SBPE :: Volume #16

#9855: Chapter 9855

Rapidness of too entire process, is similar to the elephant to stamp an ant, but also without and other people recovered, matter had ended. 整个过程发生的太快,就如同大象踩死一只蚂蚁,还没等众人回过神来,事情就已经结束了。 Under the panic-stricken gaze of audience, that is only ye who great Zhang San the hand grasps to suffocate, immediately breaks open the mystical place to go. 在全场的惊骇注视之下,那只巨手抓起奄奄一息的张三爷,随即破开秘境而去。 The entire battlefield also falls into dies the general silence. 整个战场随之陷入死一般的寂静。 But outside this moment mystical place, witnessed all these two big Family expert, is startled all being able to close up mouth! 而此刻秘境之外,亲眼目睹了这一切的两大家族高手,更是惊得全体合不拢嘴巴! Don't forget, just the ancient natural life brought all Gu (ancient) Family expert to try to puncture the mystical place, finally including selecting the mighty waves has not stayed behind. 别忘了,刚刚古天寿可是带着全体古家高手试图打穿秘境,结果连点波澜都没有留下。 That good and evil is also a top strength adds on one crowd of high-end strengths. 那好歹也是一位顶级战力加上一群高端战力啊。 Reviewing this are extremely few before day family/home Sir who the person acts, easy wearing out mystical place barrier did not say, but also arrives at a rule expert steamroll directly half dead, even also gave to lead come out him especially! 反观这位极少在人前出手的天家大爷,轻而易举穿破秘境壁障不说,还直接把一个规则高手碾压到半死,甚至还特么把他给带了出来 This is what kind of terrifying strength! 这是何等恐怖的实力 Suddenly, two big Family all expert look to day look toward the sun, was full of the unclear sleep/felt severe awe. 一时间,两大家族所有高手看向天向阳的眼神,都充满了不明觉厉的敬畏。 Dust Yue Hegu natural life these two respective Family words matter Elder, seem by prior agreement the cold sweat is at this moment dripping, a chill in the air from the foot heel direct impact scalp, is still trembling until this time bottom of the heart! 尘岳和古天寿这两位各自家族的话事长老,这一刻更是不约而同冷汗淋漓,一股寒意从脚后跟直冲头皮,直到此时心尖都还在发颤! They also think unexpectedly three big initiate Family to treat as an equal, so long as two families can meet as an equal to the day family/home jointly, at this moment recalls, is really much more wrong, is much stupider! 他们居然还以为三大创始家族平起平坐,只要两家联手就能与天家分庭抗礼,此刻回想起来,实在是错得离谱,愚蠢得可笑! This shows the come out tip of the iceberg at the day toward the sun in the wink of an eye, if really has no consideration for face thoroughly, two families that solely he, presses sufficiently cannot raise the head, presses them on the ground rubs. 以天向阳这一瞬息之间展现出来的冰山一角,真要是彻底撕破脸,单单就他自己一个人,就足以压的两家都抬不起头来,生生把他们摁在地上摩擦。 There is no odds of success. 根本没有任何胜算可言。 However the day is actually disinclined to pay attention to the expression of this group of people toward the sun, looks that from fighting the mysterious boundary fishes come out front person by him forcefully, the look is especially complex: Why can do that?” 不过天向阳却是懒得理会这帮人的表情,看着被他从战神秘境中强行捞出来的面前这人,神色格外复杂:“为什么要这么做?” Suffocated Zhang San ye, heard that the word shows a strange expression: „Did you say? My good big bro?” 本已奄奄一息的张三爷,闻言露出一个古怪的表情:“你说呢?我的好大哥?” The people are astonished however. 众人讶然。 Waits to see clearly this person of recover original feature, immediately is the collective changes countenance. 等看清此人恢复本来面目,顿时又是集体变色。 Day family/home two masters, day shady. 天家二爷,天背阴。 Dust Yue Hegu natural life again in pairs absolutely terrified, day toward the sun strength strong to odd even if, day shady were always regarded as the day family/home two masters of waste by them, can still hide the truth from dust this control to submerge in the mystical place unexpectedly to do the matter! 