SBPE :: Volume #16

#9902: Chapter 9902

He likes the human very much these seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, the pleasant sensation of particularly revenging, this may him, when a klutz same god was only merrier. 他很喜欢人类的这些七情六欲,尤其是报仇的快感,这可比他当一个木头人一样的神祇快活多了。 Finally, Lin Yi besides a being fleeting anxiety, has almost no extra mood to fluctuate. 结果,林逸除了一丝稍纵即逝的紧张之外,几乎没有任何额外的情绪波动。 Jiang Xiaoshang was greatly disappointed: hey hey feeds, your person? How aren't you afraid?” 姜小尚不禁大失所望:“喂喂喂,你到底还是人吗?你怎么一点都不害怕?” Lin Yi returns to smile: Regardless of feared that did not fear, the day must illuminate, such being the case is afraid is useful?” 林逸回以一笑:“无论怕还是不怕,日子都还得照过,既然如此害怕有什么用?” Jiang Xiaoshang grinning: You said good reasonable.” 姜小尚咧了咧嘴:“你说的好有道理。” Lin Yi said with a smile: Moreover illuminated your view, so long as I did not go to provoke him on own initiative, is been actually big by the probability that he detected, such being the case, why also to have groundless fears?” 林逸不由笑道:“而且照你刚才的说法,只要我不去主动招惹他,被他察觉的概率其实并不大,既然如此,又何必杞人忧天?” Jiang Xiaoshang was also immediately anxious: „Should you not want to work as the turtle? But you last ancient god cultivator, will could work as existence of god king in the future, daily is thinking works as the turtle, is several meanings?” 姜小尚顿时又急了:“你该不会又想当缩头乌龟吧?你可是最后一个古神修炼者,未来说不定能当神王的存在,天天想着当缩头乌龟,是几个意思?” Lin Yi is speechless: I had said I do want to work as the turtle?” 林逸无语:“我有说过我要当缩头乌龟吗?” „......” “……” Jiang Xiaoshang gawked, immediately great happiness: You complied to collaborate with me 姜小尚愣了一下,随即大喜:“那你是答应跟我联手了” That must look at you to be able somewhat the sincerity.” “那就要看你能有几分诚意了。” Lin Yi withdrew with a smile knew the sea. 林逸笑着退出了识海。 Almost at the same time, he then received from the day toward the sun with the information of half th division. 几乎同一时间,他便收到了来自天向阳和洛半师的信息。 These two big shot look at him to fall into the delay, realized that the situation is not wonderful, at this time had even planned that the broken boundary acted jointly forcefully. 这两位大佬看他陷入呆滞,都意识到情况不妙,这个时候甚至都已经打算联手破境强行出手了。 Is good responds promptly because of Lin Yi, is helps the small mystical place escape, otherwise a small mystical place broken, entire quota contest must terminate, others may have are noisy. 好在林逸及时反应过来,算是帮小秘境逃过一劫,要不然小秘境一破,整个名额争夺战都得终止,其他人可有的闹了。 Not slightly hesitant, Lin Yi all these unretentive sharing will just give two people directly. 没有丝毫犹豫,林逸直接将刚刚这一切毫无保留的共享给了二人。 On the one hand stemming from two people of absolute trusts, on the other hand, is needs two people to screen well for him. 一方面是出于对二人的绝对信任,另一方面,则是需要二人替他好好甄别一番。 All these that Jiang Xiaoshang said that although sounded truly looks like that a matter very much, was can specifically somewhat the credibility, feared no one to know except for Jiang Xiaoshang. 姜小尚所说的这一切,虽然听起来确实很像那么回事,可是具体能有几分可信度,除了姜小尚自己恐怕没人知道。 Lin Yi needs two big shot to help together staff officer. 林逸需要两位大佬帮着一起参谋一下。 After all a person counts short, three people count to be long, he two experience stories are placed there, the come out conclusion definitely will be together more credible. 毕竟一人计短,三人计长,他二位的经验阅历摆在那里,一起得出来的结论肯定会靠谱许多。 Feels the information that Lin Yi is feeding back, the day fell into the delay with half th division unprecedented simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform toward the sun. 