SBPE :: Volume #16

#9831: Chapter 9831

Lin Yi said with a smile: Two, if really does not want to comply, I reluctantly, the training battalion I will not continue to manage, your subordinate expert can choose does not participate.” 林逸笑道:“两位要是实在不想答应,那我也不会勉强,训练营我还是会继续办,你们麾下的高手可以选择不参加。” „......” “……” Tyrants and flame ponds immediately a lot of bad languages. 暴君和炎池顿时一肚子脏话。 Good, the training battalion continues to act accordingly, their two families high-end strength was excluded only, what scene will that be? 好么,训练营继续照办,就唯独他们两家的高端战力被排除在外,那将是一个什么场面? When the time comes Lin Yi a few words were needless saying that they must raise a rumpus. 到时候林逸一句话都不用说,他们自己就得闹翻天。 Let alone, training battalion, once according to the Lin Yi's tentative plan formation, the high-end strength of failing a grade fresh institute will certainly welcome wave of strength general Zhang. 更何况,训练营一旦照着林逸的设想成型,留级生院的高端战力必将迎来一波实力普涨。 Others rose, their two families marks only, how let alone the underlings think, is only they must die irritably. 其他所有人都涨了,唯独他们两家原地踏步,别说底下人怎么想,光是他们自己就得别扭死。 At this moment has a look at the secret again the attitude. 此刻再看看天机的态度。 Future failing a grade lives the institute to will certainly form a brand-new pattern centered on Lin Yi, if their two families actively does not participate, even if Lin Yi does not aim at them on own initiative, later also inevitably by marginalization. 未来的留级生院必将形成一个以林逸为核心的全新格局,他们两家如果不积极参与进来,哪怕林逸不主动针对他们,之后也不可避免会被边缘化。 Do not visit them today is rising five great, but once kept them out, perhaps turns the head to degenerate into the out of date and no longer of interest. 别看他们今天还是如日中天的五巨,可一旦被拒之门外,说不定转头就得沦为明日黄花。 Puzzled moment, tyrant and flame pond finally helpless nods: Ok, calculates my one.” 纠结片刻,暴君和炎池最终还是无奈点头:“行吧,算我一个。” Five characters, situation compared with person. 五个字,形势比人强。 In the face of true situation, even if better than them like this established five great, still has to choose to lower the head. 在真正的大势面前,就算是强如他们这样的老牌五巨,也不得不选择低头。 Lin Yi smiled: Cooperation is happy.” 林逸笑了:“合作愉快。” These three matters make a final decision, remaining other does not need to say again, the later domain interests division, including the sequence order height, to present him is the minor details, will not care. 这三件事敲定,剩下其他的都已经不需要再多说了,之后的地盘利益划分,包括位次高低,对如今的他来说都是细枝末节,根本不会放在心上。 Tyrant several people look at each other, under the heart somewhat lose, somewhat is simultaneously inspired. 暴君几人相视一眼,心下有些失落,同时却又有些振奋。 Losing was they to lose the qualifications of competitive failing a grade fresh institute First person since then thoroughly, from now on, Lin Yi will become the failing a grade fresh institute only facade character, but they can only , helpless accepted to degenerate into the reality of set-off. 失落在于从此他们彻底失去了竞争留级生院第一人的资格,从今往后,林逸将成为留级生院唯一的门面人物,而他们这些人都只能无奈接受沦为陪衬的现实。 As for rousing, then in failing a grade fresh institute unprecedented big change in situation, so long as they stand to the position, the operation is appropriate, before will obtain, astronomy benefit that does not dare to imagine. 至于振奋,则是在接下来留级生院这场前所未有的大变局中,只要他们站对位置,操作得当,将会获得之前根本不敢想象的天文利益。 Even, including them, may welcome strength a transformation of time! 甚至,包括他们自己,都有可能迎来一次实力的蜕变! „, Announced.” “那么,宣布吧。” When the news of five great conformity spread from Lin Yi and numerous established five huge mouths, not only the entire Jianghai Institute, the entire Jianghai city boiled. 当五巨整合的消息从林逸和一众老牌五巨口中传出,不仅整个江海学院,整个江海城都沸腾了。 