SBPE :: Volume #16

#9847: Chapter 9847

The people actually listen to come out. 众人却是听出来 Half th division and Lin Yi this is one sings white face one to sing the red painted-face, suppresses must let the dust massive hemorrhage. 洛半师和林逸这是一个唱白脸一个唱红脸,憋着要让尘家大出血呢。 Dust Yue Qiangren by the presence of everyone shame of ridicule, cold -ly snorted and said: What is enough chip?” 尘岳强忍着被当众嘲弄的耻辱,冷哼道:“什么叫足够的筹码?” Half th division smiles: Must let be satisfied by Challenger is good, otherwise for no reason, why do others want to take risk for no reason?” 洛半师笑了笑:“总得让被挑战者满意才行吧,要不然平白无故的,人家为什么要冒这个险?” Dust Yue turned the head to look at day toward the sun one, sees meaning that the latter look has not opened the mouth indifferently, obviously tacitly consented. 尘岳不由转头看了天向阳一眼,见后者神色淡然没有开口的意思,显然是默许了。 What do you want?” “你想要什么?” Lin Yi hears word shakes the head: You should say that your dust can me anything, this is not vegetable/dish marketplace does grocery shopping, if you save the thoughts of bargaining to save your breath to consider as finished, I do not have that mood.” 林逸闻言摇了摇头:“你应该说你尘家能给我什么,这不是菜市场买菜,你要是存着讨价还价的心思就免开尊口算了,我没那个心情。” „......” “……” The dust mountain hesitant moment, arrived at the ringside and Family relates to discuss, returned to the appearance finally the sinking sound said: So long as you comply to accept the challenge, my dust can you qualifications, enter fights the qualifications of mysterious boundary!” 尘岳犹豫片刻,走到场边与家族联系讨论了一番,最终回到场中沉声道:“只要你答应接受挑战,我尘家可以给你一个资格,一个进入战神秘境的资格!” The audience in an uproar. 全场哗然。 The school three big initiate the depth of Family background, others are unable to imagine, but on behalf of background most important one thing, is the mystical place. 学院三大创始家族底蕴之深,旁人根本无法想象,而代表底蕴最重要的一样东西,就是秘境。 It is not the ordinary independent mystical place, but has the rule inheritance ancient mystical place, so long as anybody enters completes trial, can certainly gain the great benefit, such as killer exclusive kills the mysterious boundary, such as wind mysterious boundary of refined appearance Shen. 不是普通的独立秘境,而是有着规则传承的古老秘境,任何人只要进入其中完成试炼,就一定能获得巨大好处,如杀手专属的杀神秘境,又如风神沈家的风神秘境。 Three big initiate Family each one to have such mystical place . Moreover the control is much stronger than refined appearance Shen that type, to a certain extent, even may calculate their Family exclusive independent mystical place. 三大创始家族各自都有这样的秘境,而且控制权远比风神沈家那种要强得多,某种程度上,甚至可算他们家族专属的独立秘境。 They not only can the training high-end strength, be able to guarantee that in batches generations have the top strength, even again bad, the light sells several quota qualifications to earn regularly full. 他们不仅可以批量培养高端战力,更能保证代代都有顶级战力,就算再不济,光是定期卖几个名额资格都能赚得盆满钵满。 This is the super Family true background. 这才是超级家族真正的底蕴。 Finally Lin Yi actually shakes the head: Insufficiently.” 结果林逸却是摇头:“不够。” Dust Yue has food stuck in the throat at the scene. 尘岳当场噎住。 Finally the ancient natural life acts saying: Mystical place qualifications trade challenge qualifications, just, Your Excellency extremely do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch.” 最终还是古天寿出面道:“一个秘境资格换一个挑战资格,公平合理,阁下不要太过得寸进尺了。” The people nod in abundance. 众人纷纷点头。 Fights the mysterious boundary even to their these top strengths, that is still the extremely precious chance, let alone Lin Yi now the boundary is only giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak, so long as goes in trial, benefits greatly inevitably. 神秘境即便对他们这些顶级战力来说,那也是极其珍贵的机缘,何况林逸如今境界才只是巨头大圆满中期巅峰,只要进去试炼一回,必然受益匪浅。 Qualifications trade qualifications, at least since the common sense judged, is quite sincere conditions. 