SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#175: Bright lion vulture

The 175 th Zhang Guangming lion vulture 第175章光明狮鹫 Listened to the question of Long Dangdang, the peach numerous to stare, thinks saying: Theoretically yes. But this request was higher. The degree that needs to deter is bigger, best is to make the opposite party absolutely not have of counter- resisting force to submit , the effect will be very good.” 听了龙当当的问话,桃林林愣了一下,想了想道:“理论上是可以的。但这个要求就更高了。需要威慑的程度更大,最好是让对方完全没有反抗力的那种臣服,效果就会很好。” Long Dangdang nods slightly, in the eye has the light flash faintly. 龙当当微微颔首,眼中隐隐有光闪过。 Bright moon in the sky ocean nighttide: Regimental commander, front discovery demon beast. However is hunting for the demon group to fight with our one.” 皓月当空溟汐:“团长,前方发现魔兽。不过正在和咱们的一支猎魔团交手。” Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: What type demon beast?” 皓月当空,龙当当:“什么类型的魔兽?” Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: Several orangutan classes, I did not know. The fight supports, but has been suppressed now. Being defeated is the time issue. Can we support?” 皓月当空,溟汐:“几只猩猩类的,我不认识。战斗力挺强的,不过现在已经被压制了。落败是时间问题。我们要不要支援?” Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: Does not use, you direct the direction we to go round.” 皓月当空,龙当当:“不用了,你指引方向我们绕开。” Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: Runs into the ally not to help not well?” Her sense of justice came up. 皓月当空,溟汐:“遇到战友不帮忙不好吧?”她的正义感又上来了。 Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: Forgot the duty of teachers? We occupy the winning side situation to get down the help in others, will be considered that will snatch strangely.” 皓月当空,龙当当:“忘了教官们的任务了吗?我们在人家占据上风的情况下去帮忙,会被认为抢怪的。” Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: This! Good.” 皓月当空,溟汐:“这样啊!那好吧。” Regarding her sense of justice, some Long Dangdang also slightly headaches. He can feel, the ocean nighttide regarding own sense of justice is very proud, does not think one sense of justice will be excessive sometimes. 对于她的正义感,龙当当也略微有些头疼。他能感觉到,溟汐对于自己的正义感是十分骄傲的,并不认为自己有的时候会正义感过度。 Under the influence of ocean nighttide, they bypassed a region , to continue. 在溟汐的引领下,他们绕过了一片区域,继续前行。 The time is not long, the sound of ocean nighttide conveys again. 时间不长,溟汐的声音就再次传来。 Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: Front discovery demon beast, very unusual demon beast. You come to see. I did not know.” 皓月当空,溟汐:“前方发现魔兽,很奇特的魔兽。你们来看看。我不认识。” Under the direction of ocean nighttide, the people close to converge with her fast. 在溟汐的指引下,众人快速靠近与她汇合。 Approximately beyond the front dozens meters, two demon beasts appears, low roars, roared are resounding unceasingly. These two demon beasts are in the battle. 大约在前方几十米外,有两头魔兽出现,一声声低吼、咆哮正在不断响起。这两头魔兽正在争斗。 And a head, the whole body is covering the scale, the body presents for the yellowish brown color, the upper part erectness, actually drags to entrain a big tail, the head is very big, the height is about about three meters. Erectness before on has one pair claw, slender, but sharp. A pair of claw of landing is actually enormous. The speed is quick. In the mouth also often emits wind edges, attacks the opponent. In the ground also often presents the earth that hard soils form to puncture the puncture or prevents the opponent. 