SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#161: The unexpected blood refining up the golden body

The Chapter 161 unexpected blood refining up the golden body 第161章意料之外的血炼金身 Un-” comfortable light snort/hum shows from the Long Dangdang tip of the nose, listened standing fought a shiver in nearby Long Kongkong smartly spirit. Is this does do? “嗯-”舒爽的轻哼从龙当当鼻端透出,听的站在一旁的龙空空不禁机灵灵打了个寒战。这是干嘛呢? Then he saw, on the Long Dangdang face reveals the manner that one type relaxes extremely, in the foreheads stretched completely in this moment. The skin surface, presents one healthy light red , Long Kongkong on dumbfounded seeing, that vat red liquid gradually becomes transparent. Inside red is vanishing at the visible speed. 然后他就看到,龙当当脸上流露出一种极度放松的神态,就连眉宇间在这一刻都完全舒展开来了似的。皮肤表面,呈现出一种健康的淡红色,紧接着,龙空空就目瞪口呆的看到,那一缸红色的液体渐渐变得透明起来。里面的红色以肉眼可见的速度消失着。 But Long Dangdang own feeling was special, it is expected that in pain has not appeared, what was quite to the contrary, in feeling whole body scalding hot next one flickered, a comfort nice and warm spread over the whole body instantaneously, as if must infiltrate to own bone. Then own all the limbs and bones from dispelling send out a warm feeling, as if had what strength to be stimulated to come out to resemble, was similar to the immersion by own whole person in the hot spring, comfortable of not being able to say. Let alone pain, because alerts is tying tight the nerve carefully, in this moment thorough relaxed. 龙当当自己的感觉就更是特殊了,预想之中的痛苦根本就没有出现,正相反的是,在感受到浑身灼热的下一瞬,一种舒爽至极的暖热瞬间传遍全身,仿佛要渗透到自己的骨子里似的。然后自己的四肢百骸就自行散发出一种暖融融的感觉,仿佛有什么力量被激发了出来似的,让自己整个人都如同浸泡在温泉之中,说不出的舒服。别说痛苦了,就连因为小心戒备而紧绷着的神经,在这一刻都彻底的放松了下来。 Long Kongkong does flicker looks steadily at Long Dangdang, in the heart was musing, brother this to deceive oneself also cultivates this merit law, this attire also looked like? Did not say that this gadget does practice to be very painful? His high tide appearance? Too the plans are really the wrong behavior! 龙空空一瞬不瞬的盯视着龙当当,心中暗想,老哥这为了骗自己也修炼这功法,这装的也太像了吧?不是说这玩意儿修炼起来很痛苦吗?他怎么一幅高潮了似的样子?太心机了真的是不当人啊! However, looks that he thought some are not right. Because quick that vat water turned into the water thoroughly, limpid can each detail of clear seeing brother body,...... 但是,看着看着他就觉得有些不对了。因为很快那一缸水就彻底变成了水,清澈的可以清晰的看到老哥身体的每一个细节,咳咳…… He discovered, the Long Dangdang body surface starts to reappear the light purple, that is one very strange purple. When this purple appears, in Long Kongkong innermost feelings subconscious has an extremely kind feeling. That is painstaking care connected warm feelings, he feels oneself body because as if saw that this wiped the purple becomes nice and warm. 紧接着,他就发现,龙当当身体表面开始浮现出淡淡的紫色,那是一种非常奇异的紫色。而当这紫色出现的时候,龙空空内心之中下意识的就产生出一种极其亲切的感觉。那是一种心血相连的亲切感,就连他都感觉到自己的身体仿佛因为看到这一抹紫色而变得暖热起来了似的。 But the purple of Long Dangdang body surface had some shapes gradually, that is like the grid, or like the scale general trace, densely covered in the skin surface, looks is a bit like the rhombus, very strange. 龙当当身体表面的紫色渐渐出现了一些形状,那是如同网格,或者说是如同鳞片一般的纹路,密布在皮肤表面,看起来有点像是菱形,非常的奇异。 