SBPE :: Volume #16

#9843: Chapter 9843

The secret is giving Lin Yi to dispel doubt to say behind: This person is called the dust mountain, is three big initiates Elder of dust Family, is dust at present only giant ultimate grand perfection expert, but the background is extremely deep, cannot be underestimated.” 天机在身后给林逸解惑道:“此人名叫尘岳,是三大创始家族之一尘家的长老,也是尘家目前唯一的巨头终极大圆满高手,不过底蕴极深,不容小觑。” The voice falls, another School Director meets big shot to open the mouth saying: „The presently failing a grade fresh institute Lin Yi call is highest, but must say that he is the failing a grade fresh institute unique words matter person, perhaps is a little reluctant.” 话音落下,另有一位校董大佬开口道:“现在留级生院林逸呼声最高,可要说他就是留级生院独一无二的话事人,恐怕还有点勉强吧。” This person called the ancient natural life, was three big initiates of Gu (ancient) Family Family Elder, the situation was similar to dust.” “此人叫古天寿,同是三大创始家族之一古家长老,情况跟尘家差不多。” Lin Yi hears word, is full of meaning looked. central day toward the sun one 林逸闻言,不由饶有意味的看了场中央天向阳一眼。 The day family/home, Gu (ancient) Family and dust, is Jianghai Institute three big initiates Family. 天家、古家、尘家,乃是江海学院三大创始家族 Although is headed by the day family/home, the bystander almost little knows Gu (ancient) Family and existence of dust extremely, but after this not representative, two families is bad on real strength, just the opposite, really must discuss the background, this two families absolutely is Jianghai city highest level super aristocratic family. 虽然是以天家为首,外人几乎极少知道古家和尘家的存在,但这并不代表后两家就真的实力不济,恰恰相反,真要论底蕴,这两家绝对是江海城最顶级的超级世家 Even symbol Wang Family, with them one compared with is still only Nouveau Riche, is to make Bodyguard gang leader the luck good move to strict river, one had two top strengths to enter their visions. 即便是阵符王家,跟他们一比也只是一个暴发户,也就是运气好招到严江做保镖头子,一下拥有了两个顶级战力才能进入他们的眼界。 Otherwise, looked that will not have a liking for one. 否则,连看都不会看上一眼。 School Director can be the traditional forces range of day of family/home, is Gu (ancient) Family and traditional forces range of dust, their two families influence jointly not necessarily compared with day family/home difference in many. 校董会是天家的传统势力范围,同时也是古家和尘家的传统势力范围,他们两家联手的影响力未必就比天家差上多少。 But until now three big initiate Family to enter with drawing back, they are always the day of family/home most hardcore allies, therefore made the world neglect this point. 只不过一直以来三大创始家族同进同退,他们始终都是天家最铁杆的盟友,所以才让世人不知不觉间忽略了这一点。 But presently, this two families jumps come out suddenly simultaneously in view of Lin Yi, was very difficult saying that behind had day of inciting toward the sun. 现在,这两家忽然同时跳出来针对林逸,很难说背后有没有天向阳的授意。 It looks like at least in many observers, this was the day toward the sun and between Lin Yi presents the symbol of fissure. 至少在许多旁观者看来,这就是天向阳与林逸之间出现裂痕的标志了。 Unloads the grinding to kill the donkey. 卸磨杀驴。 Lin Yi oneself have not opened the mouth, is the tyrant sneers on the contrary is responding: Lin Yi is not the words matter person in our failing a grade fresh institute, how a meaning, do you do?” 林逸本人没有开口,反倒是暴君冷笑着代为回应:“林逸不是我们留级生院的话事人,怎么个意思,你来做啊?” An numerous failing a grade fresh institute five great laugh. 一众留级生院五巨纷纷嗤笑。 Three big initiate the Family reputation is very truly scary, fierce and ambitious character but who rises by own strength to their groups, but is one crowd of Tsukanaka bleached bones, was far less than that Lin Yi takes to their oppression strength. 三大创始家族的名头确实很吓人,不过对他们这帮靠自身实力崛起的枭雄人物而言,不过是一群冢中枯骨而已,远不如林逸带给他们的压迫力。 Let alone, truly has the solid advantage with Lin Yi, this, they recognize the Lin Yi's words matter person position only. 