SBPE :: Volume #16

#9838: Chapter 9838

Lin Yi smiled: It doesn't matter, since like this that might as well play simply greatly, since wants the rule to expand, that expands simply, allowing the people in entire Jianghai city to participate to vote by ballots together, I think that should not have the opinion?” 林逸笑了:“无所谓,既然这样那不如干脆玩大一点,既然要规则扩大,那就索性扩大到底,让整个江海城的人都一起参与投票表决,我想诸位该不会有意见吧?” Snort, one crowd wants strength not to have strength to want the vision not to have the average person of vision, what qualifications has to participate to vote by ballots?” “哼,一群要实力实力要眼界没眼界的普通人,有什么资格参与投票表决?” Chief presiding judge cold -ly snorted and said: That crowd of stupid outcastes will only tarnish me to try the sacredness of place, gives them to vote, might as well looks for 10,000 pigs, that can also fairly!” 首席审判长冷哼道:“那群愚蠢的贱民只会玷污掉我审判处的神圣,让给他们来投票,还不如找一万头猪,那还能更公正一点!” The arrogance of this saying, not covers up radically slightly. 这话的傲慢,根本丝毫不加掩饰。 A Lin Yi face strange visits him, should this goods not forget this are the entire net live broadcast? 林逸一脸古怪的看着他,这货该不会是忘了这是全网直播吧? However this he wants to be many actually, others very clear this saying said listens to whom, but others do not care from the start. 不过这倒是他想多了,人家很清楚这话是说给谁听的,但是人家压根就不在乎。 In fact, in the network the too big echo, at most also has not been some scattered railing, actually cannot be the degree of hotly searching for by far. 事实上,就连网络上都没有太大的反响,顶多也就是一些零星的谩骂,却远远达不到热搜的程度。 Counts law of the jungle that Thousand-year comes, has been to revere four characters carves strength in the bone of everyone, everyone has become accustomed. 千年来的弱肉强食,早已将实力为尊四个字刻在了每个人的骨子里,所有人都已习以为常。 Powerhouses this/should arrogant, the weak one is humble. 强者就该傲慢,弱者就是低贱。 Therefore, the chief presiding judge will be in front of entire net live broadcast, is so secure! 所以,首席审判长才会当着全网直播的面,这么有恃无恐! A important point is, he is control of judgement rule, the trial crowd expands to what level, all under his control, so long as there are him, that crowd of outcastes do not have the qualifications to tarnish his sacred court forever! 重要的一点是,他是裁决规则的掌控者,审判人群扩大到什么层次,全在他的掌控之下,只要有他在,那群贱民就永远没有资格玷污他神圣的审判所! Right? Some of my actually different opinions.” “是吗?我倒是有不同意见。” Lin Yi looks at the top of the head splendid sight judgement vortex, thinking little smiled saying with a smile: As standing trial person, there are the qualifications put forward this small request, I must make Jianghai each have analyzed independently the ability person, participates in this trial!” 林逸看着头顶蔚为壮观的裁决漩涡,不以为意的笑了笑道:“作为受审人,还是有资格提这点小要求的吧,我要让江海每一个有自主判断能力的人,都参与这场审判!” Hehe, presently has not arrived in the evening, having a dream is a little early?” “呵呵,现在还没到晚上呢,做梦还有点早吧?” The chief presiding judge laughs in spite of trying not, looked that retard same looks at Lin Yi: I acknowledged that your strength is very strong, but excuse me, the court is my domain I decides.” 首席审判长不由失笑,看白痴一样看着林逸:“我承认你实力很强,但是不好意思,审判所是我的地盘我说了算。” Is so self-confident?” “这么自信?” Lin Yi shakes the head, puts out a hand to refer to the above: Might as well have a look to say again.” 林逸摇了摇头,伸手指了指上方:“不如看看再说。” Mysterious!” “故弄玄虚!” The chief presiding judge snorts contemptuously, can control this ultimate trial, only then judgement rule, but as far as he knows, Lin Yi not judgement rule, even if strength is strong, at this moment is also only a pure standing trial person. 