Won't brother this change to become the lizard? Absorbed this lizard blood, is this bloodlines variation? 老哥这不会变身成蜥蜴吧?吸收了这蜥蜴血,这是血脉变异? The purple has not maintained too for a long time, is only about a half minute, that scaled trace vanished gradually , the purple also restrains gradually. 紫色并没有维持太长时间,只是大约半分钟左右,那鳞片状的纹路就渐渐消失了,紧接着,紫色也随之渐渐收敛。 Also crossed was less than five minutes, Long Dangdang opened the double pupil, opened that flash of eyes in him, the eyeground obviously had one to wipe purple intent to flash through, looked Long Kongkong for it one dull. Then he saw, in the Long Dangdang look has several points of surprise. 又过了不到五分钟,龙当当睁开了双眸,在他睁开双眼的那一瞬间,眼底明显有一抹紫意闪过,看的龙空空都为之一呆。然后他就看到,龙当当的眼神中带着几分诧异。 How was water cool?” Long Dangdang subconscious looks toward the bathtub in, then looks up to Long Kongkong, „did you change the water to me?” “水怎么凉了?”龙当当下意识的朝浴缸之中看去,然后再抬头看向龙空空,“你给我换水了?” Long Kongkong ill-humored say/way: Eldest child, you from starting to cultivate now, altogether on the past the time of quarter of an hour. Even if I want to give you to change the water is not quick! you a moment ago this comfortable appearance was not an attire? In order to deceive me practices this gadget, you also took great pains!” 龙空空没好气的道:“老大,你从开始修炼到现在,一共就过去了一刻钟的时间。我就算是想要给你换水也没那么快啊!伱刚才这舒爽的样子不是装的吧?为了骗我练这玩意儿,你也是煞费苦心了啊!” Fart, I install what attire. However, truly is very comfortable, how to the difference that woof Xuejie said. You said that what on me presented to change a moment ago?” Long Dangdang asked. “放屁,我装什么装。不过,确实是挺舒服的,怎么跟汪学姐说的不一样。你说说刚才我身上出现了什么变化?”龙当当问道。 Long Kongkong blinks, he to oneself brother is familiar , from his look and mood, truly does not look like the attire. At that moment, he change of spoke Long Dangdang that on just saw. 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,他对自己老哥还是熟悉的,从他的眼神和情绪上看,确实是不太像装的。当下,他将自己刚刚看到的龙当当身上发生的变化讲了一遍。 Absorbed the blood? Purple?” During listened to his description, Long Dangdang to be lost in thought. As if oneself cultivation this blood to refine the situation that in the golden body and merit law described to be a little different! “吸收了血液?紫色?”听了他的描述,龙当当不禁陷入沉思之中。似乎自己修炼这血炼金身和功法上描述的情况有点不一样啊! He first comes out from the bathtub, bleeds off the water. Dried the body to change the clothes. Then gripped the fist subconsciously. Immediately, the powerful feeling the palm transmits. 他先从浴缸中出来,把水放掉。擦干了身体换上衣服。然后下意识的攥了攥拳头。顿时,充满力量的感觉动手掌传来。 Although does not have to test, but he is actually certain, oneself strength definitely grew stronger, the degree of enhancement really were not few. In other words, do oneself cultivation the blood to refine the golden body effective? 虽然没有进行测试,但他却可以肯定,自己的力量肯定是增强了的,增强的程度还真不算少。也就是说,自己修炼血炼金身是有效果的? He took that porcelain bottle. Before was used to adjust the water approximately to use half, currently in the bottle also has half of place hot lizard blood. Opens the bottle cap, Long Dangdang pours blood of drop of hot lizard in own palm, conducted the isolation with the ichor. 他将那个瓷瓶又取了出来。之前用来调水大约用了一半,现在瓶子里还有一半的地火蜥蜴血液。打开瓶盖,龙当当倒出一滴地火蜥蜴的血液在自己掌心之中,用灵液进行了隔绝。 Then he stimulates to movement the blood to refine the law of golden body, again remove the ichor, lets that drop of blood and own palm fitting. 