SBPE :: Volume #16

#9844: Chapter 9844

The dust Yue Hegu natural life two people were the face became the bottom of the pot black, this estimated with them may be different. 尘岳和古天寿二人更是脸黑成了锅底,这跟他们预想的可不一样啊。 If even this with Lin Yi with wearing pants, they have not meddled the failing a grade fresh institute business thoroughly by, the key did not have that energy. 要是连这位都跟林逸同穿一条裤子,那他们就彻底没有插手留级生院事务的由头了,关键是没有了那份底气。 Lin Yi and sea king collaborate, means that failing a grade fresh institute all high-end strengths are the monolithic bloc, this who? 林逸和海王联手,意味着留级生院所有高端战力已是铁板一块,这谁遭得住啊? The result next second, the sea king turns hostile suddenly: „ I heard that you convinced with the fist their, then on the old rule, convinces the old man with your fist today? 结果下一秒,海王忽然就是变脸:“我听说你是用拳头说服他们的,那么今天就老规矩,用你的拳头来说服说服老夫呗? However the offensive talk said in front, the old man begins always no weight, once you act, must pay by the consciousness that the old man kills. ” 不过丑话说在前面,老夫动手一向没什么轻重,你一旦出了手,就要付出被老夫打死的觉悟。” Audience speechless. 全场哑然 Really this is the sea king to the rain fresh true colors. 果然这才是海王向雨生的本色。 People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks to Lin Yi, is waiting for his response. 众人齐齐看向林逸,等待着他的反应。 Xiaoxiao that Lin Yi thinks little of: „The previous ten wars, are indirect and senior fight, making me profit a great deal, have wanted to find the opportunity to ask for advice again well to the senior, today can achieve wishes actually, good.” 林逸不以为意的笑笑:“上次十席战,算是间接与前辈交了一次手,让我受益良多,一直想找机会再好好向前辈讨教一番,今天倒是能够如愿了,挺好。” „......” “……” The people look at the Lin Yi's look at this moment, is looking at a lunatic completely. 众人此刻看林逸的眼神,完全就是在看一个疯子。 At this moment no one will have truly suspected that his strength, this goods on outwardly are giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak expert, but in fact is top strength. 事到如今确实已经没有人会怀疑他的实力,这货明面上是个巨头大圆满中期巅峰高手,但实质上就是实打实的顶级战力。 Even, he can a pair three suppress the tyrant three people directly, in the top strength is also serious existence. 甚至,他能一对三正面压制暴君三人,在顶级战力之中也算是不得了的存在。 But lives this legendary character with the sea king to the rain, is unable to place on a par. 可是跟海王向雨生这种传奇人物,还是无法相提并论。 Day Xiangyang, half th division, lives to the rain. 天向阳,洛半师,向雨生。 These three are the school recognizes alone grade of existence, if must give them a level to divide, they may be the ultra top strengths above top strength! 这三位是学院公认独一档的存在,如果一定要给他们一个层次划分的话,他们可算是顶级战力之上的超顶级战力! Lin Yi compared with them, is obviously missing the level. 林逸跟他们相比,明显是差着层级的。 Now unexpectedly complies to live to the rain with the sea king selects only, what this with courting death to distinguish? 如今居然答应跟海王向雨生单挑,这跟找死有什么区别? Comes smoothly, has not thought that unexpectedly fluttered this, what a pity.” “一路过来顺风顺水,没想到居然飘成了这样,可惜了。” Some people secret regretted for Lin Yi, if Jianghai Institute next who can grow into the ultra top strength, even if their these proud also has to acknowledge to the bone in fellow, Lin Yi absolutely is the most hopeful that person. 有人暗暗替林逸惋惜,如果说江海学院下一个有谁能成长为超顶级战力,哪怕他们这些骄傲到了骨子里的家伙也不得不承认,林逸绝对是最有希望的那个人。 However presently, this goods sentenced the death penalty to oneself. 但是现在,这货给自己宣判了死刑。 Lives hears word to laugh to the rain: Good, suffices to be refreshed, very long has not run into your young people, but you die today here, was a little truly a pity.” 