SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#507: Exercises

Chapter 0507 第0507章 Exercises 锻炼一下 I always did not mind with retard.” Lin Yi is impossible to melt any gratitude and resentment with Kang Zhaolong in any event, not to mention Kang Zhaoming! Little Fen by the Kang Zhaoming pit is so miserable, Lin Yi did not select his family/home house directly was good! “我从来也不和白痴介意。”林逸无论如何是不可能和康照龙之间化解什么恩怨,更别提康照明了!小芬康照明坑的那么惨,林逸不直接把他家房子点了就不错了! Lin Yi this person always very much bears a grudge, such as, if not for has task in the body, this Kang Zhaolong can also stand speaks here is two said. 林逸这个人从来都是很记仇的,如若不是有任务在身,这个康照龙还能不能站在这里说话都是两说。 The Kang Zhaolong complexion changes, somewhat is immediately ugly, Wang Xinyan is actually the beautiful eye one curved, looked at Lin Yi one quietly, the corners of the mouth has held some smiling expression, does not know that was appreciates or thinks funny. 康照龙的脸色一变,顿时有些难看起来,王心妍却是美目一弯,悄悄的瞄了林逸一眼,嘴角含着些许笑意,不知道是赞赏还是觉得好笑。 The relations of Lin Yi continuously very strange Wang Xinyan and Kang Zhaolong, think among before them is very familiar, but presently looks like seems not this, Wang Xinyan is unintentional, was taunting Xiao Wangba and Kang Zhaolong, this let some Lin Yi doubts. 林逸一直很奇怪王心妍康照龙的关系,之前以为他们之间很熟悉,不过现在看来似乎并不是这样,王心妍有意无意的,都在嘲讽着萧王霸康照龙,这让林逸有些疑惑。 cough cough!” Wu Chentian has coughed, today he invites Lin Yi with great difficulty, prepares relates the exposure to give Sun Jingyi taking this opportunity him and Feng Xiaoxiao's, naturally cannot make Kang Zhaolong destroy. 咳咳!”吴臣天咳嗽了一声,今天他好不容易把林逸请来,准备借着这个机会将他和冯笑笑的关系曝光给孙静怡,自然不会让康照龙破坏掉。 Kang Zhaolong deeply took a breath, knows that is not good to manifest suddenly on the Wu Chentian banquet, can only depressed sat, does not give face regarding Lin Yi's, is not feeling well very much. 康照龙深吸了一口气,也知道在吴臣天的酒席上不好发作,只能郁闷的坐了回去,对于林逸的不给面子,很是不爽。 Ha, today is the happy day, do not make these not go bad the atmosphere happily!” Wu Chentian hit one to mediate: Brother Lin Yi, you and Feng Xiaoxiao are really a perfect match!” “哈,今天本是高兴的日子,不要让那些不愉快坏了气氛!”吴臣天打了一个圆场:“林逸老弟,你和冯笑笑真是郎才女貌啊!” Lin Yi has not spoken, Feng Xiaoxiao on happy say/way: „Do you also think?” 林逸还没有说话,冯笑笑就开心的道:“你也这么认为?” Yes, Xiaoxiao younger sister, you in the same place?” Asking that Wu Chentian maintains composure. “是啊,笑笑妹妹,你们什么时候在一起的?”吴臣天不动声色的问道。 Had several days!” Feng Xiaoxiao calculates, said. “有几天了吧!”冯笑笑算了算,说道。 This......” Wu Chentian suddenly, Lin Yi and Sun Jingyi have separated, talent and Feng Xiaoxiao in the same place? As the matter stands, has saved many troubles actually, but for Insurance in order, he prepares Lin Yi and Feng Xiaoxiao's relations discloses to Sun Jingyi. “这样啊……”吴臣天恍然,难道林逸孙静怡分开了,才和冯笑笑在一起的?这样一来,倒是省去了不少麻烦,不过为了保险起见,他还是准备将林逸冯笑笑的关系透露给孙静怡 Lin Yi had not spoken, is Jingjing's is observing Feng Xiaoxiao and Wu Chentian every action and every movement. Regarding the Feng Xiaoxiao's manner, some Lin Yi doubts, properly speaking, Feng Xiaoxiao is not the presently this disposition person, will not flatter flatters Wu Chentian! According to the Lin Yi past experience, Feng Xiaoxiao was the person who extremely bore a grudge, otherwise cannot look for itself to trouble over and over again! 