SBPE :: Volume #16

#9840: Chapter 9840

Then could not sit still on Li Songzhang of including the city main mansion, once this group of presiding judge live broadcasts illuminated the asking one's conscience mirror, First unlucky is he. 这下就连城主府的李诵章都坐不住了,一旦这帮审判长直播照了问心镜,第一个倒霉的就是他。 However this is also not most serious. 不过这都还不是最严重的。 He with the matter of trial place group of person colluding, because of the liveliness of king poetic appeal Sky Step Island First local hacker, in online is to make now noisily. 他跟审判处这帮人勾结之事,因为王诗情这位天阶岛第一本土黑客的活跃,如今在网上已是闹得沸沸扬扬。 Has the enormous influence regarding prestige admittedly of city main mansion, may sit in his Li Songzhang position, will also feel at most a little troublesome, but also is insufficient to affect the general situation truly. 对于城主府的声誉固然有着巨大影响,可坐在他李诵章的位置,顶多也只是会觉得有点麻烦罢了,还不至于真正影响到大局。 Also gave Jianghai Institute at most a declaring war excuse. 顶多也就是给了江海学院一个宣战的借口。 On the other hand, the day really must start to his city main mansion toward the sun, excuse some are, does not miss this. 话说回来,天向阳真要对他城主府下手,借口有的是,根本不差这一个。 The true hidden danger lies in he controls the technique of this group of person presiding judges, ordinary expert naturally looks at not come out way, but if falls in the genuine expert eyes, especially the scene also has secret character, that trouble was big. 真正的隐患在于他控制这帮人审判长的手法,普通高手自然看不出来门道,可如果落在真正的行家眼里,尤其现场还有天机这种人物,那就麻烦大了。 This may directly relate his future important matter! 这可直接关系着他的未来大计啊! Death. 死。 Chanted incantations to kill, at this moment 12 presiding judges in Jianghai Institute is also thinking bargaining, tried to receive in exchange for the Lin Yi's concessions with the transaction. 一念咒杀,此刻远在江海学院的十二位审判长还想着讨价还价,试图用交易来换取林逸的让步。 Since they can handle matters to Li Songzhang, naturally can also to the Lin Yi management, the trial place good and evil be the senior statesman level establishment of Jianghai Institute, really must use to be a little use. 他们既然可以给李诵章办事,自然也可以给林逸办事,审判处好歹是江海学院的元老级编制,真要用好了还是很有点用处的。 However has not waited for them to say the words, including chief presiding judge giant ultimate grand perfection expert, is in front of Lin Yi numerous dead a violent death suddenly collectively. 然而没等他们把话说完,包括首席审判长这位巨头终极大圆满高手在内,当着林逸一众的面突然集体暴毙。 Relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 形神俱灭。 Dies simply, it seems like works hard beforehand, this group of idiots had not known.” “死得这么干脆,看来事先下了不少工夫啊,这帮蠢货还不自知。” The tyrants are being surrounded by beautiful women beautiful woman in the bosom, looks that the loathsome appearance of this group of people curls the lip. 暴君又是左拥右抱美人在怀,看着这群人的死相撇了撇嘴。 The flame pond nods: Instantaneous incantation kills giant ultimate grand perfection expert, obviously got down the qualification.” 炎池点点头:“瞬间咒杀一个巨头终极大圆满高手,可见是下了本钱的。” As long as the top strength is not easy dead, particularly kills this kind of shameful secret method with the incantation, without special way, even if will be the strong incantation kills also suppressing by the regular strength. 但凡顶级战力都不是那么容易死的,尤其是用咒杀这一类的阴私手段,如果没有特殊门道,哪怕是再强的咒杀也会被规则力量给压制下去。 This can only show, opposite party not only strength is far higher than this chief presiding judge, meanwhile extra initial capital. 这只能证明,对方不仅实力远高于这位首席审判长,同时还下了额外的血本。 The presiding judge who in addition other this giant grand perfection Late Phase start, solely this collective incantation kills the cost of consumption, converting spirit jade is ready the proper astronomical figures! 