SBPE :: Volume #16

#9849: Chapter 9849

Dust people hears word look at each other in blank dismay, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks to the dust mountain. 尘家众人闻言面面相觑,不由齐齐看向尘岳。 The Young Lord dust teaches is not, he is the Family position highest words matter person. 少主尘训不在,他就是家族地位最高的话事人。 Dust Yue Zhengse said: So long as in both sides agree in the rule, utilizing any method resources is fair, what Family resources cannot force my family Young Lord not to use, mounts the stage with Lin Yi that poor and pedantic grassroots same one person alone, did this call fairly?” 尘岳正色道:“只要在双方约定规则之内,动用任何手段资源都是公平,总不能强迫我家少主什么家族资源都不用,跟林逸那种穷酸草根一样孤身上台,这样才叫公平吧?” Nearby Gu (ancient) Family represents the ancient natural life to follow to back up: Dozens generations of Family older generations, experience countless tribulations, consumes the Family resources that countless painstaking care accumulate, insisted saying that anything cannot with call fairly, that could not truly be justified.” 一旁古家代表古天寿跟着帮腔道:“几十代家族先辈,历尽无数磨难,耗费无数心血才攒下来的家族资源,硬要说什么都不能用才叫公平,那确实说不过去了。” This saying at least logically, pours also really has no problem. 这话至少从逻辑上,倒还真没什么毛病。 In fact most has no way to make the rebuttal, is day of Xiangyang, because he can sit last today's position, depended is not his ability, but is the huge halo of entire day family/home. 事实上最没法对此作出反驳的,就是天向阳本人,因为他能坐上今天的位置,靠的也不是他个人的能力,而是整个天家的巨大光环。 The people are very difficult to betray the social class, because that is equivalent to own total repudiation. 人是很难背叛自身阶级的,因为那相当于对自己的全盘否定。 Toward serious said that once rejected this view, actually also vacillated the dominant authority of day of Xiangyang. 往严重了说,一旦推翻了这个论调,其实也就动摇了天向阳本人的统治权威。 Therefore, two big Family so will be secure. 所以,两大家族才会如此有恃无恐。 Because they are very clear, even if the day toward the sun in the surface cannot hang for a while, but will stand finally this side them. 因为他们很清楚,天向阳就算一时面上挂不住,但最终还是会站到他们这一边。 Three big initiated Family brothers, these words did not say was so simple. 三大创始家族同气连枝,这句话可不是说说这么简单的。 Finally, day toward the sun Leng Leng (coldly) looked at two people of one: What are you teaching me are fair?” 结果,天向阳冷冷的看了二人一眼:“你们在教我什么是公平?” „......” “……” Dust Yue Hegu natural life immediately at heart simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform thump. 尘岳和古天寿顿时心里齐齐一个咯噔。 Day this response came as a surprise to their toward the sun completely, in their cognition, this day family/home Sir, although will have conduct eccentric and unreasonable side occasionally, but that type is not the mood hangs the no city mansion person on face absolutely. 天向阳这个反应完全出乎了他们的预料,在他们认知当中,这位天家大爷虽然偶尔会有行事乖张的一面,但绝对那种不是情绪挂在脸上的毫无城府之人。 In front of audience so many people, especially the bystander of half th division such hostile position, emits such a to call somebody to account directly, what with get angry to distinguish in the presence of everyone? 当着全场这么多人的面,尤其还有洛半师这么个敌对立场的外人,直接冒出这么一句叱问,跟当众翻脸有什么区别? The dust mountain clenches teeth: „ You misunderstood, we absolutely do not have to offend your meaning slightly, we want to explain a matter, this showdown is still fair. 尘岳咬了咬牙:“您误会了,我们绝对没有丝毫要冒犯您的意思,我们只是想要说明一件事,这场对决依旧是公平的。 At least, after is not certain human affairs, loses excuse that did not acknowledge mistakes. ” 至少,不是某些人事后输了不认账的借口。” Other dust people also realized the gravity of issue, atmosphere do not dare to breathe previous. 其余尘家众人也意识到了问题的严重性,一个个大气都不敢喘上一口。 Today if really thorough wicked day of Xiangyang, even if even if their family/home Young Lord smiled finally, achieved wishes to challenge successfully to sit the most top layer seat of wartime committee, that still as before was the gain does not equal the loss. 