SBPE :: Volume #16

#9861: Chapter 9861

To the average person, the great misfortune is naturally fearful, is representing the destruction and death, when the time comes does not know many people by its steamroll, will have been with one's family broken up and decimated. 对普通人而言,大劫自然是可怕的,代表着毁灭与死亡,到时候不知有多少人将会被它碾压而过,家破人亡。 But regarding Li Family father and son this high-rank who has strength, actually might as well be a heaven-sent opportunity of harvesting fragrant-flowered garlic. 但对于李家父子这种有实力的上位者来说,却未尝不是一次收割韭菜的天赐良机。 The history had shown, each great misfortune one time is shuffled greatly, ultimate shuffle that a winner sweeps the decks. 历史早已证明,每一场大劫都是一次大洗牌,一次赢家通吃的终极洗牌。 The weak ones will become the grain ration of powerhouse, until most powerhouse emerges, becomes the King of next time. 弱者将会成为强者的口粮,直至最强者脱颖而出,成为下一个时代的王者。 The position of day family/home comes, but is quick, must be one's turn their Li Family! 天家的地位就是这么来的,而很快,就要轮到他们李家了! Lin Yi in mystical place actually cannot control so many at this moment, as the dust teaches into thin air of this master, fought mysterious boundary recover the objective neutrality standpoint. 秘境之中的林逸此刻却是管不了这么多,随着尘训这个主人的人间蒸发,战神秘恢复了客观中立的立场。 The most obvious performance is, unexpectedly gave him to settle accounts to reward. 最明显的一个表现就是,居然给了他结算奖励。 Reason that because originally Dong Zhuo commits suicide, Lin Yi's status task is the complete failure, finally at this moment was actually fought the mysterious boundary to determine as the opposite party cheats, calculates as before his task completes! 原本因为董卓自杀的缘故,林逸的身份任务已经是彻底失败了,结果此刻却是被战神秘境判定为对方作弊,依旧算他任务完成! The huge and pure domain strength floods into Lin Yi within the body immediately, impregnable boundary barrier also starts to become less crowded, the Lin Yi's whole body aura then starts to increase toward giant grand perfection Late Phase. 庞大而精纯的领域力量当即涌入林逸体内,牢不可破的境界壁障随之开始松动,林逸的周身气息紧接着便开始朝巨头大圆满后期攀升。 Entire fights the mysterious boundary to change constantly shortly, above phenomenon that Lin Yi is at again and again, solemn earth-shaking astonishing meteorology. 整个战神秘境顷刻之间风云变幻,林逸所在的上空异象连连,俨然一幅撼天动地的惊人气象。 Audience who let alone looks at the live broadcast picture, day after day toward the sun with half th division two people, looks the astonished color. 别说看着直播画面的观众,就连天向阳和洛半师二人,也都不禁面露惊愕之色。 This attacks giant grand perfection Late Phase, has this astonishing meteorology, after waiting for this goods, formal attacks giant ultimate grand perfection, have't that can destroy the day to extinguish?! 这才是冲击巨头大圆满后期啊,就已经有了这番惊人气象,等这货以后正式冲击巨头终极大圆满,那还不得毁天灭地?! This scene continued to have fully slightly quite a while, until Lin Yi visited the giant grand perfection Late Phase boundary truly, finally gradually dissipated, trim space recover was finally tranquil. 这番景象持续了足有小半天,直至林逸真正踏足巨头大圆满后期境界,才终于逐渐消散,整片空间终于恢复平静。 Feels sudden rise of foundation strength, in the Lin Yi heart a stone is falling to the ground finally. 感受着自身基础实力的暴涨,林逸心中一块石头终于落了地。 Before then, he has been worried about a matter. 在此之前,他一直在担心一件事。 Only the promotion of five lines of perfect domains is extremely difficult, he thinks that with promoting for ultimate perfect domain, the boundary breakthrough will certainly become more difficult. 单是五行完美领域的升级就已是极其困难,他本以为随着升级为终极完美领域,境界突破必将会变得更加艰难。 Is good looks like because of presently, although the difficulty increases, but finally also in tolerance range. 好在现在看来,难度虽然有所增加,但总算还在承受范围之内。 