SBPE :: Volume #16

#9839: Chapter 9839

Asterism flood bright, means innocently. 星点泛明,意味着无罪。 star firing in bursts is dark, means guilty. 星点发暗,意味着有罪。 If according to his beforehand tentative plan, altogether involves is less than 1000 people, the voting will end quickly, but the voter one turns into several now ten million/countless, this was not a short time can finish up. 如果按照他之前的设想,总共才涉及不到一千人,投票很快就会结束,可如今投票人一下变成了好几千万,这就不是一时半会儿能够完事的了。 What most awfully is, once the voting starts unable to change, even if he is the initiator of this judgement is not good. 最要命的是,投票一旦开始就无法更改,哪怕他是本次裁决的发起人也不行。 He can attempt to pervert on conditions beforehand, can make the Lin Yi percentage hundred be decided guilty, once enters the voting flow, who that becomes unable to interfere. 他可以事先在条件上做手脚,可以让林逸百分百被定有罪,可是一旦进入投票流程,那就任何人都无法干涉。 The judgement must be neutral, this is the foundation that the rule has. 裁决本身必须中立,这是规则存在的基础。 However, the voting flow is unable to interfere, but the ideas of these voters can actually affect. 不过,投票流程无法干涉,但那些投票人的想法却是可以影响的。 The chief presiding judge gave Li Songzhang to send a news brief silently, making him probably mobilize all sailors, discredited to attack Lin Yi in the network as far as possible crazily, simultaneously using the enormous influence of city main mansion, is controlling the choice of voter secretly! 首席审判长默默给李诵章发了一条短讯,让他务必发动所有的水军,在网络上尽可能疯狂抹黑攻击林逸,同时利用城主府的巨大影响力,在幕后操控投票人的选择! Front the so-called the threat of conscience and reality, the large number person will make the correct choice certainly. 在所谓的良心和现实的威胁面前,绝大数人还是会做出正确选择的。 After all, the person lives is being from the heart. 毕竟,人活着就是得从心啊。 After receiving the news brief, Li Songzhang always felt like that some are not right, but this time wins victory without firing a shot to cope with the Lin Yi's opportunity to be really rare, the hesitant moment acted accordingly finally. 接到短讯之后,李诵章隐隐总觉得有些不对,但这次兵不血刃对付林逸的机会实在难得,犹豫片刻最终还是照办了。 Orders, the big city main mansion goes into action immediately, the entire Jianghai city is also frightened by the slightest sound. 一声令下,偌大的城主府立马行动起来,整个江海城随之风声鹤唳。 Distress that came to force by Lin Yi compared with before, under city main your family place at this moment traded makings completely. 与之前被林逸上门逼迫的狼狈相比,此刻的城主府上下完全换了一副气质。 Capable, ruthless spicy. 精干,狠辣。 However what they do not know, while the city main mansion moving, taken place failing a grade lived the field workers in institute information place also to follow. 然而他们不知道的是,就在城主府动起来的同时,早已就位的留级生院情报处的外勤人员也都跟着动了起来。 After this is the information place was established First times collective task! 这是情报处成立后的第一次集体任务 Meanwhile, the east district alone king hall information locates general headquarters speechless, a Tang Yun face looks that the king poetic appeal ten fingers of fluttering are typing on the keyboard. 与此同时,东区独王殿情报处总部,唐韵一脸无语的看着王诗情十指翻飞敲着键盘。 Sky Step Island First hacker. 天阶岛第一个黑客。 This is little girl to the honorable title that she decides. 这是小丫头给她自己定的光荣头衔。 Before then Tang Yun kills absolutely cannot think, crosses the threshold the programming knowledge that on by oneself that does not calculate, unexpectedly can teach a come out earnest hacker, especially Sky Step Island indigenous hacker. 在此之前唐韵绝对打死都想不到,就以自己那点连入门都不算的编程知识,居然能教出来一个正儿八经的黑客,尤其还是天阶岛土著黑客。 Right, the king poetic appeal does not study to play, but really already study positive result! 