SBPE :: Volume #16

#9862: Chapter 9862

It complexion toward the sun was cold immediately: „A war mysterious boundary, was operated a screen by you well actually, casual is individual can slide to do the matter! Do you have a face unexpectedly, want to continue to entrain in the hand?” 天向阳的脸色当即冷了下来:“好好一个战神秘境,硬是被你们经营成了一个筛子,随便是不是个人都能溜进来搞事情!你们居然还有脸,想要继续拽在手里?” Had dust direct descendant younger generation to wrestle to go too far, straightens one's neck met one forcefully: Our dust does not fear the failure, where tumbles, where crawls!” 有尘家嫡系子弟想要搏出位,梗着脖子强行接了一句:“我们尘家不怕失败,从哪里跌倒,就从哪里爬起来!” The day smiled toward the sun: Right? Just that thing possibly came momentarily again, perhaps will turn into other more terrifying existence, you determined that can continue to tow?” 天向阳笑了:“是吗?刚刚那个东西随时可能再来,甚至也许会变成其他更加恐怖的存在,你们确定要继续拖着?” „......” “……” Dust people who were also just filled with righteous indignation instantaneously collectively necking. 刚刚还义愤填膺的尘家众人瞬间集体缩头。 Control and mystical place relation between bidirectional, their dust controls fights the mysterious boundary at the same time, fights the mysterious boundary also momentarily to pass through their dust reverse the core center. 掌控者与秘境之间的联系是双向的,他们尘家掌控战神秘境的同时,战神秘境也随时可以反向通到他们尘家的核心腹地。 If this comes great eye such terrifying monster again, through fighting the mysterious boundary sneaks to their dust, that scene does not dare to imagine simply. 这要是再来个巨眼那样的恐怖怪物,通过战神秘境潜入到他们尘家,那场面简直不敢想象。 The dust mountain changed the complexion at the scene: Our dust always effective and influential word, since should the gambling make beforehand, that will certainly fulfill the delivery, in any event, the Family prestige is the First position!” 尘岳当场就变了脸色:“我们尘家向来一言九鼎,既然事先已经应下了赌约,那就一定会履行交割,无论如何,家族信誉是第一位的!” Then, will then make one control to fight the essential item War God chart of mysterious boundary directly to give Lin Yi, meanwhile was in front of people to shut off thoroughly with fighting all relations of mysterious boundary. 说完,直接便让人将掌控战神秘境的关键道具战神图交给了林逸,同时还当着众人的面彻底切断了同战神秘境的一切联系。 Even for fear that cuts insufficiently cleanly, but also makes the day help confirm on own initiative toward the sun. 甚至生怕切得不够干净,还主动让天向阳帮忙确认。 A show operates really dazzlingly, making one has to sigh with emotion, super Family is really different, tune ample! 一番骚操作着实令人眼花缭乱,令人不得不感慨,超级家族果然就是不一样,腔调十足 However was near, the dust mountain has not forgotten to toot one's own horn to oneself: Lin Yi you remembered, we are willing to hand over come out the most precious war mysterious boundary control on own initiative, is not your face is big enough, but considered for the entire school!” 不过临了,尘岳还不忘给自家脸上贴金:“林逸你记住了,我们愿意主动把最珍贵的战神秘境掌控权交出来,不是你的面子够大,而是为了整个学院考虑!” The Lin Yi hear is greatly touched, has profound respect: Really big Family is the high character and integrity, admire.” 林逸听完深受感动,肃然起敬:“果然大家族就是高风亮节,佩服佩服。” Dust Yue coldly snort, leads the dust people to depart immediately. 尘岳冷哼一声,当即带着尘家众人离去。 Another side, as the Gu (ancient) Family words matter Elder ancient natural life, is actually unexpected comes to greet with Lin Yi on own initiative. Although the attitude is not earnestly, but greeted this to act is thought-provoking. 另一边,身为古家话事长老的古天寿,却是出人意料的主动过来跟林逸打了个招呼。态度虽然算不上有多热切,但打招呼这个动作本身就已是耐人寻味。 