SBPE :: Volume #16

#9856: Chapter 9856

Under the self- restore of mystical place situation, the following general situation trend returned the right track. 在秘境大势的自我修复之下,接下来的大局走势重新回到了正轨。 Besides Lin Yi this magnificence hero has not died of the fate, other all sorts of development, basically agree with the historical historical novel trend. 除了林逸这个华雄没有死于宿命之外,其他种种发展,跟历史演义走向基本一致。 Ten Chinese red army soldier feudal lord allied armies internal strifes split, delivered Dong Zhuo jun one to win forcefully. 十八路诸侯联军内讧分裂,强行送了董卓军一场大胜。 At least looked from the general situation, Lin Yi assisted Dong Zhuo to repel task of various group of feudal lords is completes. 至少从大局上看,林逸协助董卓击退各路诸侯的任务算是完成了。 However the matter so will not be obviously simple. 不过事情显然不会这么简单。 Since dust thought of every means to give him to arrange the magnificence male such status, was impossible the opportunity that gave him to lie down to win with ease, if were lax at this time, that really died does not know how dead. 尘家既然费尽心机给他安排了华雄这么个身份,就绝不可能给他轻松躺赢的机会,若是在这个时候松懈下来,那才真是死都不知道怎么死的。 Lin Yi had not forgotten, his task also has another conditions, preserves Dong Zhuo not dead! 林逸可没忘掉,他的任务还有另外一项条件,保住董卓不死! According to the following plot, should be normally the king Situ Qiao linked strategies, War God anger pit Dong the adoptive father. 正常按照接下来的剧情,就该是王司徒巧施连环计,吕战神怒坑董干爹。 Under this mystical place situation, magnificence hero who he acts dies under the Guan Yu blade is the fate, Dong Zhuo dies under Lu Bu halberd is also the fate. 在这秘境大势之下,他扮演的华雄死于关羽刀下是宿命,董卓死于吕布戟下也是宿命。 In comparison, preserves difficulty that Dong Zhuo does not die, may be higher than the difficulty that he helps oneself much, the difficulty is higher than ten times is not exaggerating! 相比之下,保住董卓不死的难度,可比他自救的难度要高得多了,难度高出十倍都不夸张! Once the task failure, Lin Yi will face directly fights the penalty of mysterious boundary, and even brutally writes off! 而一旦任务失败,林逸就将直接面临战神秘境的惩罚,乃至无情抹杀! When the time comes the dust teaches neatly, can sit idle and enjoy the fruits. 到时候尘训不费吹灰之力,就能坐享其成。 This is the dust genuine abacus. 这才是尘家真正的算盘。 „Should this little while return to the linked strategies for sometime?” “这会儿离连环计应该还有一段时间吧?” That said that but Lin Yi or the First time rushes to Dong Zhuo station, by attitude that dust that group of people deliberately plan, is unlikely to leave behind the calm respite to him the opportunity. 话是这么说,但林逸还是第一时间赶往董卓驻地,以尘家那帮人处心积虑的作风,不太可能给他留下从容喘息的机会。 The fact so, should after Dong Zhuo moves the capital to Chang' the linked strategies that can perform, had begun in the Luoyang city at this time impressively. 事实如此,原本应该在董卓迁都长安之后才会上演的连环计,此时赫然已经在洛阳城拉开了序幕。 Under the full power of dust strength promotes, the progress rhythm of linked strategies is extremely fast, only completed the complete upholstery in just one day. 在尘家力量的全力推动之下,连环计的进展节奏极快,只在短短一天之内就完成了全部铺垫。 Remaining only then last, Lu Bu presents the imperial edict to put to death Dong Zhuo! 剩下的就只有最后一幕,吕布奉诏诛杀董卓! All these happen resolute too quickly, does not give Lin Yi any response opportunity, dust in this moment show incisively! 这一切发生得太快,根本不给林逸任何反应机会,尘家的果决在这一刻展现得淋漓尽致! Half th division looks that this said spookily: This where is to make the Lin Yi showdown dust teach, clearly is to make Lin Yi resist entire fights the mysterious boundary, your dust is three big initiates one of the Family worthily, deep of background, truly a little meaning.” 洛半师看着这一幕幽幽道:“这哪里是让林逸对决尘训,分明是让林逸对抗整个战神秘境,你们尘家不愧是三大创始家族之一,底蕴之深厚,确实有点意思。” A dust numerous expert collective is red in the face. 尘家一众高手集体面红耳赤。 The powerhouse showdown, is to stop at nothing, but said no matter how, this matter truly does insufficiently honored. 