SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#508: Or do you support me to select?

Chapter 0508 第0508章 Or do you support me to select? 要不你赞助我点儿? cough cough, crested ibis that is the top rare animals, here is naturally impossible to have, this Hotel Grade was too low!” Wu Chentian stared Xiao Wangba one, coughs two to answer. 咳咳,朱鹮那是顶级珍稀动物,这里自然不可能有,这饭店档次太低了!”吴臣天瞪了萧王霸一眼,咳嗽两声解释道。 This, I eat the abalone!” Feng Xiaoxiao naturally cannot pierce Wu Chentian and Xiao Wangba, but said to Xiao Wangba: Brother Wangba (bastard), since your crested ibis has eaten, this abalone is not definitely strange, eats to me?” “这样啊,那我还是吃鲍鱼吧!”冯笑笑自然不会戳穿吴臣天萧王霸,而是对萧王霸说道:“王八哥,既然你连朱鹮都吃过了,这鲍鱼肯定不稀奇了,也给我吃吧?” „?” Before Xiao Wangba, drools with envy to this abalone, but has not used the chopsticks concerned about Wu Chentian, he is also naturally embarrassed, at this moment listened to a Feng Xiaoxiao such saying, was a little immediately in a dilemma. “嘎?”萧王霸之前就对这鲍鱼垂涎欲滴,不过碍于吴臣天还没动筷子呢,他自然也不好意思动,此刻听冯笑笑这么一说,顿时有点儿进退两难了。 How, Brother Wangba (bastard), your this expression? Doesn't give up to me?” Feng Xiaoxiao blinked, naive lovely looks at Xiao Wangba. “怎么了,王八哥,你怎么这种表情呀?难道不舍得给我?”冯笑笑眨了眨眼睛,天真可爱的看着萧王霸 Naturally, he was not surprised, this type was tattered you to regard the treasure unexpectedly, haha, right, Wangba?” Wu Chentian stared Xiao Wangba one once more. “当然不是了,他只是惊讶,这种破烂你居然都当成宝贝,哈哈,对吧,王霸?”吴臣天再次瞪了萧王霸一眼。 Right, right!” The heart of Xiao Wangba in the drop blood, wishes one could to pull out big cheeks, are oneself inexpensive on so the mouth? “对的,对的!”萧王霸的心在滴血,恨不得抽自己一个大嘴巴子,自己怎么就这么嘴贱呢? Brother Wangdao doesn't want? Gives me?” Feng Xiaoxiao asked. 王道哥的也不要了吧?都给我吧?”冯笑笑问道。 Xiao Wangdao also secretly rejoiced oneself have not talked too much, a while can also have some luck of having good things to eat, does not have to think oneself did not speak, Feng Xiaoxiao actually on own initiative attacked! He air/Qi wants to ask Feng Xiaoxiao, can you eat? However, for Wu Chentian, he also can only give up reluctantly: Naturally, gives you, but seafood thing, cannot eat, will eat will have had diarrhea!” 萧王道本来还暗自庆幸自己没有多嘴,一会儿还能有一些口福呢,却没想到自己不说话,冯笑笑却主动出击了!他气得想问问冯笑笑,你能吃得了么?不过,为了吴臣天,他也只能忍痛割爱了:“当然,都给你吧,不过海鲜这东西,可不能多吃啊,吃多了会闹肚子的!” „, All right, has diarrhea to be better, draws me to continue to eat!” Feng Xiaoxiao serious saying: Happen to the belly pours some places in!” “哦,没事儿,闹肚子更好,拉完我继续吃!”冯笑笑一本正经的说道:“正好把肚子里倒出一些地方来!” ......” Lin Yi has not nearly borne, this Feng Xiaoxiao also was really good, any words dare to say! However thinks that her men's toilet dares to enter, Lin Yi did not think that had any feels strange! However today comes to see Feng Xiaoxiao from an angle of observer, making Lin Yi lift, Feng Xiaoxiao has lovely side. “噗……”林逸差点儿没忍住,这冯笑笑还真是牛了,什么话都敢说!不过想想她连男厕所都敢进呢,林逸也不觉得有什么奇怪了!不过今天从一个旁观者的角度来看冯笑笑,让林逸举得,冯笑笑还是有可爱的一面的。 Wu Chentian did not have the appetite all of a sudden, looks at table of delicacy delicacies , the straight gastric disorder, such one table of good dishes, oneself not to have eaten, even if these best quality goods seafood have given Feng Xiaoxiao, other signature dishes do eat always? Finally by a Feng Xiaoxiao such lane, is goes to bathroom is, but can also eat? 吴臣天一下子没有了食欲,看着一桌的美味佳肴,直反胃,这么一桌好菜,自己都没吃过呢,就算那些极品海鲜都给了冯笑笑,其他招牌菜吃一吃总可以吧?