Don't forget, before soon, his family/home Young Lord ancient Weiyang may also be pursued the hammer by the Lin Yi full house a moment ago, quickly given hammers died several times, even until disappears without a trace at this moment. 别忘了,就在刚才不久之前,他家少主古未央可还被林逸满场追着锤,几次都快被给锤死了,甚至直到此刻都不知去向。 Trades to be the normal person, even if at this time did not hate to the marrow of the bones about Lin Yi, that will definitely not have any good complexion. 换做正常人,这个时候即便不对林逸恨之入骨,那也绝对不会有什么好脸色。 But the ancient natural life is actually in front of everyone, is initiative to greet, on the face cannot see slightly reluctantly. 可古天寿却当着所有人的面,主动过来打了招呼,脸上看不出丝毫的勉强。 This is super Family true handling matters style. 这才是超级家族真正的处事方式 The personal feeling likes and dislikes is a matter, the Family benefit choices is a different matter, both will not easily confuse. 个人感情好恶是一回事,家族利益取舍是另一回事,两者绝不会轻易混淆起来。 Stands in the Gu (ancient) Family standpoint, now dust this traditional iron rod has been doomed to decline , to continue to face with domineering rise Lin Yi just, absolutely is not the wise action. 站在古家的立场,如今尘家这个传统铁杆已经注定没落,继续跟强势崛起的林逸正面对刚,绝对不是什么明智之举。 On the contrary, at this moment lowers the stance to locate to relate, can secure against loss promptly, each other will also even have in the future greatly the opportunity can cooperate. 相反,此刻放低姿态处好关系,才能及时止损,彼此甚至未来还有大把的机会可以合作。 Family wants to inherit not but actually, essential is three characters, understands what has to be done. 一个家族想要传承不倒,最关键就是三个字,识时务。 With for three big initiates Family, Gu (ancient) Family, although was inferior that the day of family/home strong people pour forth, but at least compared with dusting had the future to be many. 同为三大创始家族,古家虽然不如天家强人辈出,但至少相比起尘家来还是有前途多了。 The people diverge respectively, the only day remained with half th division toward the sun. 众人各自散去,唯独天向阳和洛半师留了下来。 What to do does your mystical place plan?” “你这个秘境打算怎么办?” The day opens the mouth to ask toward the sun. 天向阳开口问道。 At this time before because all sorts of accidents, fighting the mysterious boundary, although the overall outline is complete, but was punctured after all one after several other times, left many gaps and hidden dangers. 此时因为之前的种种变故,战神秘境虽然整体轮廓还算完整,但毕竟被接连打穿了数次,还是留下了不少的缺口和隐患。 Naturally, the mystical place space can restore. 当然,秘境空间可以自行修复。 But at presently this damage degree, wants Twenty-years , after most quickly can recover be complete, begins using. 可是以现在这种损毁程度,最快也要二十年后才能恢复完整,重新启用。 If Lin Yi devotes to founding Thousand-year Family, that this Twenty-years is naturally a cinch, so long as there is this war mysterious boundary, Family has qualification not but actually. 如果林逸有志于创建一个千年家族,那这二十年自然不在话下,只要有这个战神秘境在,家族就有不倒的本钱。 But if from the imminent great misfortune, that this did not have the significance. 可若是从迫在眉睫的大劫来看,那这就毫无意义了。 After Twenty-years, even can Jianghai Institute also exist is a huge unknown, idle talk other. 二十年之后,连江海学院还能不能存在都是一个巨大的未知数,更遑论其他。 Let alone, from the situation, these things had the means to infiltrate to fighting in the mysterious boundary. 何况,从刚才的情形来看,那些东西是有办法渗透到战神秘境中来的。 If putting no matter, making the mystical place restore, this is an indefinite tense bomb, may detonate anytime! 要是放着不管,让秘境自行修复,这就是一个不定时炸弹,随时都有可能引爆! Traded to make others this kind of time many to intertwine hesitant, but Lin Yi actually never imagined continually, direct access road/simply said: I planned that moves to here the training battalion.” 