其中一头,全身都覆盖着鳞片,身体呈现为棕黄色,上半身直立,身后却拖拽着一条大大的尾巴,头颅很大,身高大约有三米开外。直立的上身有一双前爪,纤细但锋锐。落地的一双脚爪却是极大。速度很快。口中还不时喷吐出一道道风刃,攻击对手。地面上也不时出现一根根坚硬泥土形成的土刺穿刺或者是阻挡对手。 But its enemy, is a whole body is burning the shining ray lion, on this lion the golden light winds around, is ordinary just like the golden brilliance ascension, the appearance was better a lot. The body is about four meters considerable, the build is huger. Seeming like is quite fierce. Generally speaking, what the lion are more is appears in the prairie, in woods existences of few this kind of demon beasts. But this lion is actually different. Its whole body is covering the golden hair, the back has a pair of giant wing, often opens and closes. What is different from the lion, its mouth presents for the sharp uncinus, the nape of the neck surrounding mane is much bigger than the normal lion. The back wing often flaps, is changing own direction. But this after all is the jungle, obviously to its action is some influences. 而它的敌人,则是一头全身燃烧着金灿灿光芒的狮子,这头狮子身上金光缭绕,宛如金色光焰升腾一般,卖相就要好得多了。身长足有四米开外,体型更加庞大。看上去就极为凶猛。一般来说,狮子更多的是出现在草原之中,树林里很少有这类魔兽的存在。但这头狮子却有所不同。它全身都覆盖着金色毛发,背后却有着一双巨大的翅膀,不时开合。和狮子不同的是,它的嘴呈现为尖钩状,脖颈周围的鬃毛比正常狮子更要大得多。背后翅膀不时拍动,改变着自己的方向。但这毕竟是丛林,显然对它的行动是有些影响的。 For all this, was that lion shape demon beast got the winning side as before. Conceivable, if this in the sky or is the down country, the scales demon beast of that erectness could not have insisted. 尽管如此,依旧是那狮子状的魔兽占据了上风。可以想象,这如果是在天空或者是平原地带,那直立的鳞甲魔兽早就坚持不住了。 The ocean nighttide did not know that does not know on behalf of the peach numerous! The peach numerous almost blurted out instantaneously, lion vulture, unexpectedly is the bright lion vulture. This is the underage bright lion vulture!” His tone became in this moment excited. 溟汐不认识并不代表桃林林不认识啊!桃林林几乎是瞬间脱口而出,“狮鹫,竟然是光明狮鹫。这是未成年的光明狮鹫啊!”他的语气在这一刻都变得激动了起来。 But hears his words, the people first stare , the same fashion revealed the surprised color. 而听到他的话语,众人先是一愣,紧接着也不禁同时流露出了惊讶之色。 Lion vulture demon beast and human have the enormous origin. Especially regarding knight temple. The knight temple strongest knight group, is not the Land Dragon knight group. Rolls that as for the real dragon knight does not exist. In the entire knight temple, the most powerful knight group, is existence comprised of 100 bright lion vulture knights. In this knight group, the strength weakest knight is also existences of seven step peaks. 狮鹫这种魔兽和人类可是有着极大的渊源的。尤其是对于骑士圣殿来说。骑士圣殿最强的骑士团,并不是地龙骑士团。至于真龙骑士团那是根本不存在的。在整个骑士圣殿之中,最为强大的一支骑士团,就是由一百位光明狮鹫骑士组成的存在。在这支骑士团之中,实力最弱的骑士也是七阶巅峰的存在。 The bright lion vulture can rear in a pen artificially, but the difficulty is enormous, the resources that needs to invest are also the astronomical figures. However, its strength is without a doubt. Its bright attribute and human knight agree with extremely, the two complement one another. Moreover the lion vulture is a very loyal demon beast, once recognizes the master, life-long will not change. If the master died, it will even bury for the master. This is also one of important reasons why the bright lion vulture knight group is unable to expand, another reason naturally rears in a pen is not easy. 光明狮鹫是可以人工圈养的,但难度极大,需要投入的资源也是天文数字。但是,其实力却毋庸置疑。它的光明属性与人类骑士极为契合,二者相辅相成。而且狮鹫是一种非常忠诚的魔兽,一旦认定主人,终生都不会改变。