SBPE :: Volume #16

#9846: Chapter 9846

The audience focus attention on. 全场瞩目。 Directional Lin Yi that the dust mountain does not cover up directly: I questioned that Committee Member Lin Yi's qualifications, I believe, he does not match.” 尘岳直接毫不遮掩的指向林逸:“我质疑林逸的委员资格,我认为,他不配。” The people in an uproar. 众人不由哗然。 Dust regarding failing to be elected refuses to accept understandingly, this point is not accidental/surprised, question Lin Yi that but mentions names in the presence of everyone, is becoming enemies radically. 尘家对于落选会心有不服,这一点并不意外,可当众这么指名道姓的质疑林逸,根本就是在往死里结仇。 Three big initiate the Family background by dust, admittedly does not need to dread Lin Yi like them, but Lin Yi is not eventually affable, especially the back is also standing the day toward the sun with half th division. 以尘家三大创始家族的底蕴,固然不需要像他们这样忌惮林逸,可林逸终究不是好惹的,尤其背后还站着天向阳和洛半师。 Provokes such an archenemy to Family blatantly, how to see is the non- wisdom! 公然给家族招惹这样一个大敌,怎么看都是不智! The failing a grade fresh institute people laugh: „Doesn't Lin Yi match you to match?” 留级生院众人纷纷嗤笑:“林逸不配你配啊?” Day toward the sun complexion also cold: Dust Elder in fairness of question voting?” 天向阳脸色也冷了下来:“尘长老是在质疑投票的公正性?” This voting is in front of audience about 30 top strengths, no possibility of cheating, draws back 10,000 steps, really wants some people of this to cheat successfully, that this person of method is the direct access to the highest authorities. 这次投票是当着全场近三十位顶级战力的面进行,根本没有任何作弊的可能,退一万步来说,真要有人这样都能作弊成功,那这人的手段已是通天。 The people have not elected him to join a gambling game, that is not his mistake, but was the audience everyone was blind the dog eye! 众人没选他入局,那不是他的错,而是全场所有人都瞎了狗眼! Becomes is the target of public criticism shortly, dust mountain heart one tight, but does to be calm: „ Voting naturally does not have the issue, my dust also feels a heartfelt admiration regarding other four selected results, is Lin Yi is different. 眼看成为众矢之的,尘岳心头一紧,但还是强作镇定道:“投票本身当然没有问题,对于其他四位的入选结果我尘家也是心悦诚服,可是林逸不一样。 I questioned was not the vote, but was questioned that Lin Yi he could not take on to lead the heavy responsibility of our entire school! ” 诸位,我质疑的不是投票结果,而是质疑林逸他担不起领导我们整个学院的重任!” The people look at each other in blank dismay, this saying actually a little flavor. 众人面面相觑,这话倒是有点味道了。 It is well known, votes to elect although serves most people's interest, but has a huge drawback, often will be taken advantage of somebody's authority to mount the stage by some characters of winning favor by ostentation. 众所周知,投票选举虽然更符合大多数人的利益,但却有个巨大的弊端,往往会被一些哗众取宠的人物借势上台。 They will perhaps exploit one's connections very much, can perhaps bluster, but they do not have truly sufficiently strength of obedience. 他们也许很会拉关系,也许很能虚张声势,可他们没有真正足以服众的实力 But this, with the cultivate powerhouse to revere naturally the traditional ideas contradict. 而这,天然与修炼界强者为尊的传统观念是相悖的。 In fact the school summit meeting was first proposed, some people have made the suggestion with the day toward the sun, hopes that comes out the strongest five people to form the wartime committee with the form of martial arts contest. 事实上学院峰会初次被提出的时候,有人就跟天向阳提过建议,希望用比武的形式决出最强的五人组成战时委员会。 This at least can give everyone a being convinced reason. 这样至少能给所有人一个服气的理由。 However was overruled by the day toward the sun. 不过被天向阳否决了。 The martial arts contest truly can select most powerhouse, but he wants actually does not come four expert to rule Jianghai Institute with him again together, but must in conform with the complete strength most in a short time, unites the entire school. 比武确实能够选出最强者,可他想要的却不是再来四个高手跟他共同统治江海学院,而是要在最短时间内整合全部力量,团结整个学院。 