然后他催动血炼金身之法,再将灵液撤掉,让那一滴血液与自己的掌心贴合。 Immediately, strange appeared. That drop of blood brings light warm feeling unexpectedly is being rapid vanished in own palm. Long Dangdang saw in own palm raises wipes the purple, but this wipes the purple fast is extending own palm spread, spreads to the body from the arm rapidly. Previously that comfortable scalding hot feeling appeared immediately once again. 顿时,奇异的一幕出现了。那一滴血液带着一股淡淡的暖意竟是飞速的在自己掌心之中消失了。紧接着,龙当当就看到自己掌心之中升起一抹紫色,而这一抹紫色更是快速的延着自己的手掌蔓延而下,迅速从手臂传入身体。先前那舒爽的灼热感顿时又一次出现了。 This is a little probably different! According to the blood refining up the description of golden body merit law, the absorption demon beast blood, requires unceasing time each time, the demon beast blood to the bloodlines of follower will have the stimulation, the stimulation at the same time, can absorb energy in the demon beast blood, will also stimulate the potential of bloodlines, will thus achieve certain cultivation effect. But how did my directly absorb?” “这好像有点不一样啊!按照血炼金身功法的描述,每次吸收魔兽血液,都需要一个不断的时间,魔兽血液会对修炼者的血脉产生刺激,刺激的同时,能够吸收一点魔兽血液中的能量,同时也激发自身血脉的潜能,从而达到一定的修炼效果。可我这怎么直接就都吸收了?” Long Kongkong is also the somewhat surprised say/way: Brother your feared that cannot blood sucking.” 龙空空也是有些惊讶的道:“老哥你这怕不是能吸血吧。” Long Dangdang thinks, said: I put vat water again, I pass on your merit law, you also try. Happen to the blood of this hot lizard also has half.” 龙当当想了想,道:“我再放一缸水,我传你功法,你也试试。正好这地火蜥蜴的血液还有一半。” „? You were the plot revealed that you to deceive me cultivated pretend comfortably was right?” A Long Kongkong face looks at him vigilantly. “啊?你这是图穷匕见了吧,你就是为了蒙我修炼才装作舒爽的对不对?”龙空空一脸警惕的看着他。 Fart. You hurry. Do not let me begin to give you to force in! Probably I cultivation this really difference. If I can, our bloodlines common origin, you should like this.” Long Dangdang was saying at the same time has started to put the hot water. “放屁。你赶紧的。别让我动手给你塞进去啊!好像我修炼这个是真的不一样。如果我能这样的话,咱们血脉同源,你应该也可以。”龙当当一边说着已经开始重新放上热水。 Long Kongkong shows the whites of the eyes, said: You are earnest? Brother, do not forget us are dragon the brother mouse younger brother, how many does your talent awaken in spirit strength is? How many am I? Even if this gadget is comfortable on you, that is still not necessarily able comfortably on me!” 龙空空翻了个白眼,道:“你是认真的吗?老哥,你可别忘了咱俩可是龙兄鼠弟,你天赋觉醒的内灵力是多少?我才是多少?这玩意儿就算在你身上是舒服的,在我身上那也未必能舒服的了啊!” Long Dangdang said: Few idle talk, I first give you little to add blood of points hot lizard, making the dilution degree bigger, I will also protect the law for you, let alone outside also has the cousin, I am your blood brother, can I harm you? Preparation.” 龙当当道:“少废话,我先给你少加一点地火蜥蜴的血液,让稀释程度更大,我也会为你护法的,何况外面还有表姐呢,我是你亲哥,我能害你吗?准备吧。” Looks at the Long Dangdang earnest appearance, Long Kongkong on sad understands oneself cannot escape, can only see that he mixed vat blood, really beforehand must dilute is bigger. 看着龙当当认真的样子,龙空空就悲催的明白自己是逃不掉的,只能眼看着他又调制了一缸血液,果然是比之前的要稀释更大。 