SBPE :: Volume #16

#9841: Chapter 9841

But he does not dare. 可是他不敢。 Because the day had said toward the sun publicly, if the city main mansion starts to the general public, Jianghai Institute will not stand by. 因为天向阳已经公开放话,城主府如果对普通民众下手,江海学院绝不会袖手旁观。 Although this is only an oral red string, but must make Li chant Zhang however cross in the past, he really did not have that boldness. 这虽然只是一条口头红线,但要让李诵章公然跨过去,他还真没那个魄力。 Let alone, day attitude toward the sun also not just stays on the mouth, for against situation out-of-control, the school has scattered large quantities of expert to enter the Jianghai city, includes the Lin Yi's information place. 何况,天向阳的态度也不单单停留在嘴上,为防事态失控,学院已经撒出大批高手进入江海城,其中就包括林逸的情报处。 Li Songzhang really must dare to have the least bit to change, perhaps the next second is the thunder strikes! 李诵章真要敢有半点异动,也许下一秒就是雷霆一击! The Jianghai city is precarious, but under Jianghai Institute in all parties preheating drum up support, finally welcomed an unprecedented congress. 江海城风雨飘摇,而江海学院则在各方预热造势之下,终于迎来了一场史无前例的大会。 School summit meeting. 学院峰会。 From the day family/home, the School Director meetings, the scientific theory meetings, the failing a grade fresh institutes as well as other school independent departments, all top strength whole staff attend! 自天家以下,校董会、学理会、留级生院以及其他各个学院独立部门,所有的顶级战力全员出席! Countless people were anticipating this congress that is representing Jianghai most peak, what is regrettable, does not have the entire net live broadcast. 无数人都在期待着这场代表着江海最巅峰的大会,不过让人遗憾的是,没有全网直播。 This is the natural matter. 这是理所当然的事情。 After all does not try place that bad show, this is decided truly sufficiently future top summit meeting, all subjects all are the secrets in secret, how possibly to make the average person know, even also entire journey live broadcast? 毕竟不是审判处那种心怀不轨的作秀,这是真正足以决定未来的顶层峰会,所有议题全是机密中的机密,怎么可能让普通人知道,甚至还全程直播? Let alone the average person, is the school high-end strength, has not attended the qualifications of audit. 别说普通人,就是学院内部的高端战力,都没有列席旁听的资格。 Giant ultimate grand perfection, is the only summit meeting pass. 巨头终极大圆满,就是唯一的峰会通行证。 Lin Yi is an exception. 林逸除外。 Although also some people raise come out his giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak expert to attend the summit meeting, really a little does not gather the custom, finally was surrounded with the concern mental handicap look by all top strengths. 虽然也有人提出来他这个巨头大圆满中期巅峰高手出席峰会,实在有点不合规矩,结果被所有顶级战力用关爱智障的眼神围观了。 The conference site decides on an island, this is the private domain of day of family/home. 会场定在一座海岛上,这是天家的私人地盘。 Sole this point, had announced to everyone who the master of this school summit meeting is. 单单这一点,就已向所有人宣告了本次学院峰会的主人是谁。 When Lin Yi brings a failing a grade fresh institute numerous top strength is arriving, School Director can with the scientific theory the whole staff arrive in full, on the stance, displays only coordinates compared with him, at least supports. 林逸带着留级生院一众顶级战力到场的时候,校董会和学理会都已全员到齐,单就姿态而言,表现得比他更加配合,至少更加捧场。 This is not strange. 这不奇怪。 School Director can be the traditional forces range of day of family/home, but the scientific theory meets chief permits Anshan is half day family/home person on one's own side, only on the relations, they and day truly is toward the sun nearer than Lin Yi. 校董会是天家的传统势力范围,而学理会首席许安山则是半个天家自己人,单就关系而言,他们与天向阳确实比林逸更近。 Now with the conformity of Lin Yi to failing a grade fresh institute, at least in name, the day has controlled the general situation in entire Jianghai Institute toward the sun. 