Even if solely several expert strength is strong, does not help matters in the face of the great misfortune, only has the entire Jianghai Institute to grasp a fist, may wrestle that a slim chance of survival! 单单几个高手哪怕实力再强,在大劫面前也无济于事,唯有整个江海学院握成一个拳头,才有可能搏到那一线生机! Therefore, voting to elect is the most ready-made means that after all only then this, the wartime committee can represent most people's interests. 所以,投票选举是最现成的办法,毕竟只有这样,战时委员会才能代表大多数人的利益。 Presents at present such question unavoidably. 只是就免不了出现眼下这样的质疑。 At this moment is not only the dust mountain of raising one's head, other have not voted to a Lin Yi's numerous top strength, looks at the Lin Yi's look is also not the belief, but brings is not uneven and unwilling. 此刻不仅是出头的尘岳,其他没有投票给林逸的一众顶级战力,看着林逸的眼神也都不是信服,而是带着不平和不甘。 Villains hold sway! 小人得志! This is Lin Yi image in their eyes. 这就是林逸在他们眼中的形象 Indeed Lin Yi fought a moment ago a column fragrant time with the sea king, falling is truly shocking in others eyes, but conducts in void eventually, besides secret a few people, no one has seen the concrete fight situation. 诚然林逸刚才与海王交手了一柱香工夫,落在旁人眼里确实很惊艳,可终究是在虚空之中进行,除了天机这少数几人外,谁也没看到具体的交手情形。 If by some chance, is only the pure cat catch mouse dragging time? 万一,只是单纯的猫捉老鼠拖延时间呢? Person who except that tyrant these have fought with Lin Yi truly, others are doubtful of Lin Yi are the normal things, let alone he also obtained the day additionally toward the sun with the favor of half th division, this made in the exceptional will of the people not balanced. 除了暴君这些真正跟林逸交过手的人,其他众人对林逸心存怀疑是再正常不过的事情,何况他还额外得到了天向阳和洛半师的青睐,这就更让许多自命不凡的人心里不平衡了。 This boy is also holds the thigh to hug well, if changes me to have the day toward the sun with the support of half th division, can be selected ready ready!” “这小子也就是抱大腿抱得好,要是换我有天向阳和洛半师的支持,妥妥也能入选!” This is this moment people most real idea. 这就是此刻众人最真实的想法。 The day narrowed the eye toward the sun slightly, without speech. 天向阳微微眯起了眼睛,没有说话。 The dust mountain the heart jumps immediately, he knows that oneself has caused day disaffection toward the sun, if continues, really must make the day have certain not good ideas to his dust toward the sun, that may on the gain does not equal the loss. 尘岳顿时心头一跳,他知道自己已经引起了天向阳的不满,若是继续下去,真要让天向阳对他尘家生出某些不太好的想法,那可就得不偿失了。 Regardless how outside in a big way passes on three to initiate Family, but in Jianghai Institute, the day family/home is the unique emperor. 无论外面怎么传三大创始家族,但在江海学院,天家就是独一无二的皇帝。 If even this compels the number not to have, his dust and day family/home walk again near, could not be doomed dead a natural death. 若是连这点逼数都没有,他尘家与天家走得再近,也注定不得善终。 Dust Yue recovers hastily said: I mean, wartime committee, although is votes to elect produces, may also should meet ten parliaments such to have the challenge mechanism to the scientific theory, this can guarantee the authority of committee to the full.” 尘岳连忙补救道:“我的意思是,战时委员会虽然是投票选举产生,可也应该向学理会十席议会那样有个挑战机制,这样才能最大限度确保委员会的权威。” At this time the ancient natural life stood come out to take a stand: Approval.” 这时古天寿站出来表态道:“赞同。” Good, truly should have the challenge mechanism, must keep to read to our these people thinks.” “不错,确实应该有个挑战机制,总得给我们这些人留个念想吧。” Under other numerous top strengths in two big Family incite also to take a stand. 其余一众顶级战力在两大家族授意之下也纷纷表态。 Meaning that this may a little attempt the throne. 这可就有点逼宫的意味了。 The scientific theory of never opening the mouth meets chief permits Anshan, at this time suddenly opened the mouth: Lost must recognize, this truth did not understand, one crowd of waste.” 