一个资格换一个资格,至少从常理判断,已算是相当诚恳的条件了。 After all Lin Yi does not give away the seat of wartime committee directly, but challenges own opportunity to dust one. 毕竟林逸也不是直接让出战时委员会的席位,而只是给尘家一个挑战自己的机会罢了。 Lin Yi said lightly: I said that I am not do business, fair is reasonable that is your matter, is not my matter, my only does concern have the thing that I want, that is all.” 林逸淡淡道:“我说了,我不是来做生意的,公不公平合不合理那是你们的事情,不是我的事情,我只关心有没有我想要的东西,仅此而已。” The tyrants backed up in the one side: What transaction wants is your sentiment I hopes, if we do not want, you again how just, does the truth that also has not bought and sold by using compulsion, understand?” 暴君在一旁帮腔道:“交易要的是一个你情我愿,我们若是不想要,你再怎么公平合理,也没有强买强卖的道理,懂吗?” The people are speechless. 众人无语。 The dust mountain cannot bear say: According to Your Excellency said that how many chips regardless of we give, Lin Yi was acts shamelessly one to bite to death did not want, did that challenge rule exist in name only?” 尘岳忍不住道:“照阁下这么说,无论我们给出多少筹码,林逸就是耍赖一口咬死了不要,那挑战规则岂不是形同虚设?” The tyrants looked that retard same visits him: You cannot give the thing that others want, that is your waste, whom can result to come strangely?” 暴君看白痴一样看着他:“你们给不出别人想要的东西,那是你们自己废物,能怪得了谁来?” The audience are dumbfounded. 全场哑口无言。 Those who most make the dust mountain spit blood, then thinks the opposite party to be unexpectedly more reasonable, after all the so-called challenge rule is only he raises come out, has not truly obtained the day toward the sun and agreeing of entire wartime committee! 最让尘岳吐血的是,回头想了想居然还是对方更有道理,毕竟所谓的挑战规则只是他提出来的,并没有真正得到天向阳和整个战时委员会的首肯! From beginning to end, he is that bed sheet plays jokes upon. 从头到尾,他就是被单方面戏耍的那一个。 Is good is always good because of the Lin Yi heart, does not endure to see that such old man exploded with rage while still alive, opens the mouth to say with good intention: „To challenge me, Ok, the junction goes to battle with the control of mysterious boundary.” Valley 好在林逸心地一向善良,不忍看到这么个老头被活活气炸,好心开口道:“想来挑战我,可以,交出战神秘境的控制权。”谷 „......” “……” Everyone thought instantaneously this goods simply is a devil! 所有人瞬间都觉得这货简直就是个魔鬼! Dust Yue Geng was shaken the words to say not come out at the scene, he lived was so long, sees has wanted to have a lion's share, but has not really seen has dared to have a lion's share! 尘岳更是被当场震得话都说不出来,他活了这么久,见过狮子大开口的,但还真没见过敢这么狮子大开口的! Fights the control of mysterious boundary? You know that what you are saying?” “战神秘境的控制权?你知道自己在说什么吗?” On the old man face wrote all over inconceivable. 老头脸上写满了不可思议。 Lin Yi nods: „ I was very clear I to say anything, therefore your dust, if also wants to challenge me to enter the wartime committee, might as well serious and earnest discussed well. 林逸点点头:“我很清楚我在说什么,所以你们尘家要是还想挑战我进战时委员会的话,不妨严肃认真的好好讨论一下。 Naturally, the tree moves the deceased person to move lives, if you trade the challenge goal, will the price that they open be perhaps lower? ” 当然,树挪死人挪活,你们要是换个挑战目标,他们开的价也许会更低一点?” The people look as if by prior agreement to the ancient natural life. 众人不约而同看向古天寿。 The day toward the sun, half th division type needless saying that even if gives for nothing your 100 challenge opportunities is still useless. 天向阳、洛半师这种自不必说,就算白给你一百次挑战机会也没用。 As for permits Anshan, although at present is also not the ultra top strength, but this person absolutely is in the top strength emperor general existence, if dust some people can be victorious he, that does not need to intertwine the wartime committee. 至于许安山,虽然目前还不是超顶级战力,但这人绝对是顶级战力中皇帝一般的存在,尘家要是有人能打得过他,那也就根本无需纠结有没有进战时委员会了。 So long as absolute strength is placed there, no one dares to neglect you. 