SBPE :: Volume #16

#9833: Chapter 9833

Said the dust analysis saying: This should not be the day of family/home Sir's meaning, sees the conformity progress of our failing a grade fresh institute mostly, certain people could not sit still, therefore puts in order such a.” 言尘分析道:“这应该不是天家大爷的意思,多半是看到咱们留级生院的整合进度,某些人坐不住了所以才整这么一出。” That......, no matter?” “那……不管?” Lin Yi knits the brows slightly, as the First person of leading failing a grade fresh institute conformity, he is busy at the foot not moistening now, various assorted things many enough to must be able to be solved by clone. 林逸微微皱眉,身为主导留级生院整合的第一人,他如今可是忙得脚不沾地,各种杂七杂八的事情多到必须靠分身才能解决。 Even if the staff headed by Shen Yifan rolls has begun to take shape, can help him solve over 90% everyday concerns, was withstand/top. 哪怕以沈一凡为首的幕僚团已经初具规模,能够帮他解决九成以上的日常事务,算是非常顶了。 The point is that the conformity failing a grade fresh institute is the unprecedented matter, almost each matter does not have the precedent to follow, especially frequently involves the stake of all influence. 可问题是,整合留级生院乃是史无前例之事,几乎遇到的每一件事情都无先例可循,尤其动辄涉及各方势力的利害关系。 Even if has made many plans beforehand, but really falls to the realistic level, a lot must Lin Yi oneself make a decision personally. 哪怕事先已经做了许多预案,可真的落到现实层面,很多事情还是必须林逸本人亲自拿主意。 In this case, he is really disinclined to respond this face to bump the porcelain type clown. 这种情况下,他实在懒得搭理这种一脸碰瓷样的小丑。 The trial place, said that coarse is the family whose fortunes are on the decline, in view of strength, that group of people absolutely does not have with the qualifications of Lin Yi equal dialog continually, but also does a condescending attitude make him receive the public interpellation? 审判处,说难听了就是破落户,从实力的角度出发,那帮人根本连跟林逸平等对话的资格都没有,还一副居高临下的态度让他去接受公开质询? Lin Yi may not have to plan to be used to them, after all, he is not the father of this group of people. 林逸可没打算惯着他们,毕竟,他又不是这帮人的爹。 Shen Yifan said: No matter is not probably good, some presently online people are deliberately disseminating the conspiracy theory, slanders you to hold the training battalion to have impure motives, symbol Wang Family these Family younger generation enter, is interpreted as you to borrow necessary equipment, wants to collude with the bystander eliminating obstacles school resources, the echo is very big.” 沈一凡却道:“不管好像不行,现在网上有人在刻意散播阴谋论,污蔑你举办训练营动机不纯,阵符王家这些家族子弟进驻,也被解读为你在借鸡生蛋,想要勾结外人清障学院资源,反响还很不小。” Lin Yi received cellphone to sweep one, the online ten heat search for eight are such conspiracy theory. 林逸接过手机扫了一眼,网上十条热搜有八条都是这样的阴谋论。 Before his fan had many, the present black mole has many. 之前他的拥趸有多少,如今的黑子就有多少。 The person red right and wrong are many, suppresses is looking at his unlucky person far more than one two, is only sailors several that this time adds fuel to the flames secretly, the city main mansion and Nanjiang king even have the school internal personnel. 人红是非多,憋着看他倒霉的人何止一个两个,光是这次幕后推波助澜的水军就好几家,城主府、南江王甚至还有学院内部人员。 Lin Yi are many in Jianghai Institute friend now, the offended enemy are also many. 林逸如今在江海学院朋友不少,得罪的敌人也同样不少。 No matter what the day two interrupted carelessly: Along with them said that we few meat, will also not argue that not being able to do well more traces is blacker.” 任天二大大咧咧插嘴道:“随他们说去呗,咱们又不会少块肉,难道还一个个去辩解啊,搞不好越描越黑哦。” Finally, trades a small alone king Duanshe icy appraisal: Idiot.” 