SBPE :: Volume #16

#9903: Chapter 9903

Suddenly, the scene fell into strange deadlock. 一时间,场面陷入了诡异的僵持。 Finally had the tenth person unable to bear, finally lost again. 终于有第十个人忍不住冲了进去,结果再一次铩羽而归。 Outside people thoroughly were then motionless. 这下外面众人彻底不动了。 The breaking giving self up to shape of until silent not saying flashed, 11 th entered in the Lord altar. 直至沉默不言的断舍身形一闪,第十一个进入主祭坛之中。 People in abundance at heart one thump. 众人不禁纷纷心里一咯噔。 Now who knows that the shed alone king is reincarnated, is under the Lin Yi strongest strength, its every action and every movement are the focus of attention. 如今谁都知道断舍是独王转世,是林逸麾下的最强战力,其一举一动都备受关注。 Although each one is not necessarily convinced at heart, but in the audience people, regardless of the background or the makings, breaks the shed seems like most likely by that group of people who various gods select! 虽然各自心里未必服气,但在全场众人之中,无论底蕴还是气质,断舍看起来都是最有可能被诸神选中的那一批人! However a moment later, offers a sacrifice to the fire to extinguish again spontaneously. 然而片刻之后,祭火再度自发熄灭。 Breaks a shed face indifferently goes out from the Lord altar, just like the beforehand ten people, he was also defeated. 断舍一脸漠然的从主祭坛中走出,跟之前的十个人一样,他也失败了。 People then simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform relaxes. 众人这才齐齐松一口气。 Tyrant several people also enter the stadium in abundance, finally without exception, is the failure is all eliminated. 紧接着暴君几人也都纷纷入场,结果无一例外,全部都是失败出局。 This group of failing a grade fresh institutes five great in an numerous top strength, absolutely is existences of being the top position, even they are annihilated, can only show that this various God test has problems absolutely! 要知道,这帮留级生院五巨在一众顶级战力之中,绝对都是排在前列的存在,连他们都全军覆没,只能证明这诸神测试绝对是出了问题! In the scene falls into thoroughly refuses to compromise, Lin Yi flashes before suddenly has in the presently field. 就在场面彻底陷入僵持之时,林逸一个闪现忽然出现在场中。 The people eyelid jumps in abundance. 众人纷纷眼皮一跳。 In Lin Yi takes a step toward the Lord altar walks, in the crowd some people of vague opens the mouth said. 就在林逸迈步朝主祭坛走去之时,人群中有人不阴不阳的开口道。 Forest five great not go to well, on you so many halo, this, if also same made a clean sweep with others dingily, to have face very much?” “林五巨还是别进去为好,你身上这么多的光环,这要是也跟其他人一样被灰溜溜扫地出门,岂不是很没面子?” Along with even if some people follow to echo: Yes, might as well remains to select face the same as stand with us outside sees a play, even if like some people said that was still you saw the formation issue, let go the test opportunity on own initiative, antiwar crime.” 随即便有人跟着附和:“就是,还不如留点面子跟我们一样站在外面看戏,这样就算有人说起来,那也是你看出了阵法问题,主动放弃了测试机会,非战之罪。” The echoed person is also not one two. 附和的人还不是一个两个。 Lin Yi stops the footsteps, swept their one eyes: Your this is feared that I was selected by various gods, snatched your team leader quotas?” 林逸停下脚步,扫了他们一眼:“你们这是怕我被诸神选中,抢了你们的领队名额?” „......” “……” People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform has food stuck in the throat. 众人不由齐齐噎住。 This is their real thoughts. 这就是他们的真实心思。 The surface seems like considering for Lin Yi's face, do the relations that but cannot hit with the Lin Yi eight bamboo poles by them, look forward to look at Lin Yi lose face also almost, how possibly considered for Lin Yi unlucky? 表面看起来是在替林逸的面子着想,但以他们跟林逸八竿子打不着的关系,巴不得看林逸出丑倒霉还差不多,怎么可能是为林逸考虑? They are feared oneself are defeated, therefore does not dare to go on stage. 