没错,王诗情不是学着玩玩的,而是真的已经学出了名堂! She has alone grade of system symbol talent, even Lin Yi saw was full of praise, but made rune/symbol and to program, although had nothing to do with one another at first sight, but many principles were interlinked. 她有着独一档的制符天赋,连林逸见了都赞不绝口,而制符和编程虽然乍看起来风马牛不相及,可很多原理就是相通的。 Also therefore, Tang Yun is indicating two slightly, little girl can extrapolate immediately. 也正因此,唐韵只是稍微点拨两句,小丫头立马就能举一反三。 Every so often what is awkward is, little girl extrapolates to take the come out thing, Tang Yun is a face compels ignorant, finally can only abandon one silently. 很多时候尴尬的在于,小丫头举一反三提出来的东西,唐韵自己都是一脸懵逼,最后只能默默扔下一句。 Master leads passing through the gate, practices in individual. 师傅领进门,修行在个人。 king Shi affectionate is so, therefore finished an apprenticeship, and volunteered services to be first information Manager technique in failing a grade fresh institute information place, was only the title highlights a specialty. 王诗情深以为然,于是就出师了,并毛遂自荐担任了留级生院情报处的首任信息技术主管,光是头衔就突出一个专业。 But presently, this hacker gives full play. 现在,正是她这个黑客大展身手的时候。 The first presiding judge issues Li Songzhang news brief to be intercepted, the city main mansion that coordinating an information place field personnel to pat forces the video recording, was put directly online, later searched for by the top on instantaneously hotly. 首任审判长发给李诵章的短讯被截获,配合一众情报处外勤拍下来的城主府胁迫录像,直接被放到了网上,随后瞬间就被顶上热搜。 The public opinion explodes immediately. 舆论当即爆炸。 Originally the populace are partial to Lin Yi more, but many people peep the selfish desire to cause trouble, some standpoint swings. 本来大众心里就偏向林逸多一些,只不过许多人窥私欲作祟,立场有些摇摆。 Was then good, the trial located the villain of serving the interest of outsiders, the city main mansion became the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator directly, what did this have to say? 这下好了,审判处成了吃里扒外的反派,城主府则直接成了幕后黑手,这还有什么好说的? Judgement vortex luminous! 裁决漩涡一片光亮! Until voted to finish finally, the judgement vortex fell on Lin Yi just like a sunlight, has not caused the slight mighty waves. 直至最终投票结束,裁决漩涡落在林逸头上犹如一道阳光,没有引起丝毫的波澜。 A presiding judge looks at this together simultaneous/uniform Tanzuo in the position. 一众审判长看着这一幕齐齐瘫坐在了位置上。 Ended. 完了。 This unprecedented terrifying judgement, not only cannot punish Lin Yi, instead gave him together the unequalled charm amulet! 这道前所未有的恐怖裁决,非但没能惩罚到林逸,反而给了他一道无与伦比的护身符! From now on, if who dares to attack to discredit Lin Yi at this matter, Lin Yi does not even need to act personally, this control reaches as high as 70% judgement charm amulets to divide minutes to teach him to cultivate the behavior. 从今往后,谁若敢在这件事上攻击抹黑林逸,林逸甚至都不用亲自出手,这道掌控度高达百分之七十的裁决护身符分分钟教他做人。 However this to Lin Yi, at best is also an irrelevanting adding head. 不过这对林逸来说,充其量也就是一个无关痛痒的添头。 His true harvest, is this judgement! 他真正的收获,是这道裁决本身! Was limited by his boundary, at the withstanding upper limit of ultimate perfect domain, cannot stand up to the judgement of this progression absolutely, really must shoulder minute/share of minutes into thin air hardly. 原本受他本人境界所限,以终极完美领域的承受上限,是绝对经不住这种级数的裁决的,真要硬扛分分钟人间蒸发。 The result because of the trial result, this judgement turned into his charm amulet, not only does not have the slight aggressivity, even also integrated in the ultimate perfect domain on own initiative. 结果因为审判结果,这道裁决变成了他的护身符,非但没有丝毫的攻击性,甚至还主动融入到了终极完美领域之中。 But with injection of this judgement strength, Lin Yi clearly can feel that the ultimate perfect domain had the subtle change. 