破到四阶了?你以前真的没有专门修炼过外灵力吗?正常的五阶职业者,外灵力能到三百就已经很不错了,大多数都是在二百左右。你就修炼了一次血炼金身,竟然就已经五百了吗?” According to the standard in spirit strength, five lark strength fourth-order admittance thresholds. 按照内灵力的标准,五百灵力正是四阶的准入门槛。 Long Dangdang saw that this number is actually not surprised, he and Long Kongkong, ice Monroe cultivated with the help of dark blue moon/month angel together also for sometime, the strength of moon/month spirit had the effect of quenching the body, outside the spirit strength compared with occupation of the same class was the normal condition. Let alone also cultivated a blood to refine the golden body. 龙当当看到这个数字倒是并不惊讶,他和龙空空、凌梦露一起在沧月天使的帮助下修炼也有一段时间了,月灵之力本身就有淬体的效果,外灵力比同级别的职业者强是正常情况。更何况还修炼了一次血炼金身。 The merit law that we usually cultivation also has certainly quenches the effect of body. Therefore outside spirit strength possibly slightly.” Long Dangdang answered. “我们平时修炼的功法也有一定淬体的效果。所以外灵力可能略强一点。”龙当当解释道。 woof Changxin nods, said: Good. But you may probably be careful, if you continue to try the blood to refine the cultivation of golden body, must pay attention to itself to be close to outside 1000 the spirit strength. Once broke through 1000, then, in you want to continue to enhance the spirit strength, must enhance to be good with in spirit strength flush situation the outside spirit strength. Also must continue to cultivate the blood to refine the golden body.” 汪常欣点了点头,道:“挺好。但你可要小心了,你要是继续尝试血炼金身的修炼,一定要注意自己是不是要接近一千外灵力。一旦突破了一千,那么,你想要继续提升内灵力,就必须要将外灵力提升到与内灵力齐平的情况才行了。也就是必须要继续修炼血炼金身。” Clear.” Long Dangdang nods. “明白的。”龙当当点点头。 Said goodbye to woof often/common joyful Long Dangdang to return to the dormitory, the first matter was makes Long Kongkong also test an outside spirit strength. 告别了汪常欣龙当当返回宿舍,第一件事就是让龙空空也测试了一下外灵力。 Let alone, the air-to-air outside spirit strength is quite not unexpectedly weak, 473. Also was close to the fourth-order level unexpectedly. His in spirit strength tests after the child spirit crystal, is more than 1000. 别说,空空的外灵力竟是相当不弱,四百七十三。竟然也接近四阶的水平了。要知道,他的内灵力用子灵晶测试之后,也就是一千多而已。 Has not come back while ice Monroe, the two brothers tried a next month bright sea spirit furnace coordination god Qi Yutong spirit furnace and Yuan whorl spirit furnace, stimulating the sea of day deep pool to cultivate. 趁着凌梦露还没回来,兄弟俩尝试了一下月明沧海灵炉配合神祈屿桐灵炉和元涡灵炉,激发出天渊之海进行修炼。 The body regarding the carrying capacity of spirit strength, obviously compared with before, can absorb to hold many spirit strength. This first time was yesterday refine the benefit that the law of cultivation golden body provided by the blood obviously. Outside the spirit strength was definitely increased compared with before. 身体对于灵力的承受力,明显比之前强了一些,能够吸收容纳更多的灵力了。这显然是昨天第一次以血炼金身之法修炼所带来的好处。外灵力肯定是比之前提升了。 This also makes the two brothers understand, to them, outside the promotion of spirit strength will be directly to cultivating the spirit strength is good. Is relying on the sea of day deep pool, speed far supernormal person who they gather the spirit strength, but body , if the vessel, the total quantity of holding is limited. Only then can hold are more, the promotion of cultivation will be quicker. But outside spirit strength solution doesn't hold with carrying/sustaining these two issues? Therefore, even Long Kongkong still realized that the blood refine the benefit that the golden body provided. 