SBPE :: Volume #16

#9850: Chapter 9850

This must look at your dust the sincerity.” “这就要看你们尘家的诚意了。” The day look said toward the sun indifferently: „The Lin Yi's character I was clear, is not that being calculating person, so long as is not extremely odd, he should accept, the pricetag that naturally the premise you pay enough high, saves your breath otherwise.” 天向阳神色淡然道:“林逸的性格我清楚,不是那种斤斤计较之人,只要不是太过离谱,他应该都会接受,当然前提你们付出的价码得足够高,若不然还是免开尊口吧。” This......” “这……” Dust Yue sits the wax. 尘岳不由坐蜡。 Things have gotten to this point does not bleed is not good, may arrive at the Lin Yi's level, can make the thing that he settles on let his dust incomparable meat pain surely. 事已至此不出血是不行了,可到了林逸的层次,能让他看中的东西必定会让他尘家无比肉痛。 Really, the one side half th division opens the mouth to say directly: Big risk naturally must be joined to the same benefit, I think that entire fights the control of mysterious boundary to be good, believes Lin Yi will agree.” 果然,一旁洛半师直接代为开口道:“巨大的风险自然要配上同等的利益,我认为整个战神秘境的控制权就不错,相信林逸会同意的。” People collective look changes on the scene. 在场众人集体色变。 Especially dust Yue Weishou numerous dust expert, changes color with amazement. 尤其尘岳为首的一众尘家高手,更是骇然变色。 According to the beforehand agreement, this time, even if the challenge lost, although they lose greatly, but at least also retained half of control, always also calculates that maintained the super Family minimum dignity reluctantly. 照之前的约定,这次就算挑战输了,他们虽然损失巨大,但至少还保留了一半的控制权,总还算勉强维持了超级家族起码的体面。 But if illuminates this view, once lost that anything not to have. 可要是照这个说法,一旦输了那就什么都没了。 Without the strategic resources that fights mysterious boundary most important perhaps, dust must fall the super Family ranks directly, continuously for a long time hence will come fast with other two families disparities, henceforth is unable to recover. 没有了战神秘境这个最重要的战略资源,尘家恐怕直接就得跌出超级家族的行列,长此以往跟其他两家的差距更会被快速来开,从此一蹶不振。 This danger, dust cannot brave! 这个险,尘家冒不起! The dust Yue Chenzhe face overrules immediately: This is absolutely impossible!” 尘岳沉着脸当即否决:“这个绝对不可能!” The day Thonglor half th division looks at each other to say toward the sun: I have said that how to bid is your matter, but time press, if a column fragrant decided but not yet announced that I and half th division will puncture jointly fight the mysterious boundary to call back Lin Yi, the opportunity of but at the appointed time not having bid.” 天向阳同洛半师相视一眼道:“我说过了,怎么出价是你们自己的事,不过时间紧迫,要是一柱香内定不下来,我和半师会联手打穿战神秘境叫回林逸,到时可就没有出价的机会了。” Punctures fights the mysterious boundary......” “打穿战神秘境……” The dust people are the eyelid jump crazily. 尘家众人又是眼皮狂跳。 This saying said come out from others mouth, they snort contemptuously absolutely, but the day collaborates with half th division toward the sun, this also really possibly has! 这话从别人嘴里说出来,他们绝对嗤之以鼻,可是天向阳和洛半师联手,这还真不是没有可能! Fights the mysterious boundary, once were punctured by two people forcefully, did not say discards since then, that also at least wants on slow big several Ten-year even Hundred-year to have possibility recover to result, regarding dust not less than a serious attack. 神秘境一旦被二人强行打穿,不说从此废掉,那也至少要缓个大几十年甚至上百年才有可能恢复得过来,对于尘家不啻于一次沉重打击。 The key looks at day expression toward the sun, this does not seem like cracking a joke. 关键看天向阳的表情,这可一点都不像是在开玩笑。 The dust mountain does not dare to have any delaying again, hastily with placing in fighting Young Lord contact in mysterious boundary, the normal mystical place and outside world are the thorough isolation, but has dust of control obviously to have the privilege in this aspect. 尘岳不敢再有任何耽搁,连忙跟身处在战神秘境之中的少主联络,正常秘境与外界是彻底隔绝的,不过有着掌控权的尘家明显有着这方面的特权。 