SBPE :: Volume #16

#9848: Chapter 9848

When Lin Yi arrives at the dust station, not only a dust facade strength whole staff arrives in full, meanwhile has Gu (ancient) Family numerous expert. 林逸来到尘家驻地时,不仅尘家一众门面战力全员到齐,同时还有古家的一众高手 Grand of battle formation, somewhat is very scary. 阵势之隆重,很是有些骇人。 If not for the day toward the sun, half th division and permits Anshan also present, threatens to eat the stance of person by this group of people, the Lin Yi serious suspicion can come one not to speak Wu De's encirclement to kill. 若不是天向阳、洛半师和许安山也在场,以这帮人气势汹汹一副要吃人的姿态,林逸严重怀疑会不会来一出不讲武德的围杀。 This did not say things just to frighten people, was likely this background deep super Family, more cannot overestimate their moral integrity. 这可不是危言耸听,越是像这种底蕴深厚的超级家族,越是不能高估它们的节操。 However, had not actually seen this showdown is advocating, the dust Young Lord dust in that Legend teaches. 不过,却是没见到本次对决的正主,那位传说中的尘家少主尘训。 The dust mountain acts to say on behalf of dust: Since came, that enters the stadium.” 尘岳代表尘家出面道:“既然来了,那就入场吧。” Then, then the mysterious strengths from mystical place binds Lin Yi, immediately in the wink of an eye, the Lin Yi whole person then disappears directly does not see. 说完,便有一股来自秘境的玄妙力量将林逸裹住,随即瞬息之间,林逸整个人便直接消失不见。 When opens eyes again, person in fighting the mysterious boundary. 等到再次睁眼的时候,人已经在战神秘境之中。 Before having experienced, kills the baptism of mysterious boundary, Lin Yi is actually not strange to this feeling, had then adapted to the environment in a flash. 经历过之前杀神秘境的洗礼,林逸对这种感觉倒是并不陌生,转瞬便已适应了周围环境。 Is the status acts?” “又是身份扮演?” Lin Yi looked down dressing up of own mail-armor and helmet, evidently unexpectedly was a brave general brother. 林逸低头看了看自己一身甲胄的装扮,看样子竟还是一位猛将兄。 The status information that however when the mystical place instills into wells up, the Lin Yi expression immediately became a little strange. 不过等到秘境灌输的身份信息涌上来,林逸表情顿时就变得有点古怪了。 magnificence hero. 华雄。 The status that he acts at this moment unexpectedly is magnificence hero, in that Romance of the Three Kingdoms was closed the unlucky ghost who two masters warm up wine to cut to kill, this is in the strict sense closes First of two masters time to present shockingly, gives to pull out the faces of various group of feudal lords is swollen. 他此刻扮演的身份居然是华雄,那个三国演义中被关二爷温酒斩杀的倒霉鬼,这可是严格意义上关二爷的第一次惊艳亮相,生生把各路诸侯的脸都给抽肿了。 On hitting the face, this is the true expert. 论打脸,这位才是真正的行家。 Meanwhile, in the Lin Yi mind braves come out task is, assistance Dong Zhuo repels various group of feudal lords. 与此同时,林逸脑海中冒出来任务则是,协助董卓击退各路诸侯。 And most important conditions, Dong Zhuo cannot die. 其中一个最重要条件,董卓不能死。 So-called War God unexpectedly is Lu Bu.” “所谓的战神原来竟是吕布。” Lin Yi until at this moment finally suddenly, killing the mysterious boundary is holds to read, but this war mysterious boundary that the deicide is white, obviously is also in that person Lu Bu holds to read. 林逸直到此刻才终于恍然,杀神秘境是杀神白起的执念所化,而这个战神秘境,显然也就是那位人中吕布的执念所化。 It seems like these mystical place prototypes are not the real historical figures, but after was deified historical figure.” “看来这些秘境原型并非是真实历史人物,而是被神化之后的历史人物。” This point Lin Yi previous time when killing the mysterious boundary had suspected. 这一点林逸上次在杀神秘境之中时就有所怀疑。 Although that overall trend, truly punctures the historical story of King Qin to walk according to Jing Ke, but many details obviously are not a real history, but has the nature of some type of deified historical novel. 虽然那次整体走向,确实是照着荆轲刺秦王的历史典故在走,但其中很多细节显然并非真实历史,而是带着某种神化演义的性质。 