SBPE :: Volume #16

#9851: Chapter 9851

A moment later, hoofbeat that has the rhythm spreads from the opposite front door slowly. 片刻之后,一阵有节奏的马蹄声缓缓从对面大门传出。 Height nine chi (0.33 m), fine beard is two feet. 身长九尺,髯长二尺。 Surface like deep red, lip, if apply Zhi. 面如重枣,唇若涂脂。 Phoenix eye, slender arched eyebrows. 丹凤眼,卧蚕眉。 Handsome, powerful! 相貌堂堂,威风凛凛! Portable Azure Dragon Yan moon/month, although a poor green robe, was actually not covering the Hero air/Qi of that over the face! 手提青龙偃月,虽着了一件寒酸的绿袍,却丝毫不掩那满面的英雄气! Looks that person towards oneself approaches slowly, the bonus was in the Lin Yi heart has prepared, presented absent-minded of flash, this was the honorific title of guanyu who for all eternity was on everybody's lips the righteousness certainly world closes two masters! 看着来人缓缓朝自己逼近,饶是林逸心中早已有所准备,也都不禁出现了一瞬间的失神,这就是千古传诵义绝天下的武圣关二爷! However along with even recovers, this is not the true pass/test two masters, but is male with oneself this magnificence, some people are playing return to original state full level cosplay. 不过随即便回过神来,这并非真正的关二爷,不过是跟自己这个华雄一样,有人在玩一场还原度满级的cosplay罢了。 Lin Yi lifts long blade Yao Yao to point at the opposite: Comes the usual name!” 林逸抬起长刀遥遥指着对面:“来将通名!” Ancient Weiyang.” “古未央。” Opposite look one cold, immediately bustles about the crotch warhorse charge, but, has then come to Lin Yi in front in an instant, Azure Dragon Yan Yuehua the dangerous arc light has headed on together. 对面眼神一冷,当即驱驰胯下战马冲锋而至,转眼便已来至林逸面前,青龙偃月划过一道危险的弧光扑面而至。 This is not simple cutting kills, Lin Yi clearly felt the honorific title of guanyu will in this above! 这不是简单的斩杀,林逸分明在这上面感受到了武圣意志! If only an average person, even if giant ultimate grand perfection expert, acting to close two masters also only to be at most the disciple has its shape, begins to depend on own strength truly. 如果只是一般人,哪怕是巨头终极大圆满高手,扮演关二爷也顶多只能是徒有其形,真正动手还是要靠自己的实力 Front, obviously is but different! 可是面前这位,显然不一样! Ancient Weiyang, Gu (ancient) Family Young Lord , same has in the wartime committee with Lin Yi to closing the important space, but the conference was acted by the Gu (ancient) Family Elder ancient natural life before, therefore today is First time sees. 古未央,古家少主,跟林逸一样在战时委员会有着至关重要的一席之地,不过之前会议由古家长老古天寿代为出面,故而今天是第一次见。 His boundary at this moment is giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, but can be the wartime committee on behalf of Gu (ancient) Family, its strength naturally also not with Xiaoke. 他此刻的境界才是巨头大圆满后期巅峰,不过能够代表古家位列战时委员会,其实力自然也是非同小可 Even these giant ultimate grand perfection expert, he must hit spirit extremely to. 就算那些巨头终极大圆满高手,对上他也必须打起十二万分的精神。 Regardless to his Gu (ancient) Family Young Lord , is to that dust Young Lord , visiting giant ultimate grand perfection is not always the issue, so long as they want, can reach the sky in a single bound momentarily. 无论对他这位古家少主来说,还是对那位尘家少主来说,踏足巨头终极大圆满从来都不是问题,只要他们愿意,随时可以一步登天。 The issue nothing but is, what stance they want with reach. 问题无非在于,他们想要以什么样的姿态登顶罢了。 By their super background, does not reach already, once reaches inevitably is in all top strengths the strongest that wave, sufficiently with existence that emperor permits Anshan meets as an equal! 以他们的超级底蕴,不登顶则已,一旦登顶就必然是所有顶级战力之中最强的那一波,足以与帝王许安山分庭抗礼的存在! However if only this, Lin Yi will not care. 不过若只是这样,林逸都不会太放在心上。 Normal display, before these two people reach truly, can the threat that other party becomes almost be zero. 正常发挥,在这二人真正登顶之前,能够对他造成的威胁几乎为零。 