如果主人死亡,它甚至会为主人殉葬。这也是为什么光明狮鹫骑士团无法扩张的重要原因之一,另一个原因自然是圈养不易了。 Although the bright lion vulture can rear in a pen by human, but after human rears in a pen, their fertilities will be affected, has not studied the specific reason to the present human. Knows the bright lion vulture after rearing in a pen, does many can only birth twice descendants, is unable to give birth again. But descendant who they are born, in the future will not have the means to continue the birth descendant. 光明狮鹫虽然能够被人类圈养,但在人类圈养之后,它们的生育能力就会受到影响,具体原因到现在人类也没有研究出来。只是知道光明狮鹫在被圈养之后,做多只能诞生两次后代,就无法再生育了。而它们所诞生的后代,未来也没办法继续诞生后代。 This causes, the bright lion vulture of open country becomes extremely precious. The knight temple has had a price extremely soaring duty to post a reward. Who can capture alive the bright lion vulture of open country also to deliver the knight temple, will obtain the enormous reward. 这就使得,野外的光明狮鹫变得极其珍贵。骑士圣殿一直都有一个价格极为高昂的任务悬赏着。谁能活捉野外的光明狮鹫并且上交骑士圣殿,都会获得极大的奖励。 The grown bright lion vulture, compares favorably with eight step occupation sufficiently, is the true nine levels of demon beasts. They of grown body, the height exceeds seven meters, strange Kuairu the wind and aggression like the fire, excel at many optical system magics. Is the knight most ideal mount. Can flying this point, be the enormous superiority. Therefore, many knights enter knight Holy Mountain seeks for the mount the time, the priority target is the bright lion vulture. After all, is not everyone looks like the Long Kongkong heart to work as the dragon knight greatly. 成年的光明狮鹫,足以媲美八阶职业者,是真正的九级魔兽。成年体的它们,身长超过七米,奇快如风、侵略如火,更擅长多种光系魔法。是骑士最理想的坐骑。要知道,能飞这一点,就已经是巨大优势了。所以,很多骑士进入骑士圣山寻找坐骑的时候,首要目标就是光明狮鹫。毕竟,不是所有人都像龙空空心那么大想要当龙骑士的。 Once obtains the bright lion vulture to take the mount, will become the alternative knight who the lion vulture knight rolls automatically, the future is limitless. Also will obtain from the extra praise of knight temple. 一旦获得光明狮鹫作为坐骑,就会自动成为狮鹫骑士团的备选骑士,前途不可限量。还会获得来自于骑士圣殿的额外嘉奖。 At this time saw that in the open country presented the bright lion vulture unexpectedly, moreover is underage that is also about six levels levels, how can the people not be excited? If this gadget grasps, the value is absolutely big! 此时看到野外中竟然出现了光明狮鹫,而且还是未成年的那种,也就是六级左右的水准,众人怎能不兴奋呢?这玩意儿要是抓回去,价值绝对不小啊! The vision of people first looked to Long Dangdang. 众人的目光第一时间都不禁看向了龙当当 After Long Dangdang slightly makes the thinking, immediately says: Everyone acts separately. The peach school leader, you summoned the town/subdues demon tree, the cousin sacred hammer spirit shock and awe bright lion vulture, only then the bright attribute of you can suppress it. Kong Kong swallows the bright lion vulture spirit strength. Fighting a battle to force a quick decision. That is only earth the attribute Land Dragon to give me. woof Xuejie plunders for me. The ocean nighttide is responsible for filling a vacancy, where has the problem, you prevent the demon beast to escape in that side. Begins.” 龙当当略作思索后立刻道:“大家分头行动。桃学长,你召唤镇魔树,表姐神圣之锤精神震慑光明狮鹫,只有伱的光明属性能够压制它。空空吞噬光明狮鹫灵力。速战速决。那只土属性地龙交给我。汪学姐为我掠阵。溟汐负责补缺,哪边出现问题,你就在那边阻挡住魔兽逃逸。动手。” At this time must take the bull by the horns, first cannot make the bright lion vulture run, next must avoid bumping into other to hunt for the demon group squad. Saw that the bright lion vulture fights for that absolutely is the normal condition. 