这也让兄弟俩明白,对于他们来说,外灵力的提升是直接会对修炼内灵力有好处的。凭借着天渊之海,他们汇聚灵力的速度远超常人,但身体如果是容器的话,容纳的总量却是有限的。只有能够容纳的越多,修炼的提升才会越快。而外灵力解决的不就是容纳和承载这两个问题吗?所以,就算是龙空空也意识到血炼金身所带来的好处了。 Ice Monroe comes back to noon. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong have had the lunch. 凌梦露一直到中午才回来。龙当当龙空空都已经吃过了午饭了。 What kind of? Can buy? woof Xuejie that side harvest is not big.” Long Dangdang sees ice Monroe, somewhat impatient asking. With the calm of his mentality, was built up the effect of golden body to affect by the blood. This simply is an exceedingly high main road! “怎么样?能买吗?汪学姐那边收获不大。”龙当当一看到凌梦露,就有些迫不及待的问道。以他心态的沉稳,都被血炼金身的效果影响了。这简直是一条通天大道啊! Ice Monroe somewhat is small self-satisfied saying with a smile, study the elder sister does not have, the cousin has. The cry is of pleasant to hear, I change to you.” 凌梦露有些小得意的笑道,“学姐没有,表姐有呀。叫声好听的,我给你们变出来。” Long Kongkong say/way without hesitation: Entire world most beautiful, most sacred and gentlest cousin hello/you good.” 龙空空毫不犹豫的道:“全世界最美丽、最神圣、最温柔的表姐你好。” Ice Monroe shifts to Long Dangdang, the fine small chin rises slightly, you?” 凌梦露转向龙当当,精致的小下巴微微上扬,“你呢?” The Long Dangdang corners of the mouth go up slightly, walks toward ice Monroe step by step. 龙当当嘴角微微上翘,一步步向凌梦露走去。 Looks that he gradually is close to himself, ice Monroe immediately elegant face one red, does?” 看着他逐渐接近自己,凌梦露顿时俏脸一红,“干嘛?” Dear cousin, in my eye, only then you, because only then you keep me from forgetting. Since knowing you, in my eyes, the whole world only had your female probably.” “亲爱的表姐,我的眼里只有你,因为只有你让我无法忘记。自从认识你之后,在我眼里,好像整个世界就只剩下了你一个女性。” I go to......” Long Kongkong dumbfoundedly looks with smile on the face, even also somewhat attractive and charming brother. “我去……”龙空空目瞪口呆的看着面带微笑,甚至还有些深情款款的老哥。 Ice Monroe is the elegant face blushes, she has not thought in the Long Dangdang mouth to say such words unexpectedly. 凌梦露更是俏脸羞红,她也是万万没想到龙当当口中竟然能说出这样的话来。 But at this time Long Dangdang has arrived in front of her, said in a soft voice: „Does cousin, suffice to be of pleasant to hear?” 而此时龙当当已经走到了她面前,轻声道:“表姐,够好听吗?” You and you......, you to my distant point, I did not have the means to breathe.” Ling Menglu shoves open him gently, actually a little does not dare to look at him. “你、你……,你离我远点,我没办法呼吸了。”凌梦露轻轻将他推开,却有点不敢看他。 Long Kongkong has to plant to the feeling of brother brand-new understanding, „did brother, your also meet?” 龙空空有种对老哥全新认识的感觉,“老哥,你这也太会了吧?” Long Dangdang gives a calm smile, I only meet the sincerity.” 龙当当淡然一笑,“我只会真心而已。” Ling Menglu cannot bear say: Whose are we tea? Long Dangdang, I misread you. I think you are a proper person, never expected that you same are also good at sweet talking with Long Kongkong.” 凌梦露忍不住道:“咱俩到底是谁茶?龙当当,我看错你了。我本来以为你是个正经人,没想到你也和龙空空一样是个擅长花言巧语的。” Long Kongkong dumbfounded say/way: What matter closes my? The cousin you do not want the map artillery.” 