SBPE :: Volume #16

#9857: Chapter 9857

This person has presently here as Dong Zhuo, his only task and value, are working as the Lin Yi's surface suicide! 此人以董卓身份出现在这里,他唯一的任务和价值,就是当着林逸的面自杀! Lin Yi strength is strong, can block everyone to kill him, but is only not possible to block him to commit suicide. 林逸实力再强,可以拦得住所有人杀他,但却唯独不可能拦得住他自杀。 When person want dead, even Divine Immortal cannot detain, let alone his Lin Yi. 当一个人自己想死的时候,就算神仙也留不住,更别说他林逸了。 Dong Zhuo dies, on the field the situation reverses instantaneously. 董卓一死,场上形势瞬间逆转。 task failure. 任务失败。 Lin Yi feels the boundless aura that above the upper air cloud layer condensed immediately, an unprecedented terrifying murderous intention is fermenting fast! 林逸立马感受到了高空云层之上凝聚的磅礴气息,一股前所未有的恐怖杀机正在快速酝酿! Reviewed opposite this dust Young Lord , Dong Zhuo's death announced directly his task completes, fights the mysterious boundary to give him the maximum praise. 反观对面这位尘家少主,董卓的死亡直接宣告了他任务完成,战神秘境将会给他最大限度的嘉奖。 presently also thought that I will be disappointed?” 现在还觉得我会失望吗?” The dust teaches to appreciate the Lin Yi's expression, the whole body aura is also starting to rise suddenly. 尘训欣赏着林逸的表情,周身气息随之开始暴涨。 Almost only in in the wink of an eye, from giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, did not have the hindrance increases directly giant ultimate grand perfection! 几乎只在瞬息之间,就从巨头大圆满后期巅峰,一路毫无阻碍的直接攀升到了巨头终极大圆满 The rapidness of the entire process speed, shocking. 其整个过程速度之快,骇人听闻。 In others eyes natural moat gap general boundary barrier, his here, like a flimsy, holds breaks. 别人眼中天堑鸿沟一般的境界壁障,在他这里,却是如同一张薄纸,一捅就破。 Regarding three big initiate Family such existence, by their abundant background and resources, wants to pile a top strength really no difficulty. 对于三大创始家族这样的存在来说,以他们雄厚的底蕴和资源,想要堆出一个顶级战力真的没什么难度。 However they want, is not always ordinary giant ultimate grand perfection expert, only has in the true sense one step reaches, can conform to their honored status. 不过他们想要的,从来都不是普通的巨头终极大圆满高手,唯有真正意义上的一步登顶,才能符合他们尊贵的身份。 Fact so. 事实如此。 After walking out giant ultimate grand perfection, the dust teaches aura not to stop the potential of sudden rise, is increasing by a scary momentum as before rapidly. 在跨过巨头终极大圆满的门槛之后,尘训身上的气息并没有停下暴涨之势,依旧在以一种骇人的势头急速攀升。 Meanwhile, covers even more is also intense in his War God halo, this is like the honorific title of guanyu will, is representing the highest level regular strength. 与此同时,笼罩在他身上的战神光环也愈发强烈,这跟武圣意志一样,都代表着最顶级的规则力量。 War rule. 战争规则。 Experiences the desperate taste well, later you possibly desperate qualifications did not have, forest rookie king.” “好好体验一下绝望的滋味吧,待会儿你可能就连绝望的资格都没有了,林新人王。” Feels within the body to surpass the expected strength increase, the dust teaches somewhat is self-satisfied. 感受着体内超出预期的力量增幅,尘训不禁有些志得意满。 If his beforehand strength is one, then presently, his strength at least is 100, even 200! 如果说他之前的实力是一,那么现在,他的实力至少是一百,甚至两百! Although this moment Lin Yi has not died, the situation has not settled down thoroughly, but actually has no suspense. 虽然此刻林逸还没有死,局势还没有彻底尘埃落定,但其实已经没有任何悬念了。 „Are you really very probably self-confident?” “你好像真的很自信?” Looks victor stance that opposite party does not cover up, Lin Yi chuckle, but along with, even if the complexion changes. 看着对方这副毫不遮掩的胜利者姿态,林逸不由轻笑一声,但随即便脸色微变。 Fights the failure penalty of mysterious boundary, came! 