如今随着林逸对留级生院的整合,至少在名义上,天向阳已是掌控了整个江海学院的大局。 Although presence of Lin Yi people brought in the audience attention, but as people expected, has not caused how much mighty waves after all actually. 林逸一众人的出场虽然引来了全场关注,但毕竟在众人预料之中,倒是并没有引起多少波澜。 Truly the one who causes the audience to clamor is the influence of next appearance. 真正引起全场喧哗的是下一个到场的势力。 Half th division. 洛半师。 School Director meets an numerous top strength to be critical situation, this in the past to the trauma that they cast, but did not compare makes the sea king of banner rebellion to live to be small to the rain blatantly, even was much bigger! 校董会一众顶级战力纷纷如临大敌,这位当年给他们留下的心理阴影,可一点不比公然打出旗号造反的海王向雨生小,甚至还要大得多! The sea king is only the rebellion, at best must replace the position of day of family/home. 海王只是造反,充其量只是要取代天家的位置。 Even if he succeeded even, Jianghai Institute nothing but is still changes a leader, a new boss brings in a new staff, so long as they know the limitation a point also to continue to fill of enjoyment. 哪怕就算他成功了,江海学院无非也就是换一个领头人,一朝天子一朝臣,他们只要识相一点还能继续吃香喝辣。 But half th division is different. 可是洛半师不一样。 This idea must subvert the entire school construction, thoroughly overthrows their group of elites to rule, once made him succeed, some School Director office vested interest Family including the day family/home, must drop the shrine completely. 这位的理念是要颠覆整个学院架构,彻底推翻他们这群精英统治的,一旦让他成功了,校董会所有的既得利益家族包括天家在内,全部都要跌落神坛。 He must represent for the grassroots, although these years have been suppressed stubbornly in the school prison, but the half th division three characters, throughout are the dream dimples that all traditional elite Family can hardly be removed. 他是要为草根代言的,虽然这些年来一直被死死压制在学院监狱,可洛半师三个字,始终都是所有传统精英家族挥之不去的梦靥。 Especially as now the Lin Yi's domineering rise, the half th division is the momentum inspires greatly! 尤其如今随着林逸的强势崛起,半师系声势大振! Even if Lin Yi has not joined the view of half th division department explicitly, between he and half th divisions, more is the alliance relationship of Both Teacher and Friend. 哪怕林逸并没有明确加入半师系的说法,他跟洛半师之间,更多是亦师亦友的同盟关系。 But his has itself, actually had had the tremendous blow to the original pattern. 可他的存在本身,其实就已对原有格局产生了巨大冲击。 After all, he is the most typical grassroots counterattack case! 毕竟,他就是最典型的草根逆袭案例! If not for he and day relates toward the sun is not bad, has not stood in line with half th divisions in the day toward the sun explicitly, perhaps he has become is the target of public criticism, these traditional elite Family ignores of School Director meeting he will not at least rise! 若不是他跟天向阳关系也不差,在天向阳和洛半师之间没有明确站队,他恐怕早就成为众矢之的,至少校董会的这些传统精英家族绝不会放任他一路崛起! Follows half th division to appear together, two people. 跟着洛半师一起出现的,还有两个人。 First, the half th division is No. 2 character Chen Guo, before Lin Yi with he fought giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, now has been promoted giant ultimate grand perfection, formal steps into the top strength ranks. 其一是半师系二号人物陈国,之前林逸与他交手的时候还是巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,如今已经晋级巨头终极大圆满,正式踏入顶级战力行列。 Another is the valiant red robe female, has the legendary school prison warden, idol who the autumn three mothers often said. 另外一位则是英姿飒爽的红袍女子,颇具传奇色彩的学院监狱监狱长,秋三娘时常挂在嘴边的偶像人物。 Eastern flame. 东方焰。 These two people of one have not been the good stubble, Chen Guo, although shortly after being promoted, but by his background, so long as walks out, that strength is not common giant ultimate grand perfection expert may compare absolutely. 