Before today , the outside world will little pay attention to the failing a grade fresh institute extremely, because it extremely seals up, and chaotic, a little experience person is also knows that at most its existence, at best has listened to five great given names, then did not have. 今天之前外界极少会关注到留级生院,因为它太过封闭且混乱,有点见识的人也顶多就是知道它的存在,充其量就是听过五巨的名号,然后就没了。 However after today's this entire network live broadcast, Lin Yi and failing a grade fresh institute has been promoted to entire Jianghai well-known existence at one fell swoop, this is the important subjects of following six months all big or small situation spare times. 但是经过今天这场全网直播,林逸和留级生院已然一举晋升为全江海家喻户晓的存在,这将是接下来半年内所有大小场合茶余饭后的重要谈资。 Doesn't know Lin Yi? You must have multi- falling behind. 林逸都不知道?你是得有多落伍。 In the major anchors show off under the illustration vigorously, people regarding failing a grade fresh institute powerful also has an outline. 在各大主播极力卖弄解说之下,众人对于留级生院的强大也已经有了一个轮廓。 Did not say exaggeratingly, even if now in this situation in a state of disunity, the failing a grade fresh institute takes come out alone, that can also arrange to enter the Jianghai first three terrifying forces! 毫不夸张的说,哪怕是如今这种一盘散沙的情况下,留级生院单独拿出来,那也是能够排进江海前三的恐怖势力! Only then Jianghai Institute can press its head, even if other are the city main government offices, simply does not have this qualifications to follow! 只有江海学院自己能够压它一头,其他哪怕是城主府,也都根本没这个资格望其项背! But presently, such a colossus announced the conformity unexpectedly! 现在,这样一个庞然大物居然宣布整合了! If this places secular world, is challenging the anti-monopoly law simply ready ready, once really conforms completes, how others also do play? 这要是放在世俗界,简直妥妥是在挑战反垄断法,一旦真的整合完成,别人还怎么玩啊? The average people also watch the fun , indicating that shocks, but certain great people may be unable to take a seat. 普通人还只是看个热闹,表示一下震惊,但某些大人物可就坐不住了。 For example Jianghai city First person Li Songzhang. 比如江海城第一人李诵章。 Lin Yi to his city main mansion is what attitude, was needless saying that hostility not minced matter radically, wrote on the face directly. 林逸对他的城主府是个什么态度,根本不用多说,那种敌意根本毫不掩饰,直接就是写在脸上的。 The sentence, each other did not have the melon not to have Ge, has almost no happening together, he does not know where Lin Yi does come such big hostility? 说句实在的,彼此原本无瓜无葛,几乎都没什么交集,他都不知道林逸哪来这么大的敌意? This city main Sir forgot quite the same as, before his family/home treasure son, with Lin Yi's enmity many, let alone, the god of death squad is because anything plants in Lin Yi, a point compels the number not to have. 这位城主大人浑然忘了,他家宝贝儿子之前跟林逸的过节可是一点不少,更何况,死神小队是因为什么栽在林逸手里的,一点逼数都没有。 No matter what, failing a grade fresh institute, once successfully conforms, regarding him and his city main mansion absolutely is a huge sad news! 但不管怎么样,留级生院一旦成功整合,对于他和他的城主府绝对是一个巨大的噩耗! Only was Lin Yi lets him disgraced, this must make this goods the entire failing a grade fresh institute grasp again in the hand, have't that can press his city main mansion on the ground steps on?! 光是一个林逸就让他颜面扫地了,这要再让这货将整个留级生院握在手里,那还不得把他的城主府摁在地上踩?! „It is not good, cannot make him work absolutely!” “不行,绝对不能让他得逞!” Li Songzhang thinks of a possibility suddenly, immediately flustered. 李诵章猛然想到一种可能性,顿时就慌了。 If only Lin Yi, even if conformed with the failing a grade fresh institute still not necessarily really under the extreme methods to his city main mansion, but on this quality of goods is also pasting day label toward the sun! 如果只是林逸自己,就算整合了留级生院也未必真就会对他城主府下死手,可这货身上还贴着天向阳的标签啊! The association has this time period day all sorts of movements toward the sun, although has not so far had no consideration for face completely, but is obvious in view of meaning of his city main mansion layout. 