SBPE :: Volume #16

#9830: Chapter 9830

But the secret pavilion is different. 可是天机阁不一样。 The information is the attitude of life of secret pavilion, really must give Lin Yi completely, is no different to the secret is forced to incorporate, this must trade to do is the tyrant two people are unable to accept absolutely. 情报就是天机阁的立身之本,真要全部交给林逸,对天机来说无异于被迫收编,这要换做是暴君二人绝对无法接受。 However the secret actually resembles indifferently, chose the default unexpectedly. 然而天机对此却似无动于衷,竟是选择了默认。 The tyrants and flame ponds see that simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform to change countenance, the secret was a knowing the limitation person, this point they have had long known, the generation of head iron if after all really did not believe in evil doctrines, was impossible to comprehend the causes and effects rule. 暴君和炎池见状不由齐齐动容,天机是一个识相的人,这一点他们早就知道,毕竟真要是一个不信邪的头铁之辈,也不可能领悟得了因果规则。 But the secret knows the limitation in this share, far exceeded their expectation! 可是天机识相到这个份上,还是远远超出了他们的预料! This can only prove a point, Lin Yi's powerful even also above their cognition at this moment, to even makes the secret be willing the qualifications that gives up treating as an equal powerful, leading the entire secret pavilion to accept his giving orders. 这只能证明一点,林逸的强大甚至还在他们此刻的认知之上,强大到甚至让天机甘愿放弃平起平坐的资格,带领整个天机阁接受他的发号施令。 However what they do not know, Lin Yi wages a war to form the intention of information place, solely to not conform with information. 不过他们不知道的是,林逸大动干戈组建情报处的意图,可不单单是为了整合情报。 In fact if for the information, the secret pavilion were enough, Lin Yi does not absolutely need to lead personally. 事实上如果只是为了情报,有一个天机阁都足够了,林逸根本没必要亲自带队。 Regarding the future information place, the collection analysis information, that is only the foundation in foundation, establishes a series of follow-up actions on information foundation is the key. 对于未来的情报处,搜集分析情报,那只是基础中的基础,建立在情报基础之上的一系列后续行动才是关键。 The secret is well aware. 天机对此心知肚明。 Forming of information place, to his secret pavilion admittedly is a tremendous blow, but changes an angle, simultaneously actually is also once in a thousand years all-around enhancement. 情报处的组建,对他天机阁固然是一个巨大冲击,但是换个角度,同时却也是一次千载难逢的全方位加强。 So long as can the Lin Yi's trust, his future position dominate in the tyrant and flame Ikenohata without a doubt thoroughly, even there is an opportunity to impact Lin Yi Group the position of Second person! 只要能够得到林逸的信任,他未来的地位毫无疑问将彻底凌驾于暴君和炎池之上,甚至有机会冲击林逸集团第二人之位! Right, from the beginning, the secret has prepared for integrated Lin Yi Group thoroughly. 没错,从一开始,天机就已经做好了彻底融入林逸集团的准备。 This is a true Congming/smart person chooses practically. 这才是一个真正聪明人最务实的选择。 Regarding the response of secret, Lin Yi, although somewhat is slightly surprised, but pours is also reasonable, after all from the beginning, the secret in approaches to him on own initiative. 对于天机的这番反应,林逸虽稍微有些意外,不过倒也在情理之中,毕竟从一开始,天机就在主动向他走近。 On the gambling game, this causes and effects rule ability absolutely is the history level. 论押宝,这位因果规则能力者绝对是历史级的。 Lin Yi stretched out the Third root finger immediately. 林逸随即伸出了第三根手指。 Third, forms the failing a grade fresh institute training battalion, regardless of which influence, so long as is the high-end strength must join in principle, accepts the unified training subject, will be ready for the future great misfortune.” 