SBPE :: Volume #16

#9901: Chapter 9901

Nonsense, the new god and ancient god's relations, with style that your human can understand, was equivalent to one group of child rebels to usurp the position of emperor, but your ancient god cultivator, was that emperor leaves behind bloodlines outside, trading to do is your you kills?” “废话,新神和古神的关系,用你们人类能够理解的方式来说,就相当于一帮子乱臣贼子篡了皇帝的位,而你这个古神修炼者,则是那个皇帝遗留在外的血脉,换做是你你杀不杀?” Let alone did not speak sentiment various God. 别说是不讲感情的诸神。 Even if this matter has human of seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, still meets under the pain most likely the killer. 这种事情就算是有着七情六欲的人类,十有八九也会痛下杀手。 After all cuts the grass non- root, the spring breeze blows fresh. 毕竟斩草不除根,春风吹又生。 Under Lin Yi heart secret shock, confirmed: Illuminates your meaning, once I went to various mysterious boundaries, extreme danger?” 林逸心下暗暗震惊,确认道:“照你这个意思,我一旦去了诸神秘境,岂不是羊入虎口?” That is natural, your such fresh-faced ancient god cultivator delivers goods to the doorstep on own initiative, these various God not only can strangle a hidden danger, but can also eat your godship to expand itself, isn't the matter that kills two birds with one stone why done?” “那是自然,你这么一个粉粉嫩嫩的古神修炼者主动送货上门,那些诸神不仅能扼杀一个隐患,还能吃掉你的神格壮大自身,这么一举两得的事情为什么不做?” mysterious exists to speak thoughtlessly to ridicule saying: You were the luck are also good, met the rebel of my new god, otherwise died when the time comes radically does not know how dead, was not right, you were die stupid!” 神秘存在随口奚落道:“你也就是运气好,遇上了我这个新神的叛徒,否则到时候根本连死都不知道怎么死的,哦不对,你是蠢死的!” „......” “……” Lin Yi starts the ultimate perfect domain immediately. 林逸当即发动终极完美领域。 That mysterious had directly curling by the black hole vortex, like involved in the flush toilet, transferred had the quarter of an hour to be put come out fully. 那个神秘存在直接就被黑洞漩涡给卷了进去,就像被卷进了抽水马桶,转了足有一刻钟才被放出来 Your not happy said that why to make such nauseating matter? “你不高兴就说嘛,干嘛弄这么恶心的事情? Let these assorted regular strengths curl with me in the same place , like the excrement of your human, trades your wicked not nauseating? ” 让那些杂七杂八的规则力量跟我卷在一起,就跟你们人类的屎一样,换你你恶不恶心?” mysterious exists is very discontented. 神秘存在很是不满。 Lin Yi is speechless, this goods return really is a funny guy. 林逸不由无语,这货还真特么是个活宝。 I am a civilized person, therefore does not like hearing the bad language, this point hopes after you, can pay attention.” “我是一个文明人,所以不喜欢听到脏话,这一点希望你以后能够注意。” Listened to Lin Yi's this advice, mysterious to exist for a long time, suppressed come out one that was depressed finally silent: Ok, presently you are Boss, you decide!” 听完林逸的这句忠告,神秘存在沉默了许久,最终闷闷的憋出来一句:“行吧,现在你是老大,你说了算!” Lin Yi returns to the subject saying: My presently the farther the better to various mysterious boundaries, is this meaning?” 林逸重新回归正题道:“那我现在离诸神秘境越远越好,是这个意思吧?” mysterious existed is anxious: „ No, your presently has the embryonic form of godship, even you want to work as the turtle unable to shrink, sooner or later will be discovered by various God. 神秘存在不由急了:“别呀,你现在都已经有了神格的雏形,就算你想当缩头乌龟也缩不住了,迟早会被诸神发现。 When the time comes the strength of your resistance does not have, might as well has not responded while their presently, fishes one with me together in a big way! ” 到时候你更加一点反抗之力都没有,还不如趁他们现在没反应过来,跟我一起去捞一笔大的!” Lin Yi selects the eyebrow: How to fish one in a big way?” 