联想起这阵子天向阳的种种动作,虽然目前为止还没有完全撕破脸,但是针对他城主府布局的意味显而易见。 Once Lin Yi controlled the failing a grade fresh institute so huge military force, in addition ascends the sky the influence in Xiangyang hand, will obtain the thorough steamroll level to his city main mansion the advantage. 一旦林逸掌控了留级生院如此庞大的武力,加上天向阳自己手中的势力,对他城主府将获得彻底碾压级的优势。 Really must move, even possibly ended the fight in one night! 真要动起真格,甚至可能在一夕之间结束战斗! Li Songzhang before then facing that day family/home Sir, the weak trend turns over to the weak trend, but also is insufficient energy not to have. 在此之前的李诵章面对那位天家大爷,弱势归弱势,但还不至于一点底气都没有。 presently, he was really but hurried. 可是现在,他是真的慌了。 Opens the top-secret account book, looks at the uppermost that row of name flood coldly, Li Songzhang look: Coveted my so many advantage, presently was the time all spits come out to me!” 翻开绝密账本,看着最上面那一排名字,李诵章眼神泛寒:“贪了我这么多好处,现在是时候全都给我吐出来了!” The rear note of this batch of names, impressively unexpectedly is the School Director meeting. 这批名字的后方备注,赫然竟是校董会。 , This batch of lists he easily will not unless it is absolutely essential begin using, because this being doomed disposable sacrificial victim, so long as has an action to perform will leave the trace inevitably. 原本不到万不得已,这批名单他是绝不会轻易启用的,因为这种注定只是一次性牺牲品,只要有所动作必然就会留下痕迹。 By the ability of Jianghai Institute that help/gang top character, he did not count on after this group of people stay behind the trace, can be safe and sound. 以江海学院那帮顶级人物的能耐,他一点都不指望这批人留下痕迹之后还能安然无恙。 But once , when Lin Yi completes to the conformity of failing a grade fresh institute, then the school summit meeting that full power promotes is completing for the day toward the sun preheating and drums up support, when the time day successfully is completed toward the sun to the conformity of entire Jianghai Institute, that anything late. 可是,一旦真的等到林逸完成对留级生院的整合,进而为天向阳正在全力推动的学院峰会完成预热和造势,等到时候天向阳顺利完成对整个江海学院的整合,那就什么都晚了。 This group of people hide even again deeply, at the appointed time is still doomed is only the waste child, is impossible to begin to any substantive effect. 这批人就算藏得再深,到时也注定只是废子,不可能再起到任何实质性的效果。 Expired does not use, immediately becomes invalid. 过期不用,即时作废。 Waits to watch the good play.” “等着看好戏吧。” Li Songzhang sneers, he actually did not count on this group of people can block the Lin Yi's step truly, advancement that so long as can delay the failing a grade fresh institute conformity, this was enough. 李诵章冷笑一声,他其实并不指望这批人能够真正挡住林逸的步伐,但只要能够延缓留级生院整合的进程,这就足够了。 After all, left time also this of Jianghai Institute truly. 毕竟,真正留给江海学院的时间也就这一段了。 As Lin Yi is five of head great openly announces the opening conformity, the entire failing a grade fresh institute entered the unprecedented turbulent time inevitably. 随着林逸为首的五巨公开宣布开启整合,整个留级生院不可避免的进入了前所未有的动荡期。 The will of the people varies. 人心各异。 Under admittedly has greatly the top strength that person expectation this group is representing the failing a grade fresh front gate surface, many people even have a dream want to join to five great subordinates, what a pity five great are not the trash receiving stations, was not the casual what people can cross them to receive the person threshold. 底下固然有大把的人憧憬这帮代表着留级生院门面的顶级战力,许多人甚至做梦都想加入到五巨的麾下,可惜五巨不是垃圾收容站,不是随便什么人都能过得了他们收人门槛的。 Now can be white such a ready-made opportunity, wishes for earnestly. 如今能够白得这样一个现成机会,自是求之不得。 But remaining others on five senses mixed Chen. 但剩下的其他人就五味杂陈了。
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