SBPE :: Volume #16

#9852: Chapter 9852

Even depends on the resources to pile come out one forcefully, that is still only the parallel import of having externals without substance, is impossible to achieve alone king Duanshe and Sky King herd god such level of! 就算强行靠资源堆出来一个,那也只是徒有其表的水货,根本不可能达到独王断舍和天王牧神那样的层次! But as for holds the thigh to fish the chance like Lin Yi this depending on, walks dog feces to transport receives the day to lead by the hand with half th division toward the sun has today's good fortune to enter the villain, how possibly to have the aptitude? 而至于像林逸这种靠着抱大腿捞机缘,走了狗屎运受到天向阳和洛半师提携才有今天的幸进小人,怎么可能有这样的资质? Depending on his own ability, in mortal body together with alone king Duanshe and Sky King herd god shoulder to shoulder? 就凭他自己的能耐,在肉身一道跟独王断舍和天王牧神并肩? This possibility does not exist. 这种可能性根本不存在。 Two big Family drew the consistent conclusion finally, he used certainly some cheating method! 两大家族最终得出了一致结论,他一定是用了某种作弊的方法! As long as cheats, must give oneself away, in the face of the absolute strength disparity, any cheats is doomed is only unproductive, is doomed only to bring contempt upon oneself! 但凡作弊,就一定要露出马脚的时候,在绝对的实力差距面前,任何作弊都注定只是徒劳,注定只能是自取其辱! The dust Yue Hegu natural life looks at each other, looks to sneer. 尘岳和古天寿相视一眼,面露冷笑。 How receives to come to see you dead!” “接下来看你怎么死!” In this moment mystical place, Lin Yi, although caught a blade, but in the hand does not have the weapon to meet the Second blade. 此刻秘境之中,林逸虽然接住了的一刀,但手中却已没有兵器去接第二刀。 If bites the sword like this light weapon with the demon, resists broadsword such battlefield to kill forcefully greatly, especially the opposite party is also coercing the honorific title of guanyu will, that brings about own destruction ready ready. 若是用魔噬剑这样的轻型兵器,强行去对抗青龙偃月刀这样的战场大杀器,尤其对方还裹挟着武圣意志,那妥妥是自寻死路。 Therefore Lin Yi chose means of simple and crude, meets by the mortal body purely hardly. 所以林逸选择了一个更加简单粗暴的办法,纯靠肉身硬接。 Courts death!” “找死!” Saw the Lin Yi's intention, ancient Weiyang felt a speechless ridicule immediately, condensed the honorific title of guanyu will above Azure Dragon Yan moon/month also becomes more intense, was more irresistible. 看出了林逸的意图,古未央顿时感受到了一股无言的嘲弄,凝聚于青龙偃月之上的武圣意志随之变得更加强烈,更加不可阻挡。 The Second blade chops, quickly is fiercer than the First blade, is more flagitious! 第二刀劈下,远比第一刀更快更猛,同时也更加凶残! Really acts recklessly!” “真是不知死活!” Two big Family expert that an numerous observe see that sneers, can receive the First blade reluctantly is lucky, now unexpectedly also wants to reach out for a yard after taking an inch. 一众观战的两大家族高手见状纷纷冷笑,能够勉强接下第一刀就已是侥幸,如今居然还想得寸进尺。 Really thinks that the honorific title of guanyu will is fake? 真以为武圣意志是假的吗? This, even worries for Lin Yi with half th divisions day after day toward the sun. 这一回,甚至就连天向阳和洛半师都替林逸捏了一把冷汗。 At their levels, naturally can see that Lin Yi wants to do. 以他们二人的层次,自然能够看出林逸想干什么。 If this blade can smooth following, that is the advantage is naturally huge, once cannot meet, that price is also similarly huge. 这一刀如果能够顺利接下来,那自然是好处巨大,可是一旦接不下来,那代价也是同样巨大。 To put it bluntly, this blade Lin Yi in gambling. 说白了,这一刀林逸就是在赌。 Although by his strength, if pure for this showdown, actually simply does not have such adventurous necessity, even if the opposite the method that uses so many not to amount to something, he still has the absolute assurance to go out calmly fights the mysterious boundary. 虽说以他的实力,若只是单纯为了这一场对决,其实根本没有这么冒险的必要,就算对面用了这么多不上台面的手段,他也有绝对的把握从容走出战神秘境。 