SBPE :: Volume #16

#9853: Chapter 9853

All think very well. 一切都想得很好。 The place that is a pity is only, the reality has not gone according to the perfect script that he writes. 唯一可惜的地方在于,现实没有照着他写好的完美剧本去走。 After all who can want to obtain, his ancient Weiyang not only cannot step on Lin Yi in the under foot, instead oneself degenerated into the Lin Yi's hone! 毕竟谁能想得到,他古未央非但没能将林逸踩在脚下,反而自己沦为了林逸的磨刀石! Go for wool and come back shorn! 偷鸡不成蚀把米! Let alone this chapter whets completely the honorific title of guanyu state of mind, was greatly attacked under by this, ancient Weiyang can stand firm the state of mind not to crash has thanked heaven and earth. 这回别说将武圣心境磨砺到圆满,受此巨大打击之下,古未央能够稳住心境不崩盘就已经是谢天谢地了。 However, this has not ended. 然而,这还没有完。 This moment field Weiyang was beaten to spit blood by a fist, Lin Yi does not have the meaning that must call a halt slightly, unemotional is under the Second fist bang. 此刻场中古未央被一拳捶到吐血,林逸却没有丝毫要停手的意思,面无表情紧接着就是第二拳轰下。 Then is the Third fist, the fourth fist. 然后就是第三拳,第四拳。 Experienced this feedback to ancient Weiyang by the taste of positive/direct steamroll. 这回轮到古未央体验被正面碾压的滋味了。 Big dog guts!” “好大的狗胆!” The ancient natural life and other numerous Gu (ancient) Family expert climate eye of zi wants to crack, but was fought the mysterious boundary impediment, the opportunity that they save the scene at this time radically does not have, can only look helplessly own Young Lord degenerates into sandbag, falls into the hopeless situation step by step. 古天寿等一众古家高手顿时气得目眦欲裂,可是被战神秘境阻隔,他们此时根本就连救场的机会都没有,只能眼睁睁看着自家少主沦为沙包,一步步陷入绝境。 The complexion of dust people is also extremely ugly. 尘家众人的脸色也是极其难看。 But ancient Weiyang helps the field, if really in fighting the mysterious boundary has an accident, later between they and Gu (ancient) Family will also leave behind the unredeemable fissure surely! 古未央可是来帮场的,真要是在战神秘境中出了事,以后他们与古家之间也必定会留下不可弥补的裂痕! In the overall scheme of things, this loss may compensate a favor to be much bigger than for no reason. 从大局来看,这个损失可比平白赔出一个人情还要大得多。 After all day attitude toward the sun has clarified has stood on the side of Lin Yi, does not support his dust to join a gambling game, if this were alienated by Gu (ancient) Family again, they may thoroughly be far away from the power center. 毕竟天向阳的态度已经摆明了站在林逸一边,不支持他尘家入局,这要是再被古家疏远,他们可就彻底远离权力中心了。 This is the true gain does not equal the loss! 这才是真正的得不偿失! Has saying that ancient Weiyang this Gu (ancient) Family Young Lord has strength very much, as giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, can shoulder Lin Yi fist at this moment, said that has been possible to be proud fully. 不得不说,古未央这个古家少主还是很有实力的,身为一个巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,能够扛住林逸此刻的拳头,说出去已经足可自傲。 Naturally, is distressedly unavoidable. 当然,狼狈是难免的。 A fist gets down, spits several blood, breaks several bones, this is the minimum standard configuration. 一拳下来,吐上几口血,断上几根骨头,这都是最起码的标配。 The audience are dumbfounded. 全场目瞪口呆。 Has honorific title of guanyu will Gu (ancient) Family Young Lord , is unable to use the rule strength Lin Yi to regard the mole cricket unexpectedly to be the same, the full house is pursuing the hammer, this scene really a little indecently. 有着武圣意志的古家少主,竟被无法动用规则力量的林逸当成土狗一样,满场追着锤,这个场面着实有点不堪入目。 Not only this is the black history of ancient Weiyang, is the entire Gu (ancient) Family black history! 这不仅是古未央的黑历史,同时也是整个古家的黑历史! If only the black history , the key is even distressed is like a mole cricket, is still also not necessarily able to live. 如果只是黑历史也就罢了,关键就算狼狈得跟一条土狗一样,也都还未必能活得下来。 The situation in ancient Weiyang even more is surrounded by perils shortly, the Gu (ancient) Family people thoroughly were then anxious. 眼看着古未央的处境越发险象环生,古家众人这下彻底急了。 