神秘境的失败惩罚,来了! That boundless murderous intention above cloud layer, no indication fell on his body directly, Lin Yi then felt an extremely terrifying space oppression instantaneously. 云层之上的那股磅礴杀机,毫无征兆的直接落在了他的身上,林逸瞬间便感受到了一股极度恐怖的空间压迫。 Just likes an invisible great hand, must pinch to explode his whole person! 犹如一只无形的巨手,要将他整个人生生捏爆! The bonus is the powerful mortal bodies of his five breakthrough growth shackles, actually cannot withstand, the internal organs burst at the scene, whole body all skeleton giggle make noise completely, will collapse momentarily instantly. 饶是他五次突破生长枷锁的强悍肉身,竟然也都承受不住,当场内脏破裂,全身所有骨骼全部咯咯作响,随时都会刹那崩溃。 But this also merely is only a start. 而这还仅仅只是一个开始。 Over time, the strength of this invisible oppression will increase price unceasingly, until extrudes one group of powder dust him thoroughly! 随着时间推移,这股无形压迫的力道会不断加码,直至将他彻底挤压成一团碎末! Opposite dust teaches to visit him, like in looking at sewer being on the verge of death a mouse: You, if presently asked me, perhaps I can also help you, gave you a happiness.” 对面尘训看着他,如同在看臭水沟里一只濒死的老鼠:“你要是现在求我,也许我还能帮帮你,给你一个痛快。” Finally, painful expression that on the Lin Yi face he has not anticipated, instead unexpected tranquility. 结果,林逸脸上并没有他期待的痛苦表情,反而出乎意料的平静。 The mortal body has not such given way as he expected rapidly, but depends on five lines of extremely turnaround power, restored the body of shatter edge forcefully. Valley 肉身也并没有像他预想中那样迅速垮掉,而是靠着五行化极的回天之力,强行修复住了破碎边缘的身躯。谷 Naturally, the pain cannot avoid. 当然,痛苦是免不了的。 However this pain regarding Lin Yi, what actually at all is not, each mortal body expert is skilled from oppressive abnormal, really thinks that his five breakthrough growth shackles are the sufficient phone bill deliver? 不过这点痛苦对于林逸来说,却根本不算什么,每一个肉身高手都是精通自虐的变态,真以为他五次突破生长枷锁是充话费送的吗? Plays the limit in nine glazed pagodas from the oppressive temperance mortal body, this has been required course of Lin Yi since joining Jianghai Institute, a day has not stopped. 在九层琉璃塔中玩极限自虐锤炼肉身,这可是林逸自加入江海学院以来的必修课,从来没有一天停下过。 At this moment, painful admittedly is the pain, but to him actually is also alternative enjoyment. 此时此刻,痛苦固然是痛苦,但对他来说却也是一种另类的享受。 Because, may not be far from the unprecedented six breakthrough growth shackles this way! 因为再这样下去,距离前无古人的六次突破生长枷锁可就不远了! The dust teaches had not actually realized the gravity that issue, looks at Lin Yi this expression, he also thinks that is hitting to swell face sufficient fatty purely, clenches teeth the dying brace in the dying edge. 尘训却还没有意识到问题的严重性,看林逸这副表情,他还以为纯粹就是在打肿脸充胖子,在垂死边缘咬牙死撑。 However this is just right for his intent actually. 不过这样倒是正合他意。 Ok, started.” “好了,开始吧。” The dust teaches this saying not to mean to Lin Yi, but is outside the mystical place dust numerous expert that observes. 尘训这话并不是说给林逸,而是秘境之外正在观战的尘家一众高手 Dust Yue hears the words patted clapping understandingly, immediately several popularity extremely high network anchors were then brought, points at the mystical place projection saying: This is our dust gives gift, hopes that you will like.” 尘岳闻言会意的拍了拍手,当即便有几个人气极高的网络主播被带了过来,指着秘境投影道:“这就是我们尘家送给各位的礼物,希望你们会喜欢。” An anchor gawked, carefully after looking at the picture in projection, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform is overjoyed. 一众主播愣了一下,仔细看了投影中的画面之后,不由齐齐大喜过望。 