SBPE :: Volume #16

#9834: Chapter 9834

These professional sailors start to take the opportunity to attack Lin Yi to disregard law and discipline crazily, reviewing Lin Yi's large numbers of fans thought this is the real personality, top big shot should have this condescending energy. 那些职业水军开始借机疯狂攻击林逸目无法纪,反观林逸的大批拥趸则觉得这才是真性情,顶级大佬就该有这份居高临下的底气。 In the failing a grade fresh institute shoulders in front of the target, your does not know where braves the come out pheasant department to be what? 在留级生院扛把子面前,你一个不知道从哪里冒出来的野鸡部门算个什么? By revering of Lin Yi, is willing to attend today publicly had given huge face, how, one group covers the cape face not to dare to reveal the come out shameful secret goods, really can try Lin Yi to be inadequate? 林逸之尊,今天愿意公开出席就已是给了天大的面子,怎么着,就一帮罩着斗篷连正脸都不敢露出来的阴私货色,难道还真能审判林逸不成? both sides quarrelled one group. 双方吵成一团。 The chief presiding judge choked the moment, finally is only Leng Leng (coldly) emits one: That starts.” 首席审判长噎了片刻,最终只是冷冷的冒出一句:“那就开始吧。” If trades to be others, he has tried the judgement to rumble together, to/clashes this lese majeste the attitude, died by explosion at the scene gets what one deserves. 要是换做其他人,他早就一道审判裁决轰下来了,就冲这个大不敬的态度,当场轰死都是活该。 What a pity he does not dare. 可惜他不敢。 Not to mention to Lin Yi this level, what substantive role the common trial judgement was basic, even really can have the effect on Lin Yi, directly what to do do behind tyrant group of people raise table? 且不说到了林逸这个层次,寻常的审判裁决根本起不到什么实质作用,就算真能对林逸起效,后面暴君这帮人直接掀桌子怎么办? Once this group of top strengths get angry, on these 12 presiding judge insufficiently their stopper gaps between teeth, the big probability from now, Jianghai Institute has not tried place establishment again. 这帮顶级战力一旦翻脸,就现场这十二个审判长根本都不够他们塞牙缝的,大概率从此以后,江海学院就再也没有审判处这个编制了。 A presiding judge takes the lead to open the mouth. 一个审判长率先开口。 Standing trial person Lin Yi, you are freshman, according to the custom should keep the scientific theory meeting, goes into the failing a grade fresh institute arbitrarily, had seriously violated the school regulations, this crime one!” “受审人林逸,你本是新生,按照规矩该留在学理会,擅自跑到留级生院,已是严重违反了学院管理条例,此罪一也!” The sound brings the billowing thunderclap, just like the gods to issue the warning, under a special law in addition of trial place holds, is extremely easy to break through the heart of person to guard, induces goal heart most instinct the fear. 声音带着滚滚雷声,犹如神明发出警告,在审判处的特殊法阵加持之下,极易突破人的心防,诱发目标心底最本能的恐惧。 strength again terrifying person, once the heart against has the crack here, that also to falling to the enemy is not far. 实力再强再恐怖的人,一旦在这里心防出现裂缝,那也就离沦陷不远了。 Trial place ominous name, did not say. 审判处之凶名,可不是说说的。 Finally a Lin Yi face is strange: That illuminates your meanings, shouldn't I stay in the failing a grade fresh institute?” 结果林逸一脸古怪:“那照你们的意思,我不该留在留级生院?” Naturally should not! freshman mingles among the failing a grade fresh institute, name not and just the word is not smooth, highly improper!” “当然不该!一介新生混迹于留级生院,名不正且言不顺,成何体统!” That opens the mouth presiding judge heart one happy, so long as Lin Yi leaves the failing a grade fresh institute, regardless in the name of what, definitely will affect the conformity of failing a grade fresh institute enormously, will make the beforehand achievement fall short, will drain. 那位开口的审判长心头一喜,只要林逸离开留级生院,无论以何种名义,都势必会极大影响留级生院的整合,甚至让之前的成果都会功亏一篑,付诸东流。 