林逸挑眉:“怎么捞一笔大的?” mysterious has self-satisfied saying: „ various God also divides the strong and weak, each other also divides high, you know they are cultivate? Is the godship who robs to swallow other various God. 神秘存在得意的说道:“诸神也分强弱,彼此也分高下,你知道他们是怎么修炼的吗?就是抢夺吞噬其他诸神的神格。 They eat your godship to make up greatly, you eat their godship, similarly makes up greatly . Moreover the effect is also much better compared with them! ” 他们吃掉你的神格是大补,你吃掉他们的神格,同样是大补,而且效果比他们还要好的多!” How does that effect inherit compared with various God?” “那效果比起诸神传承怎么样?” mysterious has hears word to snort contemptuously: „No comparison between them radically, what you eat various god godship to eat is the entire essence, but that what nonsense inheritance, but is residual that others cannot have a liking, moreover from belly lira come out that type, which good you feel effect?” 神秘存在闻言不由嗤之以鼻:“根本不可同日而语,你吃诸神神格吃的是整个精华,而那个什么狗屁传承,不过是人家看不上的一点残渣,而且是从肚子里拉出来的那一种,你觉得效果哪个好?” Lin Yi quite a while has not spoken. 林逸半天没说话。 If nothing else, this goods are hitting analogy, is really a little talent. 别的不说,这货在打比方这一块,着实是有点天赋的。 However although sounds decent, a matter, Lin Yi actually will not very readily believe the opposite party probably like this. 不过虽然听起来像模像样,挺像是那么一回事,林逸却也不会就这样轻信对方。 Lin Yi continues to probe to ask: If I went to various mysterious boundaries, how you ensure I wasn't discovered by them?” 林逸继续试探问道:“那如果我去了诸神秘境,你怎么保证我不被他们发现?” This simplicity, you, so long as does not use that what domain strength casually, in addition has me to help you cover up the aura, that helps various God unable to detect existence of your ancient god cultivator in a short time.” “这个简单,你只要不随便动用那个什么领域的力量,加上有我帮你遮掩气息,那帮诸神短时间内根本察觉不到你这个古神修炼者的存在。” mysterious exists to see Lin Yi as if not to believe, hurried and made up one: „ Trading to do is you, will you be bored to stare at one flock of ants to look in that day in day out? 神秘存在见林逸似乎还不相信,赶紧又补了一句:“换做是你,你会无聊到一天到晚盯着一群蝼蚁在那看吗? Emits how many is only strong point ants the time at most occasionally, you will look at one idly extremely bored, will not carefully look, is right? 顶多其中偶尔冒出几只强壮一点的蝼蚁的时候,你闲极无聊才会瞄上一眼,而且都不会仔细看,对不对? Only if that ants started to nip you, even bit you to be a little painful, you will respond. ” 除非那只蝼蚁开始咬你了,甚至咬到你有点痛了,你才会反应过来。” The Lin Yi silent moment, asked finally: Told me your status.” 林逸沉默片刻,最后问道:“告诉我你的身份。” mysterious exists to smile: My main body is called Jiang still, you can call my Jiang Xiaoshang.” 神秘存在嘿嘿一笑:“我的本尊叫做姜尚,你可以叫我姜小尚。” Jiang still?” “姜尚?” Lin Yi gawked the moment to respond, this special wasn't Jiang Taigong Jiang Ziya? 林逸愣了片刻才反应过来,这特么不就是姜太公姜子牙吗? Plays War God Lu Bu from the deicide white/in vain, to honorific title of guanyu Guan Yu, braves a come out Jiang Taigong again now. 从杀神白起到战神吕布,再到武圣关羽,如今又冒出来一个姜太公。 Lin Yi has determined now thoroughly, these legendary characters who on Sky Step Island present, in these real historical figures with secular world record is completely two concepts. 林逸如今已经彻底确定,天阶岛上出现的这些传奇人物,跟世俗界记载中的那些真实历史人物完全是两个概念。 Either secular world these historical records contain errors, either supreme existences, are operating all these secretly imperceptibly. 要么世俗界那些历史记载有误,要么幕后有一个至高无上的存在,无形中在操纵着这一切。 