SBPE :: Volume #16

#9860: Chapter 9860

As for Lin Yi oneself, this am the eyelid have not even winked simply. 至于林逸本人,这回更是干脆连眼皮都没有眨上一下。 Even if were the slow person has also looked at come out, the dust taught with Lin Yi, each other both sides were not existence in level. 哪怕是再迟钝的人也都已经看出来了,尘训和林逸,彼此双方根本就不是一个层次上的存在。 Do not look that the dust taught to be strong a moment ago a space underground conceited rampant stance, but in front of Lin Yi, that is younger brother. 别看刚才尘训强得一副天上地下唯我独尊的嚣张架势,但在林逸面前,那就是个弟弟 Is impossible! This certainly is the illusion! This certainly is the illusion!” “不可能!这一定是幻觉!这一定是幻觉!” The dust taught or cannot accept the reality. 尘训还是接受不了现实。 Lin Yi is grinning to smile, a face said sincerely: I help you sober.” 林逸咧着嘴笑了笑,一脸诚恳道:“那我来帮你清醒清醒。” The figure erupts suddenly, changes to ten zhang (3.33 m) high Titan big buddha, the direct fist taught hammering the bottom the dust. 说完身形猛然爆发,重新化作十丈高的泰坦大佛,直接一拳将尘训给锤到了地底。 The dust teaches spits blood to continue at the scene, the back War God empty shadow collapses instantaneously, the whole body skeleton broke to pieces the larger part. 尘训当场吐血不止,背后的战神虚影瞬间崩溃,浑身骨骼生生碎掉了一大半。 This has not calculated. 这还不算。 After the aura that was also just insufferably arrogant is seriously battered, is starts to drop unexpectedly crazily. 紧接着,刚刚还不可一世的气息遭受重创之后,竟是开始疯狂回落。 In an instant has broken the giant finally level grand perfection threshold, fell to return to giant grand perfection Late Phase peak unexpectedly, even was unable to stop the declining tendency on this. 转眼之间就已跌破巨头终级大圆满的门槛,竟是重新跌回到了巨头大圆满后期巅峰,甚至就这样都还没能止住颓势。 The giant grand perfection Late Phase peak particularity, was doomed if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind, once attacks the failure, will fall to return to the valley thoroughly. 巨头大圆满后期巅峰的特殊性,注定了不进则退,一旦冲击失败,就会彻底跌回到谷底。 Therefore, solemn dust Young Lord , was in front of entire net live broadcast, the boundary is falling to return to giant grand perfection Late Phase! 于是,堂堂的尘家少主,当着全网直播的面,境界生生跌回到了巨头大圆满后期 This boundary to large number cultivator, admittedly has longed for even in dreams certainly, may regarding his solemn dust Young Lord , this be no different than in the world most virulent shame! 这个境界对绝大数修炼者而言,固然已是梦寐以求,可对于他堂堂的尘家少主来说,这无异于天底下最恶毒的羞辱! The dust taught the surface like the dying embers, the look had lost tall light. 尘训面如死灰,眼神已失去了高光。 Short in the wink of an eye, from the heaven to the hell, such attack trades to be anybody unable to bear, the self-closing was really at the scene normal. 短短瞬息之间,从天堂到地狱,这样的打击换做任何人都受不了,当场自闭实在是再正常不过了。 The dust mountain outside mystical place and other numerous dust expert also looks grief-stricken. 秘境外的尘岳等一众尘家高手也是如丧考妣。 The dust taught then ended, their entire dust also followed. 尘训这下完了,他们整个尘家也跟着完了。 After such inhuman attack, the dust teaches the possibility that buoys up is infinite approach in zero , they will therefore most critically lose fight the complete control of mysterious boundary! 经过这样非人的打击,尘训重新振作起来的可能性已是无限趋近于零,更关键的是,他们将会因此失去战神秘境的全部控制权! Without a doubt, today is the setback of their entire dust. 毫无疑问,今天就是他们整个尘家的滑铁卢。 In the network is bustling. 网络上一片沸腾。 Before these handful of dust taught to step on the Lin Yi's sailors, becomes the target of public criticism. 之前那些捧尘训踩林逸的水军,纷纷成为了众矢之的。 They had the multi-hop before, this little while was spurted much miserably! 