尘岳和古天寿再度双双毛骨悚然,天向阳实力强到离谱也就算了,天背阴这个一直以来被他们视为废物的天家二爷,竟也能瞒过尘家这个掌控者潜入秘境之中搞事! What anomaly brother is this pair of? 这是一对什么样的怪胎兄弟啊? Everyone knows that a day of family/home has two masters, however under day dazzling ray toward the sun, day shady two masters almost not has the feeling in Jianghai Institute since long. 谁都知道天家有两位爷,但是在天向阳的耀眼光芒之下,天背阴这位二爷长期以来在江海学院几乎毫无存在感可言。 Not is only these big shot of most top layer will never mention him on own initiative, even these student of lowest level also disregarded his existence collectively, many his name has not even heard. 不仅是最顶层的这些大佬从来不会主动提到他,甚至就连最底层的那些学生们也都集体无视了他的存在,很多人根本连他的名字都没听说过。 At best, is knows that has such a person. 充其量,就是知道有这么一号人。 This perhaps is the entire Jianghai city alone exceptional case. 这恐怕是整个江海城独一份的特例。 Has the most prominent Family background obviously, actually mixes so silently. 明明有着最显赫的家族背景,却混得如此无声无息。 In comparison, in cognition in work places, even Li Muyang this standard two generations be much stronger than his day shady! 相比之下,在坊间认知之中,甚至就连李沐阳这种标准的二代都要比他天背阴强得多! The inborn king Zha good sign, actually to fall to this aspect finally, the only reasonable explanation can only be his day shady is a waste. 天生一手王炸好牌,结果却落到这个局面,唯一合理的解释只能是他天背阴就是一个废物。 A from head to tail waste. 一个彻头彻尾的废物。 Finally, such a waste actually regarded his back garden the war mysterious boundary that dust was proud, optional turnover actually no one can detect, really made one revolve to fear. 结果,这么一个废物却把尘家引以为傲的战神秘境当成了他的后花园,随意进出却无人能够察觉,实在令人细思恐极。 Every day/Sees the sky toward the sun cold vision towards oneself looks like, dust Yue Leng, responded immediately beckons with the hand again and again. 见天向阳冷冽的目光朝自己看来,尘岳愣了一下,随即反应过来连连摆手。 I do not know, our dust really knows nothing!” Valley “我不知道,我们尘家对此真的毫不知情!”谷 If this makes the day misunderstand them and day shadies toward the sun does the matter jointly, his dust may really end, mixes the internal affairs of day of family/home, especially is things between two brother, prime taboo of this absolutely Jianghai Institute! 这要是让天向阳误会他们跟天背阴联手搞事,那他尘家可就真的完了,掺合天家的内部事务,尤其还是两兄弟之间的事情,这绝对江海学院的头等大忌! Courting death is not such cause of death. 找死也不是这么个死法。 Day toward the sun cold snort/hum: You best know the circumstances of the matter! Otherwise even he can touch quietly, your dust lax degree to the mystical place defense really makes the blood boil, if stared by the person with high aspirations, dies does not know how dead!” 天向阳冷哼一声:“你们最好知情!否则连他都能悄无声息摸进来,你们尘家对秘境防卫的松懈程度实在令人发指,若是被有心人盯上,死都不知道怎么死的!” „Is.” “是是。” Dust Yue Zhi can, helpless nods, under the heart is one piece is actually unjust. 尘岳只能无奈点头,心下却是一片冤枉。 Fighting the mysterious boundary is their dust most important strategic resources, will they possibly defend laxly? 神秘境乃是他们尘家最重要的战略资源,他们怎么可能会防卫松懈? Was mixed quietly by this day family/home two masters, they are also very vacant, after all theoretically should be impregnable is right. 被这位天家二爷悄无声息的混进来,他们也很茫然,毕竟理论上应该是无懈可击才对。 Nearby Luo river half th division noticed that this laughs in spite of trying not, solemn day family/home Sir, has vents anger others the time unexpectedly, really is also rare. 旁边洛半师看到这一幕不由失笑,堂堂天家大爷,居然也有迁怒他人的时候,着实也是难得一见。 Others look at not come out, but as the only two ultra top strengths on the scene, he naturally can see the card in a hand of day of shady. 其他人看不出来,但身为在场唯二的超顶级战力,他自然能够看出天背阴的底牌。 Fraud rule. 欺诈规则。 Although this is the second-level rule, but once falls in true expert, this regular difficult degree, not under time space these top rules. 