他们就是怕自己失败,所以不敢上场。 Therefore to prevent other person success, serves as contrast their laughable, therefore can only bring the pressure with this style, making others work as the turtle with them together. 故而为了防止别的人成功,衬托出他们的可笑,所以只能用这种方式施加压力,让别人跟他们一起当缩头乌龟。 Like this they can be satisfied. 这样他们就能心安理得了。 Waits to turn head, but can also be justifiable, compelling the day family/home to conduct the quota selection. 等回过头来,还可以名正言顺,逼着天家重新进行名额选拔。 Finally actually by puncturing that face to face Lin Yi is relentless. 结果却被林逸毫不留情的当面戳破。 The people somewhat become angry out of shame. 众人不禁有些恼羞成怒。 Really is the dog bites Lu Dongbin, we reminded with good intention, unexpectedly can also be understood the envy by you, hehe, was this heart pattern of Jianghai Institute facade character?” “真是狗咬吕洞宾,我们好心提醒,居然也能被你理解成妒忌,呵呵,这就是江海学院门面人物的心胸格局?” You go in although, but later dirty come out, that do not blame under others mouth is not forgiving!” “你尽管进去,只不过待会儿灰头土脸出来,那就不要怪别人嘴下不留情了!” Yes, the good advice is difficult to urge the damn ghost, lose face is looks, when the time comes remembers raises own pants, so as to avoid oneself reveal come out the buttocks on own initiative, looks at the joke to everyone!” “是啊,良言难劝该死的鬼,出丑都是自己找的,到时候记得提好自己的裤子,免得自己主动把屁股露出来,给大家看笑话!” A piece ridicules in the sound, the Lin Yi chuckle shaking the head, is taking a step to enter the Lord altar. 一片奚落声中,林逸轻笑着摇了摇头,迈步走进主祭坛。 Offers a sacrifice to the fire ignition. 祭火点燃。 The audience were peaceful in a twinkling. 全场霎时间安静了下来。 Outside people ratio inside Lin Yi oneself must be more anxious. 外面众人一个个比里面的林逸本人还要更加紧张。 If various God tests is a competition, then Lin Yi most has the champion without a doubt that person, that person who is most likely to make them turn into the joke. 如果说诸神测试是一场比赛,那么林逸毫无疑问就是最有冠军相的那个人,也是最有可能让他们变成笑话的那个人。 If this is not the case, how they will think of every means that taunted collectively to the Lin Yi manufacture pressure. 若非如此,他们又怎么会这么费尽心机,集体冷嘲热讽给林逸制造心理压力。 At this moment only then Lin Yi also followed to be defeated, can show that they were not the turtles, but was the true wise wisdom! 此时此刻只有林逸也跟着失败了,才能证明他们不是缩头乌龟,而是真正的英明睿智! The quarter of an hour passes by. 一刻钟过去。 The stars are still all over the sky stirless. 满天繁星依旧毫无动静。 The people look at each other, looks smiling expression in abundance. 众人相视一眼,纷纷面露笑意 We urged, he has not listened, to think that actually we are harming him to envy him, whom this small-minded appearance really did not have!” “我们都这么劝了,他还硬是不听,非得以为我们都是在害他嫉妒他,这小肚鸡肠的样子也真是没谁了!” Hehe, looks at his come out later is what expression! Anyone of you brought cellphone to remember to pat, then sent online can be hot absolutely!” “呵呵,待会儿看他出来是什么表情!你们有谁带手机了记得拍下来,回头发到网上绝对能火!” Tyrant several people also look at each other in blank dismay. 暴君几人也是面面相觑。 By this time, they could not bear feel formation that various God tests possibly had problems. 到了这个时候,就连他们也都忍不住觉得诸神测试的阵法可能是出问题了。 Cannot cross Lin Yi, should that help/gang various gods not be the blind people? 林逸都过不了,那帮诸神该不会都是瞎子吧? Finally when everyone thinks stops, the sacrifice fire of Lord altar suddenly shoots up to the sky, Heaven and Earth changes color, the stars lighten all over the sky instantaneously completely. 结果就在所有人都以为到此为止的时候,主祭坛的祭火突然冲天而起,紧接着天地变色,满天繁星瞬间全部点亮。 An audience deathly stillness. 全场一片死寂。 