SBPE :: Volume #16

#9854: Chapter 9854

„Is this bastard comes unexpectedly really?!” “这混蛋竟然是来真的?!” Is feeling on Lin Yi the cold and gloomy murderous intention, was stepped on by him in ancient Weiyang of sole is startled and fears, he dares this beach turbid water, will be assured Lin Yi will not cause complications, does not dare to his true under extreme methods. 感受着林逸身上森冷的杀机,被他踩在脚底的古未央又惊又惧,他之所以敢于来蹚这滩浑水,就是笃定林逸不会节外生枝,不敢对他真正下死手。 Therefore he is secure, gains steadily does not owe! 所以他才有恃无恐,稳赚不亏! However until discovered at this moment, he wants. 然而直到此刻才发现,他想多了。 Lin Yi really can kill him, moreover really dares to kill him! 林逸是真的能杀他,而且真的敢杀他! The honorific title of guanyu will that under an unemotional front surface palm bang, on ancient Weiyang that only saves finally, thump however is defeated and dispersed at the scene. 面无表情迎面一掌轰下,古未央身上最后那点仅存的武圣意志,当场怦然溃散。 Whole person also by death aura package of substantializing! 整个人随之被实质化的死亡气息包裹! Gu (ancient) Family people collective scalp tingles that secret Jingwai observes, all looks desperately. 秘境外观战的古家众人集体头皮发麻,个个面露绝望。 Finally at the final moment, a malignant influences threatening long-handled spear suddenly appears, kept off the Lin Yi's Buddha palm. 结果就在最后时刻,一杆煞气逼人的丈八蛇矛突然出现,生生挡下了林逸的佛掌。 Rests the wound my family Second Brother!” “休伤我家二哥!” Zhang Fei angrily roars wild, shocking audience. 张飞一声狂暴怒吼,震惊全场。 Meanwhile, Liu Bei who grasps the female and male double strand sword also runs quickly, but, gallant. 与此同时,手持雌雄双股剑的刘备也奔驰而至,英气逼人。 Had fallen into the hopeless situation ancient Weiyang to seize the chance from the Lin Yi under foot to withdraw, the broadsword starts, coordinating two people to encircle to kill Lin Yi together, the situation inverts instantaneously. 本已陷入绝境的古未央趁机从林逸脚下脱身,青龙偃月刀重新入手,配合二人一起围杀林逸,局势瞬间颠倒过来。 Three brave fights Lu Bu. 三英战吕布。 No, this is three brave Zhanhua hero! 不,这是三英战华雄! This came as a surprise to everyone, but thinks to be actually reasonable carefully. 这一幕着实出乎了所有人的预料,不过仔细想想却又在情理之中。 The mystical place has the mechanism of self-correcting regarding the situation trend, Lin Yi, although depends on surpasses the common sense powerful strength, subverted forcefully by the destiny that Guan Yu cuts to kill, but cannot totally get rid of the mystical place as before to the fate that he arranges. 秘境对于局势走向有着自我修正的机制,林逸虽然靠着超出常理的强悍实力,强行颠覆了被关羽斩杀的命运,但依旧没能完全摆脱秘境给他安排的宿命。 Since Guan Yu could not kill you, that three brave on together! 既然一个关羽杀不了你,那就三英一起上! Logically at least said that presenting this was fair. 至少从逻辑上讲,出现这一幕合情合理。 The mystical place will match trial automatically strength, just like before Lin Yi, experiences kills the mysterious boundary, the casual guard has strength of giant grand perfection rank, let alone might be considered as the Zhang San master of match for ten thousand benchmark at present. 秘境会自动匹配试炼者的实力,正如林逸之前经历的杀神秘境,随便一个守卫都有巨头大圆满级别的实力,何况是眼前堪称是万人敌标杆的张三爷。 The military force value does not calculate that outstanding Liu Bei, shows come out strength at this moment also not with Xiaoke, puts outside numerous high-end strength, that can also be highest level existence ready ready. 就连武力值不算出众的刘备,此刻展现出来实力也都非同小可,放到外面一众高端战力之中,那也妥妥算得上是最顶级的存在。 As for Zhang San ye, the military force value is not under ancient Weiyang, the crazy fierce cruel degree has even also still had it! 至于张三爷,武力值更是不在古未央之下,狂猛残暴程度甚至还犹有过之! If five breakthrough growth shackles beforehand Lin Yi, perhaps solely to his, wants difficultly extremely. 