这种时候必须要当机立断,首先是不能让光明狮鹫跑了,其次是要避免碰到其他猎魔团小队。看到光明狮鹫争抢那绝对是正常情况。 These two are six levels of demon beasts, the bright lion vulture seems like should have six levels of peaks strengths, is in itself the flight demon beast, certainly is more powerful. The strength of that Land Dragon wants small and weakly. But regarding Long Dangdang, instead is this Land Dragon that regards as important. After all, this relates to him and Long Kongkong outside spirit strength promotion! 这两只都是六级魔兽,光明狮鹫看起来应该有六级巅峰的实力,本身又是飞行魔兽,肯定要强大一些。那只地龙的实力就要弱小一点。但对于龙当当来说,更看重的反而是这条地龙。毕竟,这关系到他和龙空空的外灵力提升啊! Copes with two six levels of demon beasts by the strength of their squad simultaneously properly speaking definitely is not the difficult matter. 以他们小队的实力同时对付两只六级魔兽按理说肯定不是难事。 Ling Menglu is first starts. Front spirit furnace ray twinkle, gigantic sacred hammer baseless, illusory in in the air flashes to pass. 凌梦露是第一个发动的。胸前灵炉光芒闪烁,硕大的神圣之锤凭空而出,虚幻的在空中一闪而逝。 Is fluttering the wing to pursue that Land Dragon the bright lion vulture simply not to respond, was pounded by a hammer in the head. 正拍动着翅膀追击那头地龙的光明狮鹫根本没反应过来,就被一锤砸在了头上。 The bright lion vulture was regarded as important by the knight temple, has not the weak psychic force to be related with it. The wisdom also compared with general demon beast stronger many. 光明狮鹫之所以被骑士圣殿看重,和它本身就拥有不弱的精神力有关。智慧也要比一般的魔兽更强的多。 But for all this, facing goddess Monroe of six steps, this hammer pounds to fall, makes this bright lion vulture instantaneous whole body have a fit of bad temper, grandiose body directly stiff in same place, from in the air crashes. 可尽管如此,面对六阶的神女梦露,这一锤砸落,还是让这头光明狮鹫瞬间全身炸毛,壮硕的身体直接僵硬在了原地,从空中坠落。 The Long Kongkong Saint directed the ray of spirit furnace to fall on it together, simultaneously opened the day of deep pool domain. The strength of powerful swallowing fully erupted, falls on the bright lion vulture. 龙空空一道圣引灵炉的光芒就落在了它身上,同时开启了天渊领域。强大的吞噬之力全面爆发,落在了光明狮鹫身上。 Outside the spirit strength promoted two times, when making him currently use Yuan whorl spirit furnace becomes bold were many, after all the carrying capacity of body grown stronger. 外灵力提升了两倍,让他现在使用元涡灵炉时就变得大胆的多了,毕竟身体的承受力变强了。 Meanwhile, the peach numerous has also summoned the town/subdues demon tree. Although the town/subdues demon tree has not taken root, but sturdy branches fling, while bright lion vulture unbending time, directly on snap on it, its firmly tied sleepily. 与此同时,桃林林也已经召唤出了镇魔树。镇魔树虽然没有扎根,但一根根粗壮的枝条甩出,趁着光明狮鹫僵直的时候,直接就抽击在了它身上,将它牢牢的困缚住了。 But another side, Long Dangdang also launched the attack. Flash when his body ejection goes out, even/including woof Changxin and ocean nighttide gawked. Because was too quick. 而另一边,龙当当也同时发起了攻击。当他身体弹射出去的一瞬间,连汪常欣和溟汐都不禁愣了一下。因为太快了。 Long Dangdang is only a pad step, the under foot sends out a dull thumping sound, then the whole person is similar to the shell to fly to shoot generally, almost hit in a flash to that Land Dragon. 龙当当只是一个垫步,脚下就发出一声闷响,然后整个人就如同炮弹一般飞射而出,几乎是转瞬间就撞向了那头地龙。 Sees only on Long Dangdang Hwang Gwang-il to flash, the movement of that Land Dragon obviously was stiff several points, subconscious turning round must attack. But Long Dangdang had actually arrived at behind it. 