After listening to repeating of dust mountain, the dust in mystical place taught to fall into the long-term silence. 听完尘岳的复述后,秘境之中的尘训陷入了长时间的沉默。 In view of the huge discontented rapid fermentation of day family/home! 一股针对天家的巨大不满迅速酝酿! In his opinion, before his dust failed to be elected is the day creates difficulties toward the sun, without day that ten privilege tickets toward the sun, Lin Yi were impossible to be selected in the wartime committee. 在他看来,之前他尘家落选就已经是天向阳从中作梗,如果没有天向阳的那十张特权票,林逸根本不可能入选战时委员会。 Lin Yi in the near future momentum, although is big, but the grassroots is the grassroots, the big momentum is also only the floating clouds, the fundamental revolutions could not delimit the true influence. 林逸近期声势虽大,但草根就是草根,再大的声势也只是浮云,根本转划不了真正的影响力。 On perhaps the people mouth applauds, may really probably make them vote, is not realistic. 众人也许嘴上叫好,可真要让他们投票,根本不现实。 In this regard, Lin Yi is unable to place on a par with his dust such tradition Family by far, after all they depend does not stay the so-called momentum on mouth, but solid benefit binding! 在这方面,林逸远远无法与他尘家这样的传统家族相提并论,毕竟他们靠的可不是停留在嘴上的所谓声势,而是实实在在的利益绑定! It can be said that was the day helps Lin Yi steal away toward the sun personally should belong to the seat of his dust! 可以说,是天向阳亲手帮着林逸偷走了本该属于他尘家的席位! But presently, this three big Family facade character, not only does not help his dust snatch the seat, instead reaches out for a yard after taking an inch , helping Lin Yi hit him entire to fight the idea of mysterious boundary unexpectedly on own initiative. 现在,这位三大家族的门面人物,非但不帮着他尘家把席位抢回来,反而得寸进尺,竟然主动帮林逸打他整个战神秘境的主意。 May endure what else cannot be tolerated! 是可忍孰不可忍! However under finally, the situation compels, the dust taught or chooses lowered the head forcefully: He, since wants that to select to read to him thinks, but some lives want dead to take, that no wonder we.” 但是最终,形势所迫之下,尘训还是选择了强行低头:“他既然想要那就给他点念想,不过有命想没命拿,那就怪不得我们了。” „But if......” valley “可是万一……”谷 The dust mountain was somewhat worried: Lin Yi this person, but evil results in.” 尘岳不禁有些担心:“林逸这个人,可是邪性得很啊。” In here, without eventuality, from entering to that moment of mystical place since, he is a deceased person, don't you know?” “在我这里,没有万一,从进到秘境的那一刻起,他就已经是一个死人了,你不知道吗?” The dust teaches to sneer setting out, some side people hand over a to condense the War God will terrifying weapon immediately, in a twinkling the imposing manner is dreadful, the wind and cloud also changes color. 尘训冷笑着起身,旁边有人当即递来一柄凝聚着战神意志的恐怖兵器,霎时间气势滔天,风云随之变色。 side Tianhua halberd. 方天画戟。 This time Lin Yi knows nothing about to all these, he has not known two Boss, for he does not hesitate from falling the status, bargained back and forth personally, dug out entire to fight the control of mysterious boundary from dust. 此时的林逸对这一切茫然不知,他还不知道两位老大为了他不惜自降身份,亲自跟人讨价还价,生生从尘家嘴里抠出了整个战神秘境的控制权。 Jianghai Institute can have this great honor, unprecedented, later the big probability will not have the future. 江海学院能有这份殊荣者,前无古人,以后大概率也不会有来者了。 The day toward the sun with half th division after all is the inborn hostile position, can also obtain them to favor, originally is small probability incident. 天向阳和洛半师毕竟是天生的敌对立场,能够同时得到他们青睐,本就已经是一件小概率事件 As for letting them stands collaborates the resentment person, that is not the replicable time product, especially resentment dust this day family/home person on one's own side until now. 至于让他们站在一起联手怼人,那更是不可复制的时代产物,尤其怼的还是尘家这种一直以来的天家自己人。 If not great misfortune current, the day insane will do this matter toward the sun. 若非大劫当前,天向阳疯了才会干这种事。 However all these are not the things that Lin Yi needs to pay attention to at present. 不过这一切都不是林逸眼下需要关注的事情。 