加上其余这一众巨头大圆满后期起步的审判长,单单这一次集体咒杀耗费的成本,折算成灵玉就是妥妥的天文数字! The so big fee/spent controlled one flustered the air/Qi trial place, what in-depth intention the opposite party back holds, thinks to make one be afraid. 如此大费周章控制一个过了气的审判处,对方背后揣着什么样的深层意图,想想都令人不寒而栗。 The Lin Yi same secret looks at each other one. 林逸不由同天机对视一眼。 This result secret has told him ahead of time, plan that but from beginning to end, he do not prevent. 这个结局天机已经提前告诉过他,不过从头到尾,他都没有要阻止的打算。 Indeed, the body of this group of presiding judges hides inevitably is letting the Li Songzhang restless secret sufficiently, but presently is also not this secret exposure time. 诚然,这帮审判长的身上必然藏着足以让李诵章都坐立不安的秘密,可现在还不是这个秘密曝光的时候。 Once detonates ahead of time, the situation is very likely to fall toward the unpredictable abyss extremely in a short time. 一旦提前引爆,形势极有可能在极短时间内朝着不可预知的深渊滑落。 Preventive inoculation Lin Yi that should hit had hit to the people a moment ago, then must do, only has first makes the bullet fly a while, can guarantee twice the result with half the effort. 该打的预防针林逸刚才就已经给民众打了,接下来要做的,唯有先让子弹飞上一会儿,才能确保事半功倍。 Hence, with dying a violent death of final 12 presiding judge, as of a trial place school founders moved toward the end thoroughly. 至此,随着最后十二位审判长的暴毙,作为学院创始人之一的审判处彻底走向了终结。 Some people sobbed, some people regretted, some people regretted. 有人唏嘘,有人惋惜,也有人遗憾。 The regrettable such good opportunity, cannot see Lin Yi in the end according to the scene of asking one's conscience mirror, delivered on excellent chance to fly. 遗憾这么好的机会,到头来还是没能看到林逸照问心镜的场面,送到手上的大好机缘就这么飞了。 However also dares the heart to complain two. 不过也就敢心底埋怨两句而已。 Really must make them say come out in the presence of everyone, if especially may fall to the ground in the Lin Yi ear, that kills absolutely does not dare. Valley 真要让他们当众说出来,尤其如果有可能落地林逸耳中的话,那绝对是打死都不敢的。谷 Cracks a joke, trial place group of people were persecuted to death, trades to be them, including does not have by the qualifications that Lin Yi persecutes to death face to face. 开玩笑,审判处这帮人都被生生逼死了,换做他们,连被林逸当面逼死的资格都没有。 Following is the polarization of online public opinion. 随之而来的则是网上舆论的两极分化。 From the result of judgement trial, the large number people stood on the side of Lin Yi only certainly, but many people not supported Lin Yi sincerely, they were only the nauseating city main mansion actions. 单从裁决审判的结果来看,绝大数人都站在了林逸一边,可这其中很多人并非真心拥戴林逸,他们只是更恶心城主府的所作所为而已。 Now disturbance in the past, regarding Lin Yi's all sorts of suspicions under the person with high aspirations adds fuel to the flames, there is a raised the head trend. 如今风波过去,对于林逸的种种怀疑在有心人推波助澜之下,又有了抬头的趋势。 However another part is actually the Lin Yi's hardcore fan. 不过另一部分却是林逸的铁杆拥趸。 This follows on the heels of the star to be the same, once had the substitution feeling to the idol, definitely will be deeper and deeper, especially Lin Yi that strength exceedingly high aloof existence. 这就跟追星一样,一旦对偶像产生了代入感,就必然会越陷越深,尤其林逸还是那种实力通天的超然存在。 Such character always deeply hidden, the average person usually simply does not have the opportunity to see, even if with arrival of Internet age, will have the great person occasionally one side the reveal in the network, that should still keep aloof, the deep awe that will remain. 这样的人物向来深藏不露,普通人平常根本没机会见到,就算随着网络时代的来临,偶有大人物会在网络上露一面,那也是高高在上,留下来的只有深深的敬畏。 However Lin Yi is different. 但是林逸不同。 