龙空空目瞪口呆的道:“关我什么事儿?表姐你不要地图炮。” Long Dangdang coughs, kept a serious look, „did original cousin like seriously? I. Come, said the matter. Demon beast blood how?” 龙当当咳嗽一声,表情严肃起来,“原来表姐喜欢严肃的?我也可以。来,说正事儿吧。魔兽血怎么样了?” He is not today releases for flight suddenly, but was he felt the cousin yesterday earnestly to own difference. When Ling Menglu is in front of other teammates to praise him, and supports he becomes the regimental commander, he feels. He understands the cousin lazily, cousin not that type really to the person who is not willing to shoulder the responsibility , she supported the only explanation is very simple, she hopes oneself can grow in this position. Let alone , he although also not grown, but where all day long and big beautiful woman not have in can an idea like this together! 他并不是今天突然放飞自我的,而是昨天他切实的感受到了表姐对自己的不同。当凌梦露当着其他队友的面夸赞他并且支持他成为团长的时候,他就感受到了。他了解表姐,表姐并不是那种真的懒惰到不愿承担责任的人,那么,她支持自己唯一的解释就很简单了,她更希望自己能够在这个位置成长。更何况,他虽然还没成年,但成天和这样的大美女在一起哪能一点想法都没有啊! Ling dream exposed one's valuables Long Dangdang one, before arriving at the table of living room, the right hand stretches out, the baseless conjecture above the table, sees only storage ring ray twinkle on her hand, bottles of cans of that styles vary started to appear on the table one after another. 凌梦露白了龙当当一眼,走到客厅的桌案前,右手伸出,虚悬于桌案之上,只见她手上的储物戒指光芒闪烁,一个个样式各异的瓶瓶罐罐就开始纷纷出现在了桌子上。 Has the porcelain bottle, has the glass jar, the crystal bottle, the metal bottle, some not well-known seem like the material quality somewhat unusual bottle, even wooden. Altogether 12 jars, 11 appear on the table. 有瓷瓶,有玻璃瓶,水晶瓶,金属瓶,还有一些不知名看上去材质有些奇特的瓶子,甚至还有木质的。一共十二个瓶子,一一出现在桌子上。 This was in the family/home the concealed treasure house found, all was the fourth-order and fifth-order demon beast blood. I told the grandfather we prepared to try the blood to refine the golden body, the grandfather make me go to concealed treasure house to look. He reminded us, do not build up the law of golden body easily to cultivate outside spirit strength blood to over 1000. Although this family merit law is good, but the process and future will be worrying.” “这是家里藏宝库找到的,全都是四阶、五阶的魔兽血。我跟爷爷说了咱们准备尝试血炼金身,爷爷就让我去藏宝库自己找了。他只是提醒咱们,不要把外灵力用血炼金身之法轻易修炼到一千以上。这门功法虽然好,但过程和未来堪忧。” Long Kongkong dumbfounded looks at that pile of bottles of cans, „did this call filthy rich?” 龙空空目瞪口呆的看着那一堆瓶瓶罐罐,“这是不是就叫财大气粗?” Long Dangdang is also in the heart acclaims, really worthily is one of the holy city background deepest families! This demon beast blood follows not to ask for money to resemble, directly is one pile. 龙当当也是心中赞叹,真不愧是圣城底蕴最深厚的家族之一啊!这魔兽血就跟不要钱似的,直接就是一堆。 Ling Menglu said: I also asked the father, that side the auction market, the demon beast blood is not many, mainstream auction all equipment. Because demon beast blood few people are useful, only then the demon pharmacist will be used to refine the demon medicine. But even the demon medicine, still refines with the medicinal herb of plant class more often, is not high to the demand of demon beast blood. Because the demon beast hunts and kills the difficulty, therefore the price of demon beast blood was not low.” 