只要绝对实力摆在那里,谁都不敢忽视你。 Remaining has the goal that the opportunity challenges only, only remained in a big way with for three initiates Family Gu (ancient) Family, among two families well-matched, was the Patriarch losing contact Young Lord authorities, really must come a challenge, the big probability was the same. 剩下唯一有机会挑战的目标,就只剩同为三大创始家族古家了,两家之间旗鼓相当,都是家主失联少主当道,真要来一场挑战,大概率是半斤八两。 Became dark this feedback to the ancient natural life complexion. 这回轮到古天寿脸色发黑了。 Really must trade to make his Gu (ancient) Family, admittedly also covets fights the mysterious boundary, may have no way to compare with the seat of wartime committee, after all the former is only the potential chance and wealth, but the latter is actually the solid top power! 真要换做他古家,固然也觊觎战神秘境,可跟战时委员会的席位还是根本没法比,毕竟前者只是潜在的机缘和财富,而后者却是实实在在的顶层权力! Trades to make the ordinary time, both who tall who/what is low is not perhaps good to analyze, but at present this crucial point, without a doubt obviously is solid power important. 换做平常时候,两者孰高孰低也许还不好判断,但眼下这种节骨眼,毫无疑问显然是实实在在的大权更加重要 After all good chance, many wealth, must have the life to take is good. 毕竟再好的机缘,再多的财富,也得有命拿才行。 Sees the ancient natural life low eyebrow not to speak, dust Yue is fearful immediately. 见古天寿低眉不语,尘岳顿时心寒。 However this also made him strengthen determination that captured the wartime committee seat, once to the critical moment, who were unreliable, all can only depend on itself! 不过这也令他更加坚定了夺取战时委员会席位的决心,一旦到了关键时刻,谁也靠不住,一切只能靠自己! Again after Family contacts the discussion, the dust mountain finally gives the answer: So long as you can win, half of war mysterious boundary control turns over to you, but, the battlefield is a little decided by our dust.” 重新与家族联系讨论之后,尘岳最终给出答复:“只要你能赢,一半的战神秘境控制权归你,但是有一点,战场得由我们尘家来定。” The people in an uproar. 众人哗然。 This is the truly unprecedented great writer, the dust home however has such boldness! 这可是真正前所未有的大手笔,尘家居然有如此魄力! Must know that this is different from the wind mysterious boundary of refined appearance Shen completely. 要知道这跟风神沈家的风神秘境完全不同。 Fights the mysterious boundary with killing the mysterious boundary same level, what correspondence is the top rule, but wind mysterious boundary correspondence is the second-level rule, each other itself not in a rank. 神秘境跟杀神秘境同级,对应的是顶级规则,而风神秘境对应的则是二级规则,彼此本身就不在一个级别。 Let alone refined appearance Shen has, purely is only the admittance power of wind mysterious boundary, to put it bluntly is a long-term admission ticket. 何况风神沈家所拥有的,纯粹只是风神秘境的准入权,说白了就是一张长期门票。 The person of his refined appearance Shen can enter, other person can also enter. 他风神沈家的人能进,别的人也能进。 In this situation the admission ticket and Lin Yi shares, admittedly also made the matter that the large number person was jealous of certainly sufficiently, but that is all, did not have many losses to refined appearance Shen. 这种情况下将门票与林逸共享,固然也是足以令绝大数人眼红的事情,可也就仅此而已,对风神沈家本身也没有多少损失。 But the war mysterious boundary of dust is different. 但尘家的战神秘境不同。 Dust regarding fighting the mysterious boundary is to have the complete control, when fights the mysterious boundary to open, puts anyone to come, is decided by a dust family member word completely, this is lord of the mystical place in the true sense. 尘家对于战神秘境是有着全部控制权的,战神秘境什么时候开启,放什么人进来,完全由尘家人一言而决,这才是真正意义上的秘境之主。 Such half control component is how much, it can be imagined. 这样的一半控制权份量有多重,可想而知。 Did not say exaggeratingly, this absolutely is in Jianghai city Ten-year the component heaviest transaction, does not have one. 毫不夸张的说,这绝对是江海城十年以内份量最重的交易,没有之一。
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