首席审判长嗤之以鼻,能够左右这场终极审判的只有裁决规则,而据他所知,林逸根本就不会裁决规则,哪怕实力再强,此时此刻也只是一个单纯的受审人。 If Lin Yi tries to be separated forcefully, that also has an opportunity. 林逸要是设法强行脱离,那倒还有一线机会。 So long as he continues to sit in the position of this standing trial person, was doomed only to be able obediently to accept the judgement to fall, when the time comes only had two results. 而只要他继续坐在这个受审人的位置上,就注定了只能乖乖接受裁决落下,到时候就只有两种结果。 Either, he obeys most people's will to accept shine of asking one's conscience mirror honestly, since then has no secret again. 要么,他服从多数人的意志老老实实接受问心镜的映照,从此再无任何秘密。 Either, was killed by this unprecedented ultimate judgement directly, in addition does not have a Third possibility. 要么,被这道前所未有的终极裁决直接弄死,除此之外没有第三种可能。 When his raised the head, actually discovered in the judgement vortex to emit the innumerable twinkle stars impressively, just like all over the sky the stars! 然而当他抬头,却赫然发现裁决漩涡之中冒出了无数的星星点点,犹如满天繁星! Each star point, is representing a voter. 每一颗星点,都代表着一个投票人。 Even if as he expected, the range covers the entire Jianghai city, still absolutely not over 1000 star point, after all the high-end strength population of Jianghai city only then so many. 在他的预计之中,即便范围覆盖到整个江海城,也绝对不会超过一千颗星点,毕竟江海城的高端战力人数就只有这么多。 But presently, this everywhere star point far more than 1000, several million continues! 可是现在,这漫天星点何止一千,几千万都不止! This clearly illuminates the Lin Yi's view, all can participate in voting by ballots the person Jianghai to consider as finished! 这分明是照林逸的说法,将江海所有能够参与投票表决的人都算了进来! Meanwhile, the judgement vortex also in further expands rapidly, in an instant has broken through the control 50% important passes, directly to 60% and even 70. 与此同时,裁决漩涡也在进一步迅速壮大,转眼就已冲破掌控度百分之五十的关口,直接冲着百分之六十乃至七十去了。 A numerous presiding judge collective is dumbfounded. 一众审判长集体目瞪口呆。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turns the head to look to the chief presiding judge, however he actually compels compared with their any at this moment ignorant. 众人齐齐转头看向首席审判长,然而此刻他本人却比他们任何一个都更加懵逼。 Theoretically truly only then he can control the judgement rule, but he has never had such operation, the bureau that wins obvious steadily, draws to go looking for trouble tens of millions Jianghai average people radically. 理论上确实只有他才能掌控裁决规则,可他从来没有过这样的操作,明摆着稳赢的局,把数千万的江海普通人拉进来根本就是自找麻烦。 How does he possibly make such foolish matter?! 他怎么可能做这样的蠢事?! Indeed, as the matter stands the might of judgement vortex will be bigger, once falls is unable to defy. 诚然,这样一来裁决漩涡的威力会更大,一旦落下更加无法违抗。 But, he could not guarantee that these floor outcastes will illuminate his mentality voting, let alone he also just the good talker spat fragrantly, said that this crowd of outcastes were inferior to the pig! 可是,他根本确保不了那些底层贱民会照着他的思路投票,何况他还刚刚口吐芬芳,说这群贱民连猪都不如! „Did other grasp expert of judgement rule?” “难道还有其他掌握了裁决规则的高手?” The chief presiding judge looks hastily to Lin Yi behind people, but, does not have. 首席审判长连忙看向林逸身后的众人,但是,一个都没有。 Because of the particularity of regular strength, controlled same rule ability expert to be similar to the inhabitant in same building, many are some inductions, this matter does not want to conceal the truth to conceal the truth. 