Lin Yi cannot bear ask: Who is your presently god king?” 林逸忍不住问道:“你们现在的神王是谁?” Said that Jiang Xiaoshang mysterious existed to laugh: God king that is the beforehand view, only then most powerful ancient Shencai will be called the god king, but the presently ancient gods had been extinguished cleanly, the present new gods manage that fellow to be called to create the world god.” 自称姜小尚的神秘存在哈哈一笑:“神王那是以前的说法,只有最强大的古神才会被称为神王,而现在古神都已经被灭干净了,如今的新神们都管那家伙叫做创世神。” Creates the world god?” “创世神?” Lin Yi startled. 林逸不由愕然。 Jiang Xiaoshang the tone had several points to laugh: „ Doesn't this understand? As the name suggests, was he created presently this World. 姜小尚语气带着几分嗤笑:“这都不懂啊?顾名思义,就是他创造了现在这个世界 Although he is only the dove occupies the magpie nest, benefitted from association with these ancient God, but he truly is presently most invincible that present regular order also truly under his control. 虽然他只是鸠占鹊巢,沾了那些古神的光,但他确实就是现在最强最无敌的那一个,如今的规则秩序也确实是在他的掌控之下。 I must remind your one earnestly, if were detected your existence by some new god, your ancient god cultivator also some possibilities of overturn. 我必须认真提醒你一句,如果只是被某一位新神察觉到你的存在,你这个古神修炼者还有些许翻盘的可能性。 But if was detected by that fellow, so long as he has a thought slightly, you died, no one could save you. ” 可要是被那家伙察觉,只要他稍微动一个念头,你就死了,谁都救不了你。” Lin Yi asked curiously: That this does create the world god strongly?” 林逸好奇问道:“那这位创世神到底有多强?” Jiang Xiaoshang thought for quite a while, combs human cultivator all sorts of information that he knew carefully, finally gave the answer. 姜小尚想了半天,仔细梳理了一番他所知的人类修炼者的种种信息,最终给出了答案。 Your presently boundary is the giant boundary, after wait for you grasped the regular strength initially, can enter on a revering boundary, but the end of revering mirror is the god boundary, creates the world god as for that then stands in the end of god boundary, did you say him strongly?” “你现在的境界是巨头境,等你初步掌握了规则力量之后,就能进入更上一层的尊者境,而尊者镜的尽头便是神境,至于那位创世神,则是站在神境的尽头,你说他有多强?” Lin Yi is speechless for a very long time. 林逸久久无语。 The revering boundary he is knows that but this regarding a Jianghai city numerous top strength, is the boundary in Legend. 尊者境他是知道的,而这对于江海城一众顶级战力来说,就已经是传说中的境界了。 Even if the day toward the sun with half th division these two ultra top strengths, the person who the recognition most is close to the revering boundary, does not dare to say oneself can certainly enter the revering boundary. 哪怕是天向阳和洛半师这两位超顶级战力,公认最接近尊者境的人,都不敢说自己一定能够稳进尊者境。 The god boundary also dominates above the revering boundary, but the opposite party even also stood in the end of god boundary! 神境还凌驾于尊者境之上,而对方甚至还站在了神境的尽头! Stood suddenly with such existence the opposite, Lin Yi must not say anxiously, that absolutely was fake. 突然之间跟这样的存在站到了对立面,林逸要说一点都不紧张,那绝对是假的 Changes anyone to frighten the urine. 换谁都得吓尿。 Jiang Xiaoshang is also waiting for Lin Yi to frighten the scared shitless scene, he said these intentionally, wants to have a look at Lin Yi's to respond. 姜小尚也在等着林逸吓得屁滚尿流的场面,他故意说这些,就是想看看林逸的反应。 various God does not have the sentiment, but his Jiang Xiaoshang confessed that is the traitor of new god, naturally cannot and that helps various God be equally senseless. 诸神是没有感情的,但他姜小尚自认是新神的背叛者,自然不能跟那帮诸神一样无趣。
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