SBPE :: Volume #16

#9842: Chapter 9842

Although to top strength level, inevitably each one is the personality extremely bright characters, is like her natural free, especially is a woman, is really rare. 虽说到了顶级战力这个层次,必然个个都是性格极度鲜明的人物,可是像她这样潇洒自若的,尤其还是一个女人,实在少见。 The day looks at this toward the sun is also helpless. 天向阳看着这一幕也是无奈。 Said strictly, Eastern flame with his day family/home or close relative, but this miss is never serious Family, natural talent extremely strength is also much stronger, he wants to manage cannot control, can only let matters drift. 严格说起来,东方焰跟他天家还是近亲,只不过这姑娘从来不把家族当回事,偏偏天资绝顶实力又强得离谱,他想管都管不了,只能放任自流。 Is good because of the Eastern flame, although the conduct in others eyes is eccentric and unreasonable, but in his opinion, but also has one set of methodicalness. 好在东方焰虽在旁人眼里行事乖张,但在他看来,还算是自有一套章法。 Even if she as the school prison warden, faced universal condemnation in the past admitted half th division on own initiative , is not really a say/way to arrive black. 哪怕她身为学院监狱监狱长,当年冒天下之大不韪主动接纳了洛半师,也并非真的就是要一条道走到黑。 She is like Lin Yi, relations with half th division not secondary, has own judgment at many important matters. 她跟林逸一样,与洛半师的关系并非完全从属,在许多大事上都有着自己的判断。 Therefore until now, the day turns a blind eye to her toward the sun, never goes to multi- meddle. 所以一直以来,天向阳对她都是睁一只眼闭一只眼,从来不去多管闲事 Since the person were in attendance, that starts.” “既然人都到齐了,那就开始吧。” The day never likes the lord of idle talk toward the sun, came straight to the point directly, came straight to the point. 天向阳从来不是喜欢废话的主,直接单刀直入,开门见山。 School consolidation! 学院整合! This is the subject of this school summit meeting most important, was parties already the matter that was well aware. 这就是本次学院峰会最重要的议题,也是与会各方早就心知肚明的事情。 Before failing a grade of Lin Yi leadership lived the institute conformity is a clear signal, the great misfortune current, conformed with imperative in together the strength of entire Jianghai Institute. 之前林逸主导的留级生院整合就已是一个清晰的信号,大劫当前,将整个江海学院的力量整合在一起势在必行。 Otherwise if continued to illuminate before respectively for the situation, even the goal was when the time comes consistent, still can definitely by defeat in detail. 否则若是继续照着之前各自为阵的态势,到时候就算目标一致,也必然会被各个击破。 This point will not have any suspense. 这一点不会有任何悬念。 All parties have the preparation early, the core agenda that today must discuss truly is, how to conform. 各方对此早有心理准备,今天真正要讨论的核心议程在于,怎么整合。 Even if this school summit meeting can convene itself today smoothly, has meant the situation to be bright, the day has been able to control the general situation toward the sun, but this conforms truly with all parties is actually two matters. 哪怕今天这次学院峰会能够顺利召开本身,就已经意味着局势明朗,天向阳已经能够掌控大局,可这跟各方真正整合起来却是两码事。 As long as conforms, inevitably related to massive interest distributions. 但凡整合,必然涉及到大量的利益分配。 Who are many? Who little? 谁多一点?谁少一点? Whose sequence order near the top? Whose sequence order near the bottom? 谁的位次靠前一点?谁的位次靠后一点? The tacit understanding of all influence is extremely frail in the face of the icy benefit, has the possibility of collapse anytime, even if there is a day to assume personal command at the scene toward the sun personally, a lot did not say that enables to let. 各方势力的这份默契在冷冰冰的利益面前太过脆弱,随时都有崩溃的可能,即便有天向阳亲自在现场坐镇,很多事情也不是说让就能让的。 „After concrete conformity regulation, leaves, today must decide on a matter, wartime committee.” “具体的整合章程等之后再出,今天要定下来的就一件事,战时委员会。” The 11 of day vision from audience all faces has swept toward the sun: Great misfortune current, all powers take back the wartime committee, the quota definition is five people, everyone votes by ballots.” 