SBPE :: Volume #16

#9832: Chapter 9832

Facing unprecedented five collaborate greatly, they simply do not have the strength of resistance, even if some people do not believe in evil doctrines to challenge, wish stands to ascend First Year to shout, even soars taking this opportunity, but is still thinks eventually. 面对史无前例的五巨联手,他们根本没有抵抗之力,就算有人不信邪想要挑战一把,想要站起来登高一呼,甚至借此机会一飞冲天,可终究也就是想想而已。 Really must have such prestige and strength, this character already already over, or five was gathered to the subordinate greatly, how also to be lost possibly in the floor? 真要有这样的威望和实力,这种人物早就已经出头,亦或者被五巨招揽到麾下了,怎么可能还会被遗落在底层? Although the failing a grade fresh institute is very big, although is also the good and bad people mixed up, but during do not forget five to be great has existence of secret pavilion. 留级生院虽然很大,虽然也是鱼龙混杂,但别忘了五巨之中可是有着天机阁的存在。 Informer who if really the real dragon like Lin Yi, how possibly can evade the secret pavilion?! 真要是像林逸这样的真龙,怎么可能躲得过天机阁的耳目?! In the final analysis, this matter also has daydream regarding the floor salt fish, if some really person of brains one raises the arm hotly shouts, does not need Lin Yi these five to act greatly, under that group of people can be drown to death them with the saliva while still alive. 说到底,这种事情对于底层咸鱼来说也就是做做白日梦罢了,如果真有人脑子一热振臂一呼,都不用林逸这几位五巨出面,底下那帮人就能活活用口水把他们淹死。 As for has numerous 13 of this qualifications reluctantly. 至于勉强有这份资格的一众十三杰。 At this time is honestly more law-abiding than anybody, without the means that five great big shot assistants sits in their family/home now. 此时却比任何人都安分老实,没办法,各位五巨大佬的副手如今就在他们家里坐着呢。 If coordinates, that can also exchange toasts to be on intimate terms, as long as the mouth emits no, the big probability is less than the Second day must remove from the failing a grade fresh institute thoroughly, a trivial sound will not stay behind. 如果配合,那还能推杯换盏称兄道弟,但凡嘴里冒出半个不字,大概率不到第二天就得彻底从留级生院除名,连屁大点的动静都不会留下。 Under situation, even tyrant such established five great can only choose to lower the head, is the idle talk they? 大势之下,连暴君那样的老牌五巨都只能选择低头,更遑论是他们? No matter what, conforms with big failing a grade to live the institute eventually is not an easy matter. 但不管怎么样,整合偌大的留级生院终究不是一件易事。 Even if there is Lin Yi is five great Group of head presses the head forcefully, not possible problem-free, from announcing conformity on that day, the failing a grade fresh institute is performing various endless slaughtering and rebellion. 哪怕有林逸为首的五巨集团强行摁头,也不可能一帆风顺,从宣布整合那一天起,留级生院就在上演着各种层出不穷的杀戮和叛乱。 Until, Lin Yi announced the training battalion plan. 直至,林逸宣布了训练营计划。 The entire failing a grade fresh institute returns overnight tranquilly, these make ominously, particularly sufficed the person of giant grand perfection Late Phase this high-end strength threshold, immediately ceased all activities. 整个留级生院一夜之间重归平静,那些闹得最凶的,尤其是够到了巨头大圆满后期这个高端战力门槛的人,当即偃旗息鼓。 By this moment, the big benefit could not compare the invitation quota of training battalion. 到了这一刻,再大的利益都比不上训练营的一个邀请名额。 Especially personally acts to announce in half th division, after accepting to become the training battalion invited military instructor, all high-end strength that was also ready to make trouble became the order vindicator spontaneously. 尤其在洛半师亲自出面宣布,接受成为训练营特邀教官之后,原本还蠢蠢欲动的各方高端战力更是自发成了秩序维护者。 Some people talked wildly directly, who five could not pass with the forest greatly, that could not pass with him. 有人更是直接放言,谁跟林五巨过不去,那就是跟他过不去。 Keeps off the person source of income such as the homicide parents, to their levels, kept off the person chance to want the extermination nine generations! 