Because although the strength level is placed there, invisible between on him will also send out the huge air/Qi field, that Lin Yi that but in his bone actually treats people as equals, regardless of the opposite party strong and weak is an attitude, even if facing the average person is also same. 虽说因为实力层次摆在那里,无形之间他身上也会散发出庞大的气场,可他骨子里却还是平等待人的那个林逸,无论对方强弱都是一个态度,哪怕面对普通人也是一样。 This polite polite, should complain, extremely nature. 该客气客气,该吐槽吐槽,十分自然。 Compared with these top big shot, he does not go to the catering to people desirably even, that is ready the proper compatible point of force is still full. 跟那些位顶级大佬一比,他即便不去刻意的迎合民众,那也是妥妥的亲和力点满。 What is most essential, his magnificent scene one after another, heat degree continuously unceasingly. 最关键的是,他身上大场面一个接着一个,热度一直不断。 Looks at forest five great acting cool, acting cool satisfies a craving!” “看林五巨装逼,比自己装逼都过瘾!” This is the ordinary people simplest idea, the Lin Yi's hardcore fan, comes. 这就是普罗大众最朴素的想法,林逸的铁杆拥趸,就是这么来的。 Therefore, the Jianghai city also performs the black powder war that secular world loved, the bonus was Lin Yi oneself looked, has to sigh one. 于是,江海城也上演起了世俗界喜闻乐见的黑粉大战,饶是林逸本人看了,都不得不感叹一句。 Really was the time changes. 果然是时代变了。 However compares him, city main mansion that is true badly battered. 不过相比起他这边,城主府那才是真正的焦头烂额。 Some of his here at least also large numbers of fans help him rectify names, but Li Songzhang is the city main mansion of head, that may be water was black. 他这里至少还有大批拥趸帮他正名,可是李诵章为首的城主府,那可就是一水的黑了。 Even if large numbers of sailors send out still to wash radically motionless. 就算大批水军出动也都根本洗不动。 Not is only this illicit intercourse trial locates incident, in king an effort of poetic appeal and under numerous failing a grade fresh institute information place field personnel, the city main mansion past black history was also dug come out by each article. 不仅是这次私通审判处事件,在王诗情和一众留级生院情报处外勤的努力之下,城主府以往的黑历史也都被一桩桩一件件挖了出来 Everybody hits you when you are down, under the asylum in failing a grade fresh institute, more and more victims stand come out to offer one's experiences as an example. 墙倒众人推,在留级生院的庇护之下,越来越多的受害者站出来现身说法。 The Jianghai People are eating the melon every day, eaten is the melon of same family/home, key melon every day also different. 江海民众每天都在吃瓜,吃的都是同一家的瓜,关键这瓜每天都还不一样。 The city main mansion is searching for the position on list to be unshakeable hotly, even Lin Yi this network worthy of the reputation withstood/top the class/flow unable to shake, obviously the public opinion has exploded what situation. 城主府在热搜榜上的位置雷打不动,连林逸这个名符其实的网络顶流都撼动不了,可见舆论已经炸到了什么地步。 The present city main mansion, in Jianghai Public opinion Field that is all evils secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators, has resulted in black cannot be black. 如今的城主府,在江海舆论场中那就是一切罪恶的幕后黑手,已经黑得不能再黑了。 So long as you scolded the city main mansion, we were the friends. 只要你骂城主府,那我们就是朋友。 The city main mansion does not have the credibility. 城主府已是毫无公信力可言。 Although so far this disaffection also is only restricted in the network public opinion, but also no projects to the realistic level, but the discerning people look at come out, the dominant foundation of city main mansion is collapsing. 虽然目前为止这种不满还仅限于网络舆论,还没有投射到现实层面,但明眼人都看得出来,城主府的统治根基正在坍塌。 Without existence of Jianghai Institute, this actually radically is not what issue, Li Songzhang can definitely the military force suppression. 如果没有江海学院的存在,这其实根本都不算什么问题,李诵章完全可以武力压制。 In the face of the absolute military force, the weak one simply does not have the right to speak. 在绝对的武力面前,弱者根本没有话语权可言。
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