天向阳目光从全场所有人脸上一一扫过:“大劫当前,一切权力收归战时委员会,名额限定为五人,大家投票表决。” The people in abundance in an uproar. 众人纷纷哗然。 This meaning, is to select stands five giants truly in school pyramid most peak, five of entire school version great?! 这个意思,就是要选出真正站在学院金字塔最顶端的五个巨头,全学院版的五巨?! Voting rule is as follows, an audience participants ticket, everyone fills in five names, the secret ballot, results in ticket most five people selected.” “投票规则如下,全场与会人员一人一票,每人填五个名字,不记名投票,得票最多的五人入选。” In addition, the following several side Huashi people have the extra ten tickets to represent the jurisdiction, respectively is the School Director meeting, the scientific theory meeting and failing a grade fresh institute,...... school prison.” “此外,以下几方话事人有额外的十票代表权限,分别是校董会、学理会、留级生院,还有……学院监狱。” People collective speechless, looks to half th division. 众人集体哑然,不由纷纷看向洛半师。 In name is the school prison, but in fact, is the half th division department. 名义上是学院监狱,但实质上,就是半师系。 Today such situation allowed half th division to participate had made an exception, now unexpectedly must give him and traditional three parties same voting jurisdiction, simply to big spectrum! 今天这样的场合让洛半师来参加就已是破例了,如今居然还要给他与传统三方同等的投票权限,简直离大谱! Suddenly couldn't some people even bear the suspicion, the day are controlled toward the sun? 一时间有人甚至都忍不住怀疑,天向阳是不是被人控制了? Submissively to closing the important power gives the sworn enemy, especially the standpoint causes, sworn enemy who is unable to compromise! 拱手将至关重要的权力让给死对头,尤其还是立场导致,根本无法调和的死对头! If were not controlled, the people really could not understand that the day will make such decision toward the sun, even the brain water penetration, can't that enter all of a sudden is so juicy? Valley 如果不是被人控制,众人实在理解不了天向阳怎么会做出这样的决策,就算脑子进水,那也不能一下子进这么多水吧?谷 The day looked at the people toward the sun: „It seems like some opinions?” 天向阳看了看众人:“诸位好像有些意见?” Qualifications extremely deep School Director meets big shot to set out saying: Is the voting rights does not have the issue to the half th division, but can only a person of ticket, as for the ten tickets of extra representative influence, they not match.” 一位资历极深的校董大佬起身说道:“给半师系投票权没有问题,但只能一人一票,至于额外代表势力的十票,他们不配。” Good, the half th division is this strength, why can treat as an equal to the failing a grade fresh institute with our School Director meeting and scientific theory?” “不错,就半师系这点实力,凭什么跟我们校董会、学理会和留级生院平起平坐?” Many people set out to echo. 不少人起身附和。 From the scale, the half th division department is not at least able to place on a par with this traditional three parties, this point list can look at come out from the population of top strength. 至少从规模上,半师系远无法跟这传统三方相提并论,这一点单从顶级战力的人数上就能看得出来 School Director will be most has ten people fully, the scientific theory meets seven people, the failing a grade fresh institute seven people. 校董会最多足有十人,学理会七人,留级生院七人。 Reviews half th division, even if counted the Eastern flame, still only then three people. 反观洛半师这边,即便算上东方焰,也只有堪堪三人。 Each other differs such big to have the same voting rights, really made one be hard to believe that if said this saying was not day Xiangyang, but traded to make any other one people, halved minutes to be spurted certainly. 彼此相差如此之大却有着相同的投票权,实在令人难以信服,要是说出这话的不是天向阳,而是换做其他任何一人,绝对分分钟被人喷死。 Looks the audience people who the public sentiment is roused to action, the day ejects one toward the sun lightly: „ I also looked that half th division is not feeling well, if Ok, today I do not want to invite him to attend. 看着群情激奋的全场众人,天向阳淡淡抛出一句:“我也看洛半师不爽,如果可以,今天我根本都不想邀请他出席。 