而随着这道裁决力量的注入,林逸分明能够感觉到终极完美领域出现了微妙的变化。 Various the scattered in disorder regular strengths as if found the pillar originally all of a sudden, starts to revolve regarding the judgement strength spontaneously. 原本散乱的各种规则力量似乎一下子找到了主心骨,开始自发围绕裁决力量运转。 Although has not known temporarily this form revolution, had what substantive difference from before, but was Lin Yi of master can feel come out, this was an evolution, moreover was an evolution of extremely top level! 虽然暂时还不知道这种形式的运转,跟之前到底有什么实质性的不同,但身为主人的林逸能够感觉出来,这是一种进化,而且是一种极高层次的进化! Finally will evolve what shape to be unknown temporarily, a point that but is certain is, it needs the nourishment. 最终会进化成什么形态暂时不得而知,但可以肯定的一点是,它需要养料。 It needs various regular strengths to make the nourishment! 它需要各种规则力量做养料! Also ok, this does not have came in vain.” “还行,这趟没有白来。” Lin Yi sets out lightly, tyrant people also follow to set out, immediately a huge top war strength field covered the entire court, even here law is sending out to call out in grief, trembles. 林逸淡淡起身,身后暴君一众人也跟着起身,顿时一股庞大的顶级战力气场笼罩了整个审判所,连这里的法阵都在发出悲鸣,瑟瑟发抖。 A presiding judge frightens hastily sticks together, a chief presiding judge face is alarmed and afraid: „Do you want to do? Do not act unreasonably, interpellating the suspect tries the jurisdiction of place, we in view of you, do not come according to the custom!” 一众审判长吓得连忙抱团,首席审判长一脸惊惧:“你想干嘛?你们不要乱来啊,质询疑犯是审判处的权限,我们可不是针对你,都是照规矩来的!” Lin Yi smiles: Obeying the custom is good, I like defending the well-mannered person.” 林逸笑了笑:“守规矩挺好啊,我就喜欢守规矩的人。” The chief presiding judge is too busy to do right after something else: Right, everyone defends the well-mannered person, this forest five are great you is not lost by anything, instead was we helps you prove purely, everyone was happy.” 首席审判长忙不迭接茬:“对对,大家都是守规矩的人,这次林五巨你也没受什么损失,反而是我们帮你证明了清白,大家皆大欢喜。” The tyrant walked come out carelessly: „ Said no on happily, I thought that asking one's conscience mirror idled for a long time very wasted, you tried the place not to have an old rule, is called my day to reflect on one's behavior repeatedly? 身后暴君大大咧咧走了出来:“皆大欢喜说不上吧,我看那问心镜闲了这么久挺浪费的,你们审判处不是有个老规矩,叫做吾日三省吾身么? In front of big fellow to make us experience, what kind of? ” 诸位就当着大家伙的面让我们见识一下,怎么样?” „It is not, my day reflected on one's behavior repeatedly do not use, asking one's conscience mirror important did divine tool, how possibly bring such consumption?” “不是,吾日三省吾身别不是这么用的,问心镜如此重要神器,怎么可能拿来这样消耗?” The chief presiding judge explained hastily clarifies: Furthermore, our taking office presiding judge time has illuminated the asking one's conscience mirror, simply does not have this necessity to illuminate again one time!” 首席审判长连忙解释澄清:“再者说了,我们上任审判长的时候都已经照过问心镜,根本没这个必要再照一次!” Nearby king three said certainly leisurely: Is necessary, does not seem like you to decide?” 一旁王三绝悠悠道:“有没有必要,好像不是你们自己说了算的吧?” The flame pond follows to nod: You, since wants to let the forest five great photos, presently placed on trial, changed you to illuminate, was very reasonable.” 炎池跟着点头:“你们既然想让林五巨照,现在审判完了,换你们自己照一下,很合理啊。” „...... You do not act unreasonably......” “你……你们别乱来啊……” Shortly an numerous top strength complexion bad forces, 12 presiding judges frightened words saying that was not agile. 眼看一众顶级战力面色不善的逼迫过来,十二位审判长吓得连话都说不利索了。 This is the entire net live broadcast. 这可是全网直播啊。 Once illuminated must be the big deal ready ready! 一旦照了可是妥妥要出大事的!
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