So long as brushes again several times various mystical places, saves some strengths, can promote to rise after all. 只要再多刷几次各种秘境,多积攒一些力量,总归还是能够升级升上去的。 After all at his present rule big shot level, reviews domain level cultivate to operate from a strategically advantageous position again, only defective only then the accumulation of domain strength. 毕竟以他如今规则大佬的层次,再去回顾领域层面的修炼已是高屋建瓴,唯一欠缺的就只有领域力量的积累。 Later so long as also has the mystical place to brush, all these are not the issues! 以后只要还有秘境可刷,这一切都不是问题! Sees Lin Yi full of enthusiasm raised the head to look to the two people, the day smiles toward the sun with half th division: „Is this hand wants to fight itchy us?” 林逸兴致勃勃的抬头看向自己二人,天向阳和洛半师相视一笑:“这是手痒想跟我们打一场?” Lin Yi somewhat is slightly excited, but shakes the head finally: presently also missed, later.” 林逸微微有些心动,但最终还是摇了摇头:“现在还差了点,以后吧。” Although this boundary breaks through, what promotion is only foundation strength, has not involved the rule truly such to top level, but does not mean that this is not essential. 虽说这次境界突破,提升的只是基础实力,并没有真正涉及到规则这样的至高层次,但并不意味着这就不关键。 Just the opposite, the hugeness of Lin Yi this strength increase, absolutely is unprecedented! 恰恰相反,林逸这次实力增幅之巨大,绝对是前所未有! If the regular strength is a weapon most fatal cutting edge, then the foundation boundary is the weapon main body, now the weapon main body of entire item shed the mortal body and exchange the bones, the might has been able the big promotion can be imagined. 如果说规则力量是一把兵器最致命的锋刃,那么基础境界便是兵器主体,如今整件的兵器主体都已脱胎换骨,威力能够得到多大提升可想而知。 Before and sea king fought, Lin Yi's strength obviously also missed one section according to the opposite party. 之前与海王交手,林逸的实力照对方明显还差了一截。 Although can socialize reluctantly 12, but if moves, simply does not have the least bit odds of success. 虽然勉强能够周旋一二,但要是动起真格,根本没有半点胜算可言。 However presently, if makes him fight with the sea king again, did not say that can press an opposite party head steadily, but Lin Yi at least has with its energy of sharing half and half. 不过现在,如果再让他跟海王交手,不说能够稳稳压对方一头,但林逸至少已经有了与其平分秋色的底气。 Let alone, the control and foundation boundary of regular strength do not separate, to a certain extent, the latter directly affected former's control upper limit. 更何况,规则力量的掌控与基础境界并不是完全脱钩的,某种程度上,后者直接影响了前者的掌控度上限。 If there is maintained at giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, 5% rule control, to Lin Yi are the limits. 若是一直维持在巨头大圆满中期巅峰,百分之五的规则掌控度,对林逸来说就已是极限了。 Even if comes across the good chance, is very difficult to break through. 哪怕遇到再好的机缘,也很难有所突破。 However presently, can actually find the way to propose again upward. 不过现在,却是能够想办法再往上提一提了。 From fighting mysterious boundary come out, the Lin Yi mood is excellent, reviews opposite dust people actually to cry but have no tears. 从战神秘出来,林逸心情大好,反观对面的尘家众人却是欲哭无泪。 The Young Lord dust taught to be defeated did not say, the whole person did not have directly, this to the attack of their dust was almost destructive. 少主尘训落败不说,整个人还直接没了,这对他们尘家的打击几乎是毁灭性的。 Although dust has other direct descendant younger generation, but has no one person to be able like the dust to teach obtains the approval of entire Family, now Patriarch is missing, the dust teaches is the only pillar. 虽然尘家不是没有别的嫡系子弟,但没有任何一人能够像尘训这样得到整个家族的认同,如今家主失踪,尘训就是唯一的主心骨。 But the presently only pillar did not have, the dust following aspect of can be imagined. 现在唯一的主心骨没了,尘家接下来的局面可想而知。 