只见龙当当身上黄光一闪,那头地龙的动作明显僵硬了几分,下意识的回身就要攻击。但龙当当却已经到了它背后。 At the beginning of silver wave magic ray twinkle, used is actually not the attack method of knight, fetter of rapid falling wind on this Land Dragon, lock in it firmly. 银浪魔法之初光芒闪烁,用的却不是骑士的攻击手段,一道道风之束缚飞速的落在这头地龙身上,将它牢牢锁住。 This Land Dragon also has the wind attribute to exist, is big regarding the resistance of wind system magic. But does to only feels the whole body to be heavy at this time, although going all out struggling, but cannot support the Long Dangdang fetter of release rate wind to compare it to work loose also quick. Sees only its whole body azure light to wind around, movement fettered was quite slow. 这地龙本身也有风属性存在,对于风系魔法的抗性不小。但奈何此时只觉得全身沉重,虽然在拼命的挣扎,但也架不住龙当当的风之束缚释放速度比它挣脱的还快。只见其全身青光缭绕,动作已经被束缚的极为迟缓了。 Also at this moment. Before Long Dangdang body, as if has Jin Guangliang to get up. Because his figure covered the line of sight of people, can only see his body before woof Changxin and ocean nighttide probably were many anything. 也就在这时。龙当当身前似乎有金光亮起。因为他的身形遮挡住了众人的视线,从汪常欣和溟汐这边就只能看到他身前好像是多了个什么东西。 Then the golden ray glistened suddenly. Place Long Mingming before Long Dangdang body has not suffered anything to attack, is actually the both legs one soft, knocks down directly. The golden light before Long Dangdang body also vanished. 然后金色光芒骤然闪亮了一下。龙当当身前的地龙明明没有遭受到什么攻击,却是双腿一软,直接扑倒在地。龙当当身前的金光也随之消失了。 Entire process wonderful quick incomparable, even that side bright lion vulture has not been captured with, Long Dangdang has treadonned the Land Dragon. 整个过程奇快无比,甚至那边的光明狮鹫都还没被擒拿完毕,龙当当这边已经脚踏地龙了。 How does this is achieve? 这是怎么做到的? Long Dangdang can defeat first six levels of demon beasts who not to find it strange, how after all he is hunts for the demon group trials first three! His explosive force is obvious to all. But he had not just erupted! How many simple wind system magics used, finished up? Had that Land Dragon suffered the heavy losses? 龙当当能够击败一头六级魔兽谁都不会觉得奇怪,毕竟他怎么都是猎魔团选拔赛的前三名啊!他的爆发力有目共睹。可他刚刚根本就没有爆发过啊!就只是用了几个简单的风系魔法,就完事儿了?难道说那头地龙本身已经受到了重创? When they have doubts, another side bright lion vulture had also sobered from the spiritual shock and awe of sacred hammer. Regains consciousness the later bright lion vulture to be furious immediately greatly, effort is struggling. The branch of town/subdues demon tree sends out immediately one after another flip-flop sound. 就在她们疑惑的时候,另一边的光明狮鹫也已经从神圣之锤的精神震慑中清醒了过来。苏醒之后的光明狮鹫顿时大为震怒,用力的挣扎着。镇魔树的枝条顿时发出一连串的“噼啪”声。 Ice Monroe will certainly not be used to it, immediately makes up a round of sacred hammer, avoids it using the optical system magic to harm the partner. Long Kongkong is the honest impolite full power swallows. 凌梦露当然不会惯着它了,立刻又补上一发神圣之锤,避免它用出光系魔法伤害到伙伴。龙空空则是老实不客气的全力吞噬。 Day deep pool domain the strength of swallowing was extremely fiercely crazy, under the Saint directs the direction of spirit furnace to drive, the day deep pool domain changes into black bands of light to attach on the bright lion vulture, swallows vigorously. 天渊领域的吞噬之力本来就极其狂猛,在圣引灵炉的指引带动下,天渊领域化为一条条黑色光带附着在光明狮鹫身上,大力吞噬。 This was recently the spirit furnace linkage of Long Kongkong discovery, when he uses the Saint to direct the spirit furnace lures the enemy, the Saint directs the spirit furnace to his day deep pool domain to have an function that shows the way, can concentrate to swallow the strength to swallow a goal, but will not be the blind range will swallow. This effect naturally became well. Mainly is his present body intensity cannot withstand such swallowing completely. 