何况,跟着林逸确实有着实实在在的好处,单此一项,他们就认林逸的话事人地位。 Other all parties look to ponder in abundance. 其余各方纷纷面露玩味。 Failing a grade fresh institute numerous five great collective statements support Lin Yi, School Director that two eight bamboo poles cannot hit on the contrary will initiate Family to jump come out to question the Lin Yi's qualifications, how regardless of this matter saw meaning that is a little nosy. 留级生院一众五巨集体表态拥护林逸,反倒两个八竿子打不着的校董会创始家族出来质疑林逸的资格,这事无论怎么看都有点狗拿耗子的意味。 The key is, they what for? 关键是,他们图个啥? Regardless of dust mountain ancient natural life, although is not respective Family Patriarch, only top strength that but has as the facade, at this moment their delegate two big Family. 无论尘岳还是古天寿,虽然都不是各自家族家主,但都是作为门面存在的唯一顶级战力,此时此刻他们就全权代表着两大家族 Two people of for no reason will not jump come out to antagonize people for no reason, especially Lin Yi this obvious future infinite archenemy. 二人绝不会平白无故跳出来树敌,尤其还是林逸这种明摆着前途无限的大敌。 Every action and every movement, must have the profound meaning. 一举一动,必有深意。 Dust Yue Youyou said: Lin Yi truly conformed with you five greatly, conformed with under failing a grade fresh institute majority, but before the most essential that person took a stand, all these cannot make the number.” 尘岳幽幽道:“林逸确实整合了你们五巨,也整合了留级生院底下的大部分喽啰,可是在最关键的那人表态之前,这一切都作不了数。” The people gawked, immediately recovers immediately. 众人愣了一下,随即立马回过神来。 The sea king lives to the rain! 海王向雨生! The ancient natural life said with a smile: If a half th division person on value ten tickets, then this sea king, is also this/should equality of treatment?” 古天寿笑道:“如果说洛半师一个人就值十张票的话,那么这位海王,是不是也该同等待遇?” The audience atmosphere somewhat is immediately subtle. 全场气氛顿时有些微妙起来。 The sea king lives to the rain with half th division has fought, although from the feedback, should lose one move. 海王向雨生与洛半师交过手,虽然从事后反馈来看,应该是输了一招。 But even half th division still acknowledged, each other is existence of rank, these two people stand the peerless character ready ready in pyramid most peak! 但即便是洛半师也都承认,彼此是一个级别的存在,这二人都是妥妥站在金字塔最顶端的绝世人物! Now gave the half th division so aloof treatment, if favors one and discriminates against the other, is inevitably disadvantageous in the general situation. 如今给了洛半师如此超然的待遇,若是厚此薄彼,必然于大局不利。 After all from the general situation, the sea king lives to the rain is most this character of winning over, but he today actually not at the scene! 毕竟从大局来看,海王向雨生才是最该拉拢的人物,而他今日却不在现场! If really managed, the sea king ten tickets, the half th division ten tickets, had about the power of pattern directly, must know that these two may be bright instead, is the day even again magnanimously toward the sun impossible to dig one's own grave? 只是如果真这么办了,海王十张票,洛半师十张票,直接就有了左右格局的权力,要知道这俩可都是明反,天向阳就算再大度也不可能这么自掘坟墓吧? In a dilemma. 左右为难。 The day looked at two old friends toward the sun: You create a Gordian knot to me actually.” 天向阳看了看两个老朋友:“你们倒是给我出了个难题啊。” General situation is heavy.” “大局为重。” Dust Yue Hegu day birthday noodles apology, but attitude actually unprecedented firmness. 尘岳和古天寿面露歉意,但态度却前所未有的坚定。 Three big initiate Family brothers, they will never remove day stage toward the sun in the presence of everyone, but today, for the respective Family fundamental interests, they must struggle. 三大创始家族同气连枝,他们从不会当众拆天向阳的台,但是今天,为了各自家族的根本利益,他们必须一争到底。 At this time some people sent the sound said suddenly: Actually does not have that difficult office, the matter of failing a grade fresh institute makes their interior be solved, called to ask his meaning the sea king senior not on the line?” 