林逸一直没怎么说话,都是静静的观察着冯笑笑吴臣天的一举一动。对于冯笑笑的态度,林逸有些疑惑,按理说,冯笑笑并不是现在这种性格的人,也不会去奉承讨好吴臣天!根据林逸以往的经验来看,冯笑笑是个十分记仇的人,不然也不能三番五次的找自己麻烦了! But before Feng Xiaoxiao, in the bidding block, just and Wu Chentian became enemies, how can treat as what matter no appearance in an instant? Looks appearance that she ordered food, perhaps wants pit Wu Chentian using an alternative. 冯笑笑之前在拍卖会场里,刚和吴臣天结了仇,怎么能一转眼就当做什么事儿都没有的样子?看她点菜的样子,恐怕是想变着法的坑吴臣天了。 But Wu Chentian manner, lets some Lin Yi doubts, must say that he apologizes to himself, Lin Yi naturally cannot believe. Only if the Wu Chentian head entered the water, otherwise impossible initiative asked itself to eat meal also apologizes. 吴臣天的态度,也让林逸有些疑惑,要说他向自己赔礼道歉,林逸自然不会相信。除非吴臣天脑袋进水了,不然不可能主动的请自己吃饭还赔礼道歉。 The matter leaves must have the monster variably, although Lin Yi has not clarified his original intention, since came, watched changes quietly. 事出无常必有妖,虽然林逸还没弄清楚他的本意,不过既然来了,就静观其变好了。 Has saying that top layer restaurant/dining hall service that is quite good, shortly after ordered food, waiter one after another has displayed the table these delicacies, besides the beforehand Feng Xiaoxiao these specials, the abalone, lobster and crab has also suspended. 不得不说,顶层餐厅的服务那是相当不错的,点菜后没多久,服务生就将那些佳肴鱼贯的摆上了桌,除了之前冯笑笑点的那些特色菜之外,鲍鱼、龙虾、螃蟹也都摆了上来。 „, My as a child to has not eaten such sumptuous feast greatly!” Feng Xiaoxiao like is country bumpkin calls out in alarm said. “哇,我从小到大还没吃过这么丰盛的大餐呢!”冯笑笑像是一个土包子一样惊呼道。 „, That eats!” The Wu Chentian vanity obtained enormous satisfaction, the heart said that Lin Yi and were the difference was far, does not know how Sun Jingyi had a liking for Lin Yi! Looks at Feng Xiaoxiao like this, perhaps does Lin Yi link feast not to invite her? Em, was, certainly is not act high and mighty, thinks Sun Jingyi was also born in the greatly rich family/home, that definitely was anything does not lack also anything to experience, but presently looked like also not necessarily so, so long as, act high and mighty in front of Sun Jingyi, did not fear frequently she did not like herself! “呵,那就多吃点儿!”吴臣天的虚荣心得到了极大的满足,心道林逸和自己就是差远了,也不知道孙静怡怎么就看上了林逸!看冯笑笑这样子,恐怕林逸连一顿大餐都没请过她吧?恩,是了,一定是自己不会装b,原本以为孙静怡也出生在大富之家,那肯定是什么都不缺也什么都见识过的,但是现在看来也未必如此啊,只要以后自己经常在孙静怡面前装b,就不怕她不喜欢自己了! I am impolite!” Before Feng Xiaoxiao the abalone has attained oneself body, takes up the fork to open eats, no matter also others, after having eaten two, to praise sighed: This abalone may be really delicious, I am First time eat such big abalone!” “那我就不客气了!”冯笑笑将鲍鱼拿到了自己身前,拿起叉子就开吃,也不管别人,吃了两口之后,赞叹道:“这鲍鱼可真好吃啊,我还是第一次吃这么大的鲍鱼呢!” This is anything!” Wu Chentian beckoned with the hand, happily said: This abalone, on my family dinner table, usually casually eats, abalone that the meeting year new year's celebration eats compared with this mostly, this is single end dried fish, that my family eats is half a head dried fish!” “这算啥啊!”吴臣天摆了摆手,得意道:“这鲍鱼,在我家餐桌上,也就是平时随便吃吃,逢年过年吃的鲍鱼比这个大多了,这才是单头鲍,我家吃的那是半头鲍!” Ha? Half a head dried fish? Brother Chentian you may powerful, anything eat really!” The Feng Xiaoxiao to praise sighed: Such being the case, gives me your? You can always eat in any case, my for a lifetime First time eats!” “哈?还有半头鲍呢?