SBPE :: Volume #16

#9836: Chapter 9836

Chief presiding judge immediately heart great happiness: Said that you did acknowledge guilt?” 首席审判长当即心头大喜:“这么说你是认罪了?” Lin Yi selects the eyebrow to visit him: How acknowledged guilt?” 林逸挑眉看着他:“认罪又如何?” That accepts the trial judgement!” “那就接受审判裁决吧!” 12 presiding judges launch an attack immediately jointly, under does not give the Lin Yi people least bit reaction time, the judgement rule holds ten times of strong in a court law in addition. 十二位审判长当即联手发难,根本不给林逸众人半点反应时间,裁决规则在审判所法阵加持之下十倍壮大。 The chief presiding judge as giant ultimate grand perfection expert, its regular strength of grasping is the judgement rule. 首席审判长身为巨头终极大圆满高手,其掌握的规则力量就是裁决规则。 In the past tried the place to be able Xuanwei for a while, depended was also numerous top strength every set of judgement rule, one set tried the judgement to rumble without delay jointly, did not give people the reasonable opportunity. 当年审判处能够宣威一时,靠的也正是一众顶级战力人手一套裁决规则,二话不说一套联手审判裁决轰下来,根本不给人讲道理的机会。 But now, that batch of strongest top strengths had withered away in the past, remaining his are on the waiting list the presiding judge to live on dishonorably presently, the common unimportant person turned into the facade of trial place forcefully. 而如今,当年那批最强的顶级战力都已消亡,剩下他这个候补审判长苟活到现在,原本毫不起眼的小人物硬生生变成了审判处的门面。 Although he has also strided in top strength the ranks, mastered the trial place symbolic judgement rule, but rule control suffices to 1% thresholds reluctantly. 他虽然也已跨入顶级战力的行列,也掌握了审判处标志性的裁决规则,但规则掌控度勉强才够到百分之一的门槛。 Carries come out alone, ready ready is in all top strengths that batch of lowest level, compared with has boundary actually unsystematic parallel import giant ultimate grand perfection expert on spatially good 1 points. 单独拎出来,妥妥是所有顶级战力之中最底层的那一批,也就比空有境界却无规则的水货巨头终极大圆满高手好上一点。 But at this moment, there are boosts of other 11 presiding judges, in addition a court law addition, the might of his judgement at least endures compared with 10% control together! 但此时此刻,有其他十一位审判长的助力,加上审判所法阵的加成,他这一道裁决的威力至少堪比百分之十的掌控度! The judgement symbolic storm vortex appears in the Lin Yi top of the head. 裁决标志性的风暴漩涡在林逸头顶浮现。 Suddenly, mountain Yuyu comes. 一时间,山雨欲来。 Everyone worries for Lin Yi, 12 presiding judges look the color of rousing in abundance, silently quiet so many years, now finally can reappear the dawn! 所有人都替林逸捏了一把冷汗,十二位审判长更是纷纷面露振奋之色,默默沉寂了这么多年,如今终于能够重现曙光! If the sign of trial place wants to stand, must operate with a top character of crest of wave most vigor. 审判处的牌子要想重新立起来,必须拿一个风头最劲的顶层人物开刀。 Lin Yi, is this most ready-made goal. 林逸,就是这个最现成的目标。 This judgement falls, even if cannot chop dead Lin Yi directly, but chops half dead it, still makes the entire Jianghai everyone remember the given name of trial place sufficiently firmly! 这道裁决落下,就算不能直接劈死林逸,只是将其劈个半死,也足以让全江海所有人牢牢记住审判处的名号! Will happen one day, people will recall are tried the place rule in the past the fear. 终有一天,人们会记起当年被审判处统治的恐惧。 The result judgement falls, Lin Yi curls upwards one leg on the other to sit there as before carelessly, movement that has not avoided, even the eyelid has not winked. 结果裁决落下,林逸依旧大大咧咧翘着二郎腿坐在那里,没有丝毫躲避的动作,甚至连眼皮都没眨一下。 Not is only he, behind tyrant numerous top strength, does not care muddily. 不仅是他,就连身后暴君这一众顶级战力,也都一个个浑不在意。 From the start no one is serious this control 10% judgement. 