SBPE :: Volume #16

#9837: Chapter 9837

Even if draws back again one step, at least can also discover Lin Yi weakness, to Li Songzhang such ambition character, is also priceless. 哪怕再退一步,至少也能找出林逸身上的弱点,对李诵章这样的野心人物而言,同样价值连城。 So long as asked that a state of mind photo, Lin Yi ready ready is today's biggest loser, cannot do well, always can not turn over/stand up. 所以只要问心境一照,林逸妥妥就是今天的最大输家,一个搞不好,永世不得翻身。 Lin Yi looked that retard same looks at this person: You thought that I will comply?” 林逸白痴一样看着这人:“你觉得我会答应?” The chief presiding judge occupies a commanding position cold -ly snorted and said: „ You can certainly not comply, but this proved a matter, you have a guilty conscience, at least you are not a broad and level person. 首席审判长居高临下冷哼道:“你当然可以不答应,不过这就证明了一件事,你心中有鬼,至少你不是一个坦荡的人。 If only ordinary student, we can discuss the mark regardless of the heart, so long as you do not leave behind the solid evidence, I will try the place not to involve at will. 如果只是一个普通学生,我们可以论迹不论心,只要你不留下实实在在的罪证,我审判处不会随意介入。 But you are in the present position, every action and every movement are affecting the safety in entire school even entire Jianghai city, you have the duty to be pure from the card to us! ” 可你处在如今的位置上,一举一动都影响着整个学院甚至整个江海城的安危,那你就有义务向我们所有人自证清白!” Lin Yi had not replied, the king three have been mad certainly smiles: How to be pure from the card? Looks in a mirror on own initiative to you looks?” 林逸没有回答,身后王三绝已经气笑:“怎么自证清白?主动照镜子给你们看?” The chief presiding judge said lightly: secular world has words to be very interesting, ability is bigger, the responsibility is bigger, the forest are five great the failing a grade fresh institute First person does not have the responsibility to the school safety?” 首席审判长淡淡道:“世俗界有句话很有意思,能力越大,责任就越大,林五巨身为留级生院第一人难道对学院安危没有责任?” The one side holds in the mouth smoke strict Jiangchi to say with a smile: This moral kidnapping plays very smooth, since this, the great people in your trial places are also this/should first illuminate, showing square all round?” 一旁叼着烟的严江嗤笑道:“这一手道德绑架玩得挺溜啊,既然这样,你们这些审判处的大人物是不是也该先照一下,以示自己公正无私?” The chief presiding judge returns by cold snort/hum: „When each presiding judge takes office must first according to the asking one's conscience mirror, is this tries the custom of place, Your Excellency does not know?” 首席审判长回以冷哼:“每一位审判长上任之时都必先照问心镜,这是审判处的规矩,阁下难道不知道吗?” A presiding judge echoes with one voice. 一众审判长齐声附和。 The flame pond said spookily: This well-mannered old man has heard actually, but the custom is a matter, complies was a different matter, let alone your was closes oneself to illuminate, this with the presently entire net live broadcast, was not a matter.” 炎池幽幽道:“这个规矩老夫倒是听说过,不过规矩是一回事,有没有照做就是另一回事了,何况你们那是关起门来自己照,这跟现在的全网直播,可不是一码事。” The tyrants hit the liquor belch to add: Even if illuminated not to discover at that time stealthily, does not represent so many years broadly and level also selfless, if some people did take office the later deterioration?” 暴君打着酒嗝补充道:“就算当时照完没发现鬼祟,也不代表这么多年也还是坦荡无私啊,万一有人上任之后变质了呢?” „......” “……” In this saying direct stamp a lung pipe of presiding judge, took office initially truly does not have the issue, these years that may be dormant, they lord Li Songzhang to collude with the city in private, if this exposes blatantly, divides minutes dead without the burial ground. 这话直接戳中了一众审判长的肺管子,当初上任的时候确实没问题,可蛰伏的这些年,他们私下与城主李诵章勾结,这要是公然曝光,分分钟死无葬身之地。 