Actually thinks also to know, if is really one real is white, how possibly only to depend on one to hold to read gives birth to a mystical place? 其实想想也知道,若真是一个真实的白起,怎么可能仅凭一个执念就生出一片秘境? Only after having by the later generation deifies the deicide, will have such ability. 唯有被后世神化之后的杀神,才会有这样的能力 At present this stretch of war mysterious boundary is also likewise. 眼前这片战神秘境也是同理。 Recalls the vein trend in historical novel, Lin Yi was actually inexplicable somewhat to rouse, the three-country sandy plains, that was the innumerable sons harbors intentions general sacred place was. 回想起演义中的脉络走向,林逸倒是莫名有些着振奋了起来,三国沙场,那可是无数男儿心心念念圣地一般的所在啊。 However, remembers oneself status at this moment, Lin Yi shakes the head: This is the so-called super Family pattern.” 不过,想起自己此刻的身份,林逸不由摇头:“这就是所谓超级家族的格局啊。” He was arranged Hua's male status, obviously is not the mystical place random distribution, but is the writing skill of dust. 他被安排成华雄的身份,显然不是秘境随机分配,而是尘家的手笔。 As fighting exclusive control of mysterious boundary, this is the jurisdiction that dust is in sole possession. 作为战神秘境的独家掌控者,这是尘家独有的权限。 Previous the experience that kills the mysterious boundary had shown, development in mystical place, during unceasing will rectify closes up toward the original path, in other words, this will be the situation in this side mystical place. 上次杀神秘境的经历就已经证明,秘境之中的事态发展,会在不断矫正之中朝着原来的轨迹靠拢,换句话说,这就是这方秘境之中的大势。 A person, is unable to contend with the situation. 一个人,是无法跟大势抗衡的。 Even if this is not true lord World, but is only a side mystical place that Lu Bu zhi read transforms, stood in its opposite is still very difficult, because Lin Yi then must resist solely was not that dust Young Lord , but from entire fought the oppression of mysterious boundary! 即便这不是真正的主世界,而只是吕布执念幻化的一方秘境,站在它的对立面也是很难,因为林逸接下来要对抗的不单单是那位尘家少主,而是来自整个战神秘境的压迫! In fact, he has felt from fighting the suppression of mysterious boundary at this time, the most obvious limit is, his regular strength had more than enough. 事实上,他此时就已经感受到了来自战神秘境的压制,一个最显而易见的限制便是,他的规则力量用不了了。 Lin Yi can advance into the top strength, even dominates a key above numerous top strength, lay in he grasped the time and space two big top regular strengths. 林逸能够跻身于顶级战力,甚至凌驾于一众顶级战力之上的关键,就在于他掌握了时间和空间两大顶级规则力量。 Now the regular strength by the seal, is not said exaggeratingly, his strength directly by seal over 70%! 如今规则力量被封印,毫不夸张的说,他的实力直接被封印了七成以上! But reviews the opposite party, as master who fights the mysterious boundary, will obviously not have such severe limit. 而反观对方,身为战神秘境的主人,显然不会有这样严苛的限制。 Under is in inverse proportion, the potential of both sides strong and weak reverses sufficiently instantaneously . Moreover the disparity will be enlarged infinitely! 此消彼长之下,双方强弱之势足以瞬间逆转,而且差距会被无限拉大! Although in name is giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, especially control but who opposite that dust Young Lord , fights the mysterious boundary, if said that a rule has not grasped, that is impossible. 虽然名义上是巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,但对面那位尘家少主,尤其还是战神秘境的掌控者,若说一点规则都没掌握,那根本不可能。 Rule big shot facing the ordinary expert steamroll level advantage, that is everyone is obvious to all! 规则大佬面对普通高手的碾压级优势,那可是所有人都有目共睹的! This has not calculated. 这还不算。 Lin Yi the biggest threat from the situation in mystical place, don't forget, how magnificence hero dies at present. 林逸眼下最大的威胁是来自于秘境的大势,别忘了,华雄是怎么死的。 Sure enough, without he digests well, has pro- soldier to report: General, before the pass/test, assembled large numbers of clever army, before battle of words!” 