换做别人这种时候多少都要犹豫纠结一下,可林逸却是连想都没想,直接便道:“我打算把训练营搬到这里来。” The day changes countenance with half th division simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform toward the sun. 天向阳和洛半师齐齐动容。 Treats as training battalion general headquarters here, that was basically equal fighting mysterious boundary direct opening gives the entire school. 把这里当做训练营总部,那就基本等同于把战神秘境直接开放给整个学院了。 The bonus is they have not thought, Lin Yi will have such boldness unexpectedly! 饶是他们也没有想到,林逸竟会有这样的魄力! The day laughs in spite of trying not to toward the sun: Your boy is also inborn spendthrift!” 天向阳不由失笑:“你小子也是个天生的败家子啊!” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: Actually I have the calculation, how big does such mystical place depend on me to defend only? Was inferior simply some many pulls coolie come, happen to I also fall an idleness.” 林逸笑笑:“其实我是有小算盘的,这么大的秘境单靠我自己一个人怎么守得住?索性不如多拉一些苦力进来,正好我自己也落个清闲。” Half th division sincere say/way: „ You may, if wants, this mystical place each opening to consume the background, normal to guarantee the effect, opens to seal up above recover Ten-year every time one time. 洛半师正色道:“你可要想好了,这种秘境每一次开放都会消耗底蕴,正常为了保证效果,每开放一次就要封闭恢复十年以上。 If direct long-term opening to so many people, is very easy to surpass fights the burden limit of mysterious boundary, when the time comes not only the effect falls short greatly, but also likely creates the irremediable defect, later thinks that recover came to be difficult. ” 而要是直接长期开放给这么多人,很容易超出战神秘境的负担极限,到时候不仅效果大打折扣,而且很可能造成永久性损坏,以后再想恢复过来可就难了。” Does not blame them being wordy, Lin Yi this type treasure vase, when the draft animal behavior of rice container, is really makes one have to speak out. 不怪他们啰嗦,林逸这种把聚宝盆当饭盆的牲口行为,实在是令人不吐不快。 Even if they are also very clear, to the entire general situation, Lin Yi does that is the most correct decision, does not have one! 哪怕他们也很清楚,对整个大局来说,林逸这么做才是最正确的决策,没有之一! Ten birds in the forest, are inferior to a bird in the hand, if cannot transform the immediate strength , helping us the following great misfortune, the mystical place it good not to have used again.” “十鸟在林,不如一鸟在手,要是不能转化成即时战力,帮我们挺过接下来的这场大劫,秘境它再好也没有用啊。” Lin Yi smiles especially free and easy. 林逸笑得格外洒脱。 Fighting the mysterious boundary in others eyes is the extraordinary valuable resources, but his here actually is also consumables, you compel the standard to be high even, should overdraw must overdraw, is always impossible to regard Grandpa to supply. 神秘境在别人眼里是了不得的珍贵资源,但在他这里其实也就是个消耗品,你就算逼格再高,该透支还是得透支,总不可能当成爷爷供起来吧。 He may not have fondness that becomes the grandson. 他可没有当孙子的癖好。 The day deeply looked at Lin Yi one toward the sun, approved one heartfeltly: Ok, your boy has my young time style!” 天向阳深深看了林逸一眼,不禁由衷赞了一句:“可以的,你小子颇有我年轻时候风范!” A nearby Luo river half th division face is strange: „Isn't your young time big dandy?” 旁边洛半师一脸古怪:“你年轻时候不是一个大纨绔吗?” „......” “……” The day choked toward the sun the half of the day, finally suppresses one: I said is his spendthrift style.” 天向阳噎了半天,最终憋出一句:“我说的就是他这败家子的风范。” Lin Yi suppresses to smile, indeed this being as deep as a well day family/home Sir, the young time also has like this black history. 林逸不由憋笑,敢情这位高深莫测的天家大爷,年轻时候也有这样的黑历史。 Day toward the sun with half th division this to standpoint natural hostile sworn enemy, has the old friend tacit understanding. 不知不觉间,天向阳和洛半师这对立场天然敌对的死对头,也已经有了老友般的默契。 Has saying that the person really changes. 不得不说,人果然是会变的。
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