SBPE :: Volume #16

#9845: Chapter 9845

The scientific theory meeting people on opposite position also detected that this point, looked to chief permits Anshan. 对面位置上的学理会众人也察觉到了这一点,不由纷纷看向首席许安山。 Now three big ultra top strengths are not, he is ranks First that person, this point no one suspected, really must have what trouble also only to be able by him to control the general situation. 如今三大超顶级战力不在,他就是排名第一的那个人,这一点没有任何人怀疑,真要出现什么乱子也只能由他来掌控大局。 permits Anshan does not have the slight look change, but said four characters lightly: Is patient.” 许安山却没有丝毫的神色变化,只是淡淡的说了四个字:“稍安勿躁。” In a while, surroundings space sudden shake, along with, even if sees three person's shadows to flash before. 没过多久,周围空间突然一阵震荡,随即便见三个人影从中闪现而出。 Day Xiangyang, half th division, Lin Yi. 天向阳,洛半师,还有林逸 „Does sea king live to the rain?” “海王向雨生呢?” The people asked hastily, simultaneously looked to Lin Yi, actually saw on him besides a little to be slightly distressed, and had no injured sign. 众人连忙发问,同时看向林逸,却见他身上除了稍稍有点狼狈之外,并没有任何受伤的迹象。 This made under their hearts immediately imposing. 这一幕顿时就令他们心下凛然。 Even if the normal state sea king, can fight column fragrance with him not injured, said that is shocking, let alone doubtful already beast sea king! 哪怕是正常状态的海王,能够跟他交手一柱香不受伤,说出去就已骇人听闻了,何况还是疑似已经兽化的海王! The day swept audience one eyes toward the sun, the look slightly complex say/way: Sea king rebelled and fled, if later saw outside, do not hesitate, the First time runs away, perhaps this can also preserve a life.” 天向阳扫了全场一眼,神色略显复杂道:“海王叛逃了,如果以后在外面见到,不要犹豫,第一时间逃走,这样也许还能保住一命。” Sea king solid right and wrong of beast with Xiaoke. 兽化的海王实在是非同小可 This time has him and half th division collaborates, in addition Lin Yi's coordinates, this gave the opposite party heavy losses, but cannot leave behind it as before. 这次有他和洛半师联手,再加上林逸的策应,这才给了对方一记重创,可依旧没能将其留下。 If trades to do to present other top strengths, once stared by it, big probability by the second killing fate! 如果换做在场其他的顶级战力,一旦被其盯上,大概率就是被秒杀的下场! Such remarks, the audience is flustered immediately. 此话一出,全场顿时人心惶惶。 The king of space that mysteriously appears and disappears! 那位可是神出鬼没的空间之王啊! This means from now, even them goes out is trembling, let alone under these high-end strengths and other student. 这就意味着从此以后,连他们出门都要战战兢兢,更别说底下的那些高端战力和其他学生了。 The day saw that to comfort one toward the sun: Pours does not need to be extremely anxious, he this time causes heavy losses to by me and half th division jointly, in a short time the injury is recover does not come, let alone we still planted the mark on him, so long as is close to the school range, can immediately by our sensation.” 天向阳见状安慰了一句:“不过倒也没必要太过紧张,他这次被我和洛半师联手重创,短时间内伤势是恢复不过来的,何况我们还在他身上种下了标记,只要接近学院范围,立马就会被我们感知。” The people then relax slightly. 众人这才稍稍松一口气。 However after this incident, regarding gave a moment ago the half th division ten ticket privileges, no one had any objection again. 不过经此一事,对于刚才给洛半师十票特权,却是再没有人有任何异议了。 Even if the standpoint is entirely different, but the present half th division, to the entire Jianghai Institute is patron general existence, great misfortune current, if makes the monster in this above, that is the enemy of entire school! 