SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#506: Feng Xiaoxiao ordered food

Chapter 0506 第0506章 Feng Xiaoxiao ordered food 冯笑笑点菜 A anything A!” Wu Chentian beckoned with the hand: „Doesn't your this dirty me? This change is anything, wants initially, I and Grandpa specially has ordered several characteristics signature dishes here, has not spent how much money!” “a什么a!”吴臣天摆了摆手:“你这不是埋汰我么?这点儿小钱算什么,想当初,我和爷爷在这里专门点了几道特色招牌菜,也没花多少钱的!” This!” Saying of Feng Xiaoxiao worship: „Did I select?” “这样呀!”冯笑笑崇拜的说道:“那我就点了?” Em, you select!” The Wu Chentian heart said that it seems like, female students like act high and mighty guy(s)! Oneself pursued Sun Jingyi strategy that is some issues, oneself always pay attention to the demeanor, pretended the refined person in the Sun Jingyi front. “恩,你点吧!”吴臣天心道,看来,女生都喜欢装b男生啊!自己追求孙静怡的策略那是有些问题了,原先,自己总是注意风度,装作斯文人在孙静怡的面前。 But today sees Feng Xiaoxiao to respond, Wu Chentian thought that is act high and mighty is quite a little good! Person who own such act high and mighty, this Feng Xiaoxiao has boyfriend, holds in high esteem to oneself! 可是今天看到冯笑笑反应,吴臣天就觉得,还是装b一点儿比较好!自己这么一装b,这冯笑笑男朋友的人了,都对自己刮目相看! Wu Chentian likes is filled with wisdom, feeling today's food even more really does not invite white/in vain, not only has served the purpose, but also learned the picking up girls method, this was the thousand gold (daughter) is difficult to ask! 吴臣天有如醍醐灌顶,愈发的感觉今天的饭真是不白请啊,不但达到了目的,还学会儿了泡妞手段,这是千金难求的! „, These types of signature dishes, each type comes one!” Feng Xiaoxiao referred to the signature dish on menu First page saying to waiter. “哦,这几样招牌菜,每样来一份儿吧!”冯笑笑指了指菜单第一页上的招牌菜对服务生说道。 Good...... But, you determined that each same comes one?” The waiter careful repetition confirmation said. Because, the signature dish on First page, each price is not cheap, that was 500,000 scratch coats, the raw material is on the same day transported from the overseas. “好的……可是,您确定每一样都来一份儿么?”服务生小心的重复确认道。因为,第一页上的招牌菜,每一道价格都不便宜,那都是500000打底,原材料都是当天从国外空运过来的。 This...... Brother Chentian, here signature dish which type is delicious, haven't you eaten? Or do we select several types to want?” Feng Xiaoxiao raised the head looked to Wu Chentian, asking cautiously: Many, I thought some waste......” “这个……臣天哥,这里的招牌菜哪样好吃啊,你不是都吃过么?要不咱们就挑几样要吧?”冯笑笑抬头看向了吴臣天,小心翼翼的问道:“点多了,我觉得有些浪费……” Here signature dish, is good, I have eaten, does not know one's place, that each sampling point!” Where has Wu Chentian eaten what signature dish? At this time made him say, he naturally did not say come out, for did not lose face , can only pretended to eat the appearance, making Feng Xiaoxiao select completely, can say oneself have not eaten, which delicious also didn't know? “这里的招牌菜啊,都不错,我都吃过的,不分上下,那就每样点一份吧!”吴臣天哪里吃过什么招牌菜?这时候让他说,他自然说不出来,为了不丢面子,也只能装作都吃过的样子,让冯笑笑全部点了,难道还能说自己没吃过,也不知道哪个好吃? waiter saw that Wu Chentian confirmed that naturally also no longer closely examines, the person who because treats very much obviously today is Wu Chentian, but Wu Chentian this person is rampant, more or less is having the dandy aura of son of the influential, therefore waiter did not fear that he will unable to pay a bill. 