这虽然是二级规则,可一旦落在真正的高手手里,这项规则的棘手程度,丝毫不下于时间空间那些顶级规则。 Just like the present, the day shady can play with dust in the stock palm with no trace, hides the truth from their control to infiltrate the mystical place, meets no resistance. 正如眼下,天背阴可以不露痕迹将尘家玩弄于股掌之中,瞒过他们的掌控混进秘境,如入无人之境。 If not for he himself jumps come out on own initiative, perhaps until the mystical place is closed, the people are vacant unconsciously. 若不是他自己主动跳出来,恐怕直到秘境关闭,众人都是茫然不觉。 Once this fellow harbors evil intentions, absolutely will be the future Jianghai Institute biggest unstabilizing factor, will not have one! 这个家伙一旦居心不良,绝对是未来江海学院最大的不稳定因素,没有之一! Day Xiangyang looks own this Second Brother: You best give me a reasonable explanation.” 天向阳看着自家这位二弟:“你最好给我一个合理的解释。” Day shady indifferent smiling of: If I said that is only infiltrates to watch the fun, has a hand to save a servant while convenient at crucial moment, so as to avoid they end with loss of life, the scene is beyond redemption, does not know that my good big bro you to believe?” 天背阴无所谓的笑了笑:“如果我说只是混进来看个热闹,顺便关键时候出个手救一下人,免得他们闹出人命,场面不可收拾,不知道我的好大哥你会不会相信?” „......” “……” The day silent moment, turns the head toward the sun to permits secure the mountain road: Leads him to return to the ancestral hall to think of faults, without my permission does not get the come out half step.” 天向阳沉默片刻,转头对许安山道:“带他回宗祠思过,没有我的允许不得出来半步。” The day shady complexion changes. 天背阴脸色微变。 However under is in the glare of the public eye, finally has not said anything, departs accompanied by permits Anshan easely. 不过众目睽睽之下,最终还是没有多说什么,在许安山陪同下悠然离去。 Half th division looks at this, looking pensive, others actually relax. 洛半师看着这一幕,若有所思,其余众人却是纷纷松了一口气。 Especially the dust mountain and other numerous dust expert, alerts secretly. 尤其尘岳等一众尘家高手,更是暗暗警醒。 In the future if truly wants the means to promote the defense system of fighting the mysterious boundary, otherwise comes several day shady such character again, was chased the mystical place resources not to say white/in vain, the key also has the huge safety danger. 日后确实要想办法升级一下战神秘境的防卫体系了,否则再来几个天背阴这样的人物,被人白嫖秘境资源不说,关键还有着巨大的安全隐患。 Once some people have illegal, ambushes launches the surprise attack in the mystical place to his dust important character, the consequence is dreadful. 一旦有人心怀不轨,潜伏在秘境之中对他尘家重要人物发起突袭,后果不堪设想。 In this moment mystical place, because of the sudden interlude, the both sides showdown was suspended a moment ago. 此刻秘境中,因为刚才突如其来的插曲,双方对决被迫中断。 Saw matter not wonderful ancient Weiyang to seize the chance to return to the feudal lord allied armies, Lin Yi wants to kill him again, must cross hundreds of thousands of armies! 见事不妙的古未央趁机逃回了诸侯联军之中,林逸再想杀他,就必须越过数十万的大军! Must know that these mystical places indigenous may not be the average people, even if not every one is giant grand perfection expert, that is still the proper high-end strength walks ready everywhere. 要知道这些秘境土著可都不是普通人,就算不是个个都是巨头大圆满高手,那也是妥妥高端战力遍地走。 To penetrate such battlefield by individual strength, radically is dream of a fool. 想要以个人之力击穿这样的战阵,根本是痴人说梦。 However, Lin Yi it does not have many to hold to read, delivered to kill conveniently, but must say that thought of every means dead to knock does not put, that was also insufficient but actually. 不过话说回来,林逸对此本身也没有多少执念,送上门来就顺手杀了,可要说费尽心机死磕不放,那倒也不至于。 After all the true opponent of his war is the dust teaches, rather than the halfway kills the come out ancient Weiyang. 毕竟他此战的真正对手是尘训,而不是半路杀出来的古未央。
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