SBPE :: Volume #16

#9858: Chapter 9858

The kings three are knitting the brows to say certainly: Fighting the mysterious boundary is the standard first-level mystical place, its suppression at least is higher than ten times compared with the second-level mystical place, Old Lin this truly met troublesome.” 王三绝皱着眉接话:“战神秘境是标准的一级秘境,它的压制至少比二级秘境高出十倍,老林这回确实遇上麻烦了。” Tang Yun listened to for quite a while unable to bear ask finally: „Can he have life-threatening?” 唐韵听了半天终于忍不住问道:“那他会不会有生命危险?” The people look at each other in blank dismay, this issue is really not good to reply. 众人面面相觑,这个问题还真不好回答。 Although they believe method that Lin Yi's strength and his emerges one after another incessantly, but opposite dust after all also not with Xiaoke, especially already shameless to this situation without the lower limit, can Lin Yi very come finally, but also really did not say. 他们虽然相信林逸的实力和他那层出不穷的手段,可对面的尘家毕竟也是非同小可,尤其已经无耻到了这种没有下限的地步,林逸能不能最终挺过来,还真不好说。 Finally is strict river who is holding in the mouth the smoke replied: Dies there should be insufficient, after all some days look in that with half th division toward the sun, their ignores Lin Yi will not have an accident.” 最终还是一盘叼着烟的严江代为回答:“死在那里应该不至于,毕竟有天向阳和洛半师在那看着,他们不会放任林逸出事的。” Even if did not discuss regardless the private relationship, only considered from the school general situation, stands will not allow Lin Yi to have an accident in their angles. 哪怕抛开私人关系不谈,单是从学院大局考虑,站在他二人的角度都绝不会允许林逸出事。 This point is without a doubt. 这一点毋庸置疑。 Tang Yun relaxes slightly, but she has not actually listened to the overtones. 唐韵稍稍松了口气,但她却没有听出弦外之音。 The capital crime may exempt, the suffering is difficult to escape. 死罪可免,活罪难逃。 Perhaps Lin Yi Group numerous core strength collection dignified reveal worried look, this, Lin Yi really must suffer a wave of big hardship. 林逸集团一众核心战力集体面露忧色,这一回,林逸恐怕是真要吃上一波大苦头了。 Dust was really shameless his mother opens the door to the family/home shameless shameless! Unexpectedly still online looks for the sailors!” “尘家真是无耻他妈给无耻开门无耻到家了!居然还在网上找水军!” Stared at king poetic appeal little girl of computer screen to scold one suddenly indignantly. 盯着电脑屏幕的王诗情小丫头忽然气愤的骂了一句。 The people look, discovered the time of such moment, in the network has emitted a big wave rhythm. 众人纷纷看过来,才发现就这么片刻的功夫,网络上就已经冒出了一大波节奏。 Although the angle is different, only without exception, is flattering the dust to teach to disparage Lin Yi completely. 虽然角度不同,单是无一例外,全部都在吹捧尘训贬低林逸 This obviously is the sailors that dust arranges! 这明显就是尘家安排的水军! little girl proclaims as failing a grade fresh institute information place information Manager technique, where can bear this, immediately convenes numerous lil bro of her message block to start to be busy at work. 小丫头自封为留级生院情报处信息技术主管,哪能受得了这个,当即召集起她信息组的一众小弟开始忙活。 One group of unprofessional sailors also want to clash her Old Bro Lin Yi, really thinks that her message block group of professional hackers are eat without working?! 一帮外行水军也想来冲她的林逸哥哥,真以为她信息组这帮职业黑客是吃干饭的?! Suddenly, the network rhythm, it may be said that is wave after wave colorful. 一时间,网络节奏一波接着一波,可谓精彩纷呈。 The black history of various dust unceasingly shake-out, the dust teaches on big that just set upright the halo, in an instant was dug up up the underpants, the person supposes crashes that to call one simple agile. 各种尘家的黑历史被不断抖出,尘训刚刚竖起来的高大上光环,转眼就被扒光了底裤,人设崩塌得那叫一个干脆利索。 However even so, the strategy of dust still has succeeded greatly. 不过即便如此,尘家的策略也已经是大获成功。 