今天真要是彻底恶了天向阳,哪怕就算他们家少主笑到了最后,如愿挑战成功坐上了战时委员会的最顶层席位,那也依旧是得不偿失。 If said that in the world who most understood the terrifying of day of family/home, belongs to dust and Gu (ancient) Family this two families initiates Family. 若说天底下谁最了解天家的恐怖,非尘家和古家两家创始家族莫属。 The lots, the bystander does not see clearly, only has their these to contact with the closest person, has the opportunity to glimpse towering. 很多东西,外人是根本看不清楚的,唯有他们这些联系最紧密的人,才有机会瞥见一线峥嵘。 However, when everyone thinks the day will continue to manifest suddenly toward the sun, this day family/home Sir actually cease all activities suddenly, instead turned the head to look to half th division. 然而,就在所有人都以为天向阳会继续发作的时候,这位天家大爷却忽然偃旗息鼓,反而转头看向了洛半师。 „Does half th division, how you see?” “半师,你怎么看?” Half th division smiles: Fair of really mother.” 洛半师笑了笑:“真特娘的公平。” People collective speechless, on half th division given name of the world , although is because he is good at directing cultivate to come, but also is to commending of wind of he good-natured tolerant elder. 众人集体哑然,洛半师身上天下师的名号虽然是因为他善于指点修炼而来,但同时也是对他温厚宽容的长者之风的褒扬。 This point, even if they have to acknowledge as the hostile position. 这一点,哪怕他们身为敌对立场也不得不承认。 But now such a upright elder unexpectedly blew out the swearing in the presence of everyone, obviously already anger to what degree. 可如今这么一位忠厚长者的居然当众爆出了粗口,可见已经愤怒到了什么程度。 But what is more shocking, the day sought information his attitude at this kind of time toward the sun unexpectedly on own initiative, only this matter, falling truly in the having a mind person eyes is being meaningful. 而更令人震惊的是,天向阳竟在这种时候主动征询他的态度,单是这件事本身,落在真正的有心人眼里就已是意味深长了。 Seal regular strength, aimed by the entire mystical place situation, reviews opposite actually various types to open hangs, even one group of powerful foreign aids.” “封印规则力量,被整个秘境大势针对,反观对面却各种开挂,甚至还有一帮强力外援。” Half th division is smiling shrugged of: Traded to be me possibly to admit defeat directly, this had no way to hit.” 洛半师微笑着摊了摊手:“换做我可能就直接认输了,这根本没法打。” Audience speechless. 全场哑然 Can make an ultra top strength say these words personally , indicating both sides situation contrast in this moment mystical place already the imbalance to what situation, anything was the authority recognized, this was authority really recognized! 能让一个超顶级战力亲口说出这句话,足见此刻秘境之中的双方处境对比已经失衡到了什么地步,什么是权威认定,这就是实打实的权威认定! So long as half th division these words pass on, outside person does not need to see the mystical place to project, enough has made the judgment. 只要洛半师这句话传出去,外面的人根本都不需要看到秘境投影,就已经足够做出判断了。 When the time comes once Lin Yi is defeated, the school public opinion will turn into what appearance, does not dare to imagine to dust! 到时候一旦林逸落败,学院舆论会变成什么样子,对尘家而言根本不敢想象! Especially failing a grade fresh institute that group of draft animals, once makes no one to repress radically. 尤其是留级生院那帮牲口,一旦闹起来根本没人能够弹压。 All pressures, will fall on the head of dust finally! 所有的压力,最终都会落在尘家的头上! Dust admittedly is the background is deep, but must say that by independent strength resistance entire failing a grade fresh institute, that also radically is dream of a fool, dies does not know how dead. 尘家固然是底蕴深厚,可要说以单独一家之力对抗整个留级生院,那也根本是痴人说梦,死都不知道怎么死的。 „Does presently also feel fair?” 现在还觉得公平吗?” The day looks at the dust people toward the sun lightly: If you also persist in believing, I will not say anything again, after all, in your mouth fair is very reasonable.” 天向阳淡淡看着尘家众人:“如果你们还坚持这么认为,那我也不会再说什么,毕竟,你们口中的这份公平确实很有道理。” Then, the complexion of dust people thoroughly changed. 这下,尘家众人的脸色彻底变了。 