Unexpectedly is the forest five great fights!” “居然是林五巨的战斗!” What forest five great? presently should call Committee Member forest, I also think that will look at anything to us, originally was such magnificent scene, today is really comes unexpectedly right!” “什么林五巨?现在应该叫林委员了,我还以为会给我们看什么呢,原来竟是这样的大场面,今天真是来对了!” presently who knows, Lin Yi is the synonym of top current capacity. 现在谁都知道,林逸就是顶级流量的代名词。 As long as anything can moisten above with the Lin Yi two characters, that almost recommends for admission to school searches for hotly, even direct Tyrant Bang. 任何事情但凡能与林逸两个字沾上边,那几乎就是保送热搜,甚至直接霸榜。 Now the Jianghai city well-known network anchor, ten have seven to point at Lin Yi to eat meal, remaining three eat meal by black Lin Yi. 如今江海城知名的网络主播,十个有七个都是指着林逸吃饭,剩下三个则是靠黑林逸吃饭。 If knows that is related with Lin Yi, especially magnificent scene of this top fight, let alone dust does not give the reward, is to make personal they be willing to do but actually absolutely! 要是知道与林逸相关,尤其还是这种顶级战斗的大场面,别说尘家不给报酬,就是让倒贴身家他们都绝对愿意干! The live broadcast picture passes to quickly online, shortly, the entire Jianghai city will explode. 直播画面很快传到网上,顷刻之间,整个江海城都炸了。 I go! What did I see?” “我去!我看到什么了?” „Is this Lin Yi with meeting of that dust Young Lord ?” “这就是林逸跟那位尘家少主的约战吗?” Before did not say that this is fights in private? Resources where this does? Too good bi!” “之前不是说这是私下战斗吗?这都哪搞到的资源啊?太牛哔了!” The network is bustling, the failing a grade fresh institute is waiting for the people of showdown result, naturally is also the First time obtains the news. 网络一片沸腾,留级生院等着对决结果的众人,自然也是第一时间得到消息。 „Isn't the Lin Yi's condition a little probably right?” 林逸的状态好像有点不对啊?” What a First discovery is unusual is the tyrant, he and Lin Yi, although the fight time is not long, but the fight intensity is in the people are highest, therefore regarding the understanding of Lin Yi strength, above others. 第一个发现异常的是暴君,他与林逸虽然交手时间并不长,但战斗强度却是众人之中最高,故而对于林逸实力的了解,也远在其他人之上。 The secret sinking sound nods: He was suppressed by the mystical place.” 天机沉声点头:“他被秘境压制住了。” The freshman alliance people are perplexed, the only Shen Yifan complexion crazily changes. 新生联盟众人不明所以,唯独沈一凡脸色狂变。 In the people only then he has experienced mystical place trial, by the mystical place suppression is what fate, only then he clearest. 众人之中只有他经历过秘境试炼,被秘境压制是个什么下场,也只有他最清楚。 Good and evil is three big initiates Family, I also think that they are even shameless, at least still always can also want to compel the face, presently looks like me to think them was good!” “好歹是三大创始家族,我还以为他们就算无耻,至少也总还会要点逼脸,现在看来我还是把他们想的太好了!” Shen Yifan complexion is pale. 沈一凡脸色铁青。 Nearby flame pond deep had realizing from experience to say one: Too do not overestimate the human nature, once the person is shameless not to have the bottom line, is these super Family is so.” 一旁炎池深有体悟的说了一句:“不要太高估人性,人一旦无耻起来是没有底线的,越是那些超级家族越是如此。” Fall three mother hears word knit the brows: Illuminated you saying that the Lin Yi presently situation very wasn't wonderful?” 秋三娘闻言皱眉:“照你们这么说,林逸现在的处境岂不是很不妙?” At this time silent small alone king Duanshe has opened the mouth to say suddenly: I had been suppressed by a mystical place, almost died, that is also only a second-level mystical place.” 这时一直沉默的小独王断舍忽然开口道:“我曾经被一个秘境压制过一回,差点死掉,那还只是一个二级秘境。”
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