强者对决,就是要无所不用其极,但是不管怎么说,这事确实做得不够光彩。 After all oneself Young Lord goal solely is not defeats Lin Yi, but must recapture the top seat of wartime committee, since is thinking must stand in the power center command outstanding heroes, something must be frank and upright, at least cannot easily to press firmly between the fingers the words to ridicule about. 毕竟自家少主目的可不单单是打败林逸,而是要夺回战时委员会的顶层席位,既然想着要站在权力中心号令群雄,有些事情就必须光明正大,至少不能让人轻易捏住话柄。 But with presently this approach, even if won Lin Yi, still really very difficult obedience. 而用现在这种做法,就算赢了林逸,也实在很难服众。 But is very obvious, their Young Lord dust teach do not care about these. 但很显然,他们这位少主尘训根本就不在乎这些。 After all only then can win is Main Event, could not win, pulling anything was useless, his this high-rank was clearer than any under the hand | subordinate person. 毕竟只有能赢才是头等大事,赢不了,扯什么都是白搭,这一点他这个上位者远比任何一个手下人都更清楚。 In the mystical place, Dong Zhuo team sets out toward the imperial palace swaggering, on the road all pedestrians kneel down to kowtow in abundance spontaneously, pays respect to Dong Zhuo by the ritual of having an audience with emperor in reverential awe. 秘境之内,董卓车队大摇大摆朝着皇宫进发,路上所有行人纷纷自发下跪磕头,诚惶诚恐以觐见天子之礼参拜董卓。 Everyone has become accustomed to all these. 所有人对这一切都已习以为常。 Finally when motorcade line to north gate outside, has guarded in subordinate military commander Li solemn of here, suddenly leads more than ten brave people ready dead to kill. 结果当车队行至北门外时,早已据守在此处的麾下武将李肃,忽然带着十几位骁勇死士杀出。 Dong Zei suffers to death!” “董贼受死!” Li solemn bellows to grasp the long halberd thorn to Dong Zhuo, unexpected Dong Zhuo will puncture at the scene from the vehicle. 李肃大吼一声手持长戟刺向董卓,当场将猝不及防的董卓从车上刺下。 However Dong Zhuo nei the armor, this thorn cannot injure and strategic point, but injured his arm. Valley 不过董卓内着铠甲,这一刺并未能伤及要害,只是伤到了他的手臂。谷 Saw that Li solemn angrily roars to continue to kill, Dong Zhuo said hastily: Lu Bu where?” 眼看李肃怒吼着继续杀来,董卓连忙疾呼:“吕布何在?” At this time covered the dust under War God halo teaches, went out from the crowd of making a mess slowly, in the hand takes a volume of emperor imperial edict. 这时笼罩在战神光环之下的尘训,缓缓从乱作一团的人群中走出,手上拿着一册天子诏书。 „The Mandate of Heaven child imperial edict, puts to death traitor Dong Zhuo!” “奉天子诏,诛杀国贼董卓!” Saw that the dust teaches to bring a person ready dead towards oneself to surround to come, Dong Zhuo immediately panic-stricken desire certainly. 眼看尘训带着一众死士朝自己包围而来,董卓顿时惊骇欲绝。 It is not right except for the time and place, all these strict duplicate/restores are carving the trend in historical historical novel, almost does not have the slight deviation. 除了时间和地点不对,这一切都在严格复刻历史演义中的走向,几乎没有丝毫的偏差。 Development this step, which aspect regardless of looked, Dong Zhuo must die! 局势发展到这一步,无论从哪方面看,董卓都已是必死! Unexpectedly teaches the last minute that the hand China day picture halberd will soon drop in the dust, high ten zhang (3.33 m) Titan big buddha has dropped from the clouds, is draws a halberd fist to drive out side heaven unexpectedly. 不料在尘训手中方天画戟即将落下的最后一刻,一尊高过十丈的泰坦大佛从天而降,竟是生生将方天画戟一拳轰开。 Under the complementary waves impact, the Dong Zhuo obese extremely fat body goes away distressedly, this escapes by luck, is saved from death! 余波冲击之下,董卓肥胖臃肿的身躯狼狈滚开,这才侥幸逃过一劫,死里逃生! It seems like I come just in time.” “看来我来得正是时候。” Lin Yi occupies a commanding position to overlook the panic-stricken inexplicable audience people, under the heart is relaxing slightly. 林逸居高临下俯瞰着惊骇莫名的全场众人,心下稍稍松了一口气。 It is fortunate that he kept a mind, runs quickly all the way full power, depends on the speed increase that the powerful mortal bodies of five breakthrough growth shackles bring, this card rushes at the last minute finally. 