I pass on your merit law now, you are quite easy to learn.” At that moment, Long Dangdang refining up the merit law of golden body to teach the blood to Long Kongkong. The merit law is not difficult, after Long Kongkong tried three times, can stimulate the bloodlines slowly. “我现在传你功法,你好好学。”当下,龙当当将血炼金身的功法传授给龙空空。功法并不难,龙空空尝试了三次之后,就可以缓慢的激发血脉了。 Goes.” Long Dangdang referred to the pool of water. “进去吧。”龙当当指了指池水。 Although Long Kongkong the heart unwilling sentiment does not hope, but also knows that stubborn brother, has to be the revolution spirit strength protects the body, clenched teeth to enter the basin. Although he does not have the liquid spirit strength, but the simple spirit strength protects the body to achieve, after all, the defense class optical system skill is he most excelled, safety first. 龙空空虽然心不甘情不愿,但也知道拗不过老哥,只得是运转灵力护体,咬牙走进了水池。他虽然没有液态灵力,但简单的灵力护体还是能够做到的,毕竟,防御类光系技能本来就是他最擅长的,安全第一嘛。 Lies down in the bathtub slowly, is studying the beforehand Long Dangdang appearance, starts the revolution blood to refine the golden body merit law. 在浴缸中缓缓躺下,学着之前龙当当的样子,开始运转血炼金身功法。 , The body starts because of the merit law gradually becomes nice and warm, bloodlines ebullition. 渐渐地,身体开始因为功法而变得暖热起来,血脉沸腾。 Merit law revolved to start.” Looks that the skin of Long Kongkong has started flood red, Long Dangdang knows that he has prepared basically. “功法运转好了就开始吧。”看着龙空空的皮肤已经开始泛红,龙当当就知道他已经基本准备好了。 Long Kongkong clenches teeth, takes back the spirit strength slowly, in the heart mused the brother, if deceives itself, after waiting, must complain with the mother. 龙空空一咬牙,缓缓收回灵力,心中暗想老哥要是骗自己,等回去以后一定要跟老妈告状。 The nice and warm instantaneous gable whole body, becomes intense, the blazing warm feeling drills into within the body from all the limbs and bones, Long Kongkong the body ties tight immediately. 暖热瞬间包覆全身,紧接着就变得强烈起来,炽热的暖意从四肢百骸钻入体内,龙空空顿时身体紧绷起来。 Well? Nice and warm, probably, but also somewhat comfortable meaning. 咦?暖呼呼的,好像,还真有点舒服的意思。 Un......” Long Kongkong stretched an own body subconsciously, suddenly feels the whole body as if spread out happiness, comfortable of not being able to say. “嗯……”龙空空下意识的舒展了一下自己的身体,顿觉全身仿佛都伸展开了似的舒畅,说不出的舒服。 Long Dangdang stands in the one side looks at Long Kongkong change, such as he said that after Long Kongkong starts to relax the body, the bloody water in bathtub obviously starts becomes pale, even can see indistinctly that red is integrating Long Kongkong within the body gradually, but the before body of Long Kongkong also started to present him , the purple that gradually said that light purple intent sending out, the flesh surface also had the scale shape trace to appear gradually. 龙当当站在一旁看着龙空空身上的变化,果然如他所说的那样,当龙空空开始放松身体之后,浴缸中的血水明显开始变淡,甚至都能隐约看到那红色在渐渐融入龙空空体内似的,而龙空空的身体也渐渐开始出现了他之前所说的紫色,淡淡的紫意散发,肌肤表面也渐渐有鳞片形状的纹路出现。 Looks at that purple, Long Dangdang felt faintly oneself bloodlines some must boil the feeling, seemed to be intimate with air-to-air. 看着那紫色,龙当当隐隐感觉到自己的血脉有些要沸腾似的感觉,与空空之间似乎更加亲近了似的。 This purple what's the matter? The blood refine in golden body merit law not to say will have such situation to appear! 这紫色是怎么回事儿?血炼金身功法上可从来都没说过会有这样的情况出现啊! However, this purple actually gives him a very familiar feeling, probably before had also appeared indistinctly, such clear that but this time has not presented at present. 