Lin Yi harbors ulterior motives does not say, but they, were actually sit to serve the interest of outsiders four characters! 林逸是不是别有用心不好说,但是他们,却是坐死了吃里扒外四个字! The chief presiding judge must shift the topic: Two maintain Lin Yi, actually really accidental/surprised.” 首席审判长只得转移话题:“两位这么维护林逸,倒是真让人意外。” „Do you try the place also to manage this?” “你审判处还管得着这个?” The tyrants and flame pond Qiqi looks bad. 暴君和炎池齐齐面露不善。 They were forced to accept Lin Yi initially to five great conformity, really has the discontented place, but saw the result of conformity for several days, has understood that this is the general trend, their discontented radically insignificant. 他俩当初被迫接受林逸对五巨的整合,确实有不满的地方,可这些天看到了整合的成效,就已明白这是大势所趋,他们那点不满根本无足轻重。 Let alone, Lin Yi complies to give their interest to arrive, has not given the slight discount. 何况,林逸答应给他们的利益全都已经到位,没有打丝毫的折扣。 Especially the training battalion has arranged to finish, immediately must convene, a little consensus already in their respective Group interior formation. 尤其训练营已经筹备完毕,马上就要召开,有一点共识已经在他们各自集团内部成型。 That makes the Lin Yi's ally, feels better to be his enemy by far. 那就是做林逸的盟友,远远好过做他的敌人。 Two like becoming friends with whom, I try the place naturally unable to manage, if this person has must harm my Jianghai Institute and even the entire Jianghai city illegally, two five great can consider?” “两位喜欢跟谁交朋友,我审判处自然管不着,不过要是这人心怀不轨要危害我江海学院乃至整个江海城,两位五巨是不是就得考虑一下了?” The chief presiding judge for fear that fire continues to burn to own on, does not give the people to respond the opportunity, pats the plank road directly: „ In view of the fact that this matter relates to the security of entire Jianghai, I will be determined to try the specification to rise top, making above Jianghai city giant grand perfection Late Phase complete expert vote by ballots together. 首席审判长生怕火继续烧到自己头上,根本不给众人反应机会,直接拍板道:“鉴于此事关系到整个江海的安全,我决意将审判规格升到顶级,让江海城巨头大圆满后期以上的全部高手一起投票表决。 Minority must obey the majority, hope when the time comes the forest five can know the limitation greatly, accepts shine of asking one's conscience mirror on own initiative, otherwise the scene ends up is too ugly, that is undignified. ” 少数服从多数,希望到时候林五巨能识相一点,主动接受问心镜的映照,否则场面落得太难看,那就不体面了。” Then, 12 presiding judges also catch up again. 说完,十二位审判长再度同时发力。 Promotes under court law, the unprecedented judgement vortex occupies in the sky together, the scale increases rapidly. 在审判所法阵推动之下,一道前所未有的裁决漩涡在上空盘踞,规模迅速变大。 The might that before fell was only equivalent to control 10%, however the presently moment time, this judgement vortex has broken through 20% merely even 30, the key is still continue expand! 之前落下来的威力只相当于掌控度百分之十,然而现在仅仅片刻工夫,这道裁决漩涡就已突破百分之二十甚至三十,关键还在继续壮大! Lin Yi can disregard a moment ago 10% judgement, but the present to over 30%, that said difficultly. 林逸可以无视刚才百分之十的裁决,可如今到了百分之三十以上,那就难说了。 After all his ultimate perfect domain, is not the immunity regular strength in the true sense. 毕竟他的终极完美领域,并不是真正意义上的免疫规则力量。 The essence actually absorbs, but wants is the absorption, has an upper limit inevitably, once will exceed the upper limit to lose control, perhaps will even also create to backlash. 本质其实是吸收,而只要是吸收,就必然有个上限,一旦超过了上限就会失控,说不定甚至还会造成反噬。 Let alone looks at this stance, the control limit of this judgement 30%, 0% Wushidu possibly has by far incessantly! 