从未开口的学理会首席许安山,这个时候忽然开口:“输了就要认,这点道理都不懂,一群废物。” „......” “……” The people glower, but under his emperor air/Qi the field to oppress, actually all feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 众人纷纷怒目而视,但在他的帝王气场压迫之下,却是个个敢怒不敢言。 The Eastern flame watches this pursing the lips chuckle: Really is the day of family/home most faithful dog.” 东方焰看着这一幕抿嘴轻笑:“果然是天家最忠实的狗。” Lin Yi looks askance, will be called the dog a permits Anshan of emperor meteorology, in the world perhaps also such woman? 林逸不由侧目,会把一身帝王气象的许安山叫做狗的,天底下恐怕也就这么一个女人了吧? However at present quite does for the occasion actually. 不过眼下倒是颇为应景。 permits Anshan stands come out to draw the hatred suddenly, naturally not for his Lin Yi, but is giving the day to attract the firepower toward the sun, otherwise according to the stance continued to attempt the throne, the day toward the sun manifested suddenly or not, was double loses. 许安山突然站出来拉仇恨,自然不是为了他林逸,而是在给天向阳吸引火力,否则照刚才的架势继续逼宫下去,天向阳无论发作与否,都是双输。 The day sees that toward the sun is actually indifferent smiling, turns the head to look to Lin Yi: Your own what idea? Raises casually, has me here, they cannot overturn the heavens.” 天向阳见状却是无所谓的笑了笑,转头看向林逸:“你自己什么想法?随便提,有我在这里,他们翻不了天。” The rubber ball passed to the Lin Yi under foot. 皮球传到了林逸脚下。 Lin Yi along with tastes: „ I have no so-called, to be selected in the wartime committee is not my painstaking care, really wants, because how many defeat dogs create a disturbance do not make the number, how could it not be did that today's this vote became each family? 林逸随口道:“我自己倒没什么所谓,可入选战时委员会不是我一个人的心血,真要因为几个败犬起个哄就不作数,那今天这投票岂不成了过家家? Drags in lots of people to joke, is so idle? ” 兴师动众闹着玩呢,诸位都这么闲吗?” Audience speechless. 全场哑然 Defeat dog dust mountain one of the bearing the brunt face is suppresses red, he raises one's head forcefully has stirred up the day is not toward the sun quick, took such big risk, if this did not have by the Lin Yi a few words resentment, he may really probably look for the wryneck subtree to hang to death. 首当其冲的败犬尘岳一张老脸更是憋得通红,他强行出头就已经惹得天向阳不快了,冒了这么大的风险,这要是被林逸一句话怼没了,那他可就真得找棵歪脖子树吊死了。 Lin Yi has not actually ended, is full of meaning visits him saying: „ You want me to be swayed by personal feelings very much, readily agree, sneaks in your sheath overturning an opportunity to you? 林逸这边却还没完,饶有意味的看着他道:“你是不是很希望我意气用事,一口答应下来,钻进你的套子里给你一个翻盘的机会? Everyone is an adult, leaving was so naive, said that must be smiled. ” 大家都是成年人,别这么天真了吧,说出去要被人笑的。” „......” “……” Dust Yue almost puts out an old blood at the scene. 尘岳差点当场吐出一口老血。 Presents others , although the heart has discontented, but could not say anything, after all changed them to stand in the Lin Yi's standpoint, absolutely not fruits of victory that because others several words will easily give up. 在场其他人虽然心有不满,可却也说不出什么,毕竟换他们站在林逸的立场,也绝对不会因为别人几句话就轻易放弃到手的胜利果实。 Really must such easy above, does Lin Yi possibly arrive at today this level? 真要这么容易上头,林逸怎么可能走到今天这个层次? As for face? face value several money. 至于面子面子才值几个钱啊。 Nearby Luo river half th division opens the mouth to say later: Has the challenge mechanism but actually also well, but challenges the threshold to arrange, the risk and benefit coexistence, Challenger must put out enough chip to be good, otherwise the wartime committee really became the child's play.” 一旁洛半师随后开口道:“有个挑战机制倒也不错,不过挑战门槛得定好,风险与利益共存,挑战者得拿出足够的筹码才行,要不然战时委员会就真成儿戏了。” Even if the ten challenges of scientific theory meeting, challenges the side also to pay the huge price, the wartime committee specification compares ten parliaments to be higher, the corresponding price naturally must be bigger. 哪怕是学理会的十席挑战,挑战方也都得付出巨大代价,战时委员会规格比十席议会更高,相应的代价自然也要更大。
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