SBPE :: Volume #16

#9835: Chapter 9835

This matter, directly is relating to Jianghai Institute everyone's interests! 这件事,直接关系着江海学院所有人的利益! However now, as includes symbol Wang Family large quantities of Family younger generation to enter the failing a grade fresh institute, even if temporarily resides in name, rather than formal enters a school, but this affected image of entire Jianghai Institute as before and compels the standard. 然而如今,随着包括阵符王家在内的大批家族子弟进驻留级生院,哪怕名义上只是暂住,而不是正式入学,可这依旧影响到了整个江海学院的形象和逼格。 It looks like at least outside person, Jianghai Institute is not unattainable like the past. 至少在外面的人看来,江海学院已经不像以往那样高不可攀了。 Although many student regarding this not concern, but also many people felt the solid influence, at least when they went out ate meal to while away the time, outside person to them no longer looks like in the past that awed. 虽然许多学生对此并不关心,但也有很多人感受到了实实在在的影响,至少在他们出去吃饭消遣的时候,外面的人对他们不再像以往那么敬畏了。 Before one raised, that was I know Jianghai Institute somebody, said that was face, the surroundings person will also admire. 以前一提起来,那就是我认识江海学院某个人,说出去都是面子,周围人也都会艳羡。 But presently, is casual many people who which person opens the mouth is I know in Jianghai Institute, that strength might as well I, presently Jianghai Institute student today we are no longer as we have been, is not valuable. 现在,随便哪个人一张口都是我认识的很多人都在江海学院,那实力还不如我呢,现在的江海学院学生今非昔比,不值钱了。 Regarding formal student of general Jianghai Institute, this is the solid loss. 对于广大江海学院的正式学生,这就是实实在在的损失。 Not only face, but also Yuriko. 不仅面子,还有里子。 Since these days, this kind of complaint has been not infrequent, but the failing a grade fresh institute relatively seals up, in addition until now the chaotic disorder, advocates the powerhouse to revere jungle principle, will therefore little reach in the Lin Yi's ear extremely. 这段时间以来,此类怨言不在少数,只不过留级生院相对封闭,加上一直以来混乱无序,更加崇尚强者为尊的丛林法则,所以极少会传进林逸的耳中。 As for scientific theory meeting, even if some people online grumble do not help matters, because Lin Yi will not respond. 至于学理会这边,就算有人在网上发牢骚也无济于事,因为林逸根本不会搭理。 Lin Yi pays no attention, does not have the heat degree. 林逸不理,就没有热度。 Without the heat degree naturally cannot make a name. 没有热度自然也就成不了气候。 However presently taking the opportunity of open trial, this agglomerating resentment finally starts to vent come out, this may compared with looking for one group of sailors hard blacks comes effectively many. 不过现在借着公开审判的机会,这股积聚的怨气终于开始发泄出来,这可比找一帮水军硬黑来得有效多了。 Although some lots of fans stand come out to maintain Lin Yi, but at least on Jianghai Institute, Lin Yi this truly violated the popular anger. 虽然还是有大量拥趸站出来维护林逸,但至少就江海学院而言,林逸这回是确确实实犯了众怒。 This boy met troublesome.” “这小子遇上麻烦了。” king of heaven clone four stand in the day toward the sun behind watches the live broadcast, he naturally knows why Lin Yi must do that in fact admits symbol Wang Family such Family core younger generation, radically is day decision toward the sun. 分身之王天四站在天向阳的身后看着直播,他自然知道林逸为什么要这么做,事实上接纳阵符王家这样的家族核心子弟,根本就是天向阳的决策。 Lin Yi is under performer. 林逸不过是底下的执行者罢了。 As the school leader, no one will maintain image and interests of school compared with the day family/home, but now great misfortune current, the exhausting ability strong strength is basic. 身为学院领头人,没有人会比天家更加维护学院的形象和利益,但如今大劫当前,竭尽所能壮大力量才是根本。 In comparison, Jianghai Institute this so-called compelling standard is not worth mentioning. 