这时有人忽然发声道:“其实也没那么难办吧,留级生院的事情让他们自己内部解决,把海王前辈叫来问一问他的意思不就行了?” The interior is self determined, this is always the Jianghai Institute unshakeable tradition, especially the failing a grade fresh institute is the seal that becomes famous. 内部自决,这一向是江海学院雷打不动的传统,尤其留级生院又是出了名的封闭。 Really wants some people to meddle the internal affairs of failing a grade fresh institute rashly, halves minutes to fall dirty certainly, even if this point expensive/noble is three big initiates Family is not good. 真要有人冒然插手留级生院的内部事务,绝对分分钟落个灰头土脸,这一点就算是贵为三大创始家族也都不行。 „Will sea king...... come?” “海王……会来吗?” The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人不由面面相觑。 Lives that disagreeable character by the sea king to the rain, if he himself is glad that anything saying that perhaps but if his not happy, presented everyone to follow unlucky, caused havoc the summit meeting to repeat in the past the past event, this matter he did not do not come out. 以海王向雨生那种乖戾的性格,要是他自己乐意那什么都好说,可要是他不高兴了,说不定在场所有人都得跟着倒霉,大闹峰会重演当年旧事,这种事情他不是干不出来 Finally them finishes speaking, then listens to the sea king to resound in the head to the rain fresh sound: Who said that I won't come?” 结果他们这边话音刚落,便听海王向雨生的声音在头上响起:“谁说我不会来?” The people are critical situation immediately. 众人顿时如临大敌。 The dust Yue Hegu natural life is to actually look at each other one, the complexion is usual, this is they plans the matter. 尘岳和古天寿却是相视一眼,面色如常,这本就是他们计划中事。 The day sees that to push the boat along toward the sun: Since you came, that said your meaning.” 天向阳见状顺水推舟:“既然你来了,那就说说你的意思吧。” The sea king looked at him, laughed was sweeping dust Yue Hegu natural life one: One crowd castrates the Tsukanaka bleached bone of poultry, unexpectedly also wants to take the old man, when board game piece, who gives your courage?” 海王看了看他,嗤笑着扫了尘岳和古天寿一眼:“一群自我阉割成家禽的冢中枯骨,居然也想拿老夫当棋子,谁给你们的勇气?” Under the audience gaze, two big Family facade characters together are uneven the complexion to be red, cannot bear must stick out suddenly. 全场注视之下,两大家族的门面人物齐齐脸色通红,忍不住就要暴起。 However under the despotic power of sea king, finally chose endured patiently forcefully. 不过在海王的淫威之下,最终还是选择了强行忍耐。 Only if there is day of full power support toward the sun, otherwise only depends on their two families, even if counted the top strength that they can affect, could not cope with the sea king to live this counter- thief gang leader to the rain. 除非得到天向阳的全力支持,否则只靠他们两家,即便算上他们能够影响的顶级战力,也根本对付不了海王向雨生这个反贼头子 Really must make a move, will only bring contempt upon oneself. 真要出手,只会自取其辱。 After all at present this crucial point, uniting all top strengths will be the key, the day will not easily act to the sea king toward the sun. 毕竟眼下这个节骨眼,团结一切顶级战力才是关键,天向阳是绝不会轻易对海王出手的。 However immediately, the sea king fell to the rain fresh vision on Lin Yi: Boy, heard that you failing a grade fresh institute were doing recently enjoy the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, even my these later generations were tamed by you, respects the young.” 不过随即,海王向雨生的目光又落在了林逸身上:“小子,听说你最近在留级生院搞得风生水起啊,连我这些后辈都被你驯服了,后生可畏啊。” Lin Yi sets out to cup one hand in the other across the chest: Senior overpraised.” 林逸起身拱手:“前辈过奖。” Lives to smile to the rain: It‘s nothing overpraised, I always told the truth, never spoke the pleasantries, I said that you could handle you to handle.” 向雨生笑了笑:“没什么过不过奖的,我这人向来有一说一,从来不跟人讲客套话,我说你当得起你就当得起。” The people look that this harmonious look at each other in blank dismay. 众人看着这和谐的一幕面面相觑。
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