Truly what he cares is the opposite party shows the come out honorific title of guanyu will at this moment! 他真正在意的是对方此刻展现出来的武圣意志! The honorific title of guanyu will, changing a view is actually the martial arts rule, just like his time space, is the highest level regular strength! 武圣意志,换个说法其实就是武道规则,跟他的时间空间一样,都是最顶级的规则力量! General giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, even if Family has the background again, is very difficult to bribe the martial arts rule, even giant ultimate grand perfection expert is very difficult such chance. 一般的巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,哪怕家族再有底蕴,也很难染指武道规则,甚至就连巨头终极大圆满高手都很难有这样的机缘。 However ancient Weiyang is different. 但是古未央不同。 Dust has the war mysterious boundary, but his Gu (ancient) Family has, is the honorific title of guanyu mystical place! 尘家有战神秘境,而他古家所拥有的,则是武圣秘境! Honorific title of guanyu will that other cultivator are unable to attain for a lifetime, his here was actually a birth on the been doomed standard configuration. 其他修炼者一辈子无法企及的武圣意志,在他这里却是一出生就已注定的标配。 Sole this point, has made him widen the qualitative disparity with other numerous so-called peerless genius, without the heaven defying chance, perhaps even if the talent compared with his stronger person, its life cannot achieve his starting line finally. 单单这一点,就已让他跟其他一众所谓的绝世天才拉开了质的差距,如果没有逆天的机缘,哪怕天赋比他更强之人,终其一生恐怕都达不到他的起跑线。 This is the super Family biggest energy. 这才是超级家族最大的底气。 Asked Li Guilai to develop Li Kui specially, dust this also really takes the trouble.” “特意找个李鬼来演李逵,尘家这回倒也真是费心了。” Feels the oppression of close honorific title of guanyu will, Lin Yi has not been avoiding, in fact cannot avoid. 感受着近在咫尺的武圣意志的压迫,林逸没有避开,事实上也根本避不开。 Let alone his presently regular strength lived by the seal, is unable to use, even if can still probably meet with the big probability hardly, without the means that this is the honorific title of guanyu will platoon surface. 别说他现在规则力量被封印住,根本无法动用,就算能用大概率也还是要硬接,没办法,这就是武圣意志的排面。 Good guts!” “好胆!” Ancient Weiyang sees Lin Yi really to dare to meet oneself this blade unexpectedly directly, reveals several points of accident/surprise, in the meantime, but also somewhat ridiculed! 古未央见林逸竟真的敢正面接自己这一刀,不由露出几分意外,同时,还有几分嘲弄! But honorific title of guanyu will steamroll. 武圣意志碾压而至。 Initially when maintains composure, when fell to the Lin Yi front, this blade carries the potential of unsurpassed wind and thunder, brings the Heaven and Earth pressure that is unable to resist, just like the gods born, suppresses all world of mortals strengths. 初时不动声色,然而等落到林逸面前之时,这一刀已经携无上风雷之势,带着根本无从抵抗的天地威压,犹如神明降世,镇压一切凡间力量。 Does not have the suspense, in the Lin Yi hand the long blade breaks directly accordingly! 毫无悬念,林逸手中长刀直接应声而断! However depends incomparably powerful mortal body strength, shouldered this blade eventually reluctantly, received the steamroll from honorific title of guanyu will with oneself mortal body forcefully! 不过仗着无比强悍的肉身力量,终究还是勉强扛住了这一刀,强行用自己肉身接下了来自武圣意志的碾压! Is paying attention to outside this mystical place numerous two big Family expert, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform the eyelid violent jumps! 关注着这一幕的秘境外一众两大家族高手,不由齐齐眼皮暴跳! Honorific title of guanyu will that is regular strength, moreover among Heaven and Earth the highest level rule, points to all martial arts sources, even if there is advantage with the same level rule expert fight naturally. 武圣意志那可是实打实的规则力量,而且还是天地间最顶级的规则,直指一切武道本源,哪怕与同级规则高手战斗都天然占据优势。 