得亏他多留了一个心眼,一路上全力奔驰,靠着五次突破生长枷锁的强悍肉身所带来的速度增幅,这才总算卡在最后一刻堪堪赶到。 Otherwise if really went well by the opposite party, that aspect may really trouble. 否则真要是就这么被对方得手,那局面可就真的麻烦了。 Opposite dust Young Lord Leng Leng (coldly) visits him: Came finally, I was wait for you was very long, Lin Yi.” 对面的尘家少主冷冷看着他:“总算是来了,我可是等你很久了,林逸。” Lin Yi looks strangely: Right? I also think that you will be very disappointed, after all prepared such Yin move, finally makes you fall to fall short, I also somewhat feel sorry.” 林逸不由面露古怪:“是吗?我还以为你会很失望呢,毕竟好歹准备了这么阴招,结果让你落个功亏一篑,我还真有点过意不去呢。” Falls short?” “功亏一篑?” Chen fast reveals face contemptuous sneering: You really think that my plan this failed? The good and evil is one of the wartime committee, your IQ is so low, humiliation, but our entire Jianghai Institute.” 陈迅露出一脸轻蔑的冷笑:“你真以为我的计划到这就失败了?好歹是战时委员会的一员,你智商这么低,丢脸的可是我们整个江海学院啊。” Lin Yi selected the eyebrow slightly: Listens to your meaning, you had confidence to be able probably very much under my eye did hide killed him?” 林逸微微挑了挑眉:“听你这个意思,你好像很有把握能在我眼皮子底下杀了他?” This saying said that a little pulls rank, but by his strength, even if unable to use the rule strength, may want to guarantee that Dong Zhuo in own line of sight, guaranteeing him does not die is actually not difficult. 这话说起来有点托大,但是以他的实力,哪怕无法动用规则力量,可只要能够确保董卓在自己的视线之内,保他不死其实并没有那么难。 In the final analysis, the dust teaches at present is also giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, even if has War God halo in addition to hold, at best is still similar to the beforehand ancient Weiyang. 说到底,尘训眼下也才不过是巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,即便有着战神光环的加持,充其量也就跟之前的古未央差不多。 Hard strength compares Lin Yi of present five breakthrough growth shackles, has the obvious vast gap. 实力相比起如今五次突破生长枷锁的林逸,还是有着显而易见的巨大差距。 The dust teaches the look to visit him lightly: I want him dead, he has dead, Divine Immortal cannot preserve him.” 尘训神色淡淡的看着他:“我要他死,他就不得不死,神仙也保不住他。” Lin Yi gawked, the two aura of this full bursting, actually somewhat the meanings of two dimension actors. 林逸不由愣了一下,这满满爆棚的中二气息,倒是真有点二次元男主角的意思了。 What a pity, is not dragon Aotian. 可惜,不是龙傲天。 However when he focuses on every action and every movement that the dust is teaching, suddenly has warning sign, then looked hastily to kept off by oneself after behind Dong Zhuo. 不过就在他紧盯着尘训的一举一动之时,忽然心生警兆,连忙回头看向被自己挡在身后的董卓。 But was late. 但还是晚了。 Sees only Dong Zhuo to lift the palm, a palm towards oneself crown of the head pats, the brain fluid cracks at the scene, dies horrible to look at! 只见董卓抬起手掌,一掌朝自己天灵盖拍下,当场脑浆崩裂,死得惨不忍睹! Suicide. 自杀。 Who can think that the traitor of Dong Zhuo this everybody has the right to punish, commits suicide finally unexpectedly in the presence of everyone! 谁能想到董卓这位人人得而诛之的国贼,最后竟是当众自杀! Lin Yi has the protection, he fixed the eyes on the dust is teaching at the same time a moment ago , the strength fluctuates in the time pays attention to divine sense and so on, in order to avoid the opposite party and even controls Dong Zhuo with the secret technique influence. 林逸不是没有防备,他刚才紧盯着尘训的同时,也在时刻留意神识之类的力量波动,以免对方用秘术影响乃至操控董卓。 From beginning to end but simply does not have the least bit sign, by his present level and advantage of origin spirit boundary, the opposite party method is even wise, not possible under his eye hides achieves so flawlessly. 可是从头到尾根本没有半点迹象,以他如今的层次和元神境界的优势,对方即便手段再高明,也绝不可能在他眼皮子底下做到如此天衣无缝。 The only explanation, this Dong Zhuo itself/Ben is the person ready dead who dust arranges. 唯一的解释,这个董卓本就是尘家安排好的死士。
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