They know certainly that Lin Yi will not easily obey, but Lin Yi does not know powerful of trial place, so long as can tempt Lin Yi to say related few words, when the time comes adds fuel to the flames to list as the judgement clause again, Lin Yi strength still can only obey even again. 他们当然知道林逸绝不会这么轻易就范,但林逸不知道审判处的厉害,只要能够引诱林逸说出相关的只言片语,到时候再推波助澜列为裁决条目,林逸就算实力再强也只能就范。 Adjudicates two characters, what represented is the judgement rule, this is the Heavenly Dao will! 裁决二字,代表的是裁决规则,这是天道的意志! Only does Lin Yi, why resist the Heavenly Dao will?! 区区一个林逸,凭什么对抗天道意志?! Lin Yi smiled: „Do I return to the scientific theory meeting? I have no opinion actually, but a little Little Ma is tired of help to solve, even after all I want to go back, that still first makes permits Anshan nod is good.” 林逸笑了:“那我回学理会?我倒是没什么意见,不过有点小麻烦得诸位帮忙解决一下,毕竟就算我想回去,那也得先让许安山点头才行啊。” King permits Anshan?” “帝王许安山?” 12 presiding judge simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform are shocked, immediately look at each other in blank dismay. 十二个审判长齐齐愣住,随即不由面面相觑。 Prestige of emperor permits Anshan, even if their fellows of these long-term hidden worlds like thunder reverberating in one's ears, they still had once equaled in private, if said the character who Jianghai Institute they most cannot provoke, permits Anshan is among the best absolutely. 帝王许安山的威名,就算他们这些长期隐世的家伙都如雷贯耳,他们也曾私下合计过,若说江海学院他们最不能招惹的人物,许安山绝对名列前茅。 Because that is the inherent emperor, but the emperor also called the emperor, always by own son of Heavenly Dao favor, really must try the judgement to fall, perhaps will fall to them on directly. 因为那是与生俱来的帝王,而帝王又称天子,一向是受天道青睐的亲儿子,真要审判裁决落下来,恐怕直接会落到他们自己头上。 King permits Anshan, tries the place to them, is completely natural enemy general existence! 帝王许安山,对他们审判处来说,完全是天敌一般的存在! This character they hides without enough time, possibly for the Lin Yi's matter, to be how initiative to provoke? Valley 这种人物他们躲都来不及,怎么可能为了林逸的事,主动上去招惹?谷 Chief presiding judge cold sound said: How to base in the scientific theory again, that is your own matter, I will try the place not to interfere.” 首席审判长冷声道:“怎么重新在学理会立足,那是你自己的事情,我审判处不会干涉。” Lin Yi has not opened the mouth, his behind king three actually curled upwards one leg on the other to smile certainly. 林逸没有开口,他身后的王三绝却是翘着二郎腿笑了。 I may really for permits Anshan thank you, others control the general situation of scientific theory meeting well with great difficulty, you must go in toward a small pond great alligator, but was fun, permits Anshan will like your gift very much.” “那我可真得替许安山好好谢谢你们,人家好不容易掌控了学理会的大局,你们非得往一口小池塘里塞一条巨鳄进去,这下可好玩了,想必许安山会很喜欢你们这份礼物的。” „......” “……” 12 presiding judges have food stuck in the throat immediately again. 十二个审判长顿时再次噎住。 Changes anybody to be at the standpoint of permits Anshan, does not hope that absolutely again Lin Yi returns to the scientific theory meeting. 换任何人处在许安山的立场,都绝对不会再希望林逸回学理会。 By Lin Yi present strength, he can meet the pattern to have the subversive impact on the scientific theory only, if unites half th division again, hides from original Second seat Shen Qingnian, original Third seat Zhang Shichang who heal from a wound in the hidden place, that scene cannot imagine simply. 林逸如今的实力,单他自己一个人就能对学理会格局产生颠覆性的冲击,如果再联合洛半师,还有躲在暗处养伤的原第二席沈庆年、原第三席张世昌,那场面简直不可想象。 In addition failing a grade fresh institute group obvious has closed up in the Lin Yi subordinate monster, even facing the entire scientific theory meeting that permits Anshan leads, on hard strength does not drop the wind. 再加上留级生院这帮明显已靠拢在林逸麾下的怪物,就算面对许安山领衔的整个学理会,硬实力上都丝毫不落下风。 