SBPE :: Volume #16

#9859: Chapter 9859

These people have contacted with Jianghai Institute, with the person who they contact is...... the day family/home?!” “这些人都跟江海学院接触过,跟他们接触的人是……天家?!” Li Muyang looked at an investigation conclusion, the eyelid jumps crazily: „Are these day people toward the sun? Is his is being up to mischief? What popularizes with one crowd of outcastes is the regular strength?” 李沐阳看了一眼调查结论,不由眼皮狂跳:“这些是天向阳的人?他这是在搞什么鬼?跟一群贱民普及什么叫规则力量?” Li Songzhang complexion gloomy as water: He wants to break sectarianism with this style, is simply laughable!” 李诵章脸色阴沉似水:“他想用这种方式来打破门户之见,简直可笑!” Until now, represented by three big initiates the Family traditional elite influence, including city main mansion under his Li Songzhang rule, to consolidate the strength, is not only dominating the core resources of massive strategy level, meanwhile monopolized the top system cognition. 一直以来,以三大创始家族为代表的传统精英势力,包括他李诵章统治下的城主府在内,为了巩固自身优势,不仅把持着大量战略级的核心资源,同时还垄断了最顶层的体系认知。 Then, the ordinary grassroots level wants to complete the counterattack, difficult such as to ascend to heaven radically. 如此一来,普通草根阶层想要完成逆袭,根本难如登天。 Even if emits several peerless genius occasionally, still because of this two kinds extreme scarce, finally falls to vanish however the people. 就算偶尔冒出几个绝世天才,也会因为这两样的极度稀缺,最终落个泯然众人。 Perhaps the cultivate resources can also make up by the chance, however the top system cognition of complete set, they have no way of contact. 修炼资源也许还能靠机缘弥补,但是成套的顶层体系认知,他们根本没有任何接触的途径。 But this, is actually ascends a height to get a broad view top level of pyramid most important one point! 而这,却又是登临金字塔顶层最重要的一环! Like Lin Yi this type, without giving as much support as possible of half th division, he even if toss about again for a lifetime, cannot touch the threshold of regular strength, will never possibly be today's level. 就像林逸这种,如果没有洛半师的倾囊相授,他哪怕自己再折腾一辈子,也都触摸不到规则力量的门槛,永远都不可能达到今天的层次。 Monopolizes the top system, is all traditional forces consistent paramount interests, therefore anyone, strictly will observe inevitably. 垄断顶层体系,是所有传统势力一致的核心利益,故而无论是谁,都势必会严格遵守。 If who dares to leak out arbitrarily, who is the public enemy of entire traditional forces! 谁要是敢擅自泄露出去,谁就是整个传统势力的公敌! Has not thought, in the end unexpectedly is the leader of day of family/home traditional forces, took the lead in smashing own rice bowl. 万万没想到,到头来竟然是天家这个传统势力的领头人,带头砸起了自己的饭碗。 Li Muyang actually thinks otherwise, the one side scoffs to say with a smile: „Was his day the brain is kicked by the donkey toward the sun? He thinks that ejects these concepts, can a number of rule expert be inadequate?” 李沐阳对此却是不以为然,一旁嗤笑道:“他天向阳是脑子被驴踢了吧?难道他以为抛出这些概念,就能多出一批规则高手不成?” Truly does not know so- said.” “确实不知所谓。” On Li Songzhang mouth said that under the heart actually felt a chill in the air, with for the Jianghai city top character, he and day struggled toward the sun so many years, compared with the fearfulness of anybody clearer day toward the sun this person. 李诵章嘴上这么说,心下却还是感受到了一股寒意,同为江海城最顶层的人物,他和天向阳之间明争暗斗这么多年,比任何人都更加清楚天向阳此人的可怕。 By day farsightedness toward the sun, will not handle some meaningless matter, this act must have his profound meaning. 以天向阳的深谋远虑,绝不会做一些毫无意义的事情,此举必有他的深意。 However, this gave him one to unite other traditional forces actually, together the golden opportunity that the day family/home lashed out at! 不过,这倒是给了他一个联合其他传统势力,一起向天家发难的绝佳机会! After all, what this harm is their paramount interests. 