Once the day really stands by toward the sun, the pressure of ignores failing a grade fresh institute and even entire Jianghai Institute counter-attacks on them, does not need to suspect, ready ready is the fate of meeting a cruel death. 一旦天向阳真的袖手旁观,放任留级生院乃至整个江海学院的压力反扑到他们身上,不用怀疑,妥妥是粉身碎骨的下场。 This point actually looks at come out from the attitude of ancient natural life. 这一点其实从古天寿的态度就看得出来 From started a moment ago, the hardcore ally as his dust, even must withstand Gu (ancient) Family to a certain extent jointly from day family/home pressure, at this moment has stood in one side silently does not speak. 从刚才开始,身为他尘家的铁杆盟友,某种程度上甚至要联手顶住来自天家压力的古家,此刻已经默默站在一旁不吭声了。 The dust mountain all over the body lives instantaneously coldly. 尘岳瞬间遍体生寒。 He underestimated by far day vicious toward the sun, he thinks that the day with him will debate toward the sun anything is fair, according to his estimate, so long as entered to that his dust has been in an impregnable position naturally. 他还是远远低估了天向阳的老辣,他以为天向阳会跟他辩论到底什么是公平,按照他的预想,只要进入到那一层他尘家就已经天然立于不败之地了。 Even if the day attitude is toward the sun more radical, influence final outcome, the opponent who because the day needs to debate at the appointed time toward the sun truly is not their dust, but as he himself of traditional Family facade character. 哪怕天向阳态度再激进一些,也影响不了最终结果,因为到时天向阳真正需要辩论的对手不是他们尘家,而是作为传统家族门面人物的他自己。 However, dust Yue thinks were many. 然而,尘岳想多了。 The day does not play this set with him toward the sun from the start. 天向阳压根就不跟他玩这一套。 discuss Jing? Debated your mother's! 辩经?辩你妈的经! As Jianghai Institute leader, does not waste the argument who he must do, but is open and aboveboard comes the steamroll with the situation directly you! 身为江海学院领头人,他要做的根本不是跟人浪费口舌,而是堂堂正正直接用大势来碾压你! You thought that own this set of fair logic is very invincible? 你觉得自己这套公平逻辑很无敌? That line, that has a look at your set of logic to convince the situation in entire Jianghai Institute, can convince even your ox Bi, if cannot convince itself that to receive. 那行,那就看看你的这套逻辑能不能说服整个江海学院的大势吧,能说服就算你牛哔,要是说服不了那就自己受着。 As for can unable to withstand, that looked at your own good fortune. 至于能不能承受得住,那就看你自己的造化了。 The dust people until realize a matter at this moment finally, by them was neglected in the past, but actually extremely important matter. 尘家众人直到此刻才终于意识到一件事,一件以往被他们自己忽略但却极其重要的事。 That is, three in name treating as an equal big initiate Family, actually is not existence of level. 那就是,名义上平起平坐的三大创始家族,其实从来都不是一个层次的存在。 The dust mountain cold sweat is dripping, intertwined hesitant for a long time, finally the astringent sound said: That depends on the day family/home Sir's meaning, what to do should this showdown?” 尘岳冷汗淋漓,犹豫纠结了许久,最终涩声道:“那依天家大爷的意思,这场对决应该怎么办?” The arrow to the string, has wanted then to be again without enough time. 箭已离弦,再想回头已是来不及了。 Fighting the mysterious boundary, although is his dust controls, but after all is not the back garden that can pass in and out at will, the mystical place starts one time, not only needs to consume the large amounts of resources, follows a long cooling-off period. 神秘境虽然是他尘家掌控,可毕竟不是随意就能进出的后花园,秘境启动一次,不仅需要消耗大量的资源,同时也会伴随着一个漫长的冷却期。 This time must be the temporary interrupt, that next opening, but after obtains Ten-year . 这一次要是临时中断,那下一次开启,可就得到十年之后了。 But their dust in a short time, was impossible to find compared with this more ideal home game, really wanted , after Ten-year, the day lily was early cool. 而他们尘家短时间内,根本不可能找到比这更理想的主场,真要等到十年之后,黄花菜早都凉了。 Without the home advantage, dust Young Lord strength is even strong, goes with the Lin Yi showdown? 要是没有主场优势,尘家少主就算实力再强,拿头去跟林逸对决?
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