压根没人把这道掌控度百分之十的裁决当一回事。 „Did this little pull rank?” “这有点太托大了吧?” Real damn meets acting cool, is really acting cool gang leader, only wants acting cool to make silly bi pitifully today inadequately!” “真尼玛装逼,果然是装逼头子,只可惜今天要装逼不成做傻哔喽!” Two clearly opposite attitudes online appear. 两种截然相反的态度在网上出现。 Lin Yi as litigant looks at the judgement that the top of the head drops, actually emits two characters spookily: This?” 身为当事人的林逸看着头顶落下的这道裁决,却是幽幽冒出两个字:“就这?” The judgement falls, nothing happened, on Lin Yi the lower hem corner has not even minused. 裁决落下,什么都没有发生,林逸身上连衣角都没少掉一块。 The audience fall into the strange silence. 全场陷入诡异的寂静。 12 presiding judge collectives are dumbfounded, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turns the head to look as if by prior agreement to the chief presiding judge, did this think the good difference from before? Can't be chops leaning? 十二个审判长集体目瞪口呆,不约而同齐齐转头看向首席审判长,这跟之前想好的不一样啊?总不能是劈偏了吧? However looks Li Songzhang who live broadcast picture actually showed the dignified expression. 不过看着直播画面的李诵章却是露出了凝重的表情。 In that flickers, he who the judgement vortex falls clearly sees the black flame that on Lin Yi one flashed to pass, is this black flame, the control 10% judgement will swallow in the wink of an eye cleanly! 在裁决漩涡落下的那一瞬,他分明看到了林逸身上一闪而逝的黑焰,就是这层黑焰,将掌控度百分之十的裁决瞬息之间吞得一干二净! Previous Lin Yi and tyrant three people fight, reason that because clears ahead of time, the bystander does not know that had anything specifically. Valley 上次林逸与暴君三人交手的时候,因为提前清场的缘故,外人并不知道具体发生了什么。谷 Therefore, this is the ultimate perfect domain First time presents in the face of the public. 故而,这还是终极完美领域第一次在公众面前亮相。 However can several people be able to judge the quality of goods, that was unknown. 不过到底能有几个人识货,那就不得而知了。 The flame pond looks at this speechless shaking the head, adjudicates is like his sins, is the second-level rules, even the regular principle is quite similar . Moreover, he is also 10% control. 炎池看着这一幕无语的摇了摇头,裁决跟他的罪业一样,都是二级规则,甚至就连规则原理都颇为相似,而且,他也是百分之十的掌控度。 Even his sins bang was unresponsive on Lin Yi, this people make the crude person judgement of come out with joint forces, is naturally no better. 连他的罪业轰在林逸头上都毫无反应,这种众人合力弄出来的半吊子裁决,自然也好不到哪里去。 Also can continue?” “还要继续吗?” Lin Yi is appreciating splendid expression under a presiding judge cape, idle stretching oneself of: „If no other matter, I returned.” 林逸欣赏着一众审判长斗篷下的精彩表情,无所事事的伸了个懒腰:“如果没别的事,我就回了。” Saw that Lin Yi prepares to set out, a presiding judge is anxious extremely, looks to the chief presiding judge. 眼看着林逸准备起身,一众审判长不由焦急万分,纷纷看向首席审判长。 Today if really made Lin Yi walk, they tried the place to become the from head to tail joke. 今天真要是就这么让林逸走了,那他们审判处可就成了彻头彻尾的笑话了。 Added that anything reappears the older generation honor, these bury the older generation in grave see this, it is estimated that can be mad to crawl to choke to death them. 还说什么重现先辈荣光,那些埋在坟地里的先辈看到这一幕,估计能气得爬起来掐死他们。 Although once trial place the fate was dismal, but that at least makes existence that one was panic at the news, harmony star that rather than present this letting person only wants to laugh...... 曾经的审判处虽说下场悲凉,但那至少是令人闻风丧胆的存在,而不是眼下这种让人只想发笑的谐星…… Lin Yi, I acknowledged that your strength is powerful, but you this round of trial had adjudicated, did not represent you to be innocent.” 