毕竟,这损害的是他们所有人的核心利益。 Li Muyang actually cannot think that so many, from turning and looking at Lin Yi in screen were saying: If like this also does not dead Lin Yi, that dust may on Tete the waste!” 李沐阳却想不了这么多,自顾看着屏幕中的林逸道:“这样要是都还搞不死林逸,那尘家可就太特么废物了!” Lin Yi this chapter is inauspicious, day this move lifts a rock to drop it on one's own feet toward the sun, is actually wonderful.” 林逸这回已是凶多吉少,天向阳这一招搬起石头砸自己的脚,倒是妙不可言。” Li Songzhang smiles pleased. 李诵章快意一笑。 The day toward the sun is he biggest enemy, Lin Yi is eye-sore that he most hates now, can see in this them any bad luck, to him is the big celebration! 天向阳是他最大的敌人,林逸是他如今最恨的眼中钉,能够看到这俩人之中的任何一个倒霉,对他而言都是大喜事! Let alone in his opinion, Lin Yi falls to today's this step, was given the pit by the day purely toward the sun. 何况在他看来,林逸落到今天这一步,纯粹就是被天向阳给坑的。 After all the running dog of day family/home, is not good to work as. 毕竟天家的走狗,可不是那么好当的啊。 Under the mystical place, the War God empty shadow attaches, the dust taught the imposing manner of whole person already powerfully to the peak! 秘境之中,战神虚影附着之下,尘训整个人的气势已经强盛到了顶峰! You can leave behind the final last words, forest rookie king.” “你可以留下最后的遗言了,林新人王。” With the contemptuous voice, the dust teaches lifts side heaven to draw the halberd single-handed, the light halberd chops. 伴随着轻蔑的话音,尘训单手抬起方天画戟,平平淡淡一戟劈下。 The war regular strength also spews out, the vast sky of entire mystical place, was divided into two halves accordingly! 战争规则力量随之喷涌而出,整个秘境的浩瀚天空,应声被分为两半! This extinguishes the world general shock scene, all looked directly the numerous are startled the collective to be silent, among the barrage unceasing live broadcasts is unexpectedly ordinary with the net, for the first time presented the short blank. 这番灭世一般的震撼景象,直接将所有看众惊得集体沉默,弹幕不断的直播间竟是跟断网一般,破天荒出现了短暂的空白。 In comparison, previous failing a grade fresh institute Lin Yi Group and Zhao Rikun Group showdown, became the small scale on the contrary, is unable to place on a par with this at present! 相比之下,上次留级生院林逸集团与赵日坤集团的对决,反倒成了小打小闹,根本无法与眼前这一幕相提并论! Even was Divine Immortal still mediocre?” “就算神仙也不过如此了吧?” In everyone's muttering speechless, side heaven draws the halberd with extinguishing the prestige of the world, toward the Lin Yi steamroll, but. 在所有人的喃喃失语中,方天画戟携灭世之威,朝着林逸碾压而至。 But at this moment, Lin Yi let alone with its resistance, resists the penalty oppression from mystical place already extremely reluctantly. 而此刻,林逸别说与其对抗,就连抵挡住来自秘境的惩罚压迫都已十分勉强。 Failing a grade fresh institute people simultaneous/uniform Qiti he worries. 留级生院众人齐齐替他捏了一把冷汗。 Finished.” “结束了。” The dust people had started the celebration impatiently, even on Li chant chapter of father and son of including the city main mansion, this is also excellent to the outsider mood, rejoiced finally except a serious hidden trouble. 尘家众人已经迫不及待开始了庆祝,甚至就连城主府的李诵章父子,这对局外人也都心情大好,庆幸终于除去了一个心腹大患。 The dust teaches the might of this halberd, the level of even by Li Songzhang, is still impeccable! 尘训这一戟的威力,即便以李诵章的层次来看,也都已是无可挑剔! Let alone is fought the mysterious boundary all-around suppression now Lin Yi, even if he be at the peak condition, is still not necessarily able to meet. 别说如今被战神秘境全方位压制的林逸,就算是他处于巅峰状态,也都未必就能够接得下来。 This halberd, Lin Yi must die! 这一戟,林逸必死! Finally when all sworn enemies had judged as if by prior agreement Lin Yi death penalty, the card draws the last minute that the halberd drops in side heaven, on Lin Yi emits a monster different black flame suddenly. 