相比之下,江海学院这点所谓的逼格根本不值一提。 This point, as long as a little people of overall perception can understand slightly, overall perception type of thing is only doomed few people have pitifully, the large number person pondered certainly issue starting point, forever is individual gain or loss. 这一点,但凡稍微有点大局观的人都能理解,只可惜大局观这种东西注定只有极少数人能有,绝大数人思考问题的出发点,永远都是自己个人的利益得失。 Let alone, the matter of great misfortune, although had reached the agreement among the top layer characters, in the work places had also presented some specious rumors. 何况,大劫之事虽然已在顶层人物之间达成了共识,坊间也已经出现了一些似是而非的传言。 But regardless of Jianghai Institute or the city main mansion, top level of any influence has not stood come out to announce to formal. 可无论江海学院还是城主府,从来没有任何一家顶层势力站出来向外界正式宣告过。 Did not say the ordinary people, was certainly the large number to expert of giant grand perfection this level, regarding this also not thinks at a loss, always also thinks the day so has been tranquil. 不说普罗大众,就是绝大数到了巨头大圆满这个层次的高手,对此也都茫然无觉,始终还以为日子会一直这么平静下去。 Various as if by prior agreement regarding this remain silent, has various abacuses respectively, but is a little common. 各家不约而同对此保持缄默,各有各的算盘,但有一点是共通的。 Does not want to cause the panic of populace prematurely. 不想过早引起大众的恐慌。 Considered stemming from the general situation, has the in private person to plan the consideration, too initiates the populace early scared is not a good deed. 无论是出于大局考虑,还是出于私人算计考虑,太早引发大众恐慌都不是一件好事。 However presently, the time arrived. 不过现在,时候到了。 Recalled that was near the day before yesterday explaining and half th division's toward the sun urging, Lin Yi to this asks early some expectations, immediately clear and resonant voice opens the mouth. 回想起临来之前天向阳的交待和洛半师的叮嘱,林逸对这一问早有预料,当即朗声开口。 Catastrophe, to go on living unites more strengths as far as possible, there is nothing probably strangely? If recognized that like this violated the school regulations, I am speechless.” Valley “浩劫将至,为了活下去尽可能团结更多的力量,这好像没什么奇怪的吧?要是诸位认定这样违反了学院条例,那我无话可说。”谷 „......” “……” Presiding judge simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform is shocked. 一众审判长齐齐愣住。 They conceive Lin Yi to rack brains various possibilities of shifting responsibility onto others responsibility, even has also thought that can Lin Yi give to move come out the day family/home Sir day simply toward the sun. 他们设想过林逸绞尽脑汁推诿责任的各种可能性,甚至也想过,林逸会不会干脆把天家大爷天向阳给搬出来 After all once had a endorsement of day of family/home and School Director meeting, Lin Yi is only the pure performance order, they try the place unable to conduct to him jurisprudentially speaking any determine guilt, because the day family/home and School Director will have this power. 毕竟一旦有了天家和校董会的背书,林逸就只是单纯的执行命令,他们审判处就无法从法理上对他进行任何定罪,因为天家和校董会是有这个权力的。 They have not thought only, Lin Yi has not used this most credible style unexpectedly, instead threw a heavy case bomb directly. 他们唯独没有想到,林逸居然没有采用这种最靠谱的方式,反而直接扔出了一个重磅炸弹。 This is the entire net live broadcast. 这可是全网直播啊。 The entire journey paid attention to the great person of this live broadcast to spurt at the scene, especially the city lord Li Songzhang, on the face the expression was colorful! 全程关注着这场直播的一众大人物当场就喷了,尤其城主李诵章,脸上表情更是精彩纷呈! Must say that ahead of time announced which the catastrophe news on affects in a big way, without a doubt is his city main mansion. 要说提前公布浩劫消息对哪家影响最大,毫无疑问就是他城主府。 