If this is not the case, the day he will not continue to take risk with half th division ignores toward the sun, after all Lin Yi shoulders is not he, but is the entire failing a grade fresh institute and even the entire Jianghai Institute! 若非如此,天向阳和洛半师也不会放任他继续冒险,毕竟林逸担负的不是他自己一个人,而是整个留级生院乃至整个江海学院! Before that bargained back and forth, used something as a pretext purely, helping him fish an advantage. 之前那一番讨价还价,纯粹只是借题发挥,帮他多捞一笔好处罢了。 Even but if can win steadily, Lin Yi has not actually lain down to win the final plan. 可即便能够稳赢,林逸却没有躺赢到最后的打算。 For the long term, he must, when has confidence at present bets, squeezes on complete potential as far as possible. 从长远计,他必须在眼下最有把握的时候赌一把,尽可能压榨出自己身上的全部潜能。 In presently a point, the opportunity of great misfortune are many in the future a point! 现在强上一分,未来挺过大劫的机会就多一分! Finally the Second blade falls, the blood splashes at the scene. 结果第二刀落下,血溅当场。 Although Azure Dragon Yan moon/month does not have to fall on Lin Yi directly, but its killing of bring has actually penetrated the transmission of honorific title of guanyu will, fell in torrents in full on Lin Yi's, has not wasted! 青龙偃月虽然没有直接落在林逸身上,可其带来的杀伤却已透过武圣意志的传递,全额倾泄在了林逸的身上,没有丝毫浪费! Under oppresses, blood vessel almost instantaneous complete rupturing of Lin Yi within the body, the whole person the whole body is bathed in blood immediately, became a blood person from head to foot. 压迫之下,林逸体内的血管几乎瞬间全部爆裂,整个人当即浑身浴血,从头到脚成了一个血人。 The scene is alarmed. 场面触目惊心。 Unexpectedly hasn't died?” “居然还没死?” Ancient Weiyang somewhat is slightly surprised, but under the hand | subordinate does not have the least bit to stop, is the Third blade. 古未央微微有些惊讶,不过手下却没有半点停顿,紧接着就是第三刀。 It is well known, the honorific title of guanyu is strongest lies in the first three blades. Valley 众所周知,武圣最强就在于前三刀。谷 Honorific title of guanyu will that this blade carries, compared with the sums of front two blades, but must far exceed! 这一刀所携带的武圣意志,比起前面两刀之和,还要远远超出! If like this has not died, he was Divine Immortal!” “这样要是还不死,那他就是神仙了!” Two big Family expert look at each other to smile, no matter Lin Yi does have finally to dust teaches, so long as he died in fought the mysterious boundary, he lost. 两大家族高手纷纷相视而笑,不管林逸最终有没有对上尘训,他只要死在了战神秘境,那他就是输。 Dust then can displace, recaptures should belong to their wartime committee seat! 尘家便能取而代之,夺回本就该属于他们的战时委员会席位! In fact, Lin Yi can block the front two blades by the mortal body purely, this already to big spectrum. 事实上,林逸能够纯靠肉身挡住前面两刀,这本身就已经是离大谱了。 Wanted to continue to block the might to rise suddenly directly about ten times of Third blades, only if he can break through the mystical place suppression use rule strength, otherwise simply not possibly. 想要继续挡住威力直接暴涨了将近十倍的第三刀,除非他能突破秘境压制动用规则力量,否则根本没有可能。 But Lin Yi depends on itself to break through the possibility that the mystical place suppresses purely, is zero. 林逸纯靠自己突破秘境压制的可能性,是零。 Two big Family have started to get ready to celebrate. 两大家族已经开始准备庆祝了。 Finally at this moment, the Lin Yi body does not have the start of indication to rise suddenly suddenly, in rose suddenly unexpectedly in the wink of an eye over five meters. 结果就在这时,林逸身躯忽然毫无征兆的开始暴涨,竟是在瞬息之间生生暴涨到了五米以上。 Five breakthrough growth shackles! 五次突破生长枷锁! The audience collective is dumbfounded. 全场集体目瞪口呆。 Ancient Weiyang until at this moment, responded that finally Lin Yi's real intention, the blue vein braves: „Do you take me to work as the hone unexpectedly?” 古未央直到此刻,才终于反应过来林逸的真实意图,不由青筋直冒:“你竟拿我当磨刀石?” Mortal body cultivate from oppressive, breaks through the growth shackles taking the steamroll opportunity of honorific title of guanyu will, is dangerously most perfect from oppressive! 