这是最近龙空空发现的灵炉联动,当他用圣引灵炉吸引住敌人的时候,圣引灵炉会对他的天渊领域有一个指路的作用,能够集中吞噬力量吞噬一个目标,而不会是盲目的范围吞噬。这个效果自然就变得更好了。主要是他现在的身体强度也完全承受得住这样的吞噬。 Rises the spirit shield ray twinkle, Long Kongkong swallows, while the surplus spirit strength will apportion nearby cousin and peach numerous, when the bright lion vulture revives from the spiritual shock and awe again, since the appearance in eye was obviously gloomy, exploded the feather to return normally, has started weakly. 升灵盾光芒闪烁,龙空空一边吞噬,一边将过剩的灵力分给附近的表姐和桃林林,当光明狮鹫再次从精神震慑中苏醒过来的时候,眼中的神彩明显暗淡了许多,就连炸起的羽毛都回归了正常,已经开始虚弱了。 Became! The people are in the heart the pleasant surprise. 成了!众人都是心中惊喜。 Although the bright lion vulture attempts to struggle again, but the massive outflows of spirit strength, enabling it only to struggle by oneself strength, but had the time of such a while, the peach numerous has completed vertical has taken root, can the binding force large scale enhancement, which also make it escape? 光明狮鹫虽然还是尝试着再挣扎,但灵力的大量流失,让它只能凭借自身力量去挣扎了,而有了这么一会儿的工夫,桃林林已经完成了立地生根,束缚力大幅度增强,哪还能让它逃脱? Long Dangdang entrains the Land Dragon to arrive by the town/subdues demon tree, the people also gathered. 龙当当拉拽着地龙来到镇魔树旁边,众人也聚集了过来。 In the eye of bright lion vulture the appearance is shortly getting more and more gloomy, the people somewhat jump for joy. Without doubt, the qualities of these two demon beasts are quite good. Especially the bright lion vulture, this definitely will have the awarded marks in the training mission. 眼看着光明狮鹫的眼中神彩越来越暗淡,众人都不禁有些欢欣雀跃。无疑,这两只魔兽的品质都相当不错。尤其是光明狮鹫,这肯定在培训任务中会有加分的。 Long Dangdang gives the thumbs-up to the cousin, can such easy takes the bright lion vulture, cousin's sacred hammer is most essential. 龙当当向表姐竖起大拇指,能这么轻而易举的拿下光明狮鹫,表姐的神圣之锤最为关键。 Ice Monroe returns to smile. 凌梦露回以微笑。 When the people manner relaxed preparation discussed how handles the bright lion vulture, suddenly, vigorous howling resounds above the top of the head. 就在众人神态轻松的准备商量一下如何处置光明狮鹫的时候,突然间,一声雄浑的吼叫在头顶上方响起。 Roar-” “吼-” In an instant, the people obviously felt that oneself heart sinks, as if by anything serious pressure in the hearts, had the symptom of hands and feet worn out and aching. 刹那间,众人都明显感觉到自己心头一沉,仿佛被什么东西沉重的压在心间,都出现了手脚酸软的症状。 Bloodlines shock and awe!” The peach numerous almost blurted out. “血脉震慑!”桃林林几乎是脱口而出。 People subconscious looks up, sees only in the crown, the gigantic form pushed together. 众人下意识的都抬头看去,只见树冠之中,一道硕大的身影挤了下来。 Sees this, in the people eyes reveals color with amazement, that giant head, the height exceeds seven meters body, the wingspan has about eight meters giant wing fully. 看到这位,众人眼中都不禁流露出骇然之色,那巨大的头颅,身长超过七米的身躯,还有翼展足有八米开外的巨大翅膀。 Long Kongkong stopped own day deep pool domain continue swallow subconsciously, somewhat dry say/way: I stop to put it now, but also with enough time?” 龙空空下意识的停止了自己的天渊领域继续吞噬,有些干巴巴的道:“我现在停下来把它放了,还来得及吗?” Yes, this drills from the crown, impressively is eight step grown lion vultures. 是的,这从树冠中钻下来的,赫然是一只八阶成年狮鹫。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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