挡人财路如杀人父母,到了他们这个层次,挡人机缘更是要诛灭九族! Then, most essential a number of thorn treachery, the conformity advancement of failing a grade fresh institute also speeds up in abundance sharply, less than ten days of times, all parties the large-scale influence headed by 13 five have reached the agreement with an numerous merely greatly, achieve remarkable success! 如此一来,最关键的一批刺头纷纷倒戈,留级生院的整合进程随之大幅加快,前后仅仅不到十天的工夫,以十三杰为首的各方中大型势力就已跟一众五巨达成协议,成效显著! Then, somebody could not sit still thoroughly. 这下,某人彻底坐不住了。 Under his urging and threat repeatedly, the School Director First time will reveal the fang in front of Lin Yi finally. 在他的一再催促和威胁之下,校董会终于第一次在林逸面前露出了獠牙。 Trial place?” “审判处?” Lin Yi looks in the hand this circular letter to wonder, above writes impressively, making him go to the School Director joint hearing to condemn to receive the public interpellation! 林逸看着手上这张通函不由纳闷,上面赫然写着,让他去校董会审判处接受公开质询! The bonus is Hong Baxian such qualifications quite deep old Jianghu is also a face compels ignorant: „Will School Director have trial place type of thing?” 饶是洪霸先这样资格颇深的老江湖也是一脸懵逼:“校董会还有审判处这种东西?” Naturally has, moreover was very ancient, its existence is even earlier than the school, to a certain extent tries the place to be the same to the day family/home, is one of the school founders, but the latter is inheritance ordered super Family, but the former is only a reputation organization not obviously.” “当然有,而且很古老了,它的存在甚至还早于学院,某种程度上审判处跟天家一样,都是学院创始人之一,只不过后者是一个传承有序的超级家族,而前者只是一个声名不显的组织罢了。” The opens the mouth is the secret pavilion Elder word dust. 开口是天机阁长老言尘。 Announced the same day of five great conformity in Lin Yi, the information place formal has started to form, under the secret incited, the secret pavilion whole staff joined to construct the main frame of information place. Valley 林逸宣布五巨整合的当天,情报处就已正式开始组建,在天机授意之下,天机阁全员加入构建了情报处的主体框架。谷 Dust old friend, was dispatched side Lin Yi, gives him this information department head to be the full-time assistants. 而言尘这位老朋友,则被派遣到林逸身边,给他这位情报处处长担任全职助理。 Trial place is extremely low-key, the low key to almost does not have many people to realize its existence, but everyone do not misunderstand, this is not a dispensable department.” “审判处太过低调,低调到几乎没有多少人意识到它的存在,但是各位可别误会了,这可不是一个可有可无的部门。” Said the dust sincere to remind: As one of the founders, its jurisdiction sets no ceiling limit jurisprudentially speaking, several may be flush with the day family/home!” 言尘正色提醒道:“作为创始人之一,从法理上它的权限上不封顶,几可与天家齐平!” People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform holds breath a cold air/Qi. 众人齐齐倒吸一口冷气。 The day family/home in Jianghai Institute that is emperor general existence, now suddenly some people tell them, has existence of another power not under Emperor in besides the emperor, whom changing will listen to be dumbstruck. 天家在江海学院那就是皇帝一般的存在,如今突然有人告诉他们,除了皇帝之外还有另一个权力不下于皇帝的存在,换谁听了都会发懵。 Shen Yifan has doubts saying: But does School Director meet is not the traditional forces range of day of family/home? Is it possible that can the trial place also do against with the day family/home?” 沈一凡疑惑道:“可校董会不是天家的传统势力范围吗?审判处莫非还能跟天家对着干?” The day regards as important to Lin Yi's toward the sun, the discerning people look clear. 天向阳对林逸的看重,明眼人都看得一清二楚。 Especially Lin Yi conforms with the failing a grade fresh institute now, regarding the day toward the sun value maximum time, position heavy perhaps under not controlling emperor permits Anshan of scientific theory meeting. 尤其林逸如今整合了留级生院,对于天向阳正是价值最大的时候,地位之重恐怕都不下于掌控了学理会的帝王许安山。 Did the day possibly allow School Director to lash out at Lin Yi at this time toward the sun? 