林逸,我承认你实力强大,可你挺过了这一轮审判裁决,不代表你就无罪了。” The chief presiding judge braces oneself saying: Standing trial person Lin Yi, since you join Jianghai Institute, in the scientific theory meeting and failing a grade fresh institute even city main mansion unseemly behavior, provoded the turmoil recklessly repeatedly, destroyed Jianghai Institute and stable situation in entire Jianghai city.” 首席审判长硬着头皮道:“受审人林逸,自你加入江海学院起,先后在学理会、留级生院甚至城主府肆意妄为,多次引发动乱,破坏了江海学院和整个江海城的安定局面。” The people hear perplexed. 众人听得不明所以。 This is nothing? 这算啥? Counts, Lin Yi will truly do the matter very much, but must say that this is the crime , was extremely rather forced? 细数起来,林逸确实是很会搞事,但要说这就是罪,未免也太过牵强了点吧? The chief presiding judge continues saying: freshman, short less than one year of growth for the failing a grade fresh institute First person, any brain normal person, even if thinks also to know with the toe, this matter is not absolutely normal.” 首席审判长继续道:“一个新生,短短不到一年的时间成长为留级生院第一人,任何一个脑子正常的人哪怕用脚趾头想想也都知道,这种事情绝对不正常。” This saying aroused the resonance of people actually. 这话倒是引起了众人的共鸣。 If only the degrees of strict Central Plain these people, although is also unprecedented abnormal exists, the people are also insufficient is too unthinkable but actually, after all peerless genius this type of thing truly exists, moreover every so often truly does not have the truth to say. 如果只是严中原这些人的程度,虽然也已经是史无前例的变态存在,众人倒也不至于太匪夷所思,毕竟绝世天才这种东西确实存在,而且很多时候确实没有道理可讲。 But abnormal to Lin Yi this situation, that has far exceeded the peerless genius category. 可是变态林逸这种地步,那已经远远超出绝世天才的范畴了。 In this must say that a trick does not have, the large number person really does not believe certainly , the conspiracy theory multiplies no wonder. 这里面要说一点猫腻都没有,绝大数人确实不会相信,也难怪阴谋论滋生。 A Lin Yi face is strange: That how, do I split come out to show you?” 林逸一脸古怪:“那怎么着,我剖出来给你们看看?” „Very difficult saying that what plot behind this had, if you wanted to be pure from the card, that made me try on the asking one's conscience vitrite of place a photo, was evil, illuminated to be all clear, did you dare?” “很难说这背后到底有什么阴谋,你如果想要自证清白,那就让我审判处的问心镜照上一照,到底是正是邪,照完就全都清楚了,你敢吗?” The chief presiding judge stares at Lin Yi to sneer to say. 首席审判长盯着林逸冷笑道。 The asking one's conscience mirror, is the trial locates symbolic divine tool, quite in public shows the searching for soul technique of version. 问心镜,是审判处一件标志性的神器,相当于公示版的搜魂术。 So long as by the asking one's conscience vitrite, a life story each article of person will have been shown come out completely, will not have the slight omission, will not naturally have the least bit secret again. 只要被问心镜照过,一个人的生平事迹桩桩件件都会全部展现出来,不会有丝毫的遗漏,自然也不会再有半点秘密可言。 This sinister and ruthless place is obvious, but can actually have most people's support. 这一手的阴毒之处显而易见,但却能得到绝大多数人的支持。 The people have Lin Yi such top character who the instinct that peeps at others privacy, the idle talk peeps. 人都有窥视别人隐私的天性,更遑论窥视的还是林逸这样的顶级人物。 Perhaps the average people also watch the fun, may regarding ambitious expert, this be rarely more precious than any cultivate direction. 普通人也许也就看个热闹,可对于有野心的高手来说,这比任何的修炼指点都更加珍贵难得。 Once understood clearly the Lin Yi's core secret, perhaps some of their people can duplicate/restores carve the road of rise, becomes next Lin Yi! 一旦洞悉了林逸的核心隐秘,说不定他们就有人能够复刻崛起之路,成为下一个林逸
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