Lin Yi really must have this idea, staged a comeback will trade another day day, absolutely was not the not possible matter. 林逸真要有这种想法,卷土重来改天换日,绝对不是什么不可能的事情。 Really to that time, permits Anshan proper First asked them to do accounts ready. 真到了那个时候,许安山妥妥第一个找他们算账。 The chief presiding judge coughs: Reading is special in this freshman situation, will meet the scientific theory just to reorganize, many things were complicated, temporarily could not put out one to be clear about the regulation is also excusable, before the scientific theory will give the explicit answer an judgement puts aside for the time being.” 首席审判长干咳一声:“念在本届新生情况特殊,又逢学理会刚刚重组,许多事情千头万绪,暂时拿不出一个明确章程也是情有可原,在学理会给出明确答复之前本项裁决暂且搁置。” Online in an uproar. 网上一片哗然。 Some people start immediately mystifyingly: learned! This called the art of speech!” 有人当即开始阴阳怪气:“学会了!这就叫说话的艺术!” Jumps repeatedly horizontally, I also think that person and the person is different, only then my street loafer will play this repertoire, indeed these solemn great people are also the same.” “反复横跳嘛,我还以为人与人是不同的,只有我这种街溜子才会玩这种套路,敢情这些堂堂的大人物也都一样啊。” Good, in the building that has the potential of being the presiding judge!” “挺好的,楼上那位有当审判长的潜质!” This discredits the Lin Yi's sailors not to know that on these wholeheartedly should say anything, they rack brains to think that come out bumps porcelain Lin Yi's these stems, where has this on-the-spot teaching to come to have the life strength! 这回就连那些一心抹黑林逸的水军都不知道该说什么了,他们绞尽脑汁想出来碰瓷林逸的那些梗,哪有这种现场教学来得有生命力啊! They go through all the complications the heat that brushes to search, divide minutes to be stepped on by the speech art of presiding judge in the under foot, the strength of fundamental passivity. 他们费尽周折刷起来的热搜,分分钟就被审判长的说话艺术踩在脚下,根本毫无抵抗之力。 At this time another presiding judge opened the mouth. 这时另外一位审判长开口。 Standing trial person Lin Yi, you failing a grade fresh institute is accepting large numbers of bystanders arbitrarily, seriously violated the school not to get the regulations that the bystander entered, and discredited the school reputation enormously, pushed down the school threshold, had the extremely bad effect regarding entire school image, its crime two.” “受审人林逸,你在留级生院擅自收容大批外人,严重违反了学院不得外人进入的条例,并且极大败坏了学院声誉,拉低了学院门槛,对于整个学院形象都产生了极其恶劣的影响,其罪二也。” These words aroused many school expert resonance actually. 这番话倒是引起了不少学院高手的共鸣。 Until now, Jianghai Institute can maintain the big reputation of cultivate sacred place, to a great extent lies in the strict admittance threshold. 一直以来,江海学院能够维持住修炼圣地的偌大名头,很大程度上就在于严格的准入门槛。 Non- giant grand perfection expert can not enter a school. 非巨头大圆满高手不得入学。 This is Jianghai Institute most important compelling standard. 这就是江海学院最重要的逼格。 Even if Jianghai city these illustrious Family, being able to get away back door, can only strictly according to the standard, if cannot achieve giant grand perfection this foundation threshold, even if position again high also useless. 哪怕是江海城那些赫赫有名的家族,都走不了后门,只能严格照着标准来,若是达不到巨头大圆满这个基础门槛,哪怕地位再高也没用。 Cannot enter Jianghai Institute, even if your boasting blows the broken day, is only not being able to amount to something Second Generation ancestor, this is almost the consensus of entire Jianghai. 进不了江海学院,哪怕你牛皮吹破天,也只是个上不了台面的二世祖,这几乎是整个江海的共识。 Also therefore, even if Li Muyang this city host's son, must in the school enrolling number, in order to avoid being said this and that. 也正因此,哪怕是李沐阳这位城主之子,都要在学院挂个名号,以免被人说三道四。
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