Before was taught the domineering suppressed by the dust these direct descendant younger generation, at this moment has been ready to make trouble inevitably, even the slightest misstep, dust might faced with the fate of disintegrating. 之前被尘训强势压制的那些嫡系子弟,此刻必然已是蠢蠢欲动,稍有不慎,尘家也许就要面临分崩离析的下场。 Thinks of here, as the dust mountain of Elder words matter person, somewhat is mentally and physically exhausted. 一想到这里,身为长老话事人的尘岳,不禁就有些心力交瘁。 However to them, the present trouble has not actually passed. 然而对他们来说,眼前的麻烦却还没有过去。 In front of Lin Yi cloud poor business conditions light arriving: „Can presently start to deliver the mystical place control?” 林逸云淡风轻的走到面前:“现在可以开始交割秘境掌控权了吧?” The dust people glower immediately collectively. 尘家众人顿时集体怒目而视。 Has raising one's head of direct descendant younger generation not indignation to say wear a look of: Our dust are so miserable, did you still take advantage at this time unexpectedly? Are you a person?” 有嫡系子弟面带不忿的出头道:“我们尘家都已经这么惨了,你居然还在这个时候来趁火打劫?你还是人吗?” Several other some plans direct descendant younger generation, reflects in abundance, hurries following to stand come out to accuse Lin Yi, seeks to have the feeling before the Family people. 其他几位有些心机的嫡系子弟,也都纷纷反映过来,赶紧跟着站出来指责林逸,在家族众人面前博取存在感。 A Lin Yi face is strange: Ha? Do I take advantage?” 林逸不由一脸古怪:“哈?我趁火打劫?” He has not really thought that the matter that reaches an agreement obviously in the presence of everyone, the day is the notary public especially toward the sun personally, the opposite party can also act shamelessly unexpectedly face to face does not acknowledge mistakes, the facial skin of this super Family is to make the person be convinced really! 他是真的没有想到,明明当众说好的事情,尤其还有天向阳亲自做公证人,对方居然也能当面耍赖不认账,这超级家族的脸皮果真是让人服气! The day sees that toward the sun said lightly: Is willing to bet must concede, this was you have said that was three big initiates the Family good and evil to oneself keep an face, otherwise was too ugly.” 天向阳见状淡淡说道:“愿赌就要服输,这可是你们自己说过的,身为三大创始家族好歹要给自己留点脸面,要不然就太难看了。” Sees the people to emulate together to oneself, dust Yue Wunai acts saying: Day family/home Sir, we really does not have a mind to repudiate a debt, my family Young Lord was abducted by that thing suddenly, matter has not investigated thoroughly, does the total point give us the catching one's breath time?” 见众人看齐齐向自己,尘岳无奈出面道:“天家大爷,我们真的并非有心赖账,我家少主突然被那东西掳走,事情都还没有查清楚,总点给我们一点缓口气的时间吧?” Day Leng Leng (coldly) visits him toward the sun: „Does this affect you to deliver the mystical place?” 天向阳冷冷看着他:“这影响你们交割秘境吗?” This......” “这……” The dust mountain braces oneself saying: Matter in fighting mysterious happened, clue also definitely in that if presently delivers the mystical place, that perhaps my family Young Lord did not come back thoroughly, day family/home Sir please feel relieved although, my dust is not the person of repudiating a debt!” 尘岳硬着头皮道:“事情是在战神秘境内发生的,线索也肯定在那里面,要是现在就把秘境交割掉,那也许我家少主就彻底回不来了,天家大爷请尽管放心,我尘家绝不是赖账之人!” In brief is a character, drags. 总而言之就是一个字,拖。 On the grounds of seeking for the dust teaches the clue head, delays the delivery time, during this period thinks the means to renege the account again, if really cannot renege, they can also press out forcefully fight the last value of mysterious boundary dry/does. 以寻找尘训线索为由头,推迟交割时间,在这期间再想办法把账赖掉,如果实在赖不掉,他们也可以强行榨干战神秘境的最后一点价值。 When the time comes throws a waste shell again to Lin Yi, even Lin Yi still can only take as bad luck. 到时候再扔一个废壳子给林逸,就算林逸也只能自认倒霉。 This slightly plans, naturally cannot escape day eye toward the sun. 这点小算计,自然逃不过天向阳的眼睛。
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