凌梦露道:“我也问了爸爸,拍卖场那边,魔兽血也不是很多,主流拍品还是各种级别的装备。因为魔兽血很少有人用得上,只有魔药师会用来炼制魔药。但就算是魔药,更多时候也是用植物类的药材进行炼制,对魔兽血的需求也不算高。但因为魔兽猎杀困难,所以魔兽血的价格一直都不低。” Long Dangdang said: When does cousin prepare to try? Before here does have us , the blood of place hot lizard uses? I and air-to-air felt that effect of this demon beast blood in the absorption is very good, moreover load.” 龙当当道:“表姐准备什么时候试试?这里有没有我们之前用的地火蜥蜴的血?我和空空都感觉这种魔兽血在吸收的时候效果很好,而且没有负荷。” Is comfortable is very comfortable, the cousin you must try.” Long Kongkong adds immediately. “是舒服特别舒服,表姐你一定要试试。”龙空空立刻补充道。 Ling Menglu nods, said: Has, I looked for one bottle to come specially. Ok, I first try. In these jars has the label, marking is the demon beast and name of what rank, you first study, I try now. The blood refining up the merit law of golden body to me.” 凌梦露点了点头,道:“有的,我特意找了一瓶过来。行,那我先试试。这些瓶子上都有标签,标明了是什么级别的魔兽和名称,你们先研究一下,我现在就试试。血炼金身的功法给我。” Long Dangdang gives her the merit law, Ling Menglu took one bottle of demon beast blood to return to the dormitory on the preparation directly. 龙当当将功法递给她,凌梦露拿了一瓶魔兽血直接就准备回宿舍。 Long Dangdang rushes saying: „Doesn't cousin, with need us to give you to protect the law?” 龙当当赶忙道:“表姐,用不用我们给你护法?” Ling Menglu was also white his eyes not to use, I had small clear(ly).” The cultivation blood refining up the golden body to take off/escape the clothes immersion in the water, how to protect the law? Moreover she is good at treating, there is a bright angel spirit furnace to take care, originally will not have what risk. 凌梦露又白了他一眼“不用,我有小明呢。”修炼血炼金身是要脱衣服浸泡在水中的,怎么护法?而且她本身就擅长治疗,又有光明天使灵炉看顾,本来也不会有什么风险。 Gazes after her to depart, Long Kongkong bumped Long Dangdang, „did brother, you straighten out?” 目送着她离去,龙空空碰了碰龙当当,“老哥,你这是开窍了啊?” The Long Dangdang corners of the mouth go up, Fei Shui does not flow the bystander field, the grandfather did not remind us, we and cousin have no blood relationship. Wasn't this is equivalent encourages us?” 龙当当嘴角上翘,“肥水不流外人田嘛,外公不是都提醒了我们,我们和表姐并没有任何血缘关系。这不就是相当于鼓励我们了吗?” Long Kongkong surprise say/way: „Did grandfather mediate mother's relational time at that time is this meaning?” 龙空空诧异的道:“外公当时说和妈妈的关系时候是这个意思?” Long Dangdang shrugs the arm, when he. Come, we also try. How has a look at this other blood cultivation blood to refine the effect of golden body.” 龙当当耸了耸肩膀,“就当他是吧。来,我们也试试。看看这其他血液修炼血炼金身的效果如何。” At the same time saying, he takes up a leftmost glass jar. 一边说着,他拿起最左侧的一个玻璃瓶。 This glass jar inside blood is the dark-red, but has the light metallic luster indistinctly. In the bottle pastes has the label, what above writes, iron long neck hair lion, five levels of demon beasts. Five levels of demon beasts are equivalent to human fourth-order occupation. Before rank , the blood of hot lizard is similar. 这个玻璃瓶里面的血液是暗红色的,但却隐约带着淡淡的金属光泽。瓶子上贴着有标签,上面写的是,铁鬃狮,五级魔兽。五级魔兽就相当于人类四阶职业者。等级和之前地火蜥蜴的血液差不多。 Iron long neck hair lion demon beast is the hair like the iron, the body is mainly intrepid, the body intensity is its talent, is existence that in the lion class demon beast sets the base. 