肉身修炼都是自虐,借武圣意志的碾压契机来突破生长枷锁,何尝不是最危险最极致的自虐! What is oddest, unexpectedly was also really succeeded by him. 最离谱的是,居然还真被他成功了。 Lin Yi face sincere smiling of: Thanks.” 林逸一脸诚恳的笑了笑:“谢谢啊。” Let alone ancient Weiyang this litigant, is two big Family expert that outside secret observes is also mad to abundance spitting blood. 别说古未央这个当事人,就是秘境外观战的两大家族高手也都纷纷气到吐血。 Thanked your mother to compel!” “谢你妈逼!” Young Lord as super Family, this perhaps is the ancient Weiyang First time, when spits fragrantly, the life is certainly the large number cultivator long-awaited end point God's favored one, how could by such humiliation? 身为超级家族少主,这恐怕是古未央第一次当众口吐芬芳,一生下来就是绝大数修炼者梦寐以求的终点的天之骄子,何曾受过这样的屈辱? Under the anger stimulation of movement, ancient Weiyang this Third blade uses the full power: Dies to me!” 怒气催动之下,古未央这第三刀已是倾尽全力:“给我死!” Perhaps excuse me, this requested me unable to satisfy.” “不好意思啊,这个要求我恐怕满足不了。” Lin Yi chuckle, the body starts to rise suddenly, but these was actually the incarnation became a greeting the unprecedented gold big buddha. 林逸轻笑一声,身躯紧接着又开始暴涨,不过这一回却是化身成了一尊前所未有的金色大佛。 Five lines extremely, Titan big buddha. 五行化极,泰坦大佛。 A fist rumbles directly, the honorific title of guanyu will of ancient Weiyang was rumbled unexpectedly broken, his oneself spout a dazzling blood at the scene. 一拳正面轰出,古未央的武圣意志竟是被生生轰碎,其本人更是当场喷出一口刺目的鲜血。 Audience with amazement. 全场骇然。 The Titan big buddha of domain, its essence is super doubles to Lin Yi mortal body one time, the Lin Yi mortal body intensity is higher, it brings the increase more terrifying! 领域化形的泰坦大佛,其本质乃是对林逸肉身的一次超级加倍,林逸肉身强度越高,其带来增幅就越恐怖! The Titan big buddha at this moment, before the might compares, far more than rose dramatically ten times, hundred times is a cinch! 此刻的泰坦大佛,威力相比之前何止暴增了十倍,百倍都不在话下! The ancient natural life and other numerous Gu (ancient) Family expert, this moment complexion all gets dark. 古天寿等一众古家高手,此刻脸色全都黑了下来。 The observing atmosphere is especially dignified. 观战气氛格外凝重。 Especially initially resisted opposition, great support ancient Weiyang comes this beach turbid water the ancient natural life, at this moment hates not to derive to pull out 14,000 big mouth female genitals. 尤其是当初力排众议,大力支持古未央来趟这滩浑水的古天寿,此刻更是恨不得自抽一万四千个大嘴巴子。 Originally according to his perfect abacus, this time is to not only give a dust huge favor, meanwhile can take advantage of opportunity a baptism of white Piao war mysterious boundary. 本来按照他的完美算盘,这次不仅仅是送给尘家一个天大的人情,同时还能顺势白嫖一次战神秘境的洗礼。 What important is, ancient Weiyang can taking the opportunity that this and Lin Yi fights, completes final honorific title of guanyu state of mind wearing, advances into the boundary of giant ultimate grand perfection with the strongest stance at one fell swoop! 重要的是,古未央能够借着这次与林逸交手的契机,完成最后的武圣心境磨合,以最强姿态一举跻身巨头终极大圆满之境! This plans the most wonderful place is, his Gu (ancient) Family does not need to pay any chip, does not need to take any risk, even can also white Piaochen a family/home favor, proper answering multiple purpose. 这份算计最妙的地方在于,他古家并不需要付出任何筹码,也不需要承担任何风险,甚至还能白嫖尘家一个人情,妥妥的一举多得。 But the Lin Yi this war most important opponent is the dust Young Lord dust teaches, therefore under being in the huge disadvantage, in other person of waste too many cards in a hand, cannot only inevitably obediently, when his hone. 林逸此战最重要的对手是尘家少主尘训,故而在处于巨大劣势之下,势必不会在其他人身上浪费太多底牌,只能乖乖当他的这块磨刀石。
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