这二人没有一个是善茬,陈国虽然晋级不久,但以他的底蕴只要跨过门槛,那战力绝对不是寻常的巨头终极大圆满高手可比。 As for the latter, his body sends out the come out oppression strength faintly, even if away from lets numerous top strength alert on the scene far away. 至于后者,其身上隐隐散发出来的压迫力,即便隔着老远都让在场一众顶级战力戒备不已。 This woman is the genuine monster. 这个女人可是真正的怪物啊。 Welcome, takes a seat.” “欢迎,入座吧。” The day sets out to greet to half th division toward the sun on own initiative, the tone said no that on has the multi- warm feelings, but makes the audience shock as before. 天向阳主动起身向洛半师打了个招呼,语气说不上有多热络,但依旧让全场大跌眼镜。 Looks that the half th division three people sit down by Lin Yi, the audience vision focused the day toward the sun, the senior statesmen of especially these School Director meetings, were more incredible. 看着洛半师三人在林逸旁边坐下,全场目光不由聚焦到了天向阳身上,尤其那些校董会的元老,更是一个个都不可置信。 Even if the day family/home instead very reconciles they to accept with sea king type, is only with half th division, they really did not understand! 天家哪怕跟海王这种反贼和解他们都能接受,可是唯独跟洛半师,他们实在理解不了! Isn't this digs one's own grave? 这不是自掘坟墓吗? However the day had not explained toward the sun on own initiative, this situation they are not good to open the mouth rashly, even if the heart has discontentedly still can only first suppress. 不过天向阳没有主动解释,这种场合他们也不好冒然开口,就算心有不满也只能先憋着。 After all day face toward the sun is their face. 毕竟天向阳的面子就是他们的面子 If lashed out at the day at this time toward the sun, not to mention they do have that energy, even if really has, should still only make half th division look at the joke. 若是这种时候对天向阳发难,且不说他们有没有那个底气,就算真有,也只会让洛半师看笑话。 Listened to three mothers saying that you do want to fight me?” “听三娘说你想跟我打一场?” The Eastern flame sat in the Lin Yi's side position directly, building that a pair of shining big long leg acted in a completely informal or uninhibited manner on table, even if bound solid, made the secretion male hormone of person instinct as before. 东方焰直接就坐在了林逸的旁边位置,一双明晃晃的大长腿旁若无人的搭在桌子上,哪怕裹得严严实实,也依旧令人本能的分泌雄性荷尔蒙。 On leg, she even must be more perfect than the autumn three mothers only, in the meantime, seduces. 单就腿型而言,她甚至比秋三娘还要更加完美,同时,也更加诱惑。 The Lin Yi eyelid jumped jumping: „Have I added this?” 林逸眼皮跳了跳:“我还说过这个?” I am very actually interested, next time will select a time.” “我倒是挺有兴趣的,下次挑个时间吧。” The Eastern flame is full of meaning Xiaoxiao, turns the head to sitting said in the Lin Yi back row tyrant: fatty, heard that your liquor is good, coming several barrels to taste?” 东方焰饶有意味的笑笑,转头对坐在林逸后排的暴君道:“胖子,听说你的酒不错,来几桶尝尝?” „......” “……” A people face is strange, looks to the tyrant, dares to call this goods fatty this to be first face to face. 众人一脸古怪,纷纷看向暴君,敢当面叫这货胖子的这还是头一个。 The tyrants looked at her one eyes: „Did your woman drink?” 暴君看了她一眼:“你一个女人喝得了吗?” The Eastern flame laughs: Your this type, ten cannot drink me.” 东方焰嗤笑:“就你这种的,十个也喝不过我。” Also without drunk talks big, boast shamelessly.” “还没喝醉呢就说大话,大言不惭。” On the tyrant mouth said that in the hand actually flung three barrels of pasts directly, this may be his Thousand-year good wine, besides to Lin Yi, in his was also the rare great writer. 暴君嘴上这么说,手上却是直接甩了三桶过去,这可都是他的千年佳酿,除了对林逸之外,于他这也算是难得的大手笔了。 The Eastern flame takes everything with a smile, does not pay attention to the audience strange look, drank in the presence of everyone. 东方焰笑着照单全收,根本不理会全场古怪的眼神,当众就喝了起来。 That called one to stick to one's own way of doing things. 那叫一个我行我素。
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