服务生见到吴臣天都确认了,自然也就不再追问,因为很显然今天请客的人就是吴臣天,而吴臣天这个人嚣张跋扈,或多或少的都带着公子哥的纨绔气息,所以服务生也不怕他会付不起帐。 Good, please continue.” waiter has taken down the signature dish, said to hint of Feng Xiaoxiao politeness. “好的,请您继续。”服务生记下了招牌菜,对冯笑笑礼貌的示意道。 This...... Actually I will not order food very much, how many types or you recommend my delicious? I like eating the seafood!” Feng Xiaoxiao said. “这个……其实我也不是很会点菜的,要不你推荐我几样好吃的吧?我喜欢吃海鲜!”冯笑笑说道。 Listened to the Feng Xiaoxiao's words, Wu Chentian to relax immediately, although the seafood was expensive, but was actually not very expensive! Regarding the average person, that was the top good food, but regarding these aristocratic family younger generation, these things was ordinary! 听了冯笑笑的话,吴臣天顿时松了一口气,海鲜虽然贵,但是却也不是非常贵!对于普通人来说,那就是顶级的美食了,但是对于这些世家子弟来说,这些东西已经平淡无奇了! What thing is most expensive? That naturally is in these worlds the unusual treasuring thing, he also really feared that a Feng Xiaoxiao opens the mouth must eat anything to treasure the animal and so on, that earnest expensive! 什么东西最贵?那自然是那些世上少有的珍惜东西,他还真怕冯笑笑一张口要吃什么珍惜动物之类的,那才叫真贵呢! Seafood words, here has the Hokkaidou abalone, the Australian lobster, the Devon crab, this is the advertisement seafood in our shop, which Grade rank the woman wants? The Hokkaidou abalone is divided into......” waiter to be just about to introduce, actually by Feng Xiaoxiao breaking. “海鲜的话,我们这里有北海道鲍鱼,澳洲龙虾,德文郡螃蟹,这都是我们店里的招牌海鲜,请问女士是要哪一个档次级别的呢?北海道鲍鱼分为……”服务生正要介绍,却被冯笑笑给打断了。 Brother Chentian, or we eat cheap point, was almost OK with street big gear that type!” Feng Xiaoxiao somewhat embarrassed saying: Before has ordered that many signature dishes, at this time on some cheap seafood?” 臣天哥,要不我们吃便宜点儿的吧,和街头大排档那种差不多就可以了!”冯笑笑有些不好意思的说道:“之前已经点了那么多招牌菜了,这时候就点一些便宜海鲜吧?” What small advantage? Must best!” Wu Chentian waved, the heart said that can seafood expensive? Oneself have to eat the seafood in these five-star hotel, one got down also to support on 20,000! “点什么便宜的?都要最好的吧!”吴臣天挥了挥手,心道,海鲜能有多贵?自己在那些五星级酒店也不是没吃过海鲜,一顿下来也就一两万撑死了! Good, what the Hokkaidou abalone is best is......” waiter nodded must introduce. “好的,北海道鲍鱼最好的是……”服务生点了点头就要介绍。 I said that must best, your this what meaning? Thinks that I haven't eaten have been?” Wu Chentian is a little immediately annoyed, this waiter also introduction, doesn't look down upon itself? Make him feel not to have face immediately, scolding that some do not bear said. “我都说要最好的了,你这什么意思?认为我没吃过是不是?”吴臣天顿时有点儿恼火,这服务生还介绍来介绍去的,不是看不起自己么?让他顿时觉得没有面子,有些不耐的呵斥道。 Is unfair to the mister......” waiter to apologize hastily, in he wants to duplicate stays at an inn the seafood rank, for example a Hokkaidou abalone, this was the best quality goods abalone, wants to boast strength of shop, but this table of masters of did not like obviously. “对不起先生……”服务生连忙道歉,他本想重复一下店里海鲜的级别的,比如北海道一头鲍鱼,这可是极品鲍鱼了,本来想吹嘘一下自己店的实力,可是这桌的主人显然不喜欢。 That these seafood, each type comes one, I taste well...... Em, has not eaten such thing of delicacy, this whole life has not lived white/in vain, died also the value!” Feng Xiaoxiao grateful looked at Wu Chentian one. “那这些海鲜,每样来一份吧,我自己尝尝就好了……恩,从来没吃过这么美味的东西,这辈子算是没白活,死了也值了!”