向雨生闻言大笑:“好,够爽快,很久没遇到你这种年轻人了,不过你今天死在这里,确实是有点可惜了。” Lin Yi light response: Pours also not necessarily.” 林逸淡淡回应:“倒也未必吧。” Without ultimate perfect domain move of lethal trump card, even if there is time space two top rules, he will not fight with the opposite party absolutely, because this is really brings about own destruction. 如果没有终极完美领域这招杀手锏,哪怕坐拥时间空间两个顶级规则,他绝对不会跟对方交手,因为这是真的自寻死路。 King as the previous generation space, control of sea king to space rule, that is he is unable to place on a par absolutely by far. 身为上一代空间之王,海王对空间规则的掌控度,那绝对是他远远无法相提并论的。 Even if counted the time rule, share that still only then bed sheet explodes. 即便算上时间规则,也只有被单方面完爆的份。 But had the ultimate perfect domain to be different, had this move of lethal trump card to exist, at least theoretically, Lin Yi has with any qualification of rule big shot resistance. 可是有了终极完美领域就不一样了,有这一招杀手锏存在,至少在理论上,林逸已经具备了跟任何规则大佬对抗的本钱。 Let alone he must play to foster, must various many absorption regular strengths, this sea king live the excellent ready-made candidate to the rain as far as possible. 何况他要玩养成,就必须尽可能多的吸收各种规则力量,这位海王向雨生正是绝佳的现成人选。 Today this can, win does not say, but the self-preservation does not die, this grasps him to have. 今天这一场,能不能赢不好说,但是自保不死,这点把握他还是有的。 That comes.” “那就来吧。” Lives to the rain is laughing immediately making a move, during then inhales to be void Lin Yi instantaneously. 向雨生当即大笑着出手,瞬间便将林逸吸入虚空之中。 If Lin Yi oneself am not space rule ability, these had ended only, this may also want the non-solution compared with the alone king's symbolic space exile many, alone king at least must pat, his is actually the intention moves completely. 如果林逸本人不是空间规则能力者,单这一下就已经结束了,这可比独王标志性的空间放逐还要无解得多,独王至少还得拍到身上,他这个却完全就是心念一动。 An audience dreariness. 全场一片沉寂。 They could not notice that two people in the situation in void fighting, but also wants to result in come out with the toe, at this moment certain extremely is intense. Valley 他们看不到两人在虚空之中交手的情形,但用脚趾头也想得出来,此刻一定十分激烈。谷 The dust Yue Hegu natural life two people also think that the sea king can kill the Lin Yi second directly, but column fragrant time passes by shortly, the sea king has not come as before, the surroundings often present the trace that the space shakes on the contrary. 尘岳和古天寿二人还以为海王能够直接将林逸秒杀,可眼看一柱香时间过去,海王依旧没有现身,反倒周围不时出现空间震荡的痕迹。 This explained that the sea king not only cannot take Lin Yi, instead the tactical situation was more intense! 这就说明,海王非但没能拿下林逸,反而战况更加激烈了! Is insufficient......” “不至于吧……” Some people cannot bear mutter the speechless. 有人忍不住喃喃失语。 They extremely have overestimated Lin Yi's strength, but illuminates this stance seems like, as if underestimated by far?! 他们已经十分高估林逸的实力,可是照这个架势看起来,似乎还是远远低估了?! Even if defeated finally, but can in the sea king hand insist that column fragrant time is not defeated, this showed that Lin Yi solely is not the top strength, but has started to be close to the ultra top strength the threshold! 就算最后还是落败,可能够在海王手中坚持一柱香时间不落败,这本身就证明林逸已经不单单是顶级战力,而是已经开始接近超顶级战力的门槛了! He giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak! 他才巨头大圆满中期巅峰啊! Only slightly the one who made the people take the comfort was, today the Lin Yi big probability must fold in the sea king to the rain fresh hand, otherwise lived with such monster in the time, was they presents absolutely everyone's sorrow. 唯一令众人稍感安慰的是,今天林逸大概率就要折在海王向雨生的手里了,否则跟这样的怪物生在同个时代,绝对是他们在场所有人的悲哀。 