The ancient natural life arrives at the day toward the sun front, wear a look of bitter and astringent say/way: Cannot get down again, Lin Yi this person is extremely cruel and merciless, if my family Young Lord really has an accident, regarding the entire school will also be a tremendous blow.” 古天寿走到天向阳面前,面带苦涩道:“不能再这么下去了,林逸此人太过心狠手辣,我家少主若真是有个闪失,对于整个学院也将是一次巨大冲击。” At least in name, ancient Weiyang or wartime committee, same stands with Lin Yi in school top real power big shot. 至少名义上,古未央还是战时委员会的一员,跟林逸一样是站在学院最顶层的实权大佬 If he drops down, truly meets a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation. 他若是倒下,确实会牵一发而动全身。 The day looked at Gu (ancient) Family people one eyes toward the sun: Is willing to bet must concede, let alone this is the mystical place of dust, I am not good to overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs.” 天向阳看了古家众人一眼:“愿赌就要服输,何况这是尘家的秘境,我也不好越俎代庖。” The complexion of dust people are colorful immediately. 尘家众人的脸色顿时精彩纷呈。 Control who although his family/home fights the mysterious boundary, may fight the mysterious boundary, once opens, is not they want to stop to stop. 他家虽然是战神秘境的掌控者,可战神秘境一旦开启,也不是他们想停就能停得下来的。 The only means that are make in the mystical place person save the scene. 唯一的办法,就是让秘境里面的人去救场。 But has not arrived at present his family/home Young Lord enters the stage, once at this time forcefully saves the scene, will disrupt the original plan inevitably. 可眼下还远不到他家少主出场的时候,一旦在这个时候强行救场,势必打乱原来的计划。 The time is not right, will be very likely to affect the final victory and defeat. 时机不对,极有可能就会影响到最终的胜负。 After all this time teaches to his family/home Young Lord dust, solely is not a showdown, is he reaches strongly, eliminates the excellent stage that all parties questioned. 毕竟这次对他家少主尘训来说,绝不单单是一场对决,同时也是他强势登顶,打消各方质疑的绝佳舞台。 Let alone once this time lost, they will lose thoroughly fight the control of mysterious boundary, even if at the appointed time the Young Lord dust teaches is also living by luck, his dust will still be unable to recover henceforth. 何况这次一旦输了,他们将会彻底失去战神秘境的控制权,到时就算少主尘训侥幸还活着,他尘家也将从此一蹶不振。 Even, since then leaves the historical arena thoroughly! 甚至于,从此彻底退出历史舞台! How even among two families relates again intimately, his dust still absolutely not possible for an ancient Weiyang on gambling in all. 即便两家之间关系再怎么亲密,他尘家也绝对不可能为了一个古未央就赌上一切。 Not to mention they simply have not taught the qualifications of taking responsibility for the dust, even if really has, at this time braced oneself to comply not saying that absolutely was loyal, instead can only describe with a character. 且不说他们根本没有替尘训做主的资格,就算真的有,这个时候硬着头皮答应下来也绝对称不上讲义气,反而只能用一个字形容。 Stupid. 蠢。 The collective of dust people are silent, immediately made ancient natural life fearful. 尘家众人的集体沉默,顿时令古天寿一阵心寒。 Although said that this time helps the field is profitable, but is helping for his dust eventually, was clear stands on the side of his dust, shared a big pressure from day family/home for them, at this moment unexpectedly saw somebody in danger and did nothing, was really makes one mock. 虽然说这次帮场是有利可图,可终究是在为他尘家帮忙,也是旗帜鲜明站在了他尘家一边,替他们分担了来自天家的不小压力,事到如今居然见死不救,实在是令人齿冷。 Dust Yue brother, cultivating the behavior is sincere.” “尘岳兄,做人要厚道啊。” ancient natural life tone at this moment nearly has pleaded, Gu (ancient) Family really cannot lose ancient Weiyang, otherwise the fate will be only more pitiful than dust of being defeated. 古天寿此刻的语气已是近乎恳求,古家真的不能失去古未央,否则下场只会比落败的尘家更加凄惨。 The dust mountain is actually helpless shrugged of: ancient brother you also saw, my family Young Lord not in stream that branches and merges again water gate, real slow aid will not help in an emergency.” 尘岳却是无奈的摊了摊手:“古兄你也看到了,我家少主不在汜水关,真的远水解不了近渴啊。” „......” “……” The ancient natural life deeply looked at his one eyes, this radically is a bullshit. 