第三,组建留级生院训练营,无论哪一家势力,只要是高端战力原则上都必须加入,接受统一的训练科目,为未来的大劫做好准备。” Lin Yi, sinking sound said: „ Training battalion has the custom of training battalion, the student who each joins the training battalion can have the object who gives loyalty to respectively, but will all be scattered during the training, any forms cliques with personal gratitude and resentment does not allow the belt/bring to join the army. 林逸顿了顿,沉声道:“训练营有训练营的规矩,每一个加入训练营的学员可以有各自效忠的对象,但在训练期间会被全部打散,任何拉帮结派和私人恩怨都不允许带入营中。 I with your hold the post of military instructor together, our goals only have one, in squeezes the biggest potential of each student most in a short time. 我跟你们诸位一起担任教官,我们的目标只有一个,在最短时间内往死里压榨出每一个学员的最大潜能。 Moreover, I will invite half th division and sea king senior hold the post to invite military instructor. ” 另外,我会邀请洛半师和海王前辈担任特邀教官。” Then even tyrant several people of breath loud several points. 这下连暴君几人的呼吸都粗重了几分。 And they hold the post of military instructor by Lin Yi personally , indicating that high of this training battalion specification, had it can be said that been higher than the horizon, takes a broad view at the entire Jianghai Institute not to have the training battalion of this level. 林逸和他们亲自担任教官,足见这个训练营规格之高,已经可说是高出了天际,放眼整个江海学院都没有这种层次的训练营。 Normally, even if under these high-end strengths, wanting in them any direction to only happen by happy circumstance, is raises 0.12 to own subordinate at most slightly. 正常情况下,哪怕底下那些高端战力,想要得到他们之中任何一位的一句指点都可遇不可求,顶多也就是对自家属下稍微提点一二。 As for others, has a dream radically cannot think. 至于其他人,根本连做梦都不敢想。 This is also five can attract the basic reason that massive high-end strengths throw greatly, after all to this level, their direction, is the biggest cultivate chance. 这也是五巨能够吸引到大量高端战力来投的根本原因,毕竟到了这个层次,他们的一句指点,就是最大的修炼机缘。 But presently, so long as entered the training battalion, can be under their complete people's instruction hand in hand. 现在,只要进入了训练营,就能得到他们全部人的手把手指导。 military instructor lineup even also not only Lin Yi and their several, in addition also include the king inevitably three certainly, strict river, under Lin Yi breaking shed. 教官阵容甚至还不仅林逸和他们几个,此外必然还包括王三绝、严江,还有林逸自己麾下的断舍。 Solely such military instructor lineup has been possible be called the dream, makes any high-end strength go after like ducks sufficiently, let alone, half th division and sea king live these two Legend levels to the rain invited military instructor! 单单这样的教官阵容就已堪称梦幻,足以让任何一个高端战力趋之若鹜,更何况,还有洛半师和海王向雨生这两位传说级的特邀教官 Let alone under these people are inevitably crazy, tyrant these established five great, heart movement! 别说底下那些人必然疯狂,就连暴君这几位老牌五巨,都心动不已! Half th division is universally recognized as the world master, it directs cultivate ability to be obvious to all, not speaking too far, stood in front Lin Yi at this moment is a best illustration. 洛半师被公认为天下师,其指点修炼能力有目共睹,远的不说,此刻站在面前的林逸就是一个最好的例证。 Indeed, Lin Yi can the domineering rise in such short time, the key naturally be his own terrifying talent and perception, others radically not unimaginable giant chance. 诚然,林逸能够在如此之短的时间内强势崛起,关键自然是他自己的恐怖天赋和悟性,还有别人根本无法想象的巨大机缘。 But must say that this inside point does not have the merit of half th division, the dog not to believe. 但要说这里面一点没有洛半师的功劳,狗都不信。 In fact, Lin Yi can have today, half th division did not say eminent, that is also has a great influence absolutely. 事实上,林逸能有今天,洛半师不说居功至伟,那也绝对是影响巨大。 Lin Yi regarding the domain the cognitive frame of level and regular level, is he constructs completely single-handedly, although each other is not that master and disciple inheritance relations in the traditional sense, but is actually similar to the secular world teacher and postgraduate candidate. 林逸对于领域层次和规则层次的认知框架,完全是他一手构建,彼此虽然不是传统意义上的那种师徒传承关系,但却类似于世俗界的导师和博士生。 