冯笑笑感激的看了吴臣天一眼。 Any, everyone! Good thing everybody to eat!” Wu Chentian said to waiter: Except for the signature dish and seafood, you adds several garnishing to us casually again, do not put in order too low-grade, must with these necessary!” “什么一份儿啊,每人一份!好东西大家吃嘛!”吴臣天服务生说道:“除了招牌菜和海鲜,你随便再给我们加几道配菜吧,别整太低档的,怎么也要和这些配套的!” Although Wu Chentian said that but actually thinks at heart, can the ordinary garnishing expensive? Even if upscale a little, several vegetable dish, several hundred over a thousand also supported. 吴臣天虽然这么说,但是心里却想,普通的配菜能有多贵?就算高档一点儿,几道素菜,几百上千块的也撑死了。 Good.” waiter does not dare to talk too much, nod indicated that remembered. She looked to understand, this table of guests are very straightforward, should extremely be rich, does not like itself speaking: What also has to either? Does presently walk the dish?” “好的。”服务生也不敢多言,点头表示记下了。她已经看明白了,这桌的客人很豪爽,应该十分有钱,不喜欢自己多说话:“还有什么需要么?现在就走菜么?” Brother Chentian, do we want liquor water?” Xiao Wangba reminded Wu Chentian to say. 臣天哥,我们要酒水么?”萧王霸提醒吴臣天道。 This, selects red bar.” Wu Chentian said to waiter: 82 years.” “这个,来点儿红酒吧。”吴臣天服务生道:“82年的拉斐。” Good......” waiter is somewhat strange, although these 82 years of were also the nice wines, but compared before a dish, was the small gift, before these dishes, were joined to 82 years of appear some are not in tune. “好的……”服务生有些奇怪,这82年的拉斐虽然也算是好酒了,但是和之前点的菜比起来,就是小意思了,之前那些菜,配上82年的拉斐就显得有些不搭调。 waiter saw that the Wu Chentian temperament is poor, does not dare to ask randomly, perhaps others liked drinking 82 years of not to say certainly. 只是,服务生看出吴臣天的脾气不怎么好,也不敢乱问,没准儿人家就喜欢喝82年的拉斐也说不准。 After waiting for waiter to walk, Wu Chentian said: Today the acquaintance is predestined friends, I give everybody to introduce that this is Lin Yi, before I and Lin Yi brother, a little small enmity, but Lin Yi brother can attend this dinner party, explained his manner! But this is his girlfriend Feng Xiaoxiao......” 服务生走了以后,吴臣天才道:“今天相识即是有缘,我给大家介绍一下吧,这位是林逸,我和林逸兄弟之前有点儿小过节,不过林逸兄弟能来参加这次饭局,也说明了他的态度!而这位则是他的女朋友冯笑笑……” Kang Zhaolong!” Kang Zhaolong also stood up at this time, put out a hand to Lin Yi: Brother Lin Yi, we have met!” 康照龙!”康照龙这时候也站起身来,对林逸伸出了手来:“林逸老弟,我们见过面的!” „......” Lin Yi smiles lightly, has not actually put out a hand: You thought that we have handshake can either?” “呵……”林逸淡淡一笑,却没有伸手:“你觉得,我们有握手的必要么?” Kang Zhaolong to the Lin Yi's words some angry, but he is understood person who bears patiently, he comes not to find out the Lin Yi's details, two come to not possibly coordinate Wu Chentian to get angry with Lin Yi, therefore said with a smile: Brother Lin Yi looks like with my younger brother somewhat misunderstands, I represent Zhaoming to accompany a ritual to you! Zhaoming was that appearance, as a child has become hardened in bad habits by the family/home, Brother Lin Yi do not mind......” 康照龙林逸的话有些着恼,但是他是个懂得隐忍的人,他一来没有摸清林逸的底细,二来要配合吴臣天不可能和林逸翻脸,于是笑道:“林逸老弟看来和舍弟有些误会,我代表照明给你陪个礼!照明就是那个样子,从小被家里惯坏了,林逸老弟不要介意……”
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