铁鬃狮这种魔兽主要是毛发如铁,身体强悍,身体强度就是其天赋,是狮类魔兽中垫底的存在。 First tries this. Do you come me to come?” Long Dangdang asked to Long Kongkong. “就先试试这个。你来我来?”龙当当龙空空问道。 I come, I come, such comfortable cultivation way, must not pass on responsibilities!” Long Kongkong saying in high spirits. “我来,我来,这么舒服的修炼方式,必须当仁不让啊!”龙空空兴冲冲的说道。 The blood cultivation of hot lizard, made him crisp, now can also feel that the obvious enhancement of own strength and body and spirit, outside spirit strength more than 400 quick 500, this was outside the spirit strength must be close to the fourth-order level. Practices and cultivates again, outside the spirit strength perhaps directly fourth-order. 地火蜥蜴的血液修炼,着实让他爽了一下,现在都还能感觉到自己力量和体魄的明显增强呢,外灵力四百多快五百,这是外灵力都要接近四阶的水平了。再修炼、修炼,外灵力说不定直接就四阶了。 Good.” Long Dangdang naturally cannot fight for anything with the younger brother, puts the hot water in the bathtub again, pours into right amount of the iron long neck hair lion blood. “好。”龙当当自然不会和弟弟争抢什么,重新在浴缸之中放上热水,将铁鬃狮血液倒入适量。 Comes, or insufficient vigor.” Long Kongkong takes off the clothes, while saying in high spirits. How before he had not felt, less than ten minutes absorbs the blood of place hot lizard. “多来点,要不不够劲儿。”龙空空一边脱衣服,一边兴冲冲的说道。之前他都没感觉怎么样,不到十分钟就把地火蜥蜴的血吸收完毕了。 Long Dangdang complies according to the word, originally their is also the cultivation of crossing the river while feeling the stones, the energy intensities of five levels of demon beast blood are also limited, comes some should also to have nothing. 龙当当依言照做,本来他们这也是摸着石头过河的修炼,五级魔兽血液的能量强度也是有限的,多来一些应该也没什么。 By the Long Kongkong negligent arriving bathtub, is red the point of his tip of the toe of whole body in the ground, the person has been fluttering gently. Relies on the spirit strength to be stayed the light and lively condition by own body. Then declines slowly to the bathtub, fully appears cultivating of his fourth-order level is being, on the face even also has several points of self-satisfied color. 龙空空大咧咧的走到浴缸旁边,赤着全身的他脚尖在地面上轻轻一点,人就已经飘飞而起。凭借着灵力让自己的身体保持轻灵状态。然后再缓缓向浴缸之中落去,充分显现着他那四阶层次的修为,脸上甚至还带着几分得意之色。 This time, he has not even protected the body with the spirit strength, the direct whole person sinks to the pool of water. 这一次,他甚至都没有用灵力来护住身体,直接整个人就向池水之中沉入。 Nice and warm pool of water rapid gable whole body, warm, the comfort of not being able to say. 暖热的池水迅速包覆全身,暖融融的,说不出的舒爽。 The ear broadcasts the Long Dangdang sound, transports/fortunes the merit.” 耳边传来龙当当的声音,“运功。” Knows.” Long Kongkong complies with one, this starts to stimulate to movement the spirit strength, the revolution blood refining up the golden body merit law. The quick, his pore starts to open, the blood in within the body starts to boil. “知道啦。”龙空空答应一声,这才开始催动灵力,运转血炼金身功法。很快,他自身的毛孔开始开启,体内的血液开始沸腾。 But next flickers, the pitiful yell sound that nearly shouts oneself hoarse resounds suddenly, „-” 而下一瞬,近乎声嘶力竭的惨叫声骤然响起,“啊-” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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