他们之前有多跳,这会儿就被喷得有多惨! Many sailors also following dust taught together the self-closing, feigned death collectively, does not dare to crop up. 许多水军也都跟着尘训一起自闭了,集体装死,再也不敢冒头。 At this moment, the day toward the sun together is uneven the look with half th division changes, finally sees to fight the sky of mysterious boundary, no indication suddenly appears an incomparably giant fierce eye. 就在这时,天向阳和洛半师齐齐神色一变,结果就见战神秘境的上空,毫无征兆的忽然浮现出一只无比巨大狰狞的眼睛。 Projects from his pupil together black light, falls teaches the body on the horrible to look at dust, in a flash then its inspiration. 一道黑光从其瞳孔中射出,落在惨不忍睹的尘训身上,转瞬便将其吸入其中。 The giant eye closes immediately, vanishes at the scene without a trace, is similar to has not appeared generally. 巨大的眼睛随即闭合,当场消失得无影无踪,就如同从来没有出现过一般。 A deathly stillness. 现场一片死寂。 The entire process happened too quickly, even if the day toward the sun after detecting is the First time acts with half th division, but was late. 整个过程发生得太快,哪怕天向阳和洛半师在察觉之后已是第一时间出手,但还是晚了。 Waits for two people to penetrate in the mystical place forcefully, all traces of great eye have dissipated, does not give them the opportunity of least bit tracing. 等二人强行穿入秘境之中,巨眼的一切痕迹都已自行消散,根本不给他们半点追踪的机会。 Asked you.” “拜托你了。” The day looks toward the sun to half th division. 天向阳看向洛半师。 Half th division nods, he is controlling time rule ability, in tracing trace aspect, is his absolute strong point. 洛半师点点头,他掌控着时间规则能力,在追踪痕迹这方面,乃是他绝对的强项。 The time of however merely glancing, half th division then look dignified shaking the head of: Could not find.” 然而仅仅一瞥眼的工夫,洛半师便神色凝重的摇了摇头:“找不到。” Day toward the sun startled: Isn't good by your ability?” 天向阳愕然:“以你的能力也不行?” Each other good and evil is in name so many years enemies, his understanding of half th division is not under anybody, even if No. 2 character Chen Guodou of half th division department is not necessarily able to compare favorably with he. 彼此好歹是名义上这么多年的对头,他对洛半师的了解绝不在任何人之下,即便是半师系的二号人物陈国都未必能比得上他。 By rule control of half th division, even if cannot the direct meat wear the change time line, but if examines the opposite party in the trace that in that time left a moment ago, should be the easy matter. 以洛半师的规则掌控度,即便不能直接肉身穿回过去改变时间线,但如果只是查看一下对方在刚才那段时间内留下的痕迹,应该是轻而易举的事情。 Half th division actually smiles bitterly: In the past time line absolutely did not have its existence.” 洛半师却是苦笑:“过去的时间线里完全没有它的存在。” The day gawked toward the sun, immediately then asked: „Does that dust teach?” 天向阳愣了一下,随即转而问道:“那尘训呢?” A half th division face is strange: Also without his trace.” 洛半师一脸古怪:“也没有他的痕迹。” In other words, that was only great has the trace that the eye and dust taught to be given deliberately erased, even time rule ability of his rank is unable to understand clearly, this grade of method was really unthinkable. 换句话说,那只巨眼和尘训的存在痕迹都被人给刻意抹除了,连他这种级别的时间规则能力者都无法洞悉,这等手段实在是匪夷所思。 The day looks at each other one with him toward the sun: Can be they?” 天向阳与他对视一眼:“会是它们吗?” Half th division nods: I cannot find out other possibility.” 洛半师点点头:“我想不出别的可能性。” Long time, the day grows foul air toward the sun, a chuckle sound said: Also came compared with the former estimate in quick, this was does not give people the means of livelihood.” 