臣天哥你可真厉害,什么都吃过!”冯笑笑赞叹道:“既然如此,把你的那一份儿也给我吧?反正你总能吃到,我可是一辈子第一次吃啊!” Ok, does not have the issue!” In the Wu Chentian heart trembles, criticizes itself to talk too much, oneself eat, this single end dried fish was the best quality goods, meeting year enmity can eat a scrap to be good, how possibly daily to eat? However the words said that can he renege on a promise? Clenched teeth, Wu Chentian can only give Feng Xiaoxiao oneself that abalone. However actually comforts itself at heart, oneself presently procedure multi- act high and mighty, when exercised act high and mighty, later can also again Sun Jingyi front skilled act high and mighty! “行呀,没问题!”吴臣天心中一哆嗦,暗骂自己多嘴,自己吃个屁啊,这单头鲍就是极品了,逢年过节的能吃上一小块就不错了,怎么可能天天吃?不过话已经说出去了,他又怎么能反悔呢?咬了咬牙,吴臣天只能将自己那份儿鲍鱼让给了冯笑笑。不过心里却安慰自己,自己现在的做法多装b啊,就当锻炼装b了,以后也能再孙静怡的面前熟练装b Real? That was good, yeah, these two are not quite many, I a little do not hate to eat!” Although on the Feng Xiaoxiao mouth said that but the fork in hand has not actually been idling, fills delicious toward the mouth. “真的么?那太好了,哎,这两只也不太多啊,我都有点儿不舍得吃呢!”冯笑笑嘴上虽然这么说,不过手中的叉子却没闲着,一个劲儿的往嘴里塞好吃的。 Feng Xiaoxiao saved the pit Wu Chentian thoughts to come, before who lets him and his Grandpa, in auction market that to oneself? Not pit his pit who? Let alone Feng Xiaoxiao has not eaten such upscale thing, this time does not eat all the way, before dying, does not know that can eat! Therefore Feng Xiaoxiao does not attend to any image, first ate to the full said again! 冯笑笑本来就是存着坑吴臣天的心思来的,谁让他和他爷爷之前在拍卖场那么对自己?不坑他坑谁?何况冯笑笑是真没吃过这么高档的东西,这次不吃个够,死之前都不知道能不能吃上了!所以冯笑笑根本也不顾什么形象,先吃饱了再说! This tattered, in our aristocratic family younger generation eye, is not anything!” Wu Chentian continues to practice act high and mighty, he discovered that own act high and mighty level even more improved, talked big not the winking eye! At heart immediately excited is not good, but in the surface actually is still maintaining tranquil: Wangba, did you say?” “这破烂儿,在我们世家子弟的眼里,都不算什么的!”吴臣天继续练习装b,他发现自己装b的水平愈发的提高了,说大话都不眨眼睛了!心里顿时激动的不行,不过面上却依然保持着平静:“王霸,你说是吧?” Yes! These seafood anything, in our aristocratic family younger generation eye, that are the ordinary goods! Too light, the words that we must eat, eat the crested ibis generally and so on......” Xiao Family also misses Grade compared with Wu Family, how possibly often to eat such upscale thing? Is Xiao Family Old Master is alive, has not necessarily eaten several times! However Xiao Wangba to coordinate Wu Chentian, naturally is also the mouthful runs train. “是啊!这些海鲜什么的,在我们世家子弟的眼中,那都是普通货!太平淡了,我们要吃的话,一般都吃朱鹮之类的……”萧家吴家还差一个档次呢,怎么可能经常吃这么高档的东西?就是萧家老爷子在世的时候,也未必吃过几次!不过萧王霸为了配合吴臣天,自然也是满嘴跑火车 „? What is the crested ibis? Does here have? I also want to eat!” After Feng Xiaoxiao hear, surprised asking. “哦?朱鹮是什么?这里有么?我也想吃!”冯笑笑听后惊讶的问道。 This......” Xiao Wangba immediately one surprised, he casually said, crested ibis entire World few, he sees has not seen, let alone ate! This Feng Xiaoxiao must eat the crested ibis, on him where lane? Even if can make, but also cannot be shot dead? That is protect animals! “这……”萧王霸顿时一愕,他不过是随便说说,朱鹮全世界都没几只呢,他连见都没见过,更别说吃了!这冯笑笑也要吃朱鹮,他上哪里弄去?就算能弄来,还不得被枪毙啊?那可是保护动物啊!
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