结果就在所有死对头都已不约而同宣判了林逸死刑的时候,卡在方天画戟落下的最后一刻,林逸身上忽然冒出一层妖异的黑焰。 The war regular strength of sweeping away all obstacles falls in torrents, falls above the black flame, finally did not have directly, the least bit sound has not stayed behind. 所向披靡的战争规则力量倾泻而下,落在黑焰之上,结果就这么直接没了,半点动静都没有留下。 This?” “就这?” Listens to the Lin Yi mouth to brave the come out light voice, the dust to teach the whole person to fall into the delay immediately: Is impossible! How is this possible?” 听着林逸口中冒出来的平淡话音,尘训整个人顿时陷入呆滞:“不可能!这怎么可能?” Outside dust mountain and other numerous dust expert, is collectively dumbfounded. 外面尘岳等一众尘家高手,更是集体傻眼。 That and other terrifying offensive fall, how just a bit effect? 那等恐怖的攻势落下来,怎么会一点效果都没有? At present this has gone beyond their cognitive category completely. 眼前这一幕已经完全超出了他们的认知范畴。 Was anticipating earnestly Lin Yi death Li chant chapter of father and son, was air/Qi at the scene pats broke to pieces table: Waste! The person of dust is the waste!” 殷切期待着林逸死亡的李诵章父子,更是气得当场拍碎了桌子:“废物!尘家的人全都是废物!” Only has the day toward the sun with the half th division two people, regarding this is actually not accidental/surprised. 唯有天向阳和洛半师二人,对此却是毫不意外。 Ultimate perfect domain the place of using force or high-handed methods, shows incisively in this moment. 终极完美领域的硬霸之处,在这一刻展现得淋漓尽致。 Its characteristics were doomed, it is the natural enemies of all regular strengths, even if war rule such top rule, to its here also can only be the nourishment of being doomed. 它的特性注定了,它就是所有规则力量的天敌,哪怕是战争规则这样的顶级规则,到了它这里也只能是注定的养料。 At present the only known decoding method, erupts the upper limit that the come out regular strength surpasses it to absorb instantaneously, but this means that has the extremely high request to rule control. 目前唯一已知的破解方法,就是瞬间爆发出来的规则力量超过它所能吸收的上限,而这就意味着对规则掌控度有着极高的要求。 In other words, is control to create the steamroll in magnitude to Lin Yi. 换句话说,就是要掌控度对林逸造成数量级上的碾压。 But this point, even if the dust teaches as dust Young Lord , as control who fights the mysterious boundary, is impossible to achieve! 而这一点,哪怕尘训身为尘家少主,身为战神秘境的掌控者,也都根本不可能达到! Therefore, even the regular strength by the mystical place all-around seal, Lin Yi was been still steady like the old dog from beginning to end. 所以,即便规则力量被秘境全方位封印,林逸也都从始至终稳如老狗。 Although present he could not have called by far invincibly, but in front of opponent who at least in the dust teaches this rank, has him of ultimate perfect domain grade of heaven defying card in a hand, really does not know how should lose. 如今的他虽然还远远称不上无敌,可至少在尘训这种级别的对手面前,坐拥终极完美领域这等逆天底牌的他,实在是不知道该怎么输。 A Lin Yi face ponders looks at the opposite party: „Do you want no longer to try? Perhaps was just only an accident/surprise?” 林逸一脸玩味的看着对方:“你要不再试一下?说不定刚刚只是一个意外呢?” Under the line gets online to look at the numerous in abundance speechless. 线上线下全体看众纷纷失语。 Playing with cat play mouse meant, then has overflowed the screen directly. 猫戏耗子的玩弄意味,这下直接都已经溢出屏幕了。 The dust teaches has not believed in evil doctrines, immediately punctures a halberd again, these time was crazier than a moment ago fiercely, does not keep the ample force. 尘训还不信邪,当即再次刺出一戟,这一次比刚才更加狂猛,更加不留余力。 Finally, all war regular strengths, were swallowed in the wink of an eye again cleanly by the black flame, even/including Dianzha have not given remaining. 结果,所有的战争规则力量,瞬息之间再度被黑焰吞得干干净净,连点渣都没给剩下。
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