哪怕立场截然不同,可如今的洛半师,对整个江海学院来说都是保护神一般的存在,大劫当前谁要是在这上面作妖,那就是整个学院的敌人! The day looked at the look complex dust Yue Hegu natural life two people toward the sun: „Should presently regarding Lin Yi the words matter person position of failing a grade fresh institute, two no opinion?” 天向阳看了看神色复杂的尘岳和古天寿二人:“现在对于林逸在留级生院的话事人地位,两位应该没有什么意见了吧?” „......” “……” Helpless two people shake the head. 二人无奈摇头。 The sea king lives to the rain is the failing a grade fresh institute can threaten existence of Lin Yi position only, now his beast rebels and flees, remaining failing a grade live the institute naturally is a Lin Yi word decide, is impossible to have anybody to threaten to obtain his authority again. 海王向雨生是留级生院唯一能够威胁到林逸地位的存在,如今他兽化叛逃,剩下的留级生院自然是林逸一言而决,不可能再有任何人威胁得到他的权威。 Originally most entitled tyrant, flame pond and secret these three established five great, now has tied up the same strip warship by Lin Yi, the remaining others did not have the right to speak. 本来最有资格的暴君、炎池和天机这三位老牌五巨,如今都已被林逸绑上了同一条战船,剩下其他人就更没有发言权了。 That starts to vote.” “那就开始投票吧。” The day complexion somewhat sank toward the sun, comes up to make the sea king to rebel and flee like this big accident, this to closing the important school summit meeting had cast a shadow. 天向阳脸色有些沉了下来,上来就闹出海王叛逃这样的大变故,这届至关重要的学院峰会已是蒙上了一层阴影。 After these days cushion, the audience people regarding this/should cast the ticket to whom have known fairly well. 经过这段时间的缓冲,全场众人对于该把票投给谁早已心中有数。 Quick, finally was then counted come out. 很快,结果便被统计出来 According to the rule of beforehand announcement, results in the ticket highest five person selection wartime committees. 按照之前公布的规则,得票最高的五个人入选战时委员会。 Day toward the sun, half th division and permits Anshan, Lin Yi, ancient Weiyang. Valley 天向阳、洛半师、许安山、林逸、古未央。谷 Sees this result, the audience falls into a strange silence. 看到这个结果,全场不由陷入一阵诡异的沉默。 The day is selected toward the sun by the most votes of all does not have the suspense, emperor permits Anshan is selected is also reasonable, after all he is a day of family/home direct descendant, in addition oneself strength and influence leaves extremely selects, the possibility of simply not having failed to be elected. 天向阳以最高票入选自是毫无悬念,帝王许安山入选也在情理之中,毕竟他是天家嫡系,加上本人实力和影响力都极其出挑,根本没有落选的可能。 As for half th division. 至于洛半师。 This should be a giant dark horse, after all before then, the people cannot think that he will attend this summit meeting. 这本来应该是一匹巨大的黑马,毕竟在此之前,众人根本都想不到他会出席这场峰会。 Even if in fact passed through the matter, people to his strength, although believed that but must say that cast the ticket to him on own initiative , was unlikely. 事实上哪怕经过刚才的事情,众人对他的实力虽然信服,可要说主动把票投给他,却也是不太可能。 After all the hostile position is placed there, the concept is not can transform a short time. 毕竟敌对立场摆在那里,观念不是一时片刻就能转变过来的。 Even but if large number people on the scene do not throw to him certainly, only the he himself and Lin Yi hand privilege ticket on, in addition has 20 . Moreover the day still obviously approved toward the sun he is selected, will otherwise not ask him to come. 可即便在场绝大数人都不投给他,单是他自己和林逸手上的特权票,加起来就有二十张,而且天向阳也是明显赞成他入选的,要不然根本就不会请他过来。 Therefore is only the privilege ticket has 30 to guarantee a minimum, this nearly has recommended for admission to school the selection. 所以光是特权票就有三十张保底,这就已经近乎保送入选了。 Let alone, other other did not say, failing a grade fresh institute group of top strengths quite esteem about him, voting to him is natural! 