However when they think when this void showdown will continue, the day with half th division a brow wrinkle, rushes in the void crack toward the sun simultaneously immediately without delay directly. 不过就在他们以为这场虚空对决将会继续下去之时,天向阳和洛半师同时眉头一皱,随即二话不说直接闯进虚空裂缝之中。 The audience are stunned. 全场愕然。 A thought floats in the presently everyone's mind immediately. 一个念头随即浮现在所有人的脑海之中。 Can make two big ultra top strengths simultaneously so tense, is it possible that was Lin Yi is killed by the sea king quickly? 能够令两大超顶级战力同时这么紧张,莫非是林逸快被海王打死了? Regardless of the day half th division, relates with Lin Yi's by them toward the sun, has to intend to rescue the Lin Yi's reason. 无论天向阳还是洛半师,以他们跟林逸的关系,都有出手救下林逸的理由。 Even if did not discuss regardless the personal sentiment, only since the general situation considered, has failing a grade that Lin Yi assumes to live the institute to live the institute to meet their requirements compared with failing a grade that the sea king assumes! 哪怕抛开私人感情不谈,单是从大局考虑,有林逸坐镇的留级生院就远比海王坐镇的留级生院更符合他们的要求! The sea king lives strength to the rain, although is strong, but observed its past to display, this absolutely was not an ideal collaborator. 海王向雨生实力虽强,但观其以往表现,这绝对不是一个理想的合作者。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Tyrant several people look to the secret. 暴君几人不由看向天机。 They cannot see clearly the situation of void fighting, but by secret ability, can actually be able to see. 他们看不清虚空交手的情形,但以天机的能力,却是能够看得到的。 The secret knits the brows slightly: To senior probably a little issue.” 天机微微皱眉:“向前辈好像有点问题。” What issue?” “什么问题?” The secret looked at people one eyes: He just beast.” 天机看了众人一眼:“他刚刚兽化了。” Beast......” “兽化……” The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人不由面面相觑。 They know certainly that beast is what meaning, this with the domain deformation body great antiquity ominous beast is completely two concepts. 他们当然知道兽化是什么意思,这跟领域化形变身洪荒凶兽完全是两个概念。 The latter utilizes style regarding one of the strength, regardless of turns into what shape, mental throughout is oneself, but beast is different, this is a solid different kind evolution. 后者只是对于力量的一种运用方式,无论变成什么形态,心智始终是本人,可兽化不一样,这是一种实实在在的异类进化。 Once opens beast, not only the contour becomes the shape with the wild animal, oneself mental gradually will also be assimilated. 一旦开启兽化,不仅外形变得形同野兽,就连本人的心智也会被逐渐同化。 The human nature vanishes slowly, until becoming thorough beastly nature. 人性慢慢消失,直至成为彻底的兽性。 Since fact these days, across the Jianghai city had presented many beast incident, even the school has had one, but happened at the scientific theory meeting at that time, under the nose of permits Anshan, the First time was happen to extinguished. 事实上这段时间以来,江海城各地已经出现了多起兽化事件,甚至就连学院内部都发生过一起,只不过当时发生在学理会,正好在许安山的眼皮底下,第一时间就被灭了。 This is the omen that the great misfortune approaches! 这都是大劫来临的前兆! But general expert beast also melted on the beast, even after beast, strength will have the enhancement of certain scope, so long as the quantity are not many, cannot affect the general situation eventually. 可一般高手兽化也就兽化了,就算兽化之后实力会有一定幅度的增强,只要数量不多,终究影响不到大局。 But the sea king lives differently to the rain! 但海王向雨生不一样啊! Once perhaps his like this ultra top strength thorough beast, the entire Jianghai city no one can trig him, but when the time comes, everyone will degenerate into the goal that he hunts. 他这样的超顶级战力一旦彻底兽化,整个江海城恐怕都没人能够制住他,而到时候,所有人都将沦为他猎食的目标。 Wild animal, but will eat the person. 野兽,可是会吃人的。
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