Stands teaches such altitude in the dust, how the moral behavior moral integrity, does the body have the sunspot, these already radically not important. 站在尘训这样的高度,人品节操如何,身上有没有黑点,这些已经根本都不重要 What important is, he must open and aboveboard being defeated Lin Yi before everyone, shows his dust to take the super Family dominant strength and deterrent force. 重要的是,他要在所有人面前堂堂正正的打败林逸,展现出他尘家作为超级家族的统治力和威慑力。 This was he opens the live broadcast at this time the true intention! 这才是他在这个时候开放直播的真正用意! So long as makes everyone see that Lin Yi pours, in his side heaven draws under the halberd, his dust teaches, is the today's biggest winner. 只要让所有人看到林逸倒在他的方天画戟之下,那他尘训,就是今天最大的赢家。 Was suppressed by the mystical place as for Lin Yi, is this showdown fair, these radically not important. 至于林逸是不是被秘境压制,这场对决本身是不是公平,这些根本都不重要 The picture that so long as the people see is the one-to-one fair showdown, that this is fair. 只要众人看到的画面是一对一的公平对决,那这就是公平的。 As for these dirty methods of behind him resorting , the bystander is unable to understand, the person could not accept the thing beyond oneself cognition level, this was the instinct of human. 至于他背后动用的那些肮脏手段,外人根本无法理解,人是接受不了自己认知层次以外的事物的,这是人类的天性。 Even if under Lin Yi the group of people initiate the question, so long as his side has the rhythm slightly, finally will also only evolve is a conclusion. 哪怕林逸麾下的这帮人发起质疑,只要他那边稍微带一下节奏,最终也只会演变为一个结论。 Lin Yi cannot lose. 林逸输不起。 You know me to be dirty, I also know me to be dirty, but everyone actually does not know, they only know you lost to me! 你知道我脏,我也知道我脏,但是大家却不知道,他们只会知道你输给了我! Entire process one snap ring one point, this is dust whole set plan the place of non-solution. 整个过程一环扣一环,这才是尘家整套计划的无解之处。 Afterward even if some people have the rhythm, could not affect the general situation, at that time his dust has held on to the seat of wartime committee, under the power and influence halo, the large crowd will naturally help them wash spontaneously white. 事后就算有人带节奏,也影响不了大局,那个时候他尘家早已经坐稳了战时委员会的席位,权势光环之下,自然有一大批人会自发帮他们洗白。 Is good to plan.” “好算计。” Half th division looks that the dust mountain people said one spookily. 洛半师看着尘岳众人幽幽说了一句。 Dust Yue Lengxiao is returning said: This type of matter itself/Ben is respectively depending on the skill, just did not say, is willing to bet must concede.” 尘岳冷笑着回道:“这种事情本就是各凭本事,刚刚不是说了么,愿赌就要服输。” The day looked at his one eyes toward the sun lightly: You really think that you have won?” 天向阳淡淡看了他一眼:“你真以为你们已经赢定了?” Does not dare saying that won, but was not I boasted, by my family Young Lord strength, this situation I really cannot find out the reason of losing at present.” “不敢说赢定了,但不是我自夸,以我家少主实力,眼下这种形势我也实在是想不出输的理由。” The dust mountain found several points of proud feeling at this moment finally, although before presented the unexpected mighty waves one after another, but has not derailed after all, the general situation always controls in their hands. 尘岳此刻终于找回了几分扬眉吐气的感觉,之前虽然接连出现了意想不到的波澜,但终归没有脱离正轨,大局始终掌控在他们手中。 Now entire kills the bureau the layout to complete, remaining only then in a final step, General. 如今整个杀局都已布局完成,剩下的就只有最后一步,将军。 Things have gotten to this point, only if the day meddles with half th division non- care for reputation surface toward the sun forcefully, otherwise their dust must win without doubt. 事已至此,除非天向阳和洛半师不顾脸面强行插手,否则他们尘家已是必胜无疑。 In fact, they specially are arranging the entire net live broadcast at this moment, there is in view of day intention toward the sun. 