更何况,其他别的不说,留级生院这帮顶级战力对他可是颇为推崇的,投票给他自是理所当然! Remaining Lin Yi are also same. 剩下林逸也是一样。 The day clarified with half th division both sides toward the sun supported him, even if other everyone did not throw him, could not prevent him to be selected. 天向阳和洛半师两方都摆明了支持他,其他哪怕所有人都不投他,也阻止不了他入选。 As for final ancient Weiyang, although has not arrived at the scene, but he is Gu (ancient) Family Young Lord , is the present can only the delegate Gu (ancient) Family character, as the Elder ancient natural life of top strength also can only call to start him. 至于最后的这个古未央,虽然并没有来到现场,但他是古家少主,是如今唯一能够全权代表古家的人物,身为顶级战力的长老古天寿也只能给他打个下手。 He represents the Gu (ancient) Family selection, is not unexpected. 他代表古家入选,也并不出人意料。 As the matter stands, three big initiate Family only to remain dust is not selected, this really was a little awkward. 只是这样一来,三大创始家族就只剩尘家没有入选,这就着实有点尴尬了。 The complexion of dust mountain has become the bottom of the pot at this moment black. 尘岳的脸色此刻已经黑成锅底了。 Wartime committee in name only in wartime plenary powers control school, but then the great misfortune approaches, dust was excluded, means that lost the top right to speak. 战时委员会名义上只会在战时全权接管学院,但接下来大劫来临,尘家被排除在外,就意味着失去了最顶层的话语权。 Sometimes, this is sufficiently fatal. 某些时候,这可是足以致命的。 Naturally, three big initiate Family brothers, in the normal condition regardless of the day family/home or Gu (ancient) Family, is unlikely to cast aside his dust. 当然,三大创始家族同气连枝,正常情况下无论天家还是古家,都不太可能撇掉他尘家。 Once meets significant incident, will take them mostly, being insufficient makes his dust really suffer a loss. 一旦遇到重大事件,多半还是会带上他们,不至于让他尘家真的吃亏。 But the will of the people cannot withstand the test eventually. 可人心终究是经不起考验的。 Even if three presently relate well, but, after the time will grow in the future, who can guarantee? 哪怕三家现在关系不错,可将来呢,时间长了之后谁能保证? Let alone smooth time perhaps looks at not come out, once falls into against the wind the hopeless situation, once to must put out works as the sacrificial victim, who can be that cannon fodder? 何况顺风顺水的时候也许看不出来,一旦陷入逆风绝境,一旦到了必须拿出其中一家来当牺牲品的时候,谁会是那个炮灰? The answer is obvious. 答案显而易见。 Even if not plan this extreme condition, solely is only three strength, regardless was higher than a section of day family/home, the present is well-matched dust and Gu (ancient) Family, over time, the disparity will still be pulled open inevitably gradually. 就算不去算计这种极端情况,单单只是三家本身的实力,撇开本就高出一截的天家不谈,眼下还是旗鼓相当的尘家和古家,随着时间推移,差距也势必会被渐渐拉开。 Will happen one day, his dust will lose thoroughly with the qualifications that other two families treat as an equal, since then vanishes however in numerous. 终有一天,他尘家将彻底失去同其他两家平起平坐的资格,从此泯然于众。 „It is not absolutely good!” “绝对不行!” Leeward of Yue Huoran glare of the public eye sets out, he is dust Elder, is shouldering the heavy responsibility of assisting Young Lord control dust, dust cannot get down in his hand feebly. 众目睽睽之下尘岳豁然起身,他是尘家长老,肩负着辅佐少主接管尘家的重任,尘家绝不能在他手上衰弱下去。 This pot, he cannot carry! 这个锅,他背不起! The day knits the brows toward the sun slightly: What issue dust does Elder have?” 天向阳微微皱眉:“尘长老有什么问题?” He is certainly clear about this moment dust the idea, but general situation current, something must make the choice, but some people are also doomed to be discarded. 他当然清楚此刻尘家的想法,但大局当前,有些事情必须做出抉择,而有些人也注定必须要被舍弃。
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