果不其然,没等他好好消化一下,就有亲兵禀报:“将军,关前围聚了大批贼军,正在阵前骂战!” „......” “……” Lin Yi went out looked at an area just outside the city gate, then saw the stream that branches and merges again water gate three large characters impressively. 林逸出门看了一眼城关,赫然便见汜水关三个大字。 Ten Chinese red army soldier feudal lords ask for Dong Zhuo, stream that branches and merges again water gate, but closes two masters the place of becoming famous! 十八路诸侯讨董卓,汜水关,可是关二爷的成名之地啊! Shameless.” “无耻。” At this moment forgives sits in dust half th division who observes by the mystical place projection, changed the complexion. 此刻饶是坐在尘家透过秘境投影观战的洛半师,也都不禁变了脸色。 Arrived his level, rarely has the matter to make him have the mood to fluctuate, but the approach of dust successfully brought back his anger as before. 到了他这个层次,已经很少有事情能够令他出现情绪波动了,但尘家的这番做法依旧成功勾起了他的怒火。 Not is only he, toward the sun also the complexion is day after day cloudy: Dust Elder, is this fair showdown that you guarantee?” 不仅是他,连天向阳也都脸色阴沉:“尘长老,这就是你保证的公平对决?” Who this solely is not wins the issue that who loses, is relating the seat of wartime committee, is relating the stability in entire Jianghai Institute! 这可不单单是谁赢谁输的问题,关系着战时委员会的席位,就是关系着整个江海学院的稳定大局! If the true fair showdown, regardless of which side lost did not have the words saying that naturally had no issue. 如果是真正的公平对决,无论哪一方输了都没有话说,那自然没什么问题。 But if resorted to the dirty method, subverted the normal victory and defeat trend forcefully, that may be big on the issue. 可要是动用了脏手段,强行颠覆了正常的胜负走向,那可就问题大了。 If nothing else, is only the failing a grade fresh institute on the having no way obedience! 别的不说,光是留级生院这边就没法服众! But originally the seal failing a grade in a state of disunity lives the institute to have today this meteorology, the forest certainly absolutely is eminent, the day also admires greatly toward the sun, therefore the Lin Yi component in his mind is being extremely heavy. 原本封闭而一盘散沙的留级生院能有今天这份气象,林绝绝对是居功至伟,天向阳对此也是激赏,也正因此林逸在他心目中的份量已是极重。 Did not say exaggeratingly, not under in his day guardian big permits Anshan of! 毫不夸张的说,不下于在他天家长大的许安山! permits Anshan now admittedly is also a side feudal lord character, can blow the scientific theory meeting of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, to the present general situation truly is also a not to be underestimated big merit. 许安山如今固然也是一方诸侯般的人物,能够镇住藏龙卧虎的学理会,对眼下大局而言确实也是一桩不容小觑的大功劳。 But has no way to compare with Lin Yi. 可还是跟林逸没法比。 Although the scientific theory is not the traditional forces range of day of family/home, but until now, the day family/home has the enormous influence. 学理会虽然不是天家的传统势力范围,但一直以来,天家还是有着巨大影响力的。 Without his permits Anshan Station come out, the day big probability can also level the scientific theory meeting toward the sun, nothing but are many some twists and turns. 哪怕没有他许安山站出来,天向阳大概率也能摆平学理会,无非就是多些波折罢了。 However the failing a grade fresh institute is different. 但是留级生院不一样。 Without Lin Yi, even if the day family/home wants to take the failing a grade fresh institute is not matter in one single day, by that time, the school summit meeting day will lack an corner/horn inevitably, the so-called school consolidation naturally must sell at a discount greatly. 若是没有林逸,就算天家想要拿下留级生院也不是一朝一夕的事情,到那个时候,学院峰会势必天缺一角,所谓的学院整合自然也就要大打折扣。 Dust this approach, is no different is skidding the foundation of entire wartime committee! 尘家这个做法,无异于在撬整个战时委员会的根基!
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