Even if limited to the giant grand perfection Late Phase peak boundary, ancient Weiyang present rule control not high, only then about 3%, but the regular strength has the steamroll of level regarding other strengths eventually. 哪怕限于巨头大圆满后期巅峰的境界,古未央眼下的规则掌控度不高,只有百分之三左右,但规则力量对于其他一切力量终究还是有着层次的碾压。 This is unable with the absolute disparity that any style levels. 这是无法用任何方式抹平的绝对差距。 But now on Lin Yi, regular strength by mystical place seal, according to normal development this blade, even if not die still must be seriously injured, must hand over half life badly. 而如今林逸身上,规则力量被秘境封印,按照正常发展这一刀就算不死也必然要身受重伤,最不济也要交出半条命。 Finally who can want to obtain, this goods depend on the pure mortal body strength unexpectedly, returns safe and sound met! 结果谁能想得到,这货居然就靠着纯粹的肉身力量,就这么毫发无伤的接了下来! Really unthinkable. 实在匪夷所思。 „Is this not possible? Is absolutely impossible!” “这不可能吧?绝对不可能!” The ancient natural life and in dust Yue heart has braved two names as if by prior agreement simultaneously. 古天寿和尘岳心中不约而同同时冒过两个名字。 Alone king Duanshe, Sky King herd god. 独王断舍,天王牧神。 If said that the Jianghai city who can receive the honorific title of guanyu will by the mortal body strength purely, belongs to this two people. 若说江海城有谁能够纯靠肉身力量接下武圣意志,非此二人莫属。 These two may be the monsters of five breakthrough growth shackles, in the mortal body on together is existence of reaching the pinnacle, taking a broad view at the entire Jianghai history is alone grade of existence. 这两位可都是五次突破生长枷锁的怪物,在肉身一道上已可谓是登峰造极的存在,放眼整个江海历史都是独一档的存在。 Can Lin Yi with their two people shoulder to shoulder? 林逸难道能与他们两人并肩? However this thought just emitted, overruled by the ancient natural life and dust mountain simultaneously. 不过这个念头刚一冒出,就被古天寿和尘岳同时否决了。 Does not have him, is extremely incredible. 无他,太过荒诞。 Mortal body cultivate with other different, other aspects have the means of various fast promotion, can depend on the peerless talent and heaven defying chance realizes the fast promotion. 肉身修炼跟其他不同,其他方面都有各种快速升级的办法,可以靠着绝世天赋和逆天机缘实现快速晋升。 Really must have the heaven defying destiny, even the regular strength can fish to 12 ahead of time. 真要有着逆天的气运,甚至就连规则力量都可以提前捞到一二。 However the only mortal body is not good. 但是唯独肉身不行。 Mortal body cultivate, any shortcut may not walk, without the gaudiness of least bit, can only be most difficult simplest style to polish with the world in step by step. 肉身修炼,从来没有任何捷径可走,没有半点的花里胡哨,只能用世上最艰苦最朴素的方式一步步打磨。 A powerful mortal body, is cultivate come out, rather suffers come out. 一个强大的肉身,与其说是修炼出来的,倒不如说是自我折磨出来的。 Each mortal body expert, is abnormal that is skilled in suffers, the average person simply does not have such willpower, without such tolerance. 每一个肉身高手,都是精通自我折磨的变态,一般人根本没有那样的意志力,更没有那样的忍耐力。 Therefore even if everyone knows that was very strong mortal body cultivate to the pinnacle, but can step onto the person of this road finally truly, very few. 故而就算所有人都知道肉身修炼到了极致很强,可最终真正能走上这条路的人,少之又少。 But can go out of the positive result to come finally, that is extremely rare. 而能够最终走出名堂来的,那更是凤毛麟角。 In the work places recognizes, this absolutely is the world's most does not have moisture content the road of cultivate! 坊间公认,这绝对是天底下最没有水分的修炼之路! Even if better than three in a big way to initiate Family like this super aristocratic family, can train the high-end strength in batches, can make rule big shot forcefully, but cannot train to arrive at pinnacle mortal body expert only truly. 即便强如三大创始家族这样的超级世家,可以批量培养出高端战力,可以强行造出规则大佬,但唯独培养不出真正能够走到极致的肉身高手
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