But, something his coordination nods, have not done. 可是啊,有些事情没有他的配合点头,根本做不了。 If who confessed that can replace him, good, my apportions him on behalf of the jurisdiction ten tickets, who can stand come out? ” 诸位若是有谁自认能够顶替掉他,那好,我这就把十票代表权限分给他,有谁能站出来吗?” The audience are completely silent. 全场鸦雀无声。 Today can stand the person here, each one is the peerless characters, each one is also naturally exceptional, but they can still on an unconscious short head in the face of half th division these three characters even. 今天能够站在这里的人,个个都是绝世人物,自然个个也都自命不凡,可即便是他们在洛半师这三个字面前也都会不自觉矮上一头。 Without the means that the top strength is to also be divided the class, but what unfortunately is, half th division stands in of audience most top layer ready ready exists. 没办法,顶级战力也是分阶层的,而不巧的是,洛半师是妥妥站在全场最顶层的那个存在。 Since no one stands come out, that can only acknowledge a matter.” “既然没人站出来,那就只能承认一件事。” The day sighed toward the sun: Half th division he alone, represents the jurisdiction on the value ten tickets.” 天向阳叹了口气道:“洛半师他一个人,就值十票代表权限。” The audience with amazement, actually no one can refute. 全场骇然,却无人能够反驳。 Lin Yi looked at a cloud poor business conditions light half th division, said oneself are acting cool gang leader, oneself one compared with are really little witch sees Great Shaman with this. 林逸看了一眼云淡风轻的洛半师,都说自己是装逼头子,自己跟这位一比实在是小巫见大巫 A few words did not say, solely sits here, compels the audience hostile top strength of together to lower the head. 一句话不说,单单只是坐在这里,就逼得全场敌对的顶级战力一起低头。 What compels the standard? This compels the standard! 什么叫逼格?这就是逼格! The day sees that to announce toward the sun: Since no one has the objection, that starts to vote.” 天向阳见状宣布道:“既然没人有异议,那就开始投票吧。” Numerous top strength 10,000 are unwilling, but really no one can stand come out to say a non- character. 一众顶级战力一万个心有不甘,但实在没人能站出来说个不字。 The half th division is it is not truly strong, may have half th division, that must treat as the top influence on regard it. 半师系本身确实不强,可有洛半师在,那就必须把它当做顶级势力来看待。 Really wants some people to stand come out to oppose, half th division does not even need to refute, sets out to walk directly can make him sit the wax same place. 真要有人站出来反对,洛半师甚至都不需要反驳,直接起身一走就能让他原地坐蜡。 When the time comes the day comes one toward the sun again, live you of half th division do, that waits for death. 到时候天向阳再来一句,洛半师的活你来干,那就等着死吧。 Actually the true discerning person has looked at come out, half th division can have presently here today, itself had indicated that he achieved important to be tacit with the day toward the sun, this matter radically already decided but not yet announced good, others did not interfere. 其实真正的明眼人早就已经看出来,洛半师今天会出现在这里,本身就已经表明他与天向阳达成了重要默契,这种事情根本就是早已内定好的,旁人根本干涉不了。 At this time School Director met big shot to raise hand saying: I have a small issue.” 这时一位校董大佬举手道:“我有一个小问题。” The day selects the eyebrow toward the sun slightly: Said.” 天向阳微微挑眉:“说。” Failing a grade fresh institute has not completed the conformity truly, naturally also said no that on who is the words matter person in failing a grade fresh institute, are their ten tickets decided by whom on behalf of the jurisdiction?” “留级生院至今没有真正完成整合,自然也说不上谁是留级生院的话事人,他们的十票代表权限由谁来定?” The people stare, immediately turns the head to look to Lin Yi. 众人不由一愣,随即转头看向林逸 Thinks that will also continue to nip half th division not to put, without thinking actually transferred the fire to this on an instant, this saying came to Lin Yi obvious! 都以为还会继续咬着洛半师不放,没想到一转眼却是转火到这位身上了,这话明摆着就是冲着林逸来的!
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