古天寿深深看了他一眼,这根本就是一句屁话。 This seemingly fair words can dodge others, but how possibly to hide the truth from him, do not forget his Gu (ancient) Family also to have the honorific title of guanyu mystical place. 这种看似合情合理的话可以搪塞别人,但怎么可能瞒得过他,别忘了他古家可是也有着武圣秘境的。 As mystical place control, so long as is willing to pay the price, can arrive momentarily in any place, this is the privilege of control! 身为秘境掌控者,只要愿意付出代价,随时可以降临在任何地方,这是掌控者的特权! Status or War God that Lu Bu let alone, this moment dust teaches. 更何况,此刻尘训的身份还是战神吕布本人。 Dust mountain these words summarize are four characters. 尘岳这句话总结起来就是四个字。 Seeing somebody in danger and doing nothing. 见死不救。 The ancient natural life nods: Such being the case, that not exhausted Chen brother.” 古天寿点了点头:“既然如此,那就不劳烦陈兄了。” Then, immediately convenes numerous Gu (ancient) Family expert, the preparation rushes to the mystical place to save others behind. 说完,当即召集身后一众古家高手,准备强闯秘境救人。 To puncture the mystical place by their strength forcefully, is actually less likely, but this does not have the means of means that cannot look helplessly own was Young Lord beaten dead by Lin Yi in the mystical place while still alive? 以他们的实力想要强行打穿秘境,其实可能性不大,但这已经是没办法的办法,总不能眼睁睁看着自家少主在秘境里被林逸活活捶死吧? The dust people face was black. 尘家众人脸都黑了。 If rushed to the failure by them, once rushes successfully, how many years fights the mysterious boundary to be able the recover vitality? 若是被他们强闯失败也就罢了,一旦强闯成功,战神秘境得多少年才能恢复元气? But cannot stand come out to prevent at this time. 可这个时候又不能站出来阻止。 As long as the dust mountain at this moment stood come out saying that non- character, two families got angry absolutely at the scene, turned into enemies directly! 尘岳此刻但凡站出来说个不字,两家绝对当场翻脸,直接反目成仇! In already obviously wicked a day of family/home immediately, this consequence his dust cannot undertake. 在已经明显恶了天家的当下,这个后果他尘家着实承担不起。 Therefore even if again how discontented , can only look helplessly. 所以哪怕再怎么不满,也只能眼睁睁看着。 Strikes along with an numerous Gu (ancient) Family expert joint effort, entire fights the mysterious boundary also to vacillate loudly, a loop space ripple also scatters in all directions. 伴随着一众古家高手的合力一击,整个战神秘境随之轰然动摇,一圈圈空间波纹随之四散开来。 However has not broken open, mystical place barrier is still as stable as Mount Tai. 然而并没有破开,秘境壁障依旧稳如泰山。 The Gu (ancient) Family people look at this immediately the collection body center like the dying embers, does not arrive at the ultra top strength the level, punctures mystical place matter forcefully, to them eventually is extremely reluctantly. 古家众人看着这一幕顿时集体心如死灰,不到超顶级战力的层次,强行打穿秘境这种事情,对他们来说终究还是太过勉强。 But at this time, the Titan big buddha of Lin Yi incarnation a foot has stepped on ancient Weiyang in the sole, above the Buddha palm the golden light condenses, must just like give final fatal strikes! 而此时,林逸化身的泰坦大佛已经一脚将古未央踩在了脚底,佛掌之上金光凝聚,俨然已是要给出最后的致命一击! As one of the wartime committee five members, the status in ancient Weiyang is truly sensitive, once the body dies, Jianghai Institute that condenses with great difficulty inevitably vivid. 作为战时委员会五位成员之一,古未央的身份确实敏感,一旦身死,好不容易凝聚起来的江海学院必然又生动荡。 But Lin Yi here, this is not anything to exempt the dead gold medal, since acted recklessly to hit in his hand, should kill kills. 但在林逸这里,这根本算不上什么免死金牌,既然不知死活撞到了他的手上,该杀就杀。 You kill me actually to be instead killed by me, just. 你来杀我却被我反杀,公平合理。 As for overall perception? At this time went to his bi the overall perception! 至于大局观?这种时候去他哔的大局观! Even if day Xiangyang Station come out settles a dispute is not easy-to-use! 就算是天向阳站出来讲和都不好使! If even this murders the resolute disposition not to have, Lin Yi cannot arrive at today. 若是连这点杀伐果决的心性都没有,林逸也根本走不到今天。
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