天向阳怎么可能允许校董会在这个时候对林逸发难? Even if unloads the grinding to kill the donkey is not such kills the law, what has not done exactly, can't kill the donkey rushed oneself to grind with a grindstone? 就算卸磨杀驴也不是这么个杀法啊,什么活都还没干呢,总不能把驴杀了抢着自己拉磨吧? Said the dust to shake the head saying: „ Although places on trial to be converged School Director to govern now in name, but in fact, it is the independence in the School Director meeting and scientific theory can outside the four directions with our failing a grade fresh institute. 言尘摇头道:“虽然如今审判会名义上被归为校董会辖下,但事实上,它是独立于校董会、学理会和咱们留级生院之外的第四方。 In the power structure from the beginning, it has to including the three parties entire Jianghai Institute the power of supervisory trial, according to the initial visions of several founders, this should be a power infinitely great super department! ” 在一开始的权力构架之中,它负有对包括三方在内整个江海学院的监察审判之权,按照几位创始人的最初设想,这本该是一个权力无限大的超级部门!” Fall three mother hears word strange say/way: How that did presently turn into this bird type?” 秋三娘闻言奇怪道:“那现在怎么变成了这个鸟样?” The people on the scene cough in abundance. 在场众人纷纷咳嗽。 Has scruples this female student to present, they spoke also restrain specially, easily did not explode the dirty mouth, was autumn three mother is on the contrary careless, did not have to be the consciousness of female student. 顾忌到她这个女生在场,他们说话都还特别收敛,轻易不爆脏口,反倒是秋三娘自己大大咧咧,丝毫没有身为女生的觉悟。 The bonus is word dust also complexion strange putting out a hand holds the volume: Long ago from the beginning it truly was fourth extremely, even the strength inflation quick went far beyond other three, became First of school faintly extremely.” 饶是言尘也不禁面色古怪的伸手扶额:“早年一开始它确实是第四极,甚至实力膨胀之快远远超过了其他三家,隐隐成了学院的第一极。” That takes the say/way.” “那是取死之道。” Lin Yi at the right moment review. 林逸适时点评了一句。 The people nod in abundance, as independent department of supervisory trial, once the strength over expansion causes certainly the power also to follow to inflate infinitely, but this will definitely cause the disaffection of other three parties. 众人纷纷点头,作为监察审判的独立部门,一旦实力过度膨胀必然导致权力也跟着无限膨胀,而这必然会导致其他三方的不满。 Even, causes the popular anger. 甚至,引发众怒。 Good, because just the trial place extends the hand is long, will therefore be united another two sides discarding by School Director of day family/home, the trial place will disintegrate from now on, escaping that the death that its hanger-on expert dies escapes, was incorporated by other three either simply.” “不错,正因为审判处把手伸得太长,所以被天家的校董会联合另外两方给废掉了,审判处自此分崩离析,其门下高手死的死逃的逃,要么干脆被其他三家收编。” Said the dust to sob: The trial place that „ after that once prevailed for a time became the presently appearance, although without was abolished directly, but basically is a mere show. 言尘不无唏嘘道:“从那之后,曾经盛极一时的审判处就成了现在的模样,虽然没有被直接废除,但基本就是一个空架子。 Regardless of the School Director meeting and scientific theory our failing a grade fresh institute, will not give it again any opportunity of staging a comeback, this can be said as one of the we Jianghai Institute most important consensus! ” 无论校董会、学理会还是咱们留级生院,都不会再给它任何东山再起的机会,这可以说是咱们江海学院最重要的共识之一!” Shen Yifan people are strange the say/way: Since is this, that this circular letter is several meanings?” 沈一凡众人不由奇怪道:“既然是这样,那这张通函是几个意思?” A surviving in name only organization, sends the circular letter to the present failing a grade fresh institute highest level facade character, but also spoke must make Lin Yi openly receive the interpellation, this matter sounded very humorous. 一个名存实亡的机构,给如今留级生院最顶级的门面人物发通函,还明言要让林逸公开接受质询,这事儿听起来很幽默啊。
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