但是,这紫色却给他一种非常熟悉的感觉,好像以前也隐约曾经出现过,但却都没有眼前这次出现的如此清晰。 But how regardless to say, probably this blood gold metallurgy was in itself and on the younger brother cultivates had the variation, moreover was a very good variation, as if not need to pay what price, can cultivation successfully, not only the effect was good, but also the speed was very quickly comfortable. Was this too also good? Does not know that the cousin is good. 但无论怎么说,好像这血炼金身在自己和弟弟身上修炼是产生了变异的,而且是一种很好的变异,似乎并不需要付出什么代价,就能修炼成功,不但效果好,而且速度快还很舒服。这也太好了吧?不知道表姐行不行。 If so that blood refine the golden body to have bright prospects! However, but also needs to do the experiment to be good again, after all, the present is only the blood of hot lizard can have such effect, the demon beast blood of other types do not know that can have the function. If is also this, that was too good. 如果是这样的话那血炼金身就大有可为了啊!不过,还需要再做实验才行,毕竟,现在只是地火蜥蜴的血会有这样的效果,其他种类的魔兽血液不知道能不能产生作用。如果也是这样的话,那就太好了。 „, The water was whoops cool!” In the time of Long Dangdang thinking, Long Kongkong has been opening the eyes. Has a look at the bird in water, he sits immediately. “哎呦,水凉了啊!”正在龙当当思索的工夫,龙空空已经睁开了双眼。看看水中的小鸟,他立刻坐了起来。 Brother, this was good, was really good! Earlier found such good merit law, why bother we suffer hardship! This was too simply crisp, takes a bath to cultivation, is really good.” At the same time saying, Long Kongkong is also coming out from the bathtub, scratched the body. “老哥,这个太棒了,真的是太棒了啊!早点找到这么好的功法,我们何苦受罪啊!这简直太爽了,就那么泡个澡就能修炼,真不错。”一边说着,龙空空也从浴缸中出来,擦了擦身体。 You try your strength to have the growth.” Long Dangdang said to Long Kongkong. “你试试自己的力量有没有增长。”龙当当龙空空说道。 Long Kongkong waved an arm, immediately brings all at once the wave, has, really has the change. Probably the strength grown stronger a point. You have a look, was I the long muscle?” At the same time saying, but also compares own arm with Long Dangdang. 龙空空挥动了一下手臂,顿时带起一股气浪,“有,真有变化。好像是力量变强了一点。你看看,我是不是都长肌肉了?”一边说着,还跟龙当当比了比自己的手臂。 You first wear the clothes, doesn't the wool have simultaneous/uniform also to stroll accompanied by pet bird long?” Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way. “你先把衣服穿上,毛都没长齐呢还遛鸟?”龙当当没好气的道。 Long Kongkong rebutted with sarcasm: What you and do I have to distinguish? Added me, snort/hum. However, Brother, this merit law is really good! Makes this blood anything again, outside our the spirit strength did not come up. Ok, I decided that followed you to cultivate this. Really good.” 龙空空反唇相讥道:“你和我有什么区别?还说我,哼。不过,老哥,这功法真不错啊!再弄点这血啥的,咱这外灵力不就上去了。可以,我决定跟随你修炼这个了。真不错。” Long Dangdang nods, said: Also must try other types demon beast blood again, looked that is all demon beast blood we absorbs is so easy, only then the blood absorption of hot lizard is easy. If the former, we may be hit transport/fortune greatly.” 龙当当点了点头,道:“还要再试试其他种类的魔兽血液,看是所有魔兽血液我们吸收都这么容易,还是只有地火蜥蜴的血液吸收容易。如果是前者,那我们可就是撞大运了。” Two people walk from the bathroom. Outside ice Monroe is manipulating a golden light ball in the hand, this is in the practice light element control, because has the possibility to rescue Long Dangdang anytime, she has not contemplated. 