A star represents a god will of only, this stars lighten all over the sky completely together, did various gods select Lin Yi completely? 一颗星星代表一个神祇的意志,这满天繁星全部一起点亮,难道说全部诸神都挑中了林逸 This matter possibility? 这种事情可能吗? „Was this definitely tests formation to have problems? Either is not bright, either one completely together bright, where has this matter?” “这肯定是测试阵法出问题了吧?要么不亮,要么一下全部一起亮,哪有这种事情?” An numerous top strength started to suspect the life. 一众顶级战力纷纷开始怀疑人生了。 Looks that the look indifferent Lin Yi that goes out of the Lord altar, an numerous top strength that just also taunted, the expression is colorful immediately. 看着神色淡然从主祭坛中走出的林逸,刚刚还冷嘲热讽的一众顶级战力,表情顿时精彩纷呈。 Then sees the breaking shed that silent did not say to take cellphone to them, probably is patting the video. 然后就见沉默不言的断舍拿着手机正对着他们,好像是在拍视频。 „......” “……” The people the collective is speechless immediately. 众人顿时集体无语。 Isn't this fellow the consistent aloof? So to be how shameless, hit a person when he is down while this kind of time? 这家伙不是一贯高冷吗?怎么还这么无耻,趁这种时候落井下石? However while they are thinking how to retrieve face time, some people had actually fired into the Lord altar. 不过正当他们想着怎么找回面子的时候,有人却已经率先冲向了主祭坛。 The people responded, however actually already late. 紧接着众人纷纷反应过来,然而却是已经晚了。 In the face of various mysterious boundary team leader quota, some face are nothing, since now had been proven by Lin Yi, the stars will not totally not shine all over the sky, that also outside what? 在诸神秘境领队名额面前,些许面子算个屁,如今既然已经被林逸证明了,满天繁星并不是彻底不会亮,那还在外面等什么? However finally made one shock again. 然而结果再度令人大跌眼镜。 Then is the first even/including more than ten people are annihilated. 接下来又是一连十几个人全军覆没。 Then the people vision fell on Lin Yi. 这下众人目光不禁重新落到了林逸身上。 Is annihilated, only then his one is the stars lightens all over the sky completely, such a space foot ground foot, must say that tests a formation issue not to have, who letter/believes?! 前后都是全军覆没,只有他一个是满天繁星全部点亮,这么天上一脚地上一脚,要说测试阵法一点问题都没有,谁信啊?! In this definitely has the trick, we must protest to the day family/home jointly, must inspect this validity that publicly tests formation, if this inside has the safety strip the loophole, then on overly fraud people!” “这里面肯定有猫腻,我们必须联名向天家抗议,必须公开检查这个测试阵法的有效性,如果这里面存在暗箱操作的漏洞,那就太坑人了!” Yes, his day family/home, if gives and accepts privately, we cannot manage, but presently all deceives to come here in the name of fair competition us, finally actually comes the safety strip, this what's the matter?” “是啊,他天家如果只是私相授受,那我们谁也管不着,可现在用公平竞争的名义把我们全都骗来这里,结果却来个暗箱操作,这算怎么回事?” This is us, when the fool plays!” “这是把我们当傻子耍!” Sees the people filled with righteous indignation, the momentum gets bigger and bigger, Lin Yi watches critically, is disinclined to build the stubble. 眼看着众人义愤填膺,声势越闹越大,林逸冷眼旁观,根本懒得搭茬。 Do not look that this group of person presently make ominously, loudly if really the day Xiangyang stand in the front, it is estimated that dares to speak including one does not have. 别看这帮人现在闹得凶,真要是天向阳本人站在面前,估计连一个敢大声说话的都没有。 Let the day family/home deliberately plan to play you, you think that who you are, has that value? 让天家处心积虑来耍你们,你们以为自己是谁,有那个价值吗? In the creating an uproar sound of people, the middle-aged man who a Confucian scholar dresses up has a face human and animals harmless smile, entered the Lord altar slowly. 就在众人的哄闹声中,一个儒士装扮的中年男子带着一脸人畜无害的笑容,缓缓走进了主祭坛。
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