如果是五次突破生长枷锁之前的林逸,单单对上他一个,恐怕都要艰难万分。 Does not have him, fought the mysterious boundary really not to say to his all-around suppression. 无他,战神秘境对他的全方位压制真不是说说的。 Saw that ancient Weiyang holds one's ground finally, Gu (ancient) Family numerous expert simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform relaxes finally. 看到古未央总算重新稳住阵脚,古家一众高手终于齐齐松了一口气。 The dust teaches to see that to accompany to say with a smile: Has blessing of mystical place situation, additional ancient Weiyang Young Lord powerful strength, natural is in an impregnable position, our these outsiders extremely had groundless fears.” 尘训见状陪笑道:“有着秘境大势的庇佑,加上古未央少主的强大实力,天然就立于不败之地,我们这些局外人都太过杞人忧天了。” The ancient natural life looked at his one eyes, the look returned to one lightly: Perhaps.” 古天寿看他一眼,神色淡淡的回了一句:“也许吧。” The dust teaches, helpless smiles bitterly. 尘训无奈苦笑。 He fully realized that the fissure has laid down, how at this time to recover again already late, the relations between two families were impossible to return to the past. 他深知裂痕已经埋下,这个时候再怎么补救都已经晚了,两家之间的关系再也不可能回到从前。 From now on even outward is a body, but has been doomed seemingly agreed but actually at variance. 从今往后即便对外还是一体,但已经注定貌合神离了。 The day looks toward the sun this shakes the head secretly, he sees the plastic friendship between this Family, therefore did not have any hope to this two families traditional ally. 天向阳看着这一幕暗暗摇头,他就是见多了这种家族之间的塑料交情,所以才不对这两家传统盟友抱以任何希望。 If he really in a big way points at three to initiate Family to lift up the destiny of entire school, even does not need the great misfortune to approach, Jianghai Institute must fall place chicken feather. 他真要是指着三大创始家族来扛起整个学院的命运,甚至都不用大劫来临,江海学院自己就得落个一地鸡毛。 At this time in the field, with the rapid superheating of fight, the victory and defeat balance starts gradually to lean toward three brave. 此时场中,随着战斗的迅速白热化,胜负天平开始逐渐向三英倾斜。 Lin Yi of however five breakthrough growth shackles, he Titan big buddha of incarnation, as before is in the field the unapproachable powerful monster. 不过五次突破生长枷锁的林逸,他所化身的泰坦大佛,依旧是场中无可匹敌的强悍怪物。 Even if three brave collaborates, can occupy the initiative on scene, but is also very difficult to take the least bit substantive advantage on him. 哪怕三英联手,能够占据场面上的主动,可也很难在他身上占到半点实质性的便宜。 Especially by ancient Weiyang that he looks after with emphasis, frequently covers under the murderous intention, even if the situation does not dare easily to approach on own initiative, otherwise possibly died by a fist thump momentarily! 尤其是被他重点关照的古未央,时刻笼罩在杀机之下,哪怕形势主动也根本不敢轻易靠近,否则随时可能被一拳捶死! Then, his feared the hand to fear the honorific title of guanyu of foot instead to become in three brave of most water, even Liu Bei were well below, was really makes one shock. 如此一来,他这位畏手畏脚的武圣反而成了三英之中最水的一个,甚至连刘备都远远不如,实在是令人大跌眼镜。 Let alone he himself deeply feels aggrieved, numerous Gu (ancient) Family expert is awkward for him, is awkward wants to dig out the foot. 别说他自己深感憋屈,就连一众古家高手都不禁替他尴尬,尴尬得直想抠脚。 It is fortunate that these does not have the entire net live broadcast, perhaps otherwise parallel import honorific title of guanyu given name, must become the ancient Weiyang lifetime shadow. 得亏这一场没有全网直播,否则水货武圣这个名号,恐怕要成为古未央一生的阴影。 However this moment Lin Yi true attention, actually not on ancient Weiyang, but has been paying attention to this crazy fierce overbearing Zhang San master. 不过此刻林逸真正的注意力,却并不在古未央的身上,而是一直在关注着这位狂猛霸道的张三爷。 Somewhat strange. 有些古怪。 