感受着林逸反馈回来的信息,天向阳和洛半师破天荒齐齐陷入了呆滞。 These information that Jiang Xiaoshang disclosed that even if even they heard something never heard of before, proper subverted three views. 姜小尚透露的这些信息,即便连他俩都闻所未闻,妥妥的颠覆三观。 Silent for a long time. 沉默许久。 Finally the day takes the lead to open the mouth toward the sun: „ I think the words that this Jiang Xiaoshang spoke were basically credible. 最终还是天向阳率先开口:“我认为这个姜小尚说的话基本可信。 Our day family/home has harbors ancient book also to mention the matter about god boundary, although inadequate system, these that but basically can say with him confirm mutually. 我们天家有一些私藏古籍也提到过关于神境的事情,虽然不成体系,但基本能与他所说的这些相互验证。 Therefore the credibility of these words should have, but this Jiang Xiaoshang actually not necessarily credible! ” 所以这些话的可信度应该是有的,但这个姜小尚本身却未必可信!” Half th division follows to nod saying: I am also this view, he disclosed that to your information not necessarily is false, but he has not definitely made a clean breast to you, therefore works with him, but cannot lead by the nose by him.” 洛半师跟着点头道:“我也是这个看法,他透露给你的信息未必是假,可他肯定没有对你和盘托出,所以跟他合作可以,但绝不能被他牵着鼻子走。” I understood.” “我明白了。” Under the Lin Yi heart was steadfast several points immediately, he also thinks, but is important, many are somewhat in doubt. 林逸心下顿时踏实了几分,他原本也是这么想的,只是事关重大,多少有些拿不准。 Now obtains the affirmations of two big shot, how regarding then should do, Lin Yi had an explicit plan immediately. 如今得到两位大佬的肯定,对于接下来该怎么做,林逸顿时就有了一个明确的预案。 Taking care of an actor's costume few tours greeted one, Lin Yi the figure flashed immediately, was close toward the Lord altar fast. 跟包少游招呼了一声,林逸当即身形一闪,朝着主祭坛快速接近。 Following various God tests, was his important to Jiang Xiaoshang probes. 接下来的诸神测试,便是他对姜小尚的一次重要试探。 If Jiang Xiaoshang the performance can make him satisfy, then then has the space that further cooperates, if even this trivial various God tested unable to cross, after that anything was needless to say. 若是姜小尚的表现能够让他满意,那么接下来便有进一步合作下去的空间,而要是连这一次区区的诸神测试都过不了,那之后就什么都不用说了。 Only if he died, otherwise Jiang Xiaoshang can only be stranded in the ultimate perfect domain forever and ever, in these excrement same regular strengths with his mouth mixes up forever. 除非他死掉,否则姜小尚就只能永生永世被困在终极完美领域之中,跟他口中那些屎一样的规则力量永远混在一起。 At this time, Lord altar. 此时,主祭坛。 An external top strength snatches before others, one step steps into the Lord altar, takes the lead to accept various God to test. 一个外来的顶级战力抢在其他所有人之前,一步踏进主祭坛之中,率先接受诸神测试。 The sacrifice fire of Lord altar also selects. 主祭坛的祭火随之点起。 The backward people can only extremely angry not be uneven, even if has a mind to destroy, under the protection in Lord altar, is unable to start. 落后的众人只能愤愤不平,即便有心想要破坏,在主祭坛的防护之下,也根本无从下手。 A moment later, sky over the Lord altar reveals all over the sky the stars suddenly. 片刻之后,主祭坛上空忽然露出满天繁星。 Here each star, is representing a god will of only. 这里的每一颗星星,都代表着一个神祇的意志。 By tester, once obtains any god only approves, the star of correspondence will shine, then can obtain precious various mysterious boundary team leader quota. 被测试者一旦得到其中任何一位神祇的认可,对应的星星就会亮起,如此一来便能获得弥足珍贵的诸神秘境领队名额。 Although tests through various God even, after not representative, can certainly obtain various God to inherit. 虽然即便通过诸神测试,也不代表之后就一定能获得诸神传承。 However at least, it obtains the probability that various God inherits to be far higher than others. 但是至少,其获得诸神传承的概率将远高于其他人。 