Half th division in Lin Yi, is the giant grand perfection later practicing guide, this point is without a doubt. 洛半师于林逸,就是巨头大圆满之后的修行领路人,这一点毋庸置疑。 Some Lin Yi live advertisements are placed in the front together, tyrant these person heart movements are reasonable with a crash completely. 林逸这么一块活招牌摆在面前,暴君这些人砰然心动完全在情理之中。 Since half th division can direct Lin Yi, naturally can also direct them. 洛半师既然能够指点得了林逸,自然也就能够指点他们。 Before did not have this expectation, because without this stair, but now the ready-made stair is placed in the front, if this had not understood that hurried to hold stubbornly, after them, do not call five to be great, later changed name to five stupidly is the spouse. 以前没有这个奢望,是因为没有这个台阶,而如今现成的台阶摆在面前,这要是还不懂得赶紧死死抓住,那他们以后就别叫五巨了,以后改名五傻算逑。 However, training battalion, once takes shape, will have the far-reaching significance to the influence pattern of entire failing a grade fresh institute inevitably. 不过,训练营一旦成型,势必会对整个留级生院的势力格局产生深远影响。 The tyrants said carelessly: Your this is atypical, in the surface said that does not interfere with our internal affairs, but if fed in the training battalion these high-end strengths, do under you come an enclosed type to train again, influence subtly have several to maintain do not break faith?” 暴君大大咧咧道:“你这可不地道啊,面上说不干涉我们内部事务,可要是把这些高端战力都送进了训练营,你再来个封闭式训练,潜移默化之下有几个能保持不变心?” The flame pond follows to nod: homicide does not use the blade, your move is truly wise enough.” 炎池跟着点头:“杀人不用刀,你这招确实有够高明。” This is a frank talk. 这是一句大实话。 In the world loyalty with no reason at all, these high-end strengths are not willing to follow they, on the one hand admittedly has the past fetters and friendship, but can maintain for a long time, important was actually on the other hand. 天底下没有无缘无故的忠诚,那些高端战力之所以愿意跟着他们,一方面固然是有着以往的羁绊和交情,但能够长久维持下来,更重要的却是另一方面。 Five can bring enough benefit to them greatly. 五巨能给他们带来足够的利益。 But Lin Yi this training battalion, in half th a reputation impel of division and under numerous top strength military instructor, has the high-end strength of frame of mind regarding any slightly, all so-called benefit that are the floating clouds. 可是林逸这个训练营一出,在洛半师和一众顶级战力教官的名头感召之下,对于任何一位稍有心气的高端战力来说,一切所谓的利益那都是浮云。 What is the chance? 什么是机缘? The training battalion is they biggest chance! 训练营就是他们最大的机缘! The sentence is not exaggerating, if Lin Yi has a mind to take this training battalion quota to go out to sell, halves minutes to accumulate the next day quantity wealth certainly, perhaps this can arrive at the number Hundred-year accumulation of symbol Wang Family only! 说句不夸张的,林逸如果有心拿这个训练营名额出去卖,绝对分分钟攒下天量财富,恐怕单这一笔就能抵过阵符王家的数百年积累! Arrived this situation, who kept off them to enter the step of training battalion, who is their killing father personal enemy. 到了这个地步,谁挡着他们进训练营的步伐,谁就是他们的杀父仇人。 Even if tyrant these, does not dare to stop, only if they want with the underlings disunity, and even turn into enemies directly. 哪怕是暴君这几位,也根本不敢阻拦,除非他们想跟底下人离心离德,乃至直接反目成仇。 Once these people entered the training battalion, under influences subtly, becoming the Lin Yi's faithful fan is only the time issue. 而一旦这些人进了训练营,潜移默化之下,成为林逸的忠实拥趸只是时间问题。 The person is the community animal, moreover community animal that is easiest to come under the environmental effect, this point, even if arrived at the giant grand perfection level, will not change absolutely. 人是群体动物,而且是最容易受到环境影响的群体动物,这一点就算是到了巨头大圆满层次,也绝对不会改变。 In the final analysis, this is a shining open intrigue. 说到底,这就是一场明晃晃的阳谋。
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