结果被冯笑笑这么一弄,又是上厕所又是拉的,还能吃进去了么? Wu Chentian was somewhat annoyed to bring Xiao Family brother come out, any gadget, accomplished to mess things up insufficient, two two goods! However changes mind thinks, from another perspective, there are these two two goods , can also exercise the act high and mighty level according to the circumstance, the adverse circumstance has the talented person, these words makes some sense! 吴臣天有些恼火自己带着萧家兄弟出来了,什么玩意儿啊,成事不足败事有余的,两个二货!不过转念一想,从另一个角度来看,有这两个二货在,也能锻炼一下自己随机应变的装b水平,逆境出人才,这句话还是有一定道理的! „Don't these lobsters you eat? That also gives me!” Feng Xiaoxiao three two has killed three abalones, does not know where ate to go, even if the seafood did not occupy the place, ate that many to be also unbearable! “这些龙虾你们也不吃了吧?那也给我吧!”冯笑笑三口两口的干掉了三只鲍鱼,也不知道吃到哪里去了,就算海鲜不占地方,吃了那么多也够呛啊! Good, gives you, your slow point eats!” Wu Chentian said, looks at Lin Yi saying: I said that Brother Lin Yi, was not the brother says you, did you usually also treat unjustly your girlfriend? How can like this?” “好,都给你吧,你慢点儿吃!”吴臣天说完,看着林逸道:“我说林逸老弟啊,不是老哥说你,你平时也太亏待你女朋友了吧?怎么能这样呢?” Wu Chentian one excited, has forgotten immediately somewhat oneself, direct went to and Lin Yi act high and mighty, was act high and mighty has installed to be used to it evidently, has exported attire. 吴臣天一兴奋,顿时有些忘乎所以了,直接的就去和林逸装b了,看样子是已经装b装习惯了,都已经“出口成装”了。 I am poor, or do you support me to select? I every day asked her to eat.” Lin Yi shrugs. “我穷,要不你赞助我点儿?我就每天请她吃。”林逸耸了耸肩。 Wu Chentian then discovered, oneself installed the wrong place, how can speak this words with Lin Yi? Immediately somewhat regretted, the heart said I am a country bumpkin? Do I also support you to select? What relations did you invite please not to have with me? 吴臣天这才发现,自己装错地方了,怎么能和林逸说这种话呢?顿时有些后悔,心道我是傻帽啊?我还赞助你点儿?你请不请和我有什么关系? However, on the Wu Chentian mouth also is only fluent: Ha, thanks for the compliment, later we frequently together were eating meal are good!” 不过,吴臣天嘴上却也只能道:“哈,好说好说,以后我们经常在一起吃饭就好了!” Feng Xiaoxiao gives the heck with, shoots first with one hand and then the other, any delicious anything, the small mouth greases wāng wāng, has not waited for the red wine to come up, has killed two crab three lobster three abalones, this speed was simply amazed. 冯笑笑可是不管三七二十一,左右开弓,什么好吃什么,小嘴上油汪汪的,还不等红酒上来呢,就干掉了两只螃蟹三只龙虾三头鲍鱼,这种速度简直让人惊诧了。 The red wine has come up with great difficulty, the seafood on table had actually been killed half by Feng Xiaoxiao, making Wu Chentian somewhat want to cry but have no tears, this red wine matches the seafood to drink, this seafood did not have, but also drank? 好容易红酒上来了,桌上的海鲜却被冯笑笑干掉了一半,让吴臣天有些欲哭无泪,这红酒就是配着海鲜喝的,这海鲜都没了,还喝个屁了? Waits for waiter the red wine to everyone on but actually, holding up wine glass that Wu Chentian also puts on airs: Lin Yi, come, I respect you and Feng Xiaoxiao one cup, wishing your Hundred-year good to gather!” 服务生将红酒给每人倒上,吴臣天也装模作样的举起酒杯:“林逸,来,我敬你和冯笑笑一杯,祝你们百年好合!” „, Good, wait a moment, I finished eating this crab clip.” Feng Xiaoxiao fast finished eating a crab clip, holds up the wine glass. “哦,好,等一下啊,我吃完这个螃蟹夹子的。”冯笑笑快速的吃完一只螃蟹夹子,才举起酒杯。 Lin Yi saw that Wu Chentian signals with the eyes to Xiao Wangba, but Xiao Wangba put out cellphone to come, to aim at itself and Feng Xiaoxiao, making Lin Yi ravel at this time the intention of Wu Chentian! Indeed does this boy want to shoot itself and Feng Xiaoxiao in the together picture? 