Normal, perhaps in the mystical place is trial or the indigenous, ordinary condition can also camouflage 12, but once begins, this is basic hidden continuously. 正常而言,秘境之中到底是试炼者还是土著,平常状态也许还能伪装一二,可一旦真格动起手来,这是根本隐藏不住的。 Just like he and ancient Weiyang, the fight must depend upon strength, even if the latter has honorific title of guanyu will in addition to hold, return to original state had arrived at 99%, may be able to recognize as before. 正如他和古未央,战斗都必须依靠自己本身实力,哪怕后者有着武圣意志的加持,还原度已经到了90%九,可依旧能够一眼认出。 But front Zhang Fei somewhat is strange. 但面前这个张飞却有些奇怪。 From the every gesture and motions on scene, he with Liu Bei same is mystical place without a doubt indigenous, but the intuition told Lin Yi, this person is not absolutely simple! 从场面上的一招一式来看,他跟刘备一样都是毫无疑问的秘境土著,可直觉却告诉林逸,这人绝对没有那么简单! When the fierce combat is luxurious, Lin Yi no indication suddenly came a god to extinguish cuts, the goal pointed to Zhang San master who roared to wreak havoc. 激战正酣之际,林逸毫无征兆的忽然来了一记神灭斩,目标直指咆哮肆虐的张三爷。 This unexpected, looks at close ancient Weiyang to be fearful and apprehensive. 这一记来得猝不及防,看得近在咫尺的古未央心惊肉跳。 If this falls on him, does not evade! 这要是落在他身上,根本躲不过! However sees only in Zhang Fei hand the long-handled spear to select gently, the god extinguishes cuts then like the clay ox entering the sea, the quiet dissipation in the air, a wee bit mighty waves has not stayed behind continually. 然而只见张飞手上丈八蛇矛轻轻一挑,神灭斩便如泥牛入海,悄无声息的消散于空气之中,连一丁点波澜都没有留下。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Ancient Weiyang is at the scene dumbfounded. 古未央当场目瞪口呆。 Not is only he, numerous expert that then outside the mystical place observes also detected that difference, dust Yue Geng is looks to be incredible! 不仅是他,这下秘境之外观战的一众高手也都纷纷察觉到了异样,尘岳更是面露不可置信! Can achieve just this, without a doubt inevitably is rule expert, be only the regular strength depends on the steamroll in level, can so easily reduce and solve the Lin Yi's god to extinguish cuts. 能够做到刚刚这一幕的,毫无疑问必然是规则高手,只有规则力量靠着层次上的碾压,才能如此轻易化解掉林逸的神灭斩。 But indigenous expert in mystical place, even if strength is strong, is impossible to grasp the regular strength, only if he is War God oneself! 可秘境中的土著高手,哪怕实力再强,也绝不可能掌握规则力量,除非他就是战神本人! Zhang San master naturally is not Lu Bu, naturally is not indigenous expert, is left over the reasonable explanation to only have one. 张三爷当然不是吕布,自然也不是土著高手,那么剩下合理的解释就只有一个。 He is also trial, moreover is hidden extremely deep trial! 他也是试炼者,而且是隐藏极深的试炼者! This made the dust Yue Jinghai place truly. 这才是真正令尘岳惊骇的地方。 This mystical place showdown is presided over by him single-handedly, the middle arranged several people to go, only then he and Young Lord dust taught clearly, but these, absolutely did not have Zhang Fei. 这次秘境对决由他一手主持,中间安排了几个人进去,只有他和少主尘训最清楚,而这其中,绝对没有张飞这个人。 In other words, some people can hide the truth from their mystical place control unexpectedly, slides into the mystical place secretly. 换句话说,有人竟然能瞒过他们这个秘境掌控者,偷偷溜入秘境之中。 This point, even shows come out terrifying strength compared with Lin Yi, but must make him be afraid! 这一点,甚至远比林逸展现出来的恐怖实力,还要更令他不寒而栗! Who is? 到底是谁? In the people shock is inexplicable, the day of watching critically actually acts toward the sun suddenly. 就在众人震撼莫名之时,一直冷眼旁观的天向阳却突然出手。 A great hand also has sky over the presently mystical place, the people even responded radically without enough time, then saw just also crazy fierce incomparable Zhang San ye, was pressed the bottom by a finger directly. 一只巨手随之出现在秘境上空,众人甚至都根本来不及反应,便见刚刚还狂猛无比的张三爷,直接被一根手指头摁进了地底。
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