Mother, be not snatched by this fellow offensive!” “妈的,千万别被这家伙抢了先手!” Falls behind a step numerous top strength to curse secretly. 落后一步的一众顶级战力纷纷暗自诅咒。 Although obtains the probability of some god only approval extremely to be alone low, but looks at this all over the sky stars, so long as there are any shines even through the test, this probability seemed like may not be low. 虽然获得单独某一位神祇认可的概率极低,可是看这满天繁星,只要有其中任何一颗亮起就算通过测试,这个概率看起来可就没那么低了。 Team leader quota only then two, once were robbed one by this fellow, the remaining so many top strengths cannot break the head. 领队名额只有两个,一旦被这家伙抢走一个,剩下这么多顶级战力还不得打破头。 Really must breakneck to act recklessly, that is the real meeting deceased person. 真要不顾一切玩命出手,那可是真会死人的。 Is good because, until the sacrifice fire of Lord altar destroys completely, the stars have does not have any one to shine all over the sky. 好在,直至主祭坛的祭火灭掉,满天繁星也没有任何一颗亮起。 Looks at a that person of face dispirited come out from the Lord altar, the people looks to laugh in abundance. 看着那人一脸颓丧的从主祭坛中出来,众人纷纷面露嗤笑。 Forestalling everyone admittedly is the scenery, but First makes a clean sweep now, is actually more like reveals shortcomings on own initiative, oneself revealed come out the buttocks. 抢先所有人一步固然是风光,可如今第一个被扫地出门,却更像是主动献丑,自己把屁股露了出来 However people not too many energy waste on him. 不过众人并没有太多精力浪费在他身上。 After a battle, soon then has Second giant ultimate grand perfection expert to enter in the Lord altar. 一番争斗之后,很快便有第二个巨头终极大圆满高手进入主祭坛之中。 Offers a sacrifice to the fire also to light. 祭火随之点燃。 However a moment later, the stars were still all over the sky unresponsive, can only on the dirty step a moment ago that person of footsteps. 然而片刻之后,满天繁星依旧毫无反应,只能灰头土脸的步上了刚才那人的后尘。 The test opportunity of everyone only then one time, here regardless of then has anything again, are not related with them. 每个人的测试机会只有一次,这里接下来无论再发生什么,都已经跟他们没关系了。 Then outside people may not be positive. 这下外面众人可就没那么积极了。 Although takes the lead to accept various god testers to profit inevitably, but illuminates this urogenous, wish makes any in stars shine all over the sky, absolutely is not a simple matter. 虽然率先接受诸神测试者必然还是占便宜,可是照这个尿性,想要让满天繁星中的任何一颗亮起,都绝对不是一件简单的事情。 Some people cannot even bear the suspicion, is what problem this tests formation to have? 有人甚至忍不住怀疑,是不是这测试阵法存在什么问题? Front two are also only had doubts, when nine people go in one after another, finally is after actually annihilated, this anxiety is then getting more and more heavy. 前面两个还只是有所疑惑,等到接连九个人进去,结果却全军覆没之后,这个疑虑便越来越重。 Can achieve expert of boundary of giant ultimate grand perfection, absolutely no is the simple role. 能够达到巨头终极大圆满之境的高手,绝对没有一个是简单角色。 Even various God tests the difficulty to be high, was still insufficient so many one unable to cross? 即便诸神测试难度再高,也不至于这么多人一个都过不了吧? Couldn't these various God visions, even have had a liking to giant ultimate grand perfection expert high completely? 难道那些诸神的眼光,都已经高到连巨头终极大圆满高手都完全看不上了吗? The remaining numerous top strengths halt in abundance. 剩下一众顶级战力不由纷纷止步。 Then the situation just with, is went all out to forestall a moment ago in turn a moment ago, but presently is actually looks forward to others on first. 这下形势刚好跟刚才反过来了,刚才都是拼了命想要抢先,而现在却是巴不得其他人先上。 In any case two team leader quotas. 反正有两个领队名额。 When some time people try come out formation truly not to have the issue, they following follow is not late. 等到时候有人试出来阵法确实没问题,他们后续再跟上也不迟。
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