因为规则力量的特殊性,掌控了相同规则能力高手就如同住在同一栋楼里的住户,相互之间多少是会有些感应的,这种事情不是想瞒就能瞒得住的。 But including Lin Yi, he cannot induce the slight judgement rule strength in this group of people, therefore, he is confident! 可是包括林逸在内,他在这群人身上根本感应不到丝毫的裁决规则力量,也正因此,他才如此信心满满! Lin Yi sees that to smile, naturally cannot expose on own initiative. 林逸见状笑了笑,自然不会主动点破。 Although he not judgement rule, but just the ultimate perfect domain absorbed a judgement strength, indirect established him and relation of judgement rule. 他虽然不会裁决规则,可是刚刚终极完美领域吸收了一道裁决力量,间接建立起了他与裁决规则的联系。 But because of the particularity of judgement rule, he also attained the control of head judgement vortex in disguised form. 而因为裁决规则的特殊性,他也就变相拿到了头上这道裁决漩涡的控制权。 Although extremely small part, once in the end drops him unable as before the immunity, is at least, can take advantage of opportunity revises the voting rule slightly. 虽然只是极其微小的一部分,到头来一旦落下他依旧无法免疫,可是至少,能够顺势稍微修改一下投票规则。 This was enough. 这就足够了。 The secret looks that this is meaningful. 身后天机看着这一幕意味深长。 His perspective/see through does not arrive at Lin Yi's in the future the path, but can actually the perspective/see through to the result of trial place, even if not know the process, may finally be been doomed, therefore he gave Lin Yi the decisive suggestion that comes to attend. 他透视不到林逸的未来轨迹,但是却能够透视到审判处的结局,即便不知道过程,可结果是已经注定的,所以他才给了林逸前来出席的决定性建议。 However he still is very even curious, how does Lin Yi achieve this? 不过就算是他也很好奇,林逸到底是怎么做到这一步的? The ultimate perfect domain is Lin Yi now most important card in a hand, besides half th division, had not disclosed with anyone, even ghost bastard in Jade Pendant space not necessarily knows. 终极完美领域是林逸如今最重要的底牌,除了洛半师之外,跟谁都没有透露,甚至就连玉佩空间内的鬼东西都未必知道。 Since arriving at the Earth Step sea area, ghost bastard entered the closing up condition of half dormancy, rare come out braves head a time. 自从来到地阶海域之后,鬼东西就进入了半休眠的闭关状态,难得出来冒一次头。 The Jade Pendant space was also entering half seal pattern, Lin Yi, in chatted one time after him, by him. 连带着玉佩空间也进入了半封闭模式,林逸在跟他聊了一次后,也就由他去了。 In any case, ghost bastard will not harm him. 反正,鬼东西不会害他。 Sky over this moment court judgement vortex had broken through 70%, under the nearly substantialize regular strength condenses, other must yield and withdraw, the people as if saw this World regular source. 此刻审判所上空的裁决漩涡已经突破了百分之七十,其近乎实质化的规则力量凝聚之下,其他一切都要退避三舍,众人恍惚间仿佛看到了这个世界的规则本源。 Lin Yi is secretly imposing. 林逸暗自凛然。 After he is unable to imagine rule control over 50%, can be what condition, the present was experiences. 他一直无法想象规则掌控度超过百分之五十后会是什么状态,如今算是见识到了。 It is fortunate that this judgement to place on trial to exist, before determining him is guilty, will not have any negative effect on him, otherwise really must shoulder so terrifying rule attack by he himself hardly, that may open on the real joke in a big way. 得亏这道裁决本身只是为了审判而存在,在判定他有罪之前,不会对他产生任何负面效果,否则真要靠他自己硬扛如此恐怖的规则攻击,那可就真的玩笑开大了。 Is impossible! Is absolutely impossible!” “不可能!绝对不可能!” The chief presiding judge quick is insane, the star point in this moment judgement vortex starts the twinkle openly or covertly, this means that the voting has started! 首席审判长已经快疯了,此刻裁决漩涡之中的星点开始或明或暗的闪烁,这意味着投票已经开始!
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