If trades to make other situations, trading to do is others, even if said does not help matters, after all this verbal statements are no guarantee the people of matter a little IQ easily do not believe normally slightly. 如果换做其他场合,换做是其他人,就算这么说了也无济于事,毕竟这种空口无凭的事情正常稍微有点智商的人都不会轻易相信。 Even so, will be pressed by the city main mansion First time. 即便有,也会被城主府第一时间摁住。 But is different at present. 可是眼下不同啊。 The entire net live broadcast did not say, the person of Lin Yi of opening the mouth, must know now in network, Lin Yi is almost the iconic figure of Jianghai top strength, even if the day with Li Songzhang, were inferior toward the sun he comes has the weight/quantity. 全网直播不说,开口的这人还是林逸,要知道如今在网络上,林逸几乎已是江海顶级战力的标志性人物,哪怕天向阳和李诵章,都不如他来的有分量。 His words, in the ordinary people eyes, without a doubt are an authority! 他的话,在普罗大众眼里,毫无疑问就是权威! Unsurprisingly, online really explodes instantaneously. 不出意外,网上果然瞬间爆炸。 Catastrophe? What catastrophe?” “浩劫?什么浩劫?” World end? fake, had what new end movie to get online, the forest did five great create the propaganda?” 世界末日吗?假的吧,难道又有什么新的末日电影上线了,林五巨给人做宣传呢吧?” „Since no wonder these days has been even more chaotic, various big influences on insane were the same, the style is entirely different from the past, this could convince, perhaps will really have the catastrophe to!” “难怪这段时间以来越发混乱,各家大势力都跟疯了一样,行事风格跟以往截然不同,这样就说得通了,恐怕是真有浩劫将至啊!” Online said anything has, certainly large number people in half believing and half doubting, but also many people start to respond. 网上说什么的都有,绝大数人都在将信将疑,但也有不少人开始反应过来。 Although catastrophe matter before that day of true arrival, is unable to confirm thoroughly, but the major influences are taking the lead in preparing now, the remaining these people quick will follow the example. 虽然浩劫这种事在真正到来的那一天之前,根本无法彻底验证,可如今各大势力都在带头准备,剩下这些人很快就会有样学样。 The entire city scared is inevitable. 全城恐慌已是不可避免。 Looks that in cellphone came from Li Songzhang a series of urgent messages, the chief presiding judge cold sweat got down, spikes a rumour to say hastily: Utter nonsense! You consider are fooling three -year-old child, where piping time of peace comes what catastrophe, you showed that I do have a look?” 看着手机中来自李诵章的一连串紧急消息,首席审判长冷汗都下来了,连忙辟谣道:“一派胡言!你当是在唬弄三岁小孩吗,太平盛世哪来什么浩劫,你证明一个我看看?” Lin Yi smiled: This matter has no way to show, I will not waste the strength to show, I said this, is only the pure statement fact , if not believe me is also indifferent.” 林逸笑了:“这种事情没法证明,我也不会浪费力气去证明,我说这个,只是单纯的陈述事实而已,诸位要是不信我也无所谓啊。” Suddenly, the online sailors are the collective send out. 一时间,网上水军又是集体出动。 Various funny charts about catastrophe spreads crazily, tries to define to become a practical joke it, eliminates everyone's panic by this. 各种关于浩劫的滑稽图疯狂流传,试图将其定义成为一次恶作剧,以此来打消所有人的恐慌。 The Lin Yi Group people actually show neither approval nor disapproval. 林逸集团众人对此却是不置可否。 From Shen Yifan, no one stands come out to clarify the explanation, no one stands come out to deny, is completely the cold treatment. 自沈一凡以下,既没有人站出来澄清解释,也没有人站出来否认,完全就是冷处理。 Translating is, how you like wanting how to think, Father basic being disinclined manages. 翻译一下就是,你们爱怎么想怎么想,老子根本懒得管。 In fact, so long as under scattering the seed of this suspicion, the Lin Yi's goal had achieved, as for other, but must let bullet again flying a while. 事实上,只要撒下这颗怀疑的种子,林逸的目的就已达成了,至于其他,还得让子弹再飞一会儿。
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