良久,天向阳长出一口浊气,轻笑一声道:“来得比之前预想中还快,这是不给人活路啊。” School completed to conform as soon as possible, once otherwise erupted, the opportunity that we hit back continually did not have.” “学院得尽快完成整合了,否则一旦爆发,我们恐怕连还手的机会都没有。” Half th division is saying, turns the head to look to dust mountain dumb as a wooden chicken and the others: I a little am strange, what do they grasp the dust to teach to make?” 洛半师说着,转头看向呆若木鸡的尘岳等人:“我只是有点奇怪,它们抓尘训做什么?” The day shakes the head toward the sun, hesitates does not speak. 天向阳摇了摇头,沉吟不语。 In this moment day family/home ancestral hall, the day shady turns the head to look to silent permits Anshan: Your really not concern there what happened?” 此刻天家宗祠内,天背阴转头看向沉默的许安山:“你就真的一点都不关心那里会发生什么事?” permits Anshan look faint say/way: Regardless has anything, big bro will process.” 许安山神色淡漠道:“无论发生什么,大哥都会处理。” He could not process!” “他处理不了!” The day shady laughs at one: As long as he, if processing resulted, I also do serve a need to think of every means to ambush in inside? Obviously with me same is only a problem bastard, why your these people always him, when Divine Immortal does look?” 天背阴嗤笑一声:“但凡他要是处理得了,我还用得着费尽心机潜伏在里面?明明跟我一样只是个一身毛病的混蛋,为什么你们这些人老是把他当神仙看?” If trades to be others, at this time must closely examine an inside story, but permits Anshan simply does not have the least bit to respond, aloof. 要是换做别人,这个时候必然要追问一句内情,可许安山却是根本没有半点反应,无动于衷。 Does not have the meaning, people like you were insipid to pass.” “没意思,你这种人没劲透了。” Day shady face senseless curling the lip, must think aloud: „ Family some people worked as face, must some people work as the lining, day to southeast Yin, my life is doomed is that does the dirty job, this is my fate, hides unable to hide. 天背阴一脸无趣的撇了撇嘴,只得自言自语道:“一个家族有人当了面子,就得有人当里子,天向阳天被阴,我一生下来就注定是那个干脏活的,这就是我的宿命,躲都躲不掉。 Hehe, others have started, we also cross each family here, is really interesting. ” 呵呵,人家都已经开始下手了,我们还在这里过家家,真是有意思。” The look of permits Anshan appeared for several points to fluctuate finally: What do you know?” 许安山的眼神终于出现了几分波动:“你知道些什么?” „Were you interested finally?” “你终于感兴趣了?” The day shady shows a pondering expression, but along with, even if the complexion changes: I did not tell you.” 天背阴露出一个玩味的表情,但随即便又脸色一变:“我不告诉你。” permits Anshan: „......” 许安山:“……” as a child arrives in a big way, he did not like being together with this person, really has the reason. 从小到大,他一直不喜欢跟这个人相处,真的是有原因的。 At this time, the entire net was discussing that sky over the mystical place presents is only huge the eye. 此时,全网都在讨论秘境上空出现的那只巨大眼睛。 However no one can see the way radically, is watching the fun, even most of them think that is only great the eye is method of some big shot domain. 不过根本没人能够看出门道,全都是在看热闹,甚至他们中绝大多数人都以为那只巨眼是某位大佬领域化形的手段。 The scene was exaggeratingly exaggerating, but to them, was the subject that will boast in the future, could not affect their life. 场面夸张是夸张了点,但对他们来说,也就是一个日后吹嘘的谈资罢了,影响不到他们的生活。 Assumes a city Lord mansion Li Songzhang face to be complex only. 唯独坐镇城主府的李诵章一脸复杂。 Nearby Li Muyang felt strange: Old Master you how?” 旁边李沐阳不由奇怪:“老爷子你怎么了?” Li Songzhang looked at him, the tone half is frightened half is excited: They must come!” 李诵章看了看他,语气半是惊悚半是兴奋:“它们要来了!” They......” “它们……” Li Muyang is terrified immediately, immediately shows the look of anticipation: Shouted is so long, finally can come? I somewhat am impatient!” 李沐阳顿时悚然,随即露出期待的神色:“喊了这么久,终于要来了吗?啧啧,我都已经有些迫不及待了!” During the spoken languages, slightly not by startled that the great misfortune shadow covers. 言语之间,丝毫没有被大劫阴影笼罩的惊慌。
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