何况看这架势,这道裁决的掌控度极限远远不止百分之三十,百分之五十都不是没有可能! The secret sees that to remind: This is the rule expands, the person who participates are more, the formed judgement might is stronger, historically had once had giant ultimate grand perfection expert by the precedent that the multitude of people refer to referring , the so-called most people's tyranny, has to guard.” 身后天机见状提醒道:“这是规则扩大,参与进来的人越多,形成的裁决威力就越强,历史上曾有过巨头终极大圆满高手被千夫所指生生指死的先例,所谓多数人的暴政,不得不防。” The kings three knit the brows certainly: Only makes giant grand perfection Late Phase above expert participate in the vote, this damn also too chicken thief, can this level have several good people?” 王三绝皱眉道:“只让巨头大圆满后期以上的高手参与表决,这尼玛也太鸡贼了吧,这个层次能有几个好人?” The people look askance, this saying even he himself scolded. 众人纷纷侧目,这话可是连他自己都骂进去了。 But is not unreasonable. 但并非没有道理。 Except for their these with small number of people of Lin Yi with camp, other certainly large number high-end strength, even if did not have Ge with Lin Yi without the melon before, even if only the pure neutral passer-by, at this time will also vote for mostly. 除了他们这些与林逸同阵营的少数人,其他绝大数高端战力,哪怕之前跟林逸无瓜无葛,哪怕只是纯粹的中立路人,这种时候也多半会投票赞成。 After all who wants to peep the Lin Yi's secret, especially to their these high-end strengths, this perhaps was they for a lifetime biggest chance! 毕竟谁都想一窥林逸的隐秘,尤其对他们这些高端战力来说,这也许就是他们一辈子最大的机缘了! Such expanded vote, basic adjudicated to have no difference from 12 presiding judge, the result has been doomed. 这样的扩大表决,根本跟十二个审判长自己裁决没有任何区别,结果早就已是注定的。 The tyrants said directly: That also pulls anything, raises table directly.” 暴君直接道:“那还扯什么,直接掀桌子喽。” Regarding opening this nonsense trial place, he does not have the least bit psychological burden, failing a grade fresh institute strength for the king, without strength also dares to ride the face output chatty, this goods damn. 对于拆了这狗屁审判处,他可是没有半点心理负担,留级生院实力为王,没实力还敢叽叽歪歪骑脸输出,这种货色早就该死了。 By strength of people on the scene, destroys completely at present these 12 presiding judges, easy. 以在场众人的实力,灭掉眼前这十二个审判长,轻而易举。 As the matter stands, Lin Yi inevitable will leave behind the stain that cannot wash off forever, once tries the place to be extinguished, even if the psychological level stands in his here ordinary people, will be wondering unavoidably. 只是这样一来,林逸身上不可避免会留下一个永远洗不掉的污点,一旦审判处被灭,哪怕心理层面站在他这边的普罗大众,也免不了会心生嘀咕。 The response is so extreme, most reasonable the explanation in certainly the large number person eyes is, the sore spot became angry out of shame by the stamp in! 反应这么过激,在绝大数人眼里最合理的解释就是,被戳中了痛处恼羞成怒! Lin Yi oneself do not care about reputation actually, he arrives at today, depended also is never these impractical things. 林逸本人倒是不在乎名声,他走到今天,靠的也从来不是这些虚浮的东西。 But the issue is relating the entire general situation now, once his image were smelly, not only will affect then fails a grade the fresh conformity advancement, will also affect convention of school summit meeting. 可问题如今关系着整个大局,一旦他的形象臭了,不仅会影响到接下来留级生的整合进程,甚至还会影响到学院峰会的召开。 A slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation. 牵一发而动全身。 Lin Yi gave behind a people patient look, turns the head to look at a presiding judge: No wonder today dares to ask me to come, is really comes prepared.” 林逸给了身后众人一个稍安勿躁的眼神,转头看着一众审判长:“难怪今天敢叫我来,果然是有备而来啊。” The chief presiding judge narrowed the eye: You are the future.” 首席审判长眯了眯眼睛:“你才是来者。”
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