两人从卫生间走出来。外面的凌梦露正在手中摆弄着一个金色光球,她这是在练习光元素掌控,因为随时有可能去救援龙当当,她也没有冥想。 Finished? Such quickly?” The considering everything, the two brothers go for a half hour. “结束了?这么快?”满打满算,这哥俩进去才半个小时。 Long Dangdang nods, said: Effect compared with the imagination, easy that the energy of that hot lizard blood we absorb. Not only I tried, the spatial dry practice the effect was also good. Moreover does not have the pain.” 龙当当点点头,道:“效果比想象中好,那地火蜥蜴血液的能量我们吸收的很容易。不但我试了,空空试了效果也不错。而且没有痛苦。” Ling Menglu blinks, such good? That comes back I also to try. Isn't sore?” 凌梦露眨了眨眼睛,“这么好的吗?那回头我也试试。不疼?” Long Kongkong swinging rouses with the divination, is not sore, is not sore, is simply comfortable! The cousin, I thought that for the first time my brother is so credible. Then you must try, but was comfortable.” 龙空空头摇的跟卜楞鼓似的,“不疼,一点都不疼,简直是舒爽啊!表姐,我第一次觉得我老哥这么靠谱。回头你一定要试试,可舒服了。” Long Dangdang said: But, the price of this demon beast blood is also very high. This bottle of place hot lizard blood take 3000 gold coins, I give woof Xuejie to send to later, have a look also to be able from her there to buy other demon beast blood again. The cousin, can you ask the uncle, that side the auction market can select to buy the demon beast blood cheaply?” 龙当当道:“不过,这魔兽血液的价格也是挺高的。这一瓶地火蜥蜴血液要三千金币,我待会儿给汪学姐送去,看看还能不能从她那里再买点其他魔兽血液。表姐,你能不能问问大舅,拍卖场那边能便宜点买魔兽血液吗?” Ling Menglu said: Good, I ask. Then also looked that in looks after the house has what inventory. What fifth-order is?” 凌梦露道:“好,我去问问。然后也看看家里有没有什么存货。要五阶的是吧?” Long Dangdang said: At least fourth-order above, our outside spirit strength are not too strong, I thought that can try. I ask woof Xuejie also to have a look to buy again. Then asks how she surveys outside the spirit strength.” 龙当当道:“至少四阶以上吧,我们的外灵力都不算太强,我觉得都可以试试。我去找汪学姐也看看再买一点。然后问问她怎么测量外灵力。” Ok. Then on the present, your approximately one she has a look. I first go home.” “行。那就现在吧,你约一下她看看。我先回家。” Long Dangdang delivers to the entrance ice Monroe, then takes out the child spirit crystal to contact with woof Changxin. 龙当当将凌梦露送到门口,然后取出子灵晶联系汪常欣。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted woof Changxin, woof Xuejie, in? I give money to you.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊汪常欣,“汪学姐,在吗?我给你送钱去。” The bright moon in the sky, woof often/common joyful private chatted Long Dangdang, „, come.” 皓月当空,汪常欣私聊龙当当,“在的,来吧。” Long Dangdang arrives at the woof often/common joyful dormitory again, first contacted with her prepaid card with the gold coin prepaid card, passed above to connection switched through 3000 gold coins to her. This is one prepaid card that only then occupation can use, the prepaid card of everyone has special correspondent method, even if threw the bystander unable to use. But reissues very troublesome, generally can therefore collect unusual is careful. 龙当当再次来到汪常欣宿舍,先用金币储值卡与她的储值卡接触,通过上面的对接法阵直接转了三千金币给她。这是只有职业者才能使用的一种储值卡,每个人的储值卡都有专门的对应法阵,就算丢了外人也无法使用。但补办很麻烦,所以一般会收藏的非常小心。 „Did you try?” woof Changxin asked. “你试了吗?”汪常欣问道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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