事实上,他们特意在此刻安排全网直播,也有针对天向阳的用意在内。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, how even if the day takes seriously Lin Yi toward the sun again, does not dare to draw the offset frame in this situation blatantly, even if holds one's nose, he must acknowledge their dust today this decisive victory. 众目睽睽之下,就算天向阳再怎么重视林逸,也不敢在这种场合公然拉偏架,哪怕是捏着鼻子,他也必须承认他们尘家今天这场决定性的胜利。 During all are planning. 一切都在算计之中。 In the mystical place, the dust teaches has not waited for the plan that Lin Yi dies a violent death, presently is shows his powerful strength the time, he must carve oneself most invincible side seal in everyone's heart, making the entire Jianghai city always remember his dust forever powerful! 秘境之内,尘训并没有坐等林逸暴毙的打算,现在是展现他强大实力的时候,他要将自己最无敌的一面印刻在所有人的心中,让整个江海城都永远铭记住他尘家的强悍! The War God halo is even more powerful, until congealing the Jucheng great god god only empty shadow, appears in it together behind slowly. 战神光环愈发强盛,直至凝聚成一道巨神般的神祇虚影,在其身后缓缓浮现。 War God Lu Bu! 战神吕布! Even if away from the screen, that visible terrifying constriction, made all people of observing not gasp for breath as before. 哪怕是隔着屏幕,那种肉眼可见的恐怖压迫感,依旧令所有观战之人喘不过气来。 Before they have experienced the Shen Yifan refined appearance empty shadow, but in comparison, this War God empty shadow obvious rank is higher at present, the constriction had/left incessantly a magnitude! 之前他们已经见识过沈一凡的风神虚影,但是相比之下,眼前这个战神虚影明显等级更高,压迫感更是强出了不止一个数量级! What War God represents is the war rule, this is among Heaven and Earth the purest fight strength, lives for the fight specially, untouched and violent are very but powerful!” 战神代表的是战争规则,这是天地间最纯粹的战斗力量,专门为战斗而生,原始暴力但却无比强大!” Has the anchor of being able to judge the quality of goods the solution to say to the people. 有识货的主播给众人解说道。 Immediately some people following added: With for three big initiate of Gu (ancient) Family Family, they can through the honorific title of guanyu will control martial arts rule, both, although is seemingly similar, but actually has the essential difference.” 随即有人跟着补充道:“同为三大创始家族之一的古家,他们能够通过武圣意志掌控武道规则,两者虽然看起来差不多,但其实还是有着本质区别的。” Martial arts rule favors to the utilization of strength, but the war rule is more dedicated in the fight, in comparison, the latter is more direct, the impulse is also stronger!” “武道规则更倾向于对力量的运用,而战争规则则更专注于战斗本身,相比之下,后者更加直接,冲击力也更强!” The entire net audience broadens the outlook. 全网观众大开眼界。 And including many giant grand perfection level expert, is First time the concept of contacting the regular strength, before then, this is almost blank. 其中包括很多巨头大圆满层次的高手,也都是第一次接触到规则力量的概念,在此之前,这几乎是一片空白。 This live broadcast to many of them, opened new World directly, the profoundness of significance, not with Xiaoke! 这场直播对他们许多人而言,直接就是打开了一个新世界,意义之深远,非同小可 In the city main mansion, Li Songzhang is listening to the online this illustration, frowns greatly. 城主府内,李诵章听着网上这番解说,不由大皱眉头。 Checks the backgrounds of these anchors.” “去查一查这几个主播的背景。” Nearby Li Muyang felt strange: What issue has?” 旁边李沐阳不由奇怪:“有什么问题吗?” Li Songzhang cold snort/hum: „Do one crowd of winning favor by ostentation outcastes, how possibly know such profound level? I can affirm that behind some certainly people are inciting them!” 李诵章冷哼一声:“一群哗众取宠的贱民,怎么可能知道这么高深的层次?我敢肯定背后一定有人在指使他们!” At least in the Jianghai city boundary, intelligence system of city main mansion is ready proper seizing every opportunity, soon then had the result. 至少在江海城地界,城主府的情报系统那是妥妥的无孔不入,很快便有了结果。
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