The biggest problem that his presently faces is, how to step over the following pass/test? 现在面临的最大的问题是,怎么迈过接下来的这一关? In this fights in the mysterious boundary, dies under the broadsword, the achievement closes the prestige of two masters, is the fate that his magnificence male status cannot avoid! 在这战神秘境之中,死于青龙偃月刀之下,成就关二爷的威名,就是他这个华雄身份躲不开的宿命! Especially the intuition told him, the opposite acted closed/pass two masters absolutely is not the ordinary role. 尤其直觉告诉他,对面扮演关二爷的绝对不是普通角色。 As mystical place master, to obtain maximum strength in addition holds, the dust will teach this dust Young Lord certainly to select Lu Bu personally, at least in this mystical place he can become War God that will be worthy of the reputation! 身为秘境主人,为了得到最大限度的力量加持,尘训这位尘家少主一定会亲自选取吕布,至少在这个秘境中他能成为名符其实的战神 But at the same time, other these important characters he will certainly not let off, definitely will arrange some powerful allies, ahead of time to autoplastic consumption! 而与此同时,其他的那些重要人物他也一定不会放过,必然会安排一些强力盟友,提前对自己形成消耗! After all, both sides are only the showdown of agreement in this mystical place. 毕竟,双方只是约定在这秘境之中对决。 So long as ensure the final showdown is one-to-one, said that this is fair, as for Lin Yi before seeing his dust will teach this to advocate will encounter anything, that completely will be his own matter. 只要确保最后的对决是一对一,说出去这就已经是公平了,至于林逸在见到他尘训这位正主之前会遭遇什么,那完全是他自己的事情。 If even/including Zhengzhu could not see that fell on the road directly, that was his own strength is also bad, cannot blame anybody. 要是连正主都见不到就直接倒在了路上,那也是他自己实力不济,怪不了任何人。 Is willing to bet must concede! 愿赌就得服输! This wishful thinking nature is expected in Lin Yi, he also disdains at this matter is chatty with the opposite party, has the day to stare outside with half th division in any case toward the sun, about him cannot suffer a loss. 这点小心思自然在林逸预料之中,他也不屑在这种事情上跟对方叽叽歪歪,反正有天向阳和洛半师在外面盯着,他左右都吃不了亏。 However this has a premise, he must live, he must win. 不过这有个前提,他得活着,他得赢。 A blade hacks to death Pan phoenix, the army the morale rises sharply immediately, beating a drum acoustic shock day! 一刀砍死潘凤,身后大军顿时士气大涨,擂鼓声震天! Lin Yi looks at the feudal lord allied armies big camp of distant place, narrowed the eye slightly. 林逸看着远处的诸侯联军大营,微微眯起了眼睛。 Arrived these step is illuminating the plot to walk completely, including Pan phoenix, before this pile of goods that delivers the head/number of people obviously are only the mystical place holds to read indigenous, is not his such actor. 到这一步都还是完全在照着剧情在走,包括潘凤在内,之前这一堆送人头的货色显然都只是秘境执念所化的土著,并不是他这样的扮演者。 However, then may not necessarily. 但是,接下来可就未必了。 According to the plot, in this moment feudal lord allied armies big camp should be in great confusion, Lin Yi has a thought suddenly, how if commanded the army to initiate at this time fiercely attacks to be able? 按照剧情,此刻诸侯联军大营内应该已是乱成一团,林逸忽然生出一个念头,如果这个时候率军发起猛攻会怎么样? Although the mystical place has the established situation, but is not cannot change the trend completely, otherwise then did not need to hit, waited for death directly is a spouse. 秘境虽有既定大势,可也不是就完全不能更改走向,要不然接下来根本不用打了,直接等死算逑。 Moves toward once changes, will have some strengths to modify at most. 走向一旦改变,顶多会有一些力量进行修正罢了。 However this thought also flashes to pass, thinks at most. 不过这个念头也只是一闪而逝,顶多也就想想罢了。 With opposite soldier many compared with broad feudal lord allied armies, one's own side or the disadvantage, defend a city also to rub a grinding calmly and steadily, really must attack rashly, miserably originally also dies mostly compares! 跟对面兵多将广的诸侯联军相比起来,己方还是劣势,安稳守城还能磨上一磨,真要冒然出击,多半死得比原来还惨!
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