林逸看到吴臣天萧王霸使眼色,而萧王霸则是拿出了手机来,对准了自己和冯笑笑,让林逸这时候才弄明白吴臣天的用意!敢情这小子是想拍自己和冯笑笑在一起的照片啊? Lin Yi thinks immediately somewhat funnily, Wu Chentian has made the picture, certainly wants to give Sun Jingyi to look that wants to make Sun Jingyi see clearly own appearance, but where he knows, oneself and between Sun Jingyi did not have anything, before that boyfriend itself disguised as! 林逸顿时觉得有些好笑,吴臣天拍了照片,一定是想去给孙静怡看的,想让孙静怡看清楚自己的面目,而他哪里知道,自己和孙静怡之间本来也没有什么,之前那男朋友本就是假扮的! This boy also pretends to be serious invited feast, if it is estimated that knows the real situation, perhaps will want to cry but have no tears? 这小子还煞有介事的请了一顿大餐,估计要是知道真实情况,恐怕会欲哭无泪吧? Knew after Wu Chentian goal, Lin Yi also on optional deals with. After having drunk several glasses of red wines, suddenly felt cellphone in pocket to vibrate, should receive a short information. 知道了吴臣天的目的之后,林逸也就随意的应付起来。喝了几杯红酒之后,忽然感觉到口袋里的手机震动了一下,应该是收到了一条短信息。 Lin Yi put out cellphone to come to see one conveniently, was actually the somewhat surprised discovery, the short note is Wang Xinyan sends in: They must make you and Feng Xiaoxiao's picture! 林逸随手拿出手机来看了一眼,却是有些惊讶的发现,短信是王心妍发来的:他们要拍下你和冯笑笑的照片! After Lin Yi looks at the short information, somewhat is astonished however looked at a Wang Xinyan direction, he has not thought that Wang Xinyan will disclose secret information to oneself, actually does she stand in which side? 林逸看完短信息后,有些讶然的看了一眼王心妍的方向,他没想到王心妍会给自己通风报信,那她究竟是站在哪一面的? However, Wang Xinyan has not looked at this moment actually to Lin Yi, but still tranquil sitting there, does not eat the thing, seems all these and she relates no appearance a little. 不过,王心妍此刻却并没有看向林逸这边,而是依然恬静的坐在那里,也不吃东西,好似这一切和她一点儿关系都没有的样子。 Lin Yi smiles lightly, evidently, Wang Xinyan and Kang Zhaolong as well as Wu Chentian and the others the relations are also very complex! Edited a short note to return: I know, you with them in same place? 林逸淡淡一笑,看样子,王心妍康照龙以及吴臣天等人的关系也很复杂啊!编辑了一条短信回了过去:我知道,你怎么和他们在一起? After the short note sends, Wang Xinyan has not looked at cellphone immediately, but after waited for a while, opened cellphone to look, then fast was pressing the cellphone keyboard, later received cellphone. 短信发过去之后,王心妍没有立刻去看手机,而是等了一会儿之后,才打开手机看了一下,然后快速的按动着手机键盘,之后又收起了手机 Lin Yi's cellphone vibrated, this chapter of Lin Yi is also studying the Wang Xinyan appearance, after waiting for a while, put out cellphone to come, to read a Wang Xinyan short note: Family/Home lets me and Kang Zhaolong becomes engaged. 林逸的手机震动了一下,这回林逸也学着王心妍的样子,等了一会儿之后才拿出手机来,看了一眼王心妍的短信:家里让我和康照龙订婚。 After reading the Wang Xinyan short note, Lin Yi cannot help but knit the brows, with the Kang Zhaolong engagement? To be honest, Lin Yi does not want to see Wang Xinyan and Kang Family person walks is too near. 看了王心妍的短信之后,林逸不由得皱了皱眉,和康照龙订婚?说心里话,林逸是不想看到王心妍康家人走的太近的。 After all and Wang Xinyan are acquainted, and has a little small ambiguous fate. Especially Lin Yi presently and Kang Family had the hatred that could not be dispelled, in the Lin Yi eye, Kang Family momentarily possibly was finished, naturally does not think that Wang Xinyan was implicated. 毕竟自己和王心妍相识一场,而且彼此间有那么一点儿小暧昧的缘分。尤其是林逸现在康家已经有了不可化解的仇恨,在林逸眼中,康家随时都可能完蛋,自然不想王心妍跟着受牵连。
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