结果,换来小独王断舍一句冷冰冰的评价:“蠢货。” No matter what the day two gawked: I take the liberty to ask one, the idiot who you said is I, is the online that group of people?” 任天二愣了一下:“恕我冒昧问一句,你说的蠢货是我,还是网上那帮人?” „......” “……” The people suppress to smile. 众人不由憋笑。 Finally Lin Yi explained personally: „ Our presently stands in the keenest struggle, the bird who moves first will be the one that gets shot, the influence that at this time other can amount to something is waiting for the opportunity, once we show any flaw, they will close. 最终还是林逸亲自解释道:“我们现在就站在风口浪尖,枪打出头鸟,这个时候其他所有能够上得了台面的势力都在等待机会,一旦我们露出任何破绽,他们就会一拥而上。 The online public opinion has no, matter that several heat search , but if perhaps, no matter what its fermentation, wait for me tomorrow will wake up, will discover oneself have become the people's public enemies. ” 网上舆论本身没什么,几个热搜的事情而已,可要是任其发酵,说不定等我们明天醒来,就会发现自己已经成为全民公敌了。” No matter what the day two stare dumbfounded: Is so exaggerating?” 任天二瞠目结舌:“有这么夸张吗?” Shen Yifan smiles bitterly: So is exaggerating, therefore trial place that group of people are not the ordinary clumsy mischief-doers, they dare to jump come out at this time, when the spear/gun causes, is calculates that stake, this is the open intrigue.” 沈一凡苦笑:“就是有这么夸张,所以审判处那帮人不是普通的跳梁小丑,他们敢在这个时候跳出来给人当枪使,是算准了利害关系的,这是阳谋。” The people are speechless: According said, the Boss how could it not be right and wrong did go is not possible?” 众人不禁无语:“照这么说,老大岂不是非去不可了?” Right.” “没错。” Lin Yi shook cellphone, above came from a day of family/home Sir day news brief toward the sun, content extremely is simple, one character. 林逸晃了晃手机,上面是来自天家大爷天向阳的一条短讯,内容十分简单,就一个字。 Going. 去。 Meanwhile, long-silent trial place round table parliament, in 12 positions was filled with 12 presiding judges, each hidden under the cross cape, does not see the appearance/portrait. 与此同时,沉寂已久的审判处圆桌议会,十二个位置上久违的坐满了十二个审判长,每一个都隐藏在十字斗篷之下,不见真容。 A low and deep sound resounds. 一个低沉的声音响起。 Because the School Director meeting and scientific theory can the betrayal with failing a grade fresh institute, our 12 presiding judges are forced to give up all, such as the living corpse choice long sleep in black in the dark, presently, we reconstructed the daylight the opportunity to come.” “因为校董会、学理会和留级生院的背叛,我们十二位审判长被迫放弃一切,如活死人般选择在黑暗中长眠,现在,我们重建天日的机会来了。” Tomorrow, so long as tries Lin Yi to be guilty, we can divide on him all destiny and chances!” “明日,只要审判林逸有罪,我们就能分走他身上的所有气运和机缘!” This day electing child without a doubt, will become we most ideal stepping-stone, since he starts, we will try the place to will certainly the recover past unsurpassed honor!” “这位毋庸置疑的天选之子,将会成为咱们最理想的进身之阶,从他开始,咱们审判处必将恢复当年的无上荣光!” 12 presiding judges exude the low and deep Jie Jie sound simultaneously. 十二位审判长同时发出低沉的桀桀声。 If there is a bystander to present, this scene with the sacred fair trial parliament will not link absolutely, the big probability thinks that is the secret of some evil god offers a sacrifice to the meeting. 若是有外人在场,绝对不会把这种场面跟神圣公正的审判议会联系在一起,大概率会认为是某个邪神的秘密祭会。 Next day, under an entire net live broadcast of anchor, Lin Yi enters slowly leaves uncultivated for a long time court. 次日,又是在一众主播的全网直播之下,林逸缓缓走进荒废已久的审判所。 12 presiding judges assume the semicircle to dispel, each one aura are sincere, at first sight pours also the meaning of somewhat full deity Buddha, but these god Buddha are covering the cross cape, must not exposed to up. 十二位审判长呈半圆形排开,个个气息厚重,乍一看倒还真有点满天神佛的意思,只不过这些神佛都罩着十字斗篷,见不得光。 The Lin Yi complexion confident sits down in the front central judgment seat, while convenient, curled upwards one leg on the other. 林逸面色坦然在前方中央的审判席坐下,顺便,翘了个二郎腿。 The chief presiding judge just about to opens the mouth, then behind sees the first team people to file, immediately prestige bitter cold: „In besides the invited public retransmission personnel, other irrelevant people and others can not enter, goes out!” 首席审判长刚要开口,便见后面一队人鱼贯而入,当即威严冷哼:“除特邀公开转播人员之外,其他无关人等不得入内,出去!” „Do we also calculate the irrelevant person and others?” “我们也算无关人等吗?” The one who takes the lead to open the mouth is the tyrant, is the flame pond and secret, in addition small alone king Duanshe, symbol Wang Family king three certainly, as before Bodyguard gang leader strict river. 率先开口的是暴君,紧接着便是炎池、天机,此外还有小独王断舍、阵符王家王三绝,依旧保镖头子严江。 Water giant ultimate grand perfection expert. 一水的巨头终极大圆满高手 Looks that this group of people set up in an array in Lin Yi behind, 12 presiding judge eyes were straight. 看着这群人在林逸身后一字排开,十二个审判长眼睛都直了。 Among them also has the top strength, after all camel of skinny is big, the trial place was so rising in the past, even if were only suppressed remains the last mere show, is insufficient a even/including top strength to take not come out. 他们中间也是有顶级战力的,毕竟瘦死的骆驼比马大,审判处当年那么如日中天,哪怕被打压得只剩最后一个空架子,也不至于连一个顶级战力都拿不出来 However, one. 但是,也就一个而已。 Although the remaining 11 people are also the high-end strengths, outside such lineup places cannot be weak, may really probably move, they had confidence at most can control Lin Yi. 剩下的十一人虽然也都是高端战力,这样的阵容放在外面也不能算弱,可真要动起真格,他们顶多有把握能够控制住林逸 As for Lin Yi behind group of giant ultimate grand perfection expert, is not within their plans. 至于林逸身后的这帮巨头终极大圆满高手,根本不在他们的计划之内。 Or also they expected even ahead of time still uselessly, because had no way to process from the start, this was absolutely the strength disparity! 亦或者说,就算他们提前预料到了也没用,因为压根没法处理,这就是绝对实力的差距! This group of people sit toward Lin Yi behind, the online has seethed with excitement. 这帮人往林逸身后一坐,网上就已经沸腾了。 Only can say that present trial in front of failing a grade fresh institute, really is also a joke, if not for the card at the keenest struggle, they really made Lin Yi look that continually qualifications do not have. 只能说如今的审判处在留级生院面前,真的也就是一个笑话,若不是卡在了风口浪尖,他们真的连让林逸多看一眼的资格都没有。 The chief presiding judge wants to catch up with the person, but this group of goods sit there carelessly, who can catch up? 首席审判长想要赶人,可这帮货就这么大大咧咧坐在那儿,谁能赶得了? But the words have said that wants to receive again already without enough time, after all this is the entire net live broadcast, as First games that the trial place resurfaces, can't come up to hit the face on oneself? 可话已经说出口,再想收回来已经来不及了,毕竟这可是全网直播,作为审判处复出的第一,总不能上来就自己打自己脸吧? The scene is very suddenly awkward. 场面一时间很是尴尬。 Finally, Lin Yi this examined person takes the lead to open the mouth: You have anything to ask that selects the time with a sense of urgency, I am very busy.” 最终,还是林逸这个被审人率先开口:“你们有什么要问的,抓紧点时间,我挺忙的。” „......” “……” The people complexion is strange, the chief presiding judge had food stuck in the throat at the scene, the trial place heaviest dignity, comes up to change from guest to host by Lin Yi now, which this also has the least bit